The Ultimate Sword Master

Chapter 509 Chasing for 100,000 miles!


The Buddha flame changed!

It turned into a half-inch long Buddha shadow, which instantly sank into his forehead!

Wuxin's screams became even more miserable. The Buddha light seemed to be attached to his soul. No matter what he did, even if he dismembered himself and turned into a pile of meat again, he couldn't get rid of it at all!


He rushed around like a headless fly.

"Master! You... knew I would come back to find you, right! Master... my good master! You... really understand me!"


After a long time.

When Feng Xi arrived here, she didn't see the body of the old monk except a pile of ashes and a few relics in the ashes.

She bowed silently.

She put away the relics and rushed to Tianlong Temple.


Wuxin ran all the way, wailing all the way, the Buddha light and the demonic energy on his body entangled with each other, and there was a trend of gradually merging and becoming indistinguishable from each other!

After a long time.

I don't know where I'm going.

He was exhausted and stopped. The demonic energy on his body gradually subsided, and the Buddha's light gradually disappeared!

"Hu... Hu..."

He was sweating profusely and raised his head suddenly!

A face.

It was split into two!

The left face was solemn and clear, and the madness and bloodthirstiness of the past disappeared. Under the Buddha's light, he looked more like a monk than a real monk!

The right face was hideous, and the originally dark eyeballs had completely turned into pure black. The demonic energy continued to rise, and the weirdness and evil were far greater than before!


He spoke slowly, his voice was peaceful and full of endless compassion.

"I am a demon with mercy."

The second sentence, however, was full of endless madness and bloodthirstiness.

"Demon nature?"

"Buddha nature?"

"It's all human nature."

He murmured to himself, his voice was sometimes calm, sometimes crazy, as if a good person was split into two.

After a while.

His voice gradually lowered, and he suddenly laughed again. There was compassion and evil in his laughter, and the two opposite tones seemed to overlap.

"I am Wuxin."

"Demon Buddha... Wuxin!"


In the wilderness.

Yuntu kept flying. With his cultivation in the realm of transformation, his flying speed was naturally extremely fast. Ordinary cultivators couldn't even see his shadow!


He met Gu Han and Chongming, two freaks, but he couldn't get rid of them at all!

One of them was extremely fast in the world.

The other was mysterious, and even Piro couldn't kill it.

Although they were all seriously injured, they bit him tightly without caring about the consequences, and they wanted to chase him to the ends of the earth.

"Gu Han!"

Yuntu's face was gloomy.

"You have no relatives or friends with these dead people. Why are you risking your life like that!"


"Are you really not afraid of death?"


"Don't think I'm afraid of you. I can kill you in a snap!"


From beginning to end.

Gu Han didn't say a word.

Under the full power of cultivation, the wounds on his body burst open again. In addition to the injuries he suffered in the tenth level, if it weren't for the foundation of the Immortal Sword Body, if it were someone else, his body would have been destroyed long ago.

Even so.

He still didn't slow down at all.

Kill Yuntu.

It was the only thought in his mind!

"In that case!"

"I'll help you!"


From the beginning to now, Yuntu has been chased for thousands of miles. He can't bear it anymore. A red light flashed on his body, and he instantly turned into a servant of God again, and he actually killed Gu Han and Chongming!

He saw it.

If he didn't kill Gu Han and Chongming, they would chase him for a lifetime!

"Go to hell!"

Nurturing with divine power.

The four arms have returned to normal, but his cultivation is much weaker than before, and his body is not as big as before, so the first move is a killing move!

Quick fight and quick decision!


The third eye between the eyebrows opened instantly.

A red light instantly fell on Chongming's body!


At the same time.

He clenched his four fists, jumped suddenly, and instantly collided with Gu Han's body!



Two loud noises came!

The red light instantly fell on the five-colored divine light on Chongming's body, knocking it far away, and the two huge fists wrapped in heavy blood-red divine power also smashed Gu Han hard!


Gu Han seemed not to notice.

The long sword in his hand trembled slightly, and it slipped out of his hand again, gently passing through his body!


A cry of pain.

One of his arms was cut off by Gu Han again!


In the midst of the earth-shaking, Gu Han's body was also smashed into the ground by his fist. His body was covered with hideous wounds, and the blood instantly dyed the ground beneath him red!

"Want to kill me?"

He punched Gu Han hard!


"Father can't kill me, Yun Ao can't kill me, and my little sister can't kill me!"

"You Gu Han..."


His only three remaining fists fell instantly, and a hint of madness flashed in his eyes, "You dare to say you can kill me?"



In the midst of the earth-shaking.

This fist did not hit Gu Han, but a piece of five-colored divine light!

But it was a critical moment.

Chongming rushed over again.


It said nothing, the divine feathers on its body dimmed, and the pupils in its eyes had already turned into double pupils, staring at Yuntu, with a tendency to not stop until it killed him.


At the same time.

Gu Han raised his hand with difficulty, took out the holy medicine he got at the sixth level of the Golden List, and stuffed it into his mouth.


In an instant!

A life essence that was extremely rich continued to flow into his body. It was visible to the naked eye that his body, which was full of hideous cracks, recovered quickly, but the fragments of the law contained in the holy medicine, but because he did not actively absorb it, a lot of it was dissipated.


At this time, Gu Han's mind no longer had this concept.


As the injury recovered.

He waved his hand, and the black sword flew back to his hand again. The tender bud in his mind trembled slightly, and a little bit of human will sank into the sword body, and slashed towards Yuntu again!


At this time,

Chongming's wings suddenly folded, and the remaining five-colored divine light on his body condensed and instantly turned into a large seal, which also fell on Yuntu!


At this time.

Yuntu's offensive also lost its order, and his eyes opened again, this time he fell on Gu Han, and the remaining three fists were swung and directly hit the seal!


The seal was broken.

But Yuntu was not as relaxed as before. There were bursts of bone cracking sounds from the three fists, and he was injured instantly!


Just like before.

The red light fell, and the black sword was not damaged at all, but Gu Han's body flew out again. Under the slight sense of destruction, his soul was also injured again, his brain was dizzy, and even his cultivation in his body had a tendency to be out of control.


The man and the chicken seemed to be unaware and attacked him again!


Yuntu suddenly had a flash of panic in his mind.


Why can't these two guys be killed! They were obviously so badly injured! Are they really not afraid of death!

Thinking of this.

Gritting his teeth, he turned around and fled again!

He didn't want to fight anymore.

He didn't want to die either.

Even though the probability of death was only 30%, and the probability of killing the opponent was 70%, he still didn't want to gamble on this probability. He had always planned first and acted later. He always planned everything perfectly before taking action. This was the case when he killed Yun Huan, and it was the same when he destroyed the God-Slaying Formation.

The reason was very simple.

He cherished his life more than anyone else!


Ten thousand miles?

Fifty thousand miles?

Or... one hundred thousand miles?

Yun Tu no longer remembered how far he had run. He only knew that he still hadn't gotten rid of Gu Han and Chong Ming.

He suddenly felt a little regretful.

If he had begged Pirro to save Yun Ao's life before, his current situation would definitely not be so passive!

What a pity.

There is no if.

While flying.

The scenery in front of him became more and more desolate.


The front, which was originally desolate and even almost invisible to the grass and trees, suddenly appeared with a wisp of strange gray fog!

The edge of the forbidden area!

Without hesitation.

He plunged in!

He felt that Gu Han and Chong Ming were now more terrifying and more difficult to deal with than some of the beings in the forbidden area!



A moment later.

Gu Han and Chong Ming also came to the edge of the forbidden area, and they kept going in!

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