The Ultimate Sword Master

Chapter 530 Gu Han: On the protracted war.

For more than ten years.

Gu Han had too many questions and wanted to ask Qianye for advice, especially... how to cure Mo Chenyin. However, he had tried several times in the past and could not wake him up. Although he was anxious, he could not find any solution. None. At this moment, I sensed movement on the golden seal, and I was naturally overjoyed.

to him.

This is the space of consciousness, and there is no distance at all. With a thought, I have arrived at the golden seal.

"Qianye! Are you awake?"

He had already noticed the source of the movement, it was Qianye!


The movement only lasted for a moment, and then fell silent again. No matter how much he called, there was still no answer.

"what happened?"

He frowned.

"Could it be..."


He figured out the key, "Is it related to the soul power just now?"

As a remnant soul, what Qianye needs to replenish most is naturally his soul power. The soul power just now was so pure that it was perfectly normal for him to react.

this moment.

He suddenly became enlightened.

"That's definitely the case! Soul Crystal is useful to Lord Ji, and it's definitely useful to Qianye!"

The ancestor of Yinshan has a soul crystal in his hand. Although he doesn’t know where it came from, it is enough to prove that there must be soul crystals in the Tiannan Realm!

Soul crystal!

Get the soul crystal!

As long as there is a soul crystal, Qianye can definitely be awakened!

This idea came to his mind instantly.

Just thought of this.

A sudden change occurred!

An unprecedented sense of crisis suddenly fell within his perception!

outside room.

Nourished by the two semi-holy medicines and extraordinary substances, Gu Han's physical injuries had recovered by nearly half, and Chongming... was squatting not far from him, dozing off every now and then.

In silence.

A shadow quietly came to this valley, blending directly into the shadow of the grass and trees, and in a moment, it was in front of it.


Chongming's eyes suddenly widened.


"Sneaky, come out to Lord Chicken..."


The words are not finished yet.

A cold light suddenly lit up!


It was Gu Han who was closing his eyes to heal his injuries!

Brush it!

At the critical moment, Gu Han's eyes opened instantly. In a hurry, he had no time to react. He could only raise the black sword as much as possible and blocked the fatal blow with great difficulty!


A golden sound sounded!


A huge force came, and Gu Han flew away far away. Before he could stop his figure, his face turned pale and he spit out a mouthful of blood. However, he did not dare to be careless at all, and regardless of the injury, he swept with his spiritual mind. , except for a shadow approaching quickly, nothing else was found!

It's him!

Gu Han suddenly remembered.

It was this shadow that helped the Hehuan sect leader block the sword earlier!


Called Agou?


Just when I thought of this, the cold light came again, and except for a shadow, I still couldn't see the appearance of the visitor!


Chongming was furious.


With a flutter of its wings, it instantly flew towards the cold light, roaring angrily.

"The Seal of the Great Ming Dynasty King!"

The words fell.

A trace of invisible five-color divine light flowed past and turned into an extremely illusory seal, which directly collided with the cold light!


A loud bang!

The big seal shattered, and Chongming's figure retreated violently. When it was blocked by it, the shadow also collapsed and merged with the shadow of the vegetation again!

"Chicken Lord!"

The figure swayed.

Gu Han had already come to Chongming's side, his face serious, "Be careful! He... is not simple!"

A moment of fighting.

He has already judged a lot of information.

Judging from the circumstances of Agou's actions, his cultivation level should be around the peak of the Holy Realm, and his fighting methods are also extremely weird and tricky. What is several times more terrifying than his cultivation level is his magical ability to transform into a shadow. Before taking action, there was almost no The slightest hint of vitality is revealed, making it impossible for the opponent to guard against it!

Think of this.

Gu Han felt lingering fear.

If his spiritual sense were not far superior to ordinary people and he had extremely rich experience in fighting and killing, if it had been anyone else, even a monk in the Ascension Realm would have been killed by Agou in such an unexpected situation. There is no possibility of survival at all!

This person...

He is a born killer and assassin!

"Over there!"


The pupils in Chongming's eyes turned and he looked somewhere, "He is hiding there!"

Under its heavy eyes.

But he noticed something strange that Gu Han didn't even notice!


No hesitation.

Gu Han directly slashed out with his sword, and a blood-red sword fell suddenly. The violent sword energy flattened the ground by more than several feet!

"Over there!"




With the cooperation of Chongming and Gu Han, although there was a slight time difference, Agou was not really hurt, but they still forced him to have no way to hide, and he kept changing directions, and this small valley was almost completely destroyed by Gu Hanyi. For level ground!


Gu Han frowned slightly.

If this continues, without killing Agou, his injuries will worsen again.


Also at this time.

Chongming reminded him again.


Gu Han slashed out with his sword again, but the power was much smaller and the direction was shifted a lot. After drawing out the sword, his face turned pale and he spat out another mouthful of blood!


Chongming looked contemptuous.

"You are so useless!"

"Not lasting at all!"


Gu Han's face darkened, his hands trembled, and he almost hit Chongming's chicken head with his sword!


Bloody mouth!

Having been unable to capture Gu Han, Agou seemed to be a little impatient. Seeing Gu Han showing such a big flaw, how could he endure it? As the shadows flowed, he was close to Gu Han ten feet away, and then a cold light lit up, and another It pierced towards Gu Han's eyebrows!

Also at this time.

A sword energy fell not far away from him instantly!

Sui Er.

One sword energy turned into two, two turned into four, four turned into turned into one hundred and eight in a moment!

Sword array!


Dots of starlight continued to emit from Gu Han's mind and attached to the sword energy, making the sword formation look less sharp and more mysterious.


The sword formation fell.

Instantly blocked Agou's path and trapped him in it!

This is Gu Han's plan.

The best way to deal with an elusive assassin like Agou is to trap him so that he loses his greatest advantage and support!


The method is very effective.

As the sword array continued to gather, it directly compressed Agou's activity space to the limit!


Chongming blinked.

"Boy, you are very smart. Why can't Mr. Chicken think of such a good idea?"


Gu Han secretly cursed.

With your brain, you are just praising you for saying Shao Genxian. If I hadn't been watching you, the Hehuan Sect Master would have succeeded and drained you dry!


He only dared to say this in his heart.

"Chicken Lord!"

With a certain show-off mood, he trembled with the long sword and slashed at Agou in an instant!

"Let you see it!"

"How durable am I!"

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