The Ultimate Sword Master

Chapter 829 The Master Doesn’t Love Money!

Leng Meizi was very cooperative with Gu Han.

She knew very well that even the name Fu Yulin was no longer used, which showed how deeply Gu Han resented Ren Wu and Ren Liu...especially Ren Liu.

Qianye chewed his teeth and spent his whole life.

Fu Yulin, Ren Wu, Ren Liu... there is no serious name!

Especially the first one!

Due to their level of knowledge, Luo Xin and the others had never heard of these two well-known names within the ferry people.

"Are you entertaining us?"

Even Fan Qi, who was quite wealthy, couldn't help but speak.

Either five or six?

Do you dare to be more perfunctory!

"That's wrong."

Ashu shook his head, arranging the twigs and said: "My master is ranked fifth, and my aunt is ranked sixth. Why can't I be called this name?"

It doesn't know.

The two people who sent it to hell that day and almost let it die were Ren Wu and Ren Liu.

"That's nonsense!"

Luo Xin completely lost his patience and was about to explode on the spot, "I have never..."

"Both of you."

"Anyone who comes is a guest, please take a seat."

Before he could get angry, Gao Lan, who had never said a word, spoke.


She glanced at Luo Xin lightly, with a warning in her eyes.

Luo Xin had no choice but to suppress the anger in his heart.

Several people took their seats, and through conversation...mainly through Gao Lan, Gu Han learned the identities of the three of them.

Gao Lan.

The second daughter of the head of the Gao family on Zhulan Island.


The young island owner of Cuiyu Island, whose power is similar to that of the Gao family, is Gao Lan's fiancé.

Luo Xin.

The second son of the owner of Xunyou Island.

Gao Lan was in charge of collecting red crystal honey this time, and as her fiancé, Fan Qi followed her all the way. As for Luo Xin, he had a good relationship with Fan Qi. After learning the news, he came to join in the fun.


Gu Han also made up a story for himself.

Born on Shanling Island, he had some adventures with his sister since he was a child. He kept practicing hard until he reached a certain level of cultivation, and then he went out to make a career.

In conversation.

Gu Han mentioned a few words about collecting red crystal honey without leaving any trace.

As Qianye guessed.

There is indeed a hive of Trichogramma bees very far away from them, and it coincides with the queen bee laying eggs, which will end in about ten days. At that time, the swarm of bees will defend the weak and sleeping queen bee, and this is the best time to collect red crystal honey. Good timing.


A few people said nothing more.

Afraid of exposing any flaws, Gu Han didn't ask further questions.

Seeing Gao Lan treating Gu Han as a distinguished guest.

Luo Xin felt very uncomfortable.

What made him even more unhappy was that from the beginning to the end, Leng Meizi's eyes were either on her toes or on Gu Han, looking timid and not even looking at him, which he was proud of. Identity and status are of no use at all.

"Miss Ren."

He finally couldn't help it any longer, and he said straight to the point, relying on his identity: "There are still ten days left before we collect red crystal honey. It's lonely and dark and boring. How about staying on the ship during this period? We can go together by then, and Luo can guarantee that we will The girl’s safety...of course, it’s your reward.”

Hear the words.

Gao Lan frowned.

Leng Meizi still lowered her head and said nothing.

"never mind."

Gu Han smiled and said, "My sister and I are used to being idle and can't bear to be restrained. I appreciate Mr. Luo's kindness."

Luo Xin narrowed his eyes slightly, "When I said stay, I didn't include you."

Leng Meizi plucked up her courage and said, "I don't... wherever brother goes... I... will go wherever I go!"


After using Ren Liu's name, she also contracted Ren Liu's problem and spoke hesitantly.



Luo Xin was about to have a seizure, but was stopped by Gao Lan again.

"Brother Ren."

She didn't seem to look down on Gu Han's status as a casual cultivator like the other two. Instead, she was quite interested in him and said with a smile: "You are young, well-spoken, and with such a level of cultivation, you are one of the rare people." , Why are you willing to be a casual cultivator? "

Gu Han's heart moved.

It seems...the other party wants to win over me?

"The girl doesn't know something."

Ashu racked his brains and tried his best to flatter Gu Han, "My master has never loved fame, wealth, or the troubles of the world. He loves freedom, carefreeness, and longs for the road to immortality..."

Leng Meizi touched the small green leaves of Ashu and felt very good.

very eloquent.

Qianye couldn't stand listening anymore.

One really dares to brag.

One can really believe it.


On the side, Luo Xin sneered and said disdainfully: "I just don't know whether you are really noble or a prude."

Just a casual practice.

Opening your mouth and keeping your mouth shut is the way to go, are you worthy of it?

Gao Lan's face darkened, "Luo Xin, you..."

Luo Xin also interrupted her directly and said disdainfully: "That sounds nice! If you are really noble, why come here to covet the reward? Apart from other things, this cup of spiritual tea in front of you is not You can afford to drink..."

The words are not finished yet.

A groan came over.

But he saw Ashu put his feet into the tea cup at some point, rubbing them back and forth, "Master, although this spiritual tea cannot be put on the table, it is really comfortable to soak your feet in..."

"If you feel comfortable, hang out more often."


Ashu's expression perked up, and he rubbed his feet as hard as he could. The small cup of spiritual tea was actually stirred up by it, which made him feel a bit overwhelming.

See it.

In addition to Gao Lan, even Fan Qi's face darkened!

This spiritual tea is full of spiritual light and emits a strong vitality. It is used to entertain distinguished guests. Not to mention casual cultivators, it is not an ordinary product for them. Now it is used by people... no, by trees to soak their feet?

Leng Meizi is very satisfied with Ah Shu's performance.

This little sapling has awakened and will bring honor to Gu Han.

"Don't know how to promote yourself!"

"I think you are not willing to accept my toast!"

Luo Xin's face turned cold and he completely lost his patience. He stared at Leng Yushu and said, "I will give you another chance! This is also for your own good..."

"Opportunities are never given by people."

Gu Han glanced at him and said lightly, "You fought for it yourself. Mr. Luo doesn't even understand this principle?"

A trace of murderous intent flashed in Luo Xin's eyes, "You, say it again?"

With his identity.

When he met a woman he liked, most of them took the initiative to obey because of his identity. Those who didn't obey also obeyed after he used force. It was the first time he saw people like Gu Han and the others who refused to obey.

"Want to fight?"


A Shu kicked over the teacup and yelled wildly, "Come on, Grandpa Shu is proficient in hundreds of kicks, which one do you choose?"

"Luo Xin!"

Gao Lan suddenly spoke with a slightly cold tone, "Too much! This matter ends here!"

"Brother Luo."

Seeing Gao Lan speak, Fan Qi sighed and advised: "Give me face and don't make it difficult for her."

Although he also disliked Gu Han.

But the face of his fiancée still needs to be maintained.


Luo Xin stood up angrily and left the main cabin directly, but before leaving, he looked at Gu Han deeply, "Ren Wu, right? I will remember you! There are many dangers in the beehive. When collecting red crystal honey, you have to be careful!"

Naked threat!

Gu Han smiled.

I look forward to meeting you then!


The cold girl's eyes flickered slightly for a moment, and Luo Xin was already at the top of her must-kill list.

As for the latter,

Fan Qi is also on the list.

Gao Lan, we have to see how she performs later.

"Luo Xin!"

Gao Lan stood up suddenly, her chest rising and falling with anger, "You're too much!"


Luo Xin sneered, ignored her, and went straight out of the main cabin.

"Don't be angry."

Fan Qi comforted, "I'll go and persuade him."

Gao Lan sighed, "Thank you."

Fan Qi smiled and said, "Why should we be so polite to each other?"

As he spoke, he chased after Luo Xin.

"Master, Master."

Ashu came over quietly and asked curiously, "Is this what people call respectful to each other?"

"Not necessarily."

Gu Han shook his head and used voice transmission, "They are too polite. Rather than respectful to each other, it's better to say...sleeping in the same bed but dreaming different dreams."


Ashu started to act like a demon, "You are still experienced! You can even see that they slept in the same bed!"

Gu Han's face darkened.

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