The Ultimate Sword Master

Chapter 782 Stay for the feast?

After listening to the analysis.

Gu Han remained silent.

Among the thirty-six lieutenants, Kuishan's status was not high. He did not believe that a ghost school, a lower-level ghost clan, had such an incredible back-up plan. If it really did, the Yellow Springs Ferryman would have nothing to fight for, so they might as well surrender!

"According to Kuishan."

He thought for a while and said, "Even if he can recover in the ghost pool, the cost will definitely not be small. If you want to save him, why do you have to wait until he dies? And why didn't he attack me?"

"What do you think..."

Leng Yushu said thoughtfully, "Is there a possibility?"


"He doesn't want us to leave."


Gu Han was stunned for a moment, "Don't let us go? What are we doing?"

Leng Yushu frowned slightly, obviously a little confused.

"Master! Auntie!"

Ashu raised a small branch, "Do you think there is another possibility?"


"He invited you to a feast."

"Eat shit!"

Gu Han's face darkened.

The eating habits are completely different, what kind of feast is this!

"Come to think of it."

He stared at Ashu with a bad look, "The ghost tribe and you have surprisingly similar interests, both like to eat people!"


Ashu's two small branches danced in the wind, very dissatisfied, "How can you slander my innocence out of thin air, I am a vegetarian!"

Gu Han almost hit it with a sword.


Do you think I'm blind?

There are so many human-shaped fruits, I can't even count them, and you tell me you are a vegetarian?

"That's not what I eat!"

Ashu tried his best to explain: "It eats it!"

"Who is it?"

"That big guy!"

Ashu gestured, "It did it! I was born only tens of thousands of years ago, I'm really a sapling!"


Gu Han was speechless.

Tens of thousands of years.

Just born?

This was the first time he heard someone... a tree describe himself like this.

"I'm curious."

Gu Han suddenly said: "What's your relationship with the World Tree?"

"World Tree?"

Ah Shu was stunned, "I haven't heard of it... Master, are you talking about the mother body?"


Gu Han's heart moved, "That's it!"

"Maybe dead."


"Maybe not dead."


Gu Han's face darkened as he listened, and he almost drew his sword again.

Doesn't it mean that he didn't say it?

Still scratching his head?

Do you have hair!

"Ah Shu."

Leng Yushu's eyes turned and he smiled softly, "Speak properly."


Ah Shu was frightened and didn't dare to perfunctorily in an instant.

To Gu Han.

It dared to prevaricate.

But to Leng Meizi, it wished it had grown a few more legs when it was born, and stayed away from her!

"The specific situation."

"I don't know much about it."

It thought back honestly, "I was really just born, and I have very few inherited memories. I only know that the mother body seems to have been polluted, and it has become like that big guy, with an abnormal brain and a love of eating people."


Gu Han's heart moved.

Qianye once said that the World Tree was once contaminated by weirdness, which should be the pollution that Ashu said.

"What happened later?"

"What happened later?"

Ashu scratched his bald forehead hard, "It seems that in order to make itself normal again, it abandoned the polluted part, leaving only a small intact part. In order to avoid pollution from coming again, it also divided the remaining intact part of its body into many parts and went to different places."

"It's just that."

"It didn't realize that the intact part was also polluted, but it was not obvious."

"That big guy is one of them."

Gu Han was thoughtful.

"What about you?"

He asked again: "How did you come?"

"Grow it."


Gu Han drew his sword instantly, "If you say that again, I'll peel off your bark!"

"It just grew out."

A Shu was frightened and said hurriedly: "In fact, tens of thousands of years ago, when it came here, it had been polluted by 99%. The last time it woke up, it used the unpolluted part to give birth to a tender bud. When it grew to a certain extent, it broke away."

At this point, it looked at Gu Han cautiously, "That tender bud is me, A Shu!"

"A dead tree has come back to life."

Leng Yushu suddenly spoke.

"Yes, yes, yes!"

A Shu flattered him, "My metaphor is very appropriate!"

The grass and trees have strong vitality. Even those stumps that look withered in the mortal world can be revitalized and grow seedlings again as long as they meet the right opportunity, let alone the World Tree?

Of course.

For it, those parts that are contaminated by weirdness are the withered parts.

"In that case."

Gu Han thought for a moment, "You can't be called Ah Shu."


Ah Shu was stunned, "Then what should I call you?"

"Son of the Tree."

Ah Shu: ...

"I'm curious."

Gu Han asked again, "How did you get out of the underworld?"

"That river?"

Mentioning this, Ashu was so angry that he almost jumped up, "It's all those two's fault... Ahem, Ashu, I almost died! If that big guy hadn't withstood the pressure, I, Ashu, was so smart, really That’s why I gave them a chance to vent their anger. As for the master and my aunt..."

It felt a little guilty, "I thought you were in the same group."

"Don't doubt it."

Gu Han said calmly: "We are in the same group."


It could hear the murderous intent in Gu Han's words.


It sold miserably, "I am also very unlucky. I used to be very long, but now it has become so short..."


Gu Han smiled, "How long is it?"

"As long as the master."

Ashu licked his face and made a gesture.

Gu Han:? ? ?


Leng Yushu's tone was so gentle that he said, "Thank you for your hard work just now."

"No hard work, no hard work!"

Ashu's scalp was numb. What he was most afraid of now was Leng Yushu talking to him in this tone.

There is a knife hidden in the smile!

Leng Meizi asked with concern: "Can your body grow back?"


Ashu was stunned, "Why do you ask this?"


Leng Yushu smiled and said, "Just ask."

Take a break!

Ah Shu immediately ran away and ran far away.

Leng Meizi said the same thing before burning it.

Gu Han's eyes lit up.

This is baby!

The kind that can be reused!


His face softened visibly, and he took out a bunch of elixirs and handed them over, "Thank you for your hard work. Eat whatever you want. I have plenty here."

"Master, please spare my life!"

Ashu felt something was wrong, and said pitifully: "I told everything I knew, made amends, and made meritorious deeds. Moreover... my aunt promised not to kill me."

"rest assured."

Gu Han comforted: "Her words are my words, and I will definitely not kill you!"


How could you give up?


Ashu seemed to see hope, "Am I leaving?"

"Can't leave."


Ashu collapsed completely, "He broke his promise!"


Gu Han thought for a while, "I am not a narrow-minded person. If you tell the truth and have performed meritorious deeds, the grievances and grievances of those few feet will be temporarily cleared. Letting you stay is just to atone for your sins." It’s just an opportunity.”


Ashu was stunned and said, "Atonement for what?"

"Think about it."

Gu Han asked again: "Did that big guy give birth to you?"


Ashu emphasized, "It's Chang!"

"A meaning."

Gu Han ignored its sophistry, "Strictly speaking, he is your father. Your father has eaten so many people and has sinned so much. You, a son of a tree, are not allowed to repay the debt?"


Leng Yushu Wen said: "It is only right that the father's debt should be repaid by the son."


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