The Ultimate Sword Master

Chapter 548 Return the puppy to Master Ji!


Chongming looked at Gu Han for a few times, "Did you go to scavenge just now? In the past, I won't talk about it. Ji Ye didn't look down on your rags! But now it's different. Ji Ye has younger brothers. Take out the things and let Ji Ye see them. Don't think of keeping them all for yourself!"


Gu Han felt that when Chongming was smart, he was smarter than anyone else!

"There is a soul crystal."


He naturally would not hide anything from Chongming. He immediately took out the black crystal and said excitedly, "This one is much bigger than the last time..."


He didn't finish his words.

Chongming pecked with his long beak and directly picked up the soul crystal, swallowing it with a gulp.

It was visible to the naked eye.

It regained some spirit.

In the previous battle with Xiao Hei, it relied on the obsession in its heart to force out its potential. Now after the battle, it was naturally exhausted and exhausted.

Gu Han was dumbfounded!

"Master Ji, didn't you say you were tired of eating?"


Chongming sighed and said, "What's the point of being tired of it? Things are different now. With a sword master like you... Master Ji can still live a hard life if he makes do with it."

Gu Han's face darkened.

Make do with it?

Hard life?

Such a big soul crystal, he didn't even smell it, and you still look disgusted when you come to it?

Resisting the pain in his heart, he looked at Xiao Hei who was grinning at him again, and asked in confusion: "Master Ji, have you noticed that it's a little bit wrong?"

"Yes, a little bit."

Chongming said thoughtfully: "It seems to be close to Master Ji only."

"Woo woo woo!"

Hearing this.

Xiao Hei rubbed its chicken thigh affectionately again.


Gu Han almost couldn't help but pick the soul crystal out of Chongming's mouth.

Monster clan.

Even if it's an ordinary monster clan.

As the rank increases, the beast nature will gradually decrease. Even after reaching the Heavenly Tribulation Realm, except for some unique habits in the bones, the words and deeds are no different from the real human race. As for those with special bloodlines, like Di An, they will be enlightened earlier.

But Xiao Hei.

It is completely different.

As a top-level Ascension Realm demon, whether before or now, it seems that... only beast nature and instincts can be seen, and there is almost no human nature.

This is unreasonable.

"Master Ji."

Thinking of this, he said again: "Those two things are still with you, right?"

Blood-colored jade talisman.

Colored thread and fangs.

He felt that Agou's transformation into Xiao Hei was inseparable from these two things.

"I almost forgot."

Chongming opened his mouth and took out the blood-colored jade talisman and fangs. The cracks on the jade talisman were very obvious, and there was still a half-inch long colored thread at the end of the fangs.

The moment he saw the colored thread.

A trace of confusion flashed across Xiao Hei's eyes, and deep in the confusion, there was a trace of struggle.


It roared in pain, and the struggle in its eyes became even stronger. Its body changed rapidly. In a moment, it had turned into a boy of eleven or twelve years old, wearing tattered animal skins. As soon as it appeared, it took the fang in its hand and held it carefully. A trace of sadness flashed in its wooden eyes.

Gu Han didn't say anything.

He took the blood-colored jade talisman in his hand, and with a sweep of his mind, he saw the slave seal that could control Agou, and also learned the function of this jade talisman.

Eliminate emotional memory.

Track Agou's location.

Even when necessary... can completely destroy Agou's soul!

This jade talisman.

There are two pieces, the son and the mother.

The one in the hands of the leader of the Hehuan Sect is the son talisman, and the mother talisman has more functions... He knows without thinking that it is in the hands of the man named Mu Feng.


At this time.

Seeing Gu Han get the jade talisman, Agou actually knelt down instantly.


In his cognition, whoever gets the jade talisman can control everything about him, and naturally, it is his master.


Gu Han frowned, "Don't you recognize me?"

"You are... the master."


Gu Han remained silent.

He had already guessed that Agou had become what he is now, and it must have been because the master of Hehuan Sect had eliminated his emotions and other things.


He sighed, stared at Agou and said, "I told you that you are not a dog, you are a human!"


Agou's reaction was almost exactly the same as before, "What... is a human?"

"Like him!"

This time, it was Chongming who spoke first, "Thick-faced, black-hearted, unscrupulous, immoral... this is called a human!"


Gu Han's face darkened again.

Ji Ye, are you sure you are talking about a human?


Agou muttered to himself, lost in confusion.

After glaring at Chongming, Gu Han pointed at the fang again and said seriously: "Think about it, this thing was left to you by your mother. Although I don't know who she is, I think... her greatest wish is to let you be a human being, not a dog!"

"My mother..."

Agou was stunned.

" mother a human being...not a dog..."


A trace of confusion flashed in his eyes, and then he became more and more sober.



At the same time.

There were several more cracks on the blood-colored jade talisman.

Agou suddenly looked at Gu Han with a sad expression, "Master, you... also said, yes... I'm sorry..."

this moment.

However, he regained his feelings about Gu Han.

after all.

throughout his life.

Apart from his mother, who couldn't remember her appearance, Gu Han was the only one who said to him, "I want to be a human being".

Sorry three words.

But she remembered that he had become the accomplice of Hehuan Sect Leader and helped her find Gu Han.

He glanced at the jade talisman.

Gu Han looked slightly mocking.

Some things, no matter how you remove them, will always leave traces.

"Get up."

Naturally, he has no interest in being A-Gou's master. "From today on, no one can be your master. Although you are called A-Gou, you are still a human being!"

While talking.

His big hand exerted force instantly.

The bloody jade talisman also turned into powder!

Acacia sect.

A tall young man with a tired look on his face slowly fell down, but it was Li Mao, the fifth disciple of Lingya who had previously been ordered by Mu Feng to investigate the Hehuan Sect.


Those Hehuan Sect disciples didn't know him, but they couldn't see through his cultivation at all, so they didn't dare to neglect him and saluted one after another.


Li Mao frowned, "Where is your sect leader! You see me coming, why don't you welcome me?"

In an instant.

A trace of power was released, frightening all the Hehuan Sect disciples into trembling with fear.


One person replied bravely; "Sect Master...she went out with several seniors earlier, and she hasn't returned yet...she hasn't returned yet!"


Li Mao felt that things were not as simple as he thought, and said coldly: "What did she do?"

"have no idea."

The man shook his head, "It seems... to find a chicken..."


What chicken?

Li Mao was stunned for a moment, but without asking any more questions, he seemed to sense something, his expression changed slightly, and he took out the bloody jade talisman again.

On the jade talisman.

There are cracks all over it, and it is almost completely broken!


The moment the jade talisman shattered, Agou, who had just stood up halfway, knelt down again and said, "Thank you... Master."

"stand up!"

Gu Han scolded: "Don't kneel!"


"Don't call me master!"


Gu Han:......


Chongming suddenly felt something was wrong.

At this time, Agou was extremely close to Gu Han, the kind of close person who would be willing to sacrifice his life, but on the contrary, he didn't even take a look at his newly recognized boss...!

"Xiao Hei?"

It tried to ask.

Facing Chongming.

Agou showed some resistance and alienation. He even took a few steps away from it and said blankly: "Who is Xiaohei...?"


It was Chongming's turn to be dumbfounded.

Where is Mr. Chicken’s little dog?

Where is the little dog that Mr. Chicken has collected after all the hard work and effort!


It spread its wings and faced Gu Han with a greeting, "Where did you take Mr. Chicken's little kid! Return it to Mr. Chicken quickly!"

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