The Ultimate Sword Master

Chapter 2830 Only one person lost!

Kill Ding Ruilong.

Gu Han's face turned pale, he staggered, and he quickly used his sword to support himself, and then he managed to stabilize his body.

Tidal explosion.

Although the power was terrible.

But he actually suffered a lot of backlash.

In the body.

The meridians that were originally like a sieve were now completely broken and shattered by one-fifth. The remaining internal energy lost control and bound, and wandered freely in his body.


After the explosion, the internal energy that his meridians could carry was even less. If it was a little more... he didn't dare to think about the consequences!

Enduring the pain.

He searched the corpse for a while and accidentally found three porcelain bottles, two bottles of brown pills, and one bottle of red pills.

Although he didn't recognize them.

But by smell, he could roughly distinguish the effects of the two pills.

Brown pill.

It seems to have the effect of strengthening muscles and bones and increasing internal energy, but he doesn't need it now.

Red pill.

It seems to have a slight healing effect, and he swallowed it directly.

Not far away.

The horse rested for a long time, and seemed to have recovered some strength. It stood up quietly, with clear stupidity in its two big eyes.

It wanted to run.

It wanted to stay away from Gu Han, the evil star.

But as a horse, its loyal instinct made it unable to abandon its master.


While hesitating, Gu Han's palm suddenly slapped its buttocks, leaving a bloody handprint.

The horse trembled!

Almost, it was about to kick up its hoof and give this unreliable master a gourd on the spot!

It got on the horse with difficulty.

He looked towards the direction of the sound of the tide by instinct.

Compared with Ding Ruilong.

He actually wanted to see if there was a sea in this mountain forest, and wanted to see if the sound of the tide that helped him survive the crisis and turn danger into safety was an illusion!

"Go... there..."

Just as he pointed in a direction, he felt dizzy before he finished speaking. He had completely fainted, and the porcelain bottle in his hand fell to the ground.

Diluma was very hesitant.

Hesitating whether to leave Gu Han, who almost plucked him bald, behind and run alone.


In the end, the instinct of loyalty prevailed. It snorted, raised and lowered its hooves, and just as it was about to leave, it suddenly heard a snapping sound and was immediately startled!

Among the dead leaves, under the horse's hooves.

Five or six brown pills rolled out from the broken porcelain pieces, exuding a faint herbal fragrance.

Diluma stared with big eyes.

The clarity and stupidity in his eyes intertwined, until finally, they completely merged together, turning into a hungry instinct, forcing him to lower his head, roll his big tongue, and swallow the pill.

It tastes a bit good.

It's warm and very hunger-resistant.

Licking his lips, with an expression of wanting more, it carried Gu Han step by step into the depths of Mangdang Mountain.

In the blink of an eye.

Several days passed again.

Shengwu Dynasty.

Kyoto, in the imperial city.

The seven-day period had expired, and Yi Tian and Xiao You Zhenren both said goodbye, and the Shengwu Emperor also kept his word and did not force them to stay, but personally saw them off.

"You two."

Before leaving, the Shengwu Emperor looked at them deeply again and said, "Do you agree with my suggestion?"

The two looked at each other.

One had a blank expression, and the other had a subtle look, and neither gave a definite answer.

"Maybe you should consider it."

The Shengwu Emperor did not say anything more, and turned back to the imperial city. After walking for a while, he saw a girl in a black skirt leaning against the city wall, holding a plate of crystal cake in her hand, eating it in small bites.

The Shengwu Emperor paused.

"Are you waiting for me?"

"They won't agree."

Leng Yushu in black dress didn't raise her head, just stared at the cakes on the plate and said something inexplicable.

The Emperor of Shengwu looked calm.


Hidden under the calmness was confusion.

He knew what Tian Jianzi, Yi Tian, ​​Barefoot Master...even Gu Han, he knew what these people wanted.

But only Leng Yushu in black dress in front of him.

He always felt that there was a layer of mysterious veil on the other party, which made him unable to see through and guess the other party's thoughts and ideas.

"Aren't you going to leave?"

"Where to go?"

Leng Yushu in black dress picked up a piece of cake casually and put it in her mouth, saying lightly: "Is there a more comfortable place in this world than Kyoto and the Imperial City?"


The Emperor of Shengwu was silent for a moment, and finally asked the biggest question in his heart.

"What is your relationship with him?"

"It's none of your business."

"Are you really not worried about him at all?"

"Why should I worry?"

"He is in a deadly situation now."

"He won't die."

The black-skirted Leng Yushu suddenly raised her head and looked at him and said, "Because you don't want him to die."


The Holy Martial Emperor did not deny it.

Everyone in the imperial city that day could see that his actions were not really to kill Gu Han.

"If I don't kill him, there are others who want to kill him."

"Let them go."

The black-skirted Leng Yushu said nonchalantly, "Including the dwarf, no one here can kill him."


"Because you don't know him."

The black-skirted Leng Yushu thought for a while and said, "He has never lost. Similarly, he is the only one who can really make me lose."

The Holy Martial Emperor frowned.

He didn't understand the connection between the two.

"So? You're waiting for me here just to tell me this?"

"Of course not."

Leng Yushu, in a black skirt, looked at him with a trace of amusement in his eyes, and said quietly: "I just want to tell you that he will win in the end, and you will lose miserably and die miserably."

Emperor Shengwu narrowed his eyes.

"Do you know who you are talking to?"

"Tao Master? Or transcendence?"

Leng Yushu, in black skirt, smiled sarcastically: "Is this name very bluffing?"

Emperor Shengwu was silent for a while and said, "Continue."

"If I read it correctly, you must be seriously injured? You can win one-on-one, you can win one-on-two, but... what about one-on-three, one-on-four, or more?"

Looking at Emperor Shengwu.

Leng Yushu, in a black skirt, said openly: "Let alone thirty years, if they are determined to join forces, it will be a problem for you to last even one year!"

Emperor Shengwu didn't answer, seeming to acquiesce.

"If you can't stand it, you have to stand it."

After a moment, he spoke again, with a hint of heaviness in his voice.

"A majestic Taoist master, a powerful person in the transcendent realm, but just an empty determination?"

Leng Yushu, in black skirt, said sarcastically: "But you should understand that determination has no real meaning other than allowing you to comfort and move yourself."

"What on earth are you going to say?"

"Can I help you?"


Emperor Shengwu was slightly startled, a little stunned.

"Let me help you."

Leng Yu, who was wearing a black skirt, threw away the small plate and looked into the distance, her eyes filled with silence.

"Help you suppress...everyone!"

"Are you so confident?"


Leng Yushu, who was wearing a black skirt, said calmly: "Because except for him, I have never lost to anyone."

Losing to yourself does not count as losing.

Deep down in her heart, she added silently.

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