The Ultimate Sword Master

Chapter 766 Yu Shu, what do you think?

Gu Han's heart moved.

He suddenly remembered the content of the test, killing the evil ghost and turning the jade talisman from black to white.

Hold the jade talisman.

He came directly to the body of the red-haired ghost.

In an instant.

A cold and biting breath flashed out of the jade talisman and fell directly on the body of the red-haired ghost. In the blink of an eye, the body, blood stains, and head... the red-haired ghost disappeared completely, as if it had never appeared. .

And accordingly.

The white on the jade talisman has a faint hint of it.

" more..."

The young man was stunned.

at the same time.

Leng Yushu slowly looked at his hands, a hint of disbelief flashed in his eyes, "My cultivation... has recovered somewhat."


Gu Han was stunned and noticed something unusual.

Leng Yushu's cultivation was originally suppressed to the third level of the Aperture Realm, but at this time his aura had increased a bit, and there was a faint tendency to break through to the fourth level of the Aperture Ability.

As for himself.

On the contrary, because of the black robe and mask, his cultivation level remained at its original state.

"What do you think?"

He asked subconsciously.

There is a cold girl here.

He is becoming less and less fond of using his brain.


Leng Yushu thought for a while and said: "Like the green-faced ghost and the red-haired ghost, they should be a kind of evil ghost. And judging from their behavior, the green-faced ghost is aggressive, and the red-haired ghost likes blood." Food and abilities are also different, and ghosts...should also have special abilities, but we haven't seen them, so it's hard to judge."

"Ghost pawn."

"Ghost Captain."

"It should be a title to distinguish the status and abilities of these evil ghosts. This ghost general is definitely not weak in strength."

"As for Huangquanyin."

Leng Yushu shook his head, "This information is too little to judge, but one thing can be known. This seems to be a method that can be used to restrain evil spirits."

"I know this."

Gu Han recounted the scene when Ren Wu and Ren Liu used Huang Quandu that day.


There is also the matter of the tablet with the word "yellow" and the word "spring".

"Huang? Quan?"

Leng Yushu thought for a long time, and then looked at the jade talisman for a long time, "Could it be that... they are fighting for the underworld?"

"Fight for?"


Leng Yushu nodded, "There are two parts of Huangquan. One part is controlled by the 'Huang' tablet, which is closely related to the ferryman. The other part is controlled by the 'Quan' tablet, which should be related to evil spirits. Our test is to kill Evil ghost, turn the jade talisman from black to white...most likely to overwhelm the opponent and seize more of the underworld's power."


"The world we come to should be under the "Fountain" monument controlled by evil spirits. Under their deliberate control, if we come here, we will be suppressed."

Gu Han was thoughtful.

Just looking at the young man's clothes, you can tell that although there are many creatures here, the lifestyle is extremely primitive, there is no spiritual power, and it is impossible to enter the path of cultivation. This is also the reason.

He also understands.

The opportunity to solve Ah Sha's hidden danger that I saw in the golden list that day was hidden under the underworld controlled by the "Quan" monument. I just want to know that the opportunity must be deeply hidden, and it is not who he is now. accessible.

What needs to be done most now.

Just how to get the job done and get out unscathed.

"Wait until the jade talisman changes from black to white."

Leng Yushu said again: "This world will be separated from the 'Quan' monument and controlled by the 'Huang' monument. By then, the situation between us and the evil ghosts will be reversed."

It's not difficult to understand.

The tablet with the word "spring" suppresses them, and the tablet with the word "yellow" will naturally suppress the evil spirits.

This was also the reason why the red-haired ghost didn't dare to enter the cave before.

"Thanks to him."

Gu Han sighed.


Of course he was referring to Yue Qing.

If the other party had not completed part of the task and converted part of the jade talisman into white, I am afraid that when the two of them came here, without black robes and masks, they would only be mortals and die ten thousand times. of.

strictly speaking.

This Yue Qing is their savior.

Leng Yushu nodded.

"One person is short-term, two people are long-term."

She added: "What I worry about alone is limited after all. Do you have anything to add?"



The cold girl lied without blushing, "You are very smart."


Gu Han thought for a moment and said seriously, "I think everything you said is right."

Leng Yushu:......

"How many years has he been here?"

Gu Han asked the young man again.

"have no idea."

The young man shook his head, "When my grandfather was alive, this envoy was here..."


He knelt down in front of the pile of ashes and kowtowed several times respectfully.

Gu Han nodded secretly.


This alone is stronger than tens of millions of people.

Finished kowtow.

The young man did not stand up, but turned to Gu Han. He hesitated for a moment, then gritted his teeth and said, "Messenger...please save the people in our tribe. We really can't handle this Hundred Ghost Night Parade!"

"Hundred Ghosts Night Parade?"

Gu Han had just heard him say it and was a little curious, "What is that?"

He no longer corrected the other party's title.

The clothes are worn.

The mask is on.

Naturally, it can be considered as half a ferryman.

The boy explained.

In this world, every year, the gate of the underworld will open wide, and evil spirits will run out from it and kill mortals wantonly. Because the sky will be dark when the evil spirits appear, it is called the Night Parade of One Hundred Ghosts.

I don’t know how many years ago.

It seems that God has mercy on the people of this place, and more than a hundred statues have descended from the sky. Whenever evil spirits come, these statues will protect the living beings from the evil spirits.


Wherever there is a statue, a tribe will be derived.

Shenfang tribe.

It is the name of the tribe where the boy is.

And in each tribe.

Every once in a while, a person who can absorb the power of the statue will be born. Although these people cannot practice, they can barely have the ability to fight against these ghosts. Such people are also the highest-ranking people in the tribe and are respected as witch priests.


As time goes by.

As the evil spirits continued to wreak havoc, the power of these statues became weaker and weaker, and their deterrence and protection range became smaller and smaller. Many of them broke and collapsed. As of today, less than one-third of them remain.


The young man choked up, "The statues in our tribe are about to collapse, and the witch priest is about to die. They will definitely not be able to withstand this night parade of a hundred ghosts. Please save us!"

Because they cannot practice.

Therefore, the lifespan of those witch priests is no different from that of ordinary people.

In addition to the ability to absorb the power of the statues, they also have some abilities to predict the future. They say that in the future, people wearing ghost robes and evil ghost masks will appear to eliminate evil ghosts and save lives, and this is the only hope for people in this world to survive.

Such people.

They are also called Huangquan messengers.

In fact, they are Huangquan ferrymen.

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