The Ultimate Sword Master

Chapter 2713 The devil is originally a heartless species, and the worldly fireworks change people&#0

The evening breeze blows slowly, and the moon shadow is like the tide.

Their eyes met each other, one had bright eyes, and the other had a smile. Although there was not much communication, thousands of thoughts and tenderness had already fallen into their hearts.

"elder sister."

Gu Han stretched out his arms, gently embraced the beauty in front of him, and said softly: "I'm here to fulfill my promise."

While talking.

The flower stem in the palm trembled slightly, like a whirlpool, immediately attracting all the sounds in the city!


The sound of discussion.

The sounds of chasing and fighting... were like strands of silk threads, all gathered together, turning into an unpredictable and mysterious supreme aura, which immediately disappeared into Mo Chenyin's body.

The body trembled slightly.

She felt the change in her body, looked up at Gu Han, and said in a daze: "This is..."

This feeling is indescribable.

She is still the body of a demon, and she still possesses all the incredible abilities of a demon, but... the hidden dangers of the past no longer exist!

The devil is a ruthless species, and the smoke of the mortal world changes people's hearts!

Compared to before.

She has an extra heart, an extra heart that can love and hate!

"Did you find the flower?"

She naturally understands that this kind of thing that breaks common sense and even goes beyond the rules of the Dao can only be achieved by the flower that Gu Han once mentioned.

"Everything you ask for is obtained, everything you get is what you wish for, and everything you think about is what you think about."

Gu Han smiled and said softly: "That's it, all your wishes come true."

As the most powerful person in the Great Chaos.

Su Yun's power to make his wishes come true is naturally not as simple as gathering a human heart.

strictly speaking.

The Mo Chenyin in front of him already possesses a hint of Taoist power to a certain extent.


This change is subtle and will not be reflected in the present.

"How does it feel?"

He didn't explain too much and asked with a smile.

"feels good."

A heart was beating loudly in her chest. Feeling the familiar yet unfamiliar feeling, she bit her red lips and said, "It... beats very fast."

"How fast?"

"Can I feel it?"

Gu Han raised his hand and shamelessly touched it...

Three days later.

Gu Han drank a bowl of hot fish soup for the first time in a long time, left this small courtyard, left the overlooking countryside, and set foot on the road again.

Mo Chenyin didn't ask him what he wanted to do.

She was just like a wife waiting for her husband to return from a long journey, silently guarding this small courtyard for Gu Han and guarding the destination of his soul.

Gu Han returned to Xuantian Sword Sect again, and his old friends gathered together again, not to mention all kinds of emotions, sighs and joys.

before leaving.

Gu Han finally fulfilled his promise and held an unprecedented grand wedding for Sister Yiquan and Yan Changge.

Naturally, many people were invited to the wedding.

There are Donghua and Taishu Qi who have regained their memory of cultivation, there are the Xingba people who have returned from the world of good and evil, there are Zhao Yan and his wife from the Wuliang Sect, and even Murong Yan and Shen Xuan, who are living a nourishing and unrestrained life in the far corners of the world... …many old friends gathered together.

Pay attention to the table.

Gu Han specially invited Zuo Yang to come out, and Principal Li took action and set up a flowing water mat in the Xuantian Sword Sect.

Such a grand event.

Everyone did not use their cultivation to suppress the power of alcohol. They all got drunk and made fools of themselves.

During the banquet.

Mei Yun introduced his little maid Xi Ling to everyone in a serious manner. Old Wei tied up the old grandson with an iron rope and insisted on worshiping the heaven and earth with him. The sapling was even more swollen to the extreme and made bold words. It was not directed at any one person. , but everyone present was a scumbag, and then... they were attacked by a group of people and directly beaten into scumbags.

The busiest person is Gu Han.

First the fat man.

Half-drunk and half-awake, I pulled him to reminisce about old times, from meeting in the wild forest to his disappearance, first laughing, then crying, snot and tears smeared all over him, and finally Yan Shu grabbed his ears and pulled him away.

Then Yunfan.

He brought hundreds of children to ask for a meeting gift from him, and hundreds of shouts of "uncle" made his scalp numb and made him bleed.

Then there was Zhuang Yuchen again.

The drunken filthy girl made him see what it meant that there is no filthiest, only filthier. She pulled him and teased him hard, and left with red eyes.

Found it last.

It was Ren Wu who looked sad and melancholy.

Gu Han's reaction was decisive.

Get away!

When he arrived at the edge of the Xuantian Domain, he felt a little quieter, but he met an unexpected person again.

Yun Yi.

Yun Yi's strength is very strange.

After going through the calamity of creation, he took the opportunity to completely smelt the true form of the ancestral dragon and step into the half-step of immortality. However, the feeling given to him was a bit stronger than that of Kong Fang and the big man of the corpse clan before, and he was comparable to the top Heng. The top eight!

the most important.

Yun Yi's luck has been completely integrated with the new world, and he seems to have followed a similar path to Yun Jiansheng's, which is tantamount to completely cutting off his future path.

"Brother Yun, you..."

He didn't understand. According to Yun Yi's background and the other party's fusion of the Ancestral Dragon's true body, his future achievements would be far higher than now.

But now...

"This is my own choice."

Yun Yi explained that when he achieved half-step immortality, he took the opportunity to communicate with Yun Jiansheng, who was the will of the Great Dao, and completely integrated into the world, becoming the world dragon soul that protects all living things.


"My father sacrificed billions of lives and committed a heinous crime. I will pay for this debt and bear the consequences for him."

Gu Han was silent.

This choice... fits Yun Yi's personality very well.

"Are you leaving?"

Yun Yi looked relaxed and asked with a smile.

"I'm leaving."

Gu Han didn't hide it from him and sighed, "My enemies are all up there now. If I don't go, won't they live too easily?"

"Be careful."

Yun Yi's face became serious and he said seriously, "Even if you want to avenge Dragon Ancestor, the Great Abyss Dragon is not so easy to kill after all."

Gu Han was stunned.

He only told Leng Meizi that he wanted to kill the Great Abyss Dragon. Why did Yun Yi in front of him know?

"How did you...huh?"

Looking at Yun Yi in front of him and the familiar expression on his face, he felt something in his heart and said subconsciously, "Are you Yun Mo?"


At the beginning of the era, Chongming Yun Mo and Feng Wu all found their own alternative ways to achieve enlightenment. Among them, Yun Mo was the most daring. He dispersed all his will and evolved the Yun family, which has continued to this day!

Yun Yi in front of him.

He looks very much like the former Yun Mo!

"He is me, but I am not him."

Yun Yi smiled with emotion and said, "Remember? What Yun Mo once told you? Even if we meet again in the future, he will not be the same as before."

Gu Han was silent again.

Yun Mo did say this.

Obviously, the relationship between Yun Mo and Yun Yi is like the relationship between Yue Tianqing and Corpse Ancestor. The memories and cultivation are all there, but after all, they are not the original people.

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