The Ultimate Sword Master

Chapter 2805 Shengwu Dynasty!

Gu Han is very angry!

Gu Han was also very sad!

He suddenly missed the cold girl who was gentle, considerate, considerate, and considerate of everything!

after all.

When Leng Meizi is around, his mind is usually idle.

But now...

"Even if you don't want to do this."

He took a deep breath and said, "Don't you think about how to get out? Do you really want to stay here forever?"


Leng Yushu, in a black skirt, suddenly fell silent. She turned her eyes outside and looked at the dilapidated courtyard. For the first time, she felt a little more confused in her eyes.

His eyes wandered.

Finally it landed on the stove that was covered with a layer of dust.

"Compared to this."

"I only know that if you don't cook, we will starve to death here first."

Gu Han: "..."

He wanted to refute, but he also knew that she was telling the truth.

Under the rules of this world, they are no longer high-ranking monks or immortals, but just ordinary mortals.

Take medicine when you are sick.

Take a rest when you are tired.

Eat when you are hungry.

If you do the will die.

More importantly, the other person mentioned food again and again, and his stomach began to growl.

It is impossible to cook food.

It is impossible to cook in this life.

Ignoring the excessive demands of Leng Yushu in the black skirt, he decisively took out the black cornstarch from his arms.

Break it off hard!

Wotou, not moving at all!

Gu Han: "?"

Leng Yushu in black skirt: "?"

"Can you do it?"

She glanced at Gu Han, not only mockingly, but also questioning.

Gu Han was furious.

"I am a swordsman and I need to use a sword!"

The black sword was raised.

He raised his sword and dropped it.

The steamed bun was immediately split into two, and the cut was so neat, it was like a mirror!


He stuffed half of the steamed bun into Leng Yushu's hand!

"It tastes terrible."

"It seems to be rancid."

After just a brief taste, the little face in the black dress and cold rain wrinkled up.

“It would be nice to eat some!”

Gu Han smiled, picked up the remaining half of the steamed bun and bit it hard... The sour, salty, bitter, spicy and spicy taste suddenly exploded in his mouth.

His face also twisted.

“It smells so good!”

Holding back the discomfort, he swallowed the steamed bun in a few mouthfuls, and not being used to it, he snatched the other half over and ate it all in a few mouthfuls!

“It smells so good!”


The woman in the black dress stared at him coldly and said nothing.

Gu Han was too lazy to pay attention to her.

While thinking about what to do next, he was also studying the black sword in his hand.

he felt.

The Black Sword is not affected, probably because of Su Yun. After all, no one can suppress the way of the strongest man in the Great Chaos except him.

The same goes for Su Yun's sword.

Although he has lost his cultivation level.

But relying on the power of the black sword, plus some sword skills he created when he was free from human tribulations... he can barely be considered a third-rate master in the world.

At dusk, the sky is getting dark.

Gu Han looked up and found Leng Yushu in black skirt still staring at him, showing his paranoid and morbid side to the fullest.

The steamed buns are not delicious.

Wotou is not hungry either.

The feeling of hunger kept rising, driving Gu Han to look outside, and it also reminded him of Zuo Yang's words.

The sky is big and the earth is big, and eating is the biggest thing.

In front of the belly, intelligence has to stand aside!

Just thinking about it.

A faint scent wafted from the outside, interrupting his thoughts and bringing out his greed.

This time, it’s really delicious!

And it’s still meaty!

Not only him, but Leng Yushu's eyes in black skirt also seemed to be drawn outside by some magical power.


The two walked out of the hut one after another, and soon discovered the source of the scent. The scent came from their neighbor, a yard not far away.

The yard is not big.

But it is neat and clean and has all the daily necessities.

Side of the yard.

A dark-skinned man was sitting on a wooden post knitting something. Not far away, a gentle-looking woman was cooking in a pot. The smoke was curling up and the smoke was full of fireworks.

Gu Han recognized him at a glance.

These two people were the couple who gave him bread during the day.

"You haven't eaten yet?"

The woman also noticed the two of them and greeted them with a smile: "Would you like to eat something together?"


Just when Gu Han was about to decline, Leng Yushu in black skirt walked directly past him into the courtyard, sat down in a swagger, and stared directly at the string of bacon hanging on the eaves.

"Is there meat?"


The woman smiled, walked over, took out the meat, cut it into pieces and steamed them together in the pot.

Gu Han frowned.

Deep in my heart, I strongly condemned the other party's behavior of freeloading... and walked in to wait for the meal.

When entering the yard.

When the man saw the black sword he was carrying casually, his eyes were dazed for a moment, and then returned to normal.

The rice is multigrain rice.

The meat is real meat.

Although it doesn't have any condiments, it can be spread in a bowl, mixed with rice and steamed, and it will taste like the best in the world.

Like the wind and the remaining clouds.

The pot of rice was quickly swept away.

As if considering that the brother and sister had just arrived and had no friends, the woman deliberately left most of the meat for the two of them and ate very little. The man only took a few mouthfuls of rice and then stopped using his chopsticks.

Gu Han was ashamed.


Ashamed as he was, he ate not slowly at all, because Leng Yushu in black skirt had almost snatched all the meat in his bowl.

After dinner.

The man looked at the sky, cleaned up, picked up a crossbow, and said to the woman: "I'm going to the mountain."

Gu Han felt even more ashamed.

After all, he ate up the last of the other person's meat.

"Gu Han."

Just as he was feeling ashamed, Leng Yushu in black skirt suddenly said: "I still want to eat meat."

Eat eat eat!

You eat shit!

You almost ate all my meat!

Gu Han was furious.

If I hadn't known that she was the other side of Leng Meizi, I would have almost been unable to resist giving her a sword!

Instead, it was the woman.

She glanced at the man and hesitated to speak.

The man was quiet and understood what she meant. He nodded, turned around and took a few traps, and went out in the moonlight.

"Come back early."

"Be careful of horse thieves."

The woman seemed to be used to this. She gave a warning and took out a patched robe and started to mend it in the moonlight.

Gu Han had a complicated expression.

Although he knew that this was the world of a certain Taoist master, he still felt a little emotional.

Although it was just plain food.

Life was hard.

But it was peaceful and warm, and they could stay together for a lifetime.

"Are you from the city?"

Seeing that he was wandering in the sky, the woman suddenly asked.

The city?

Gu Han's heart moved. After eating and drinking, he finally thought of the information and asked indirectly.

On the contrary, the black skirt Leng Yushu.

Staring blankly at the bright moon in the sky, he was in a daze, and no one knew what he was thinking.

The woman didn't have much experience.

The information she could provide to Gu Han was naturally very little, only a place name that was not considered a place name.

This is Taoyuan Village.

Located on the border of the Shengwu Dynasty.

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