The Ultimate Sword Master

Chapter 899 Yue Shi? Gu Shi?

Gu Han knew very well.

Apart from his speech problems, Ren Liu was still a very good person. And if the two brothers hadn't helped him block the evil tree in time, he would have died in Ling Ya's hands long ago, and there would be no hope at all. The opportunity to come to Dameng Laodao.

Is it weird?

There's nothing to talk about, just a little resentment.

"It's mainly Ashu's fault!"

The cold girl just dumped the blame.


Gu Han also felt a little itchy.


The master of Huangquan Palace stretched out his hand, and a small emerald green sapling instantly fell into his hand, "That's it, right?"


Ashu, who was having a great time collecting the bill, was suddenly stunned!

"Master! Auntie!"

It swallowed, "You..."

The words are not finished yet.

Out of the corner of his eye, he just saw the Master of Huangquan Hall gently raising his right hand.


It was so frightened that the little leaves on its head trembled non-stop, and cried bitterly, "Grandpa and auntie, I was wrong! I shouldn't have scolded you for having smelly feet and being heartless, and I shouldn't have scolded my aunt for being dark-faced and petty. I will be more obedient in the future!" They will be obedient and bear fruit! They will be good aunts and uncles’ cows and horses, please don’t carry me away..."

Gu Han and Leng Meizi's faces darkened at the same time!

The master of Huangquan Hall will naturally not carry Ashu away.

A big hand landed on top of its head, and a faint light flashed through. He vaguely understood the specialness of the tree, and nodded: "This tree is really magical, no wonder it can make any five or six people suffer a big loss if they are distracted." ”

After saying that, he let Ashu go.


The sapling turned into a green light and disappeared.

Floating Island.

Master Li was enjoying the admiration of everyone when he suddenly felt his lower body tense up and subconsciously lowered his head, just in time to see Ashu getting into his crotch, and two vines tightly entangled his legs to prevent them from letting go.


It kept complaining and burst into tears, "It was almost, my little brother was about to be carried away..."

Fortunately, it is a tree and not a human being. It can only cry but cannot pee its pants.

"Third brother!"

Master Li's expression changed slightly, and he said awkwardly: "Let go first! It's a bit... tight!"

High in the sky.

After letting Ashu go, the master of the Underworld Hall sighed with emotion, "Do you know how many of the many underworld ferrymen can understand the magical powers of the underworld from the stone statues?"

Gu Han was stunned, "How else can I learn from this?"

He thought that these magical powers could only be understood from the stone statues.


The Master of Huangquan Palace sighed, "It would be great if that were the case. In fact, less than one-tenth of the ferrymen can realize their magical powers."

After completing the trial, the tester will be granted the status of an official ferryman. Then the organization will grant the three essential items, the ghost-faced ghost robe and the underworld talisman. In addition, the ferryman will also be led to understand the stone statue. It is best if he realizes himself. , if not, the organization will provide the nine underworld magical powers.

Choose the one that suits you best.

Only after you become proficient in practice can you begin to officially perform tasks.

Gu Han thought thoughtfully, Huangquan's magical power actually has nine ways!

"If my guess is right."

The master of the Underworld Palace changed the topic, "You have understood not only the Underworld Killing, but also the Underworld Burying Magical Power, right?"

"how do you know?"

Gu Han was stunned.

Previously, for the sake of caution, the two of them only mentioned one magical power when reporting it, and hid it from Huangquan Burial and Huangquanyin, not wanting the other party to know about it.

"As the master of Huangquan Palace, I can naturally sense the abnormal movements of Huangquan."

"Palace Master?"


Palace Master Huangquan nodded, "Strictly speaking, he is the ninth Palace Master."

The organization that the ferryman belongs to is called Huangquan.

Under the underworld.

Huangquan Palace is the hub, the ferryman is the core, and peripheral members like Ji Wuya are the foundation. The three are in a superior-subordinate relationship, but they are intertwined and indispensable, and together they maintain the operation of the Huangquan organization.

"No wonder..."

Gu Han suddenly realized.

He always felt that the man in front of him was a bit too strong. Even Qianye was afraid of him. He didn't expect that he was the supreme leader of the Underworld Organization!

Counting it up...

This should be his direct superior?

"Palace Master."

He was a little embarrassed, "Actually, I didn't hide it on purpose..."

"You did the right thing."

The master of Huangquan Palace sighed, "Underworld Burial... This magical power is too special and involves too much. The fewer people who know about it, the better."


"This magical power does not belong to any of the nine underworld magical powers! To be precise, it should be regarded as the tenth magical power! But for countless years, because there are too few people who can comprehend it, this magical power cannot be recorded in any way. Therefore, It is not listed as one of the nine magical powers."


Leng Meizi asked curiously: "How many are there?"

"Since the founding of the organization."

The master of Huangquan Palace said: "Only two people have successfully understood it..."


He glanced at Gu Han and said, "Including you."

Gu Han:......

Leng Meizi asked: "Where is the other one?"


"Ferryman No. 1?"

"it's him."

The Master of Huangquan Palace nodded, "Before you, even if the organization tried its best, it could not make any ferryman realize this magical power."

Gu Han frowned and said: "Palace Master, who is this one?"

"Good question!"

The master of Huangquan Palace glanced at him, "I don't know either!"

Gu Han:......

Leng Meizi:......

They thought the joke was funny.

"It's not a joke."

The master of Huangquan Palace suddenly asked: "Do you know how many seats there are for ferrymen?"

Gu Han was stunned. He knew that the ordering of ferrymen was based on numbers. He didn't know how many there were specifically, but he guessed that given the strictness of selecting people in the Huangquan organization, there would definitely not be too many ferrymen.

"Three hundred sixty-five."

The master of Huangquan Palace gave an accurate number, "It does not represent the number of people, but the seats! Whenever a ferryman is killed in battle, a new ferryman will take his place. For countless years, the seats of the ferryman have not changed, but it represents That number of ferrymen has changed one after another!”

"Only one."

He turned around and said: "He is an exception! When I took over as the palace master, it was him first, as the previous palace master, and as the previous palace master... Even dating back to the first palace master, it was still him! Three hundred and sixty-five A seat, but he is the only one who has done it consistently! Not only that..."

Speaking of which.

There was a hint of emotion in his tone, "He is the true foundation of the Huangquan organization! He is also the most powerful person in the Huangquan organization!"

Gu Han was speechless secretly.

He did not expect that Ferryman No. 1 would be so powerful and much more tyrannical than the Palace Master. He just didn't know who was stronger and who was weaker compared to Qianye in his heyday.


A figure flashed in his mind.

Yue Qing!

Although he was grateful to the ferryman who had helped him a lot and formed a bond with him even though he was dead, he was also very curious about his identity.

"What about Yue Qing? Which seat is he in?"



Gu Han thought thoughtfully, "If I become the official ferryman, I will also take over his seat and become Ten?"

There was silence for a moment.

The master of Huangquan Palace said seriously: "I think it would be better for you to change seats."


"The seat ten is very ominous."

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