The Ultimate Sword Master

Chapter 297: Whether you are the third or the fourth, you all come together!

"Tsk, tsk."

The fat man subconsciously touched his head.

"This bastard has a lot of trouble!"


Zhao Mengyou raised his head proudly, and suddenly felt a sense of superiority in his heart.


Meat is nothing!

Have you seen the blood print?


Gu Han frowned and looked at his right hand.


Liao Gang reacted and his heart tightened.

"What's wrong? Are you injured?"

"My hands are numb."

Gu Han answered truthfully.

Liao Gang:......

"did not expect."

Within the sky.

The old man looked amazed, "He actually came up with such a head-on method. Such a powerful spiritual power must be above the bipolar realm! This kid is even more powerful than we imagined!"

He saw clearly.

Gu Han's blow compressed all the spiritual energy in his body into the sword body, and then exploded instantly.

A moment of relaxation.

Nature can bring great destructive power.

Deceptively simple.

There are very few people who can do it.


The sword must be strong enough.


You must have enough physical and spiritual energy and be strong enough!


It's just an empty show, with no power at all.


One person gloated, "The barbarian set a trap for this kid, but unexpectedly he got into his trap. A dignified swordsman does not use his sword to cut people, but instead hits them. This boy is the first one."

"Old Liao is in danger."

Another person mused.

"With this kid's mind, Lao Liao is no match for him!"

"Gu Xianfeng!"


Among the border troops, no one knew who shouted.


"Gu Xianfeng!"

"Gu Xianfeng!"


With him taking the lead, everyone started shouting directly, with fanatical eyes and high-pitched tone. The sound was like a mountain roaring and a tsunami, reaching very far away!

this moment.

Gu Han's status in their minds has once again improved!

Zhao Mengyou stared at Gu Han.

Looking dazed.


Fatty felt envious and jealous in his heart.


The fat man must get a big vanguard!

A quick glance.

He immediately stared at Liao Zheng.


His eyes lit up.

This guy looks stupid... ahem, he has a straightforward temperament, and he doesn't have a lot of ideas. He can be fooled... no, he is a friend who can get along with you!

further away.

Seeing Gu Han being so supported.

Yun Lie's face looked very ugly.

The only ones whose faces were uglier than his were those barbarians.

The dignified Sixth God of War of the Temple of War was killed with a single blow of his sword... He died miserably and humiliatingly, and even the Temple of War was humiliated!


Xianhe said calmly: "If you go down here, all of this man's relatives will be demoted as slaves!"


A barbarian responded quickly.

"Didn't you tell me?"

Gu Han looked at him seriously.

"Here's someone who can fight. A guy like that just now. Don't come out and embarrass yourself again. Although I don't mind giving them a ride, it would be boring to kill too many."

Murderous intent surged in Xianhe's eyes.

He wanted to take action directly and kill Gu Han.

It's just that the barbarians set the rules first, and they were the first to challenge them. Killing Gu Han would only make their faces even more shameless.

not to mention.

With Liao Gang and the others here, he couldn't move Gu Han at all.

Among the barbarians.

The seven, eight, and nine war gods clenched their fists tightly, but they did not dare to fight.

Their strength.

Not as good as the two people before.

Step forward rashly.

It's both embarrassing.

Lost his life again.


Gu Han felt a little regretful.

"Then what kind of war temple of yours should be disbanded as soon as possible..."



A voice full of energy and blood, with a faint meaning of Jin Ming came over.

"Shameless talk!"

Gu Han's eyes narrowed instantly.

He is a master!

"It's the second God of War!"

"He's out of custody!"

"With him here, he can definitely kill that little bastard!"



The eyes of all the barbarians lit up, but then they became disappointed again.

The second god of war.

The Taoist bell rings seven times.

Survived the eighth level of thunder tribulation and became extremely powerful!


He can't take action!

On that day, the barbarians took the initiative and set the rules for fighting in the same area. Naturally, it was to prevent Feng Xi and Yun Lie from taking action. In recent years, because of this rule, they had taken great advantages, but they did not expect that today would happen. The rules have actually become their constraints!

While talking.

Three young barbarians stepped out and came to Gu Han!

His body was full of blood.

The muscles all over his body are bronzed, like gold and stone!

But they are the second, third, and fourth gods of war!


Liao Zheng looked serious.

"Take it easy."

"rest assured."

Gu Han nodded.


The leader glanced at Gu Han and said calmly: "Are you sure?"

The two people behind him have not experienced the Thunder Tribulation Tempering Body. In principle, they are still in the same realm as Gu Han.

"Let me do it."

One person took a deep breath and looked at Gu Han.

"I am third..."

"It goes without saying."

Gu Han shook his head.

"Whether it's third or fourth, you two can go together."

Liao Zheng's heart twitched.

Is this what I, Lao Liao, mean?


The two men were furious.

They knew that Gu Han was very strong, but they also had their own pride, and they thought that since they were ranked high, even if they couldn't win, they would not let him slaughter them, but they never expected that Gu Han would not take them seriously.


He yelled angrily.

The energy and blood from the Third God of War soared into the sky. The golden ring on his hand trembled slightly, and instantly came together, and he swung his fist towards Gu Han!

The punch has not yet arrived.

An extremely tyrannical force had already made Gu Han's robes rustle!


His punches are extremely fast!

Almost in a flash of lightning, he was in front of Gu Han and punched him through the chest!

"Gu Xianfeng!"

All the border troops were shocked!


Something's wrong!

The third God of War frowned.

The feeling from the fist was like hitting the void, without any feeling of penetrating flesh and blood!



The second God of War shouted.


The third God of War felt a chill in his heart, as the Gu Han in front of him gradually dissipated!

It was actually an afterimage!


It was also at this time.

A bright light flashed, and he felt a chill and pain all over his body. His right arm had already left his body and flew into the air!


Different from Song Jian.

He was extremely experienced in fighting, so he no longer cared about his right arm. He flicked the golden ring on his left arm, and a ray of light was instantly injected into his body. His left arm instantly expanded in a circle, and with a loud sound, he swung it to the right!


Another empty call!

"too slow."

Gu Han's voice actually sounded behind him!


There was a stinging pain in his neck.

"I'm here to help you!"

It was also at this time.

The fourth God of War no longer cared about the rules. He crossed his fists and shook the golden ring. It instantly grew a lot bigger and was held in his hand. The endless energy and blood force crazily poured into it and moved towards Gu Han's back. Heart drops!


Gu Han's long sword was about to land on the third God of War's neck. When he noticed the movement behind him, his eyes narrowed to a slit!


next moment.

That terrifying spiritual pressure rose from his body again!


A flash of blood flashed in his eyes.

All the spiritual power in the body was absorbed into the long sword, and the sword body glowed brightly, and it was instantly covered with a layer of light red sword light!


A soft sound.

The long sword instantly cut across the third God of War's neck!

In the midst of lightning and flint, Gu Han took advantage of his remaining momentum and turned around suddenly. The light on his long sword was even more dazzling than before, and he slashed it down!


There was another soft sound!

The movements of the fourth God of War suddenly stopped!


The golden ring in his hand was only half an inch away from Gu Han!


This half inch is to him.

It's already an endless distance.


A soft sound.

The head of the third God of War fell to the ground!


The fourth God of War slowly lowered his head, looked at the shallow line of blood in front of him, and opened his mouth to say something.

"Go together."

Gu Han shook his head.

"You can't either."

The words fell.

The blood line on the fourth God of War expanded rapidly, starting from his left shoulder and spreading to his right waist. That sword actually split his body into two pieces diagonally!

The remaining invisible sword energy exploded.

The last life force in his body was wiped out in an instant.


The faces of the cultivators in the border army turned red and they were unable to say even a single word.


They were extremely excited!


in the crowd.

Zhang Shanmou exerted himself, raised his fist high, and shouted with all his strength.

"Gu Xianfeng!"

"Gu Xianfeng!"

"Gu Xianfeng!"


His shout instantly broke the calm and released all the agitation in everyone's hearts. A series of extremely fanatical cheers merged into one place, forming a very sharp contrast with the depression and depression of the barbarians!

Barbarian hinterland.

A little-known secret place.

There are abundant ideas here, the clouds and mist are rising, and between the rise and fall, they are faintly condensed into the shape of a dragon.

"First, Cloud Atlas."

"It's Feng girl again."

"Now it's this kid again."

"Yun Tian Yuntian..."

A low sigh sounded from an unknown place, "We all come from the same family, why is your luck so much better than mine?"

In front of the barbarian military camp.

The second God of War looked at the two corpses lying in front of him, murderous intent flowing in his eyes, but he finally held back and did not take action.

"Stop holding it in."

Gu Han smiled.

"It's very hard. If you want to kill me, just do it."


The second God of War's eyes flashed.

"Are you looking for death?"

"I just wanted to see."

Gu Han's eyes flashed with blood.

"Is it my sword that is sharp, or your body that has survived the thunder tribulation is stronger?"


Liao Gang's heart skipped a beat.

"Don't act nonsense!"

"rest assured."

Gu Han nodded.

"I won't mess around."


The words fell.

The spiritual pressure on him rose again, and he was already holding a sword and killing the second god of war!

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