The Ultimate Sword Master

Chapter 738 Dao Fruit, give it to me!


Hearing Gu Chen's roar, everyone couldn't hold back any longer.

"I'll do it!"


It was still Yuan Ling.

He was the first one who couldn't hold back any more.

He didn't care whether Gu Chen and Ling Ya were the same person. He only knew that if Ling Ya's plan succeeded... it would be extremely disadvantageous to him!

"Yuan Ling!"

Mu Cang was shocked, "You..."

"And me!"

"I'll do it too!"

"Count me in!"



Almost instantly, Ming Xuan, Lu Zhen, and Zhong Cheng also attacked together!

Ling Ya's previous madness.

They saw it more clearly than anyone else.

If the other party succeeded... the creatures of the seven realms, naturally including them!

"I understand."

Yuan Zhengyang sighed softly.

He understood that Gu Chen was a person with a strong self-esteem and was extremely proud. Even if he died, he would die upright and would never choose to lose himself and be merged into such a humiliating way.

"Master Gu, I'm sorry!"


While speaking.

He didn't care about his serious injury at all, and instantly raised the Hidden Sword. A touch of righteousness, like the unparalleled sword intent of the sky, instantly fell!

"Gu Han!"

Qianye suddenly said, "Quick! Curse! Mei Yun's curse!"


He hesitated for a moment.

Gu Han finally took out the curse rune sealed by Mei Yun.


Ji Wuya's eyes widened instantly, "What is this?"

He felt vaguely.

The curse in the seal was also a certain threat to him!

"Master Gu."

Gu Han's eyes dimmed, and he saluted to Gu Chen, "I'm sorry!"

After that.

With a thought, the curse rune instantly came in front of Gu Chen. As soon as it touched the silver light, the spiritual power on the outer layer instantly disappeared, turning into an ancient evil curse seal, and sank into his body!


At this time!

The silver light on Gu Chen's body trembled violently, and instantly turned into gray. His cultivation, which was already at the peak of the Free and Easy Realm, rose again!

In a moment.

He entered the Chedi Realm!



The powerful aura burst out, and Mingxuan Lu Zhen and others had no power to resist at all, and were instantly blown away by the aura!

"Che... Earth Realm?"

Yuan Ling's heart trembled, and he immediately had the intention to retreat.


He was the first to attack, and it was too late for him to retreat at this time. He saw 'Gu Chen' waved his hand, and a gray light fell instantly, easily blocking his attack outside, and the gray light seemed to have another magic, sticking to him tightly, and he couldn't get away at all!


At the same time.

Yuan Zhengyang's hidden sword also fell!

But Gu Chen raised his hand and gently held the blade of the Hidden Edge Sword. The majestic sword intent that was like the sky was directly dissolved by him.

The aura on his body continued to rise.

He went through the first level, the second level... and then came to the third level.

"Daoyou Yuan Ling."

"Since you broke your promise, you can't blame me."

He closed his eyes.

The voice was still Gu Chen, but the tone had become Ling Ya's.

The voice fell.

The gray light suddenly became ten times stronger than before and fell on Yuan Ling!


Yuan Ling was stunned for a moment.

With a bang!

The next moment, his body flew out like a tattered sack. Wherever he passed, the space was shattered by him. With just one blow, he lost half of his life. And the cultivation of the peak of the Free and Easy Realm that he was proud of was not effective at all in front of Gu Chen at this moment!


"Although I admire you very much, you have to die today."

'Gu Chen' sighed softly.


Although the tone was light, the power of the gray light was extremely great. It instantly entangled the Cangfeng Sword, and the sword body trembled slightly. The sword intent that Yuan Zhengyang had just realized only collided with the gray light for half a second, and then it was completely defeated!

Yuan Zhengyang's body trembled.

Injury upon injury... Directly fell into a lower realm!

"Senior Brother!"

Gu Han was about to rush over regardless of anything!

"Let Ji Ye come!"

An angry shout came.

Chongming's body was full of colorful divine light, and he arrived in front of Lingya one step ahead of him!

"Let go!"

"The Great Mighty King Seal!"


As the wings closed, a colorful seal condensed instantly and fell on 'Gu Chen'!



Zhongming's miraculousness instantly attracted the attention of 'Gu Chen'. He loosened his hand and temporarily let go of the Hidden Sword. He took a step forward and came to Chongming like teleportation. He let the Ming Wang Seal fall on his body and was about to take Chongming in his hand.

"Ji Ye!"

Yuan Zhengyang was very anxious.

But at this moment, he had already fallen into a lower realm. He was seriously injured and even the Hidden Sword was a little unstable. How could he rescue him?

At the same time.

Gu Chen's cultivation had already entered the fourth level of the Chedi Realm!


Just when his hand was about to touch Chongming, his body trembled slightly, and his movements paused instantly, and even the momentum of breaking through the realm stagnated!


It worked!

At this moment, the gray light on 'Gu Chen's' body trembled constantly, as if he was suppressing the power of the curse with all his strength.

Although Mei Yun's ability was still shallow.

But this seal that collected the nine complete underworld curses was also extraordinary and could still affect him!

"President Ji!"

Taking advantage of this time, Yuan Zhengyang reluctantly raised the Hidden Sword, "You take your junior brother away from here quickly, I... will stop him temporarily!"

"You are crazy!"

Ji Wuya frowned, "What can you use to stop him!"

"Hidden Sword!"

Yuan Zhengyang's eyes flashed with determination, "And... my old bones!"

"Senior Brother."

Before Ji Wuya could speak, Gu Han suddenly spoke, "I'm sorry, this matter was caused by me, and now it has caused you to fall... You all leave, I will... deal with him!"


"You are crazy!"

Ji Wuya almost laughed out of anger.

With your cultivation level, it's not enough for someone to poke with one finger!

Gu Han didn't say anything.

With a flash of his body, he had already come in front of Leng Yushu and sighed, "Dao Guo, give it to me."

In the distance.

Zhong Cheng and others hesitated for a moment, but didn't come to snatch it after all.

He was almost dead.

What's the use of this Dao Guo?


Leng Yushu naturally understood what Gu Han meant, and gave him the Dao fruit without hesitation, "Are you sure?"

"I don't know."

Gu Han told the truth, "Let's give it a try."

Qian Ye couldn't help it, "You... don't want the extreme realm of the free realm?"

Achieve the free and easy realm.

Naturally, you have to jump several realms in a row, and you will naturally miss the extreme realm. As for the nine extreme realms he has been thinking about, there is no way to talk about it.

"Compared to that."

"I want my senior brothers to be alive!"


Gu Han looked at 'Gu Chen' again and took a deep breath, "I... want to kill him with my own hands!"


Qian Ye stopped talking.

"Junior brother! No!"

Yuan Zhengyang was very anxious.

Eating the Dao fruit seemed to be able to ascend to heaven in one step, but there is no such a cheap thing in the world. There may be some unknown hidden dangers. If Gu Han eats the Dao fruit... it is equivalent to abandoning the Dao!

"Senior brother."

Gu Han sighed, "You protected me before, now it's my turn."

The voice fell.

He took a look at the Taoist fruit that was filled with the aura of laws and mysterious, and swallowed it without any hesitation!

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