The Ultimate Sword Master

Chapter 2770 The Secret of the Chosen One!

"What just happened?"

After calming down, Yang Yi asked.

"The Chosen One."

For others, Leng Meizi would naturally not say a word, but Yang Yi and Gu Han had an irreconcilable relationship, and she didn't hide it either.


Except Feng Xi Qianye.

"Fortunately, I came in time."

Leng Meizi was also a little scared. If she hadn't heard Master Wuyou calling Gu Han's name and rushed over with people immediately, Yang Yi would have become one of the chosen ones, and unnecessary changes would have occurred. .

Yang Yi frowned and said nothing.

Although I don’t know who the Chosen One is, I can tell from Leng Meizi’s expression that he is a big trouble.

A grunt.

The sound of swallowing came from the old carp beside him.

"God...the chosen one?"

His big fish-headed head kept shaking, and his two big eyes kept darting around.

"Where? Where??"

"Aren't those people already dead?"

【strictly speaking. 】

[The source of the Chosen Ones is not extinguished, so the Chosen Ones will not really die out, but will continue to appear. 】

He seems to know the temperament of the cold girl.

The gray light screen flickered slightly, and he explained to her in an interesting way.


The light screen stagnated, and countless gray runes gathered together, turning into a vivid image of a dog, much more agile than before. The dog's tail turned and pointed in a certain direction.

[There is another chosen one here. 】

[My existing license tells me that he seems to be an extremely rare second-generation Chosen One. 】

The second generation of the Chosen One?

Leng Meizi's heart moved, and she looked carefully at the gray light screen in front of her. She found that the light screen was much brighter than before, and the number of runes was almost one-third more. The permission rights... seemed to be much more. few.

At least.

In the previous light curtain, the above information was not available.


"Have you evolved?"

[Respected and great Your Excellency the Chosen One, thanks to your help, I have just successfully devoured a fellow creature and taken one step further. 】

[By the way. 】

[The guy I just swallowed is the fourth generation Chosen One. 】

Four generations?

Leng Meizi thought thoughtfully: "What's the difference?"

[There is no essential difference. 】

[It’s just that the ways of manifesting omnipotence are different, and the ways of obtaining certain abilities or rewards are also different. 】

【also. 】

[The permissions controlled are also different. 】

【in. 】

[The fourth generation and I have similar abilities and similar permissions. 】

Leng Meizi asked curiously: "What about you? How many generations of chosen ones are you?"

【It used to be the fourth generation. 】

[Of course, because I was transformed by a certain great being, I have now abandoned the darkness and turned to the light, separated from them, and followed you, who is wise, wise and beautiful. 】

Return again.

Its licensing rights have been improved a lot, and its flattering skills are also good.


The latter was ignored by the cold girl.

"Tell the important point."

[The point is, I rebelled against the sect. Although I gained my freedom, I am no longer accepted and recognized by them. 】

The light curtain gives a very appropriate example.


Leng Meizi nodded and said, "You are a traitor that everyone will punish."

Gouzi's expression froze!

[…It’s such a heart-wrenching and apt metaphor. 】


Leng Meizi ignored the sadness and dissatisfaction revealed in its words and continued to ask: "Who is that second-generation Chosen One? Where is he? What kind of permissions and abilities does he have?"

【Feel sorry. 】

[The second-generation Chosen Ones have existed for too long, and there are not many left. The permissions I have now are not enough to understand their secrets. 】

[It’s like being in a sect. 】

[I am just an inner disciple, and I have no right to interfere with the affairs of the deacons, elders, or even the sect master. 】

The cold girl frowned and said nothing.

She could infer a lot from the information given by the light curtain.


The permissions and abilities of the chosen ones are not as good as each generation. It seems that the further back they go, the greater the restrictions and constraints they are subject to.


Above the second generation of Chosen Ones, there are the First Generation Chosen Ones, and above all the Chosen Ones, there is the source of the Chosen Ones!

[Respected and great Your Excellency the Chosen One. 】

[You don’t have to worry too much. As long as I can continue to evolve, I will be able to control more permissions and create more value for you...]

The cold girl ignored it.

She is concerned about another question, who is the second-generation Chosen One who is hidden in the Seven-Star Dragon Abyss and has existed for an extremely long time?


Boom boom boom!

Just as I was thinking about it, along with a sound that broke through the sky, a rather embarrassed figure appeared in the sky in the distance!

Tall and strong.

The whole body is full of corpse energy.

Astonishingly, it was Xuan Chi who escaped from the Burying Sky Valley!

"Zombie clan?"

Leng Meizi's eyes narrowed slightly, as if she thought of something, she subconsciously touched the storage ring on her hand.

"Zombie clan? Xuanchi?"

Lao Li's eyes widened and he immediately recognized the other party.

"You know him?"

Leng Meizi's expression changed.

Lao Li explained.

In the Great Chaos Realm, Xuan Chi's name is second only to that of the Corpse Clan.

In rumors.

Xuan Chi was one of the followers of the predecessor of the Corpse Ancestor. Because his burial place was close to the Corpse Ancestor, he was lucky enough to have a second consciousness.

"He is the second oldest corpse clan in the world!"

"He is also the right-hand man of the Corpse Ancestor. He accounts for at least half of the credit for the Corpse Clan's current prosperity!"

While talking.

Xuan Chi's figure was already close, and he also saw Leng Meizi and the others.

Change it to normal days.

With his temperament, he was seriously injured by Gu Han and barely escaped with his life. There was a high probability that he would kill all these people to vent the anger in his heart. But now... Xuanyang is in the sky, and the absolute power dominates Long Yuan. He is injured. It's not a big deal, but I don't want to cause any problems.

On the contrary, it was Yang Yi.

Even the Corpse Clan and Huangquan Palace did not want to let him go during the festival with Gu Han.

"I'll keep him."

As soon as Xuanhuang's big spear crossed, he was about to take action.

Although the injuries were also serious, with the Xuanhuang Spear in hand, it was no problem to deal with Xuan Chi, who was even more seriously injured than him.

"Wait a minute."

Leng Meizi suddenly said: "He is more useful alive than dead."

Yang Yi was slightly startled.

He had seen Leng Meizi's wisdom more than once, and he didn't want to disturb her plan.


Old Li seemed to have thought of something, and said in surprise: "Sister, you must not be thinking... But we, Old Li, would like to advise you, it is of no use if you do this. Corpse Ancestor is beyond the realm after all, and your back-up plan is still There is that evil fire...he can see it at a glance!"

Leng Meizi also understands.

She is transcendent, above all sentient beings. No matter how strong her power of cause and effect and her inner demon are... they are absolutely not enough in front of such a being!


There is only one thing, only one kind of person, who is not afraid of the Taoist Master, and can even threaten the Taoist Master!

His eyes turned.

She looked at the lively dog ​​doing nothing in front of her and said softly: "Cheer up, it's time to work."

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