The Ultimate Sword Master

Chapter 969: Zulong, the hometown of Shifeng!

In Gu Han's opinion.

Even the illusory theory of fate is much more reliable than the theory of Shumiaozi's previous acquaintance.

Don’t talk about past lives.

Even when Feng Xi achieved nirvana last time, he didn't even know where he was!

"I just don't know what is happening to the other two old friends now."

Yun Xiao sighed softly: "If they recover from their injuries, think about it... they should take that step, right?"


Gu Han asked curiously: "The other two seniors are..."

He felt that someone who could fight alongside Yun Xiao and Shi Feng would definitely be a master at the top, and definitely not an unknown person.

"One of them has a special identity, so I can't say more."

Yun Xiao thought for a moment, satisfied his curiosity, and said: "As for the other person, he is good at eye skills..."

"Eye Technique?"

Gu Han's heart moved, "Could it be that your surname is Yue?"


Yun Xiao shook his head and said, "His surname is Xia, and his name is Xia Qingyuan."

Gu Han was a little disappointed.

Concern leads to chaos. When he thought of Eye Technique, he thought of Ah Sha and the Yue clan. However, he also knew that the Yue clan was definitely not the only one who was good at Eye Technique in this world. His surname was Xia... there was nothing strange about it.


Shumiaozi came over and asked, "Is there anyone named Yue?"


"Is there anyone named Ri?"


After a moment of silence, Gu Han held it in his hand and stroked it from head to toe. The sapling cried and almost shed a layer of its skin!

Finished cleaning up Ashu.

He suppressed his thoughts, looked solemn, and said, "Senior, I dare to ask, what is the name of that divine king?"

Got Yun Xiao's explanation.

Most of the doubts in his heart have disappeared.

As for the culprit who caused Feng Xi to be seriously injured in Nirvana, caused the Xuantian Sword Sect to disappear, caused the Hongchen sword to be broken, and caused Yun Jian's life and death... he naturally wanted to know the identity of the other party.

Yun Xiao instantly understood his intention and said, "Do you want revenge?"


"Does it make sense?"

Yun Xiao looked at him deeply and asked a question, a pun, which seemed to be talking about Gu Han's strength, but also seemed to be talking about something else.

"Senior's words are wrong!"

Shumiaozi endured the pain and said: "Although my master's current strength is as weak as a dog compared with that god, but for thirty years to the east of Hedong and thirty years to the west of Hexi, don't bully me for being poor! One day, I will kill gods like chickens. !”

It's capable of everything.

One sentence.

People, chickens, and dogs were all offended.

Gu Han had no time to pay attention to him for the time being, and just looked at Yun Xiao calmly, with the same persistence in his eyes.

"That's all."

Yun Xiao shook his head and said, "It's okay to tell you. His name is...Yama."


God Lord Yama.

Gu Han firmly remembered this name.

"It's actually of no use."

Yun Xiao shook his head gently and looked at him with even more regret in his eyes.


Gu Han's heart trembled, and he became more and more uneasy, saying: "What on earth are you..."


At this time, Yun Xiao suddenly stopped and looked at the empty, dark silence in front of him. He said in a complex tone: "This is the ancestral home of my Yun family."

There was conversation all the way though.

But his speed never slowed down. By now, he had been marching at full strength for a day and a night. How far the distance was... it was impossible to count.


Shumiaozi poked his head around and said, "Senior, your home is really desolate. There isn't even a door."

"There are natural portals."

Yun Xiao shook his head, "But except for me, the Yun clan, no one else can find it, nor can they open it, let alone get in."


While talking.

A trace of black flame rose up from his body again. As the black flame circulated, it instantly gathered between his eyebrows and formed a dark dragon-shaped mark. The mark shed a stream of faint light, containing a trace of dragon power, and kept moving toward him. Falling in the distance.

Under the dim light.

Within half a breath, the silence in the distance suddenly trembled slightly for a moment, and an illusory dragon head with a radius of ten thousand feet suddenly appeared!

In an instant!

A touch of the ancient, long-lasting and domineering dragon power was scattered in the silence. Not to mention the saplings that were wet with fear, even Gu Han felt a sense of oppression and palpitations.

This breath is not unfamiliar to him.

It was exactly what he had felt from Emperor Yan...the breath of the ancestral dragon!

"Let's go."

Yun Xiao looked very tired again, and without any further delay, he waved his big hand and led Gu Han and Shu Miaozi to the front of the dragon's head in an instant.

"Ancestral Dragon is on top."

Yun Xiao's tone was more complicated, "The unworthy descendant Yun Xiao...has returned."

Brush it!

As soon as he finished speaking, the eyes on the dragon's head opened instantly, and a vast aura fell on the two of them, Kazuki. The pressure was several times greater than before!

Gu Han felt a little dazed, and the scenery in front of him changed, and he had arrived in an inexplicable realm!

Just a glance.

He was immediately stunned!

This area is huge, but it doesn't seem empty, just because there is a giant dragon lying here, occupying almost more than 90% of the space in the area!


so big!

This was Gu Han's first impression when he saw this giant dragon.

Pieces of blue-black dragon scales covered the dragon's body, and even the smallest one was almost as big as a small land. There were five claws under the dragon's belly, and a trace of vast dragon power lingered on it, as if just a slight movement could break the world and shatter the laws!

The dragon's head was slightly raised, showing its high-spirited and domineering. The dragon's horns were like swords, as if they were about to pierce the sky. Its eyes were closed, but it was more majestic and sacred, exuding a strong oppressive force!

Even if it was just lying in a coil.

But the dragon's head and tail were connected together, and it was billions of miles long. In comparison, Yun Xiao's black dragon seemed insignificant.

For a while.

Gu Han was actually fascinated by it.


Suddenly, his face turned pale, and he felt dizzy, his blood was surging, his body was cracked inch by inch, and even the laws in his soul had a tendency to collapse. He was actually seriously injured!

"Don't look at it too much."

Yun Xiao's voice rang out, "You are not good enough in cultivation, and you are not a member of the Yun clan. You are naturally repelled by the breath of the Ancestral Dragon."

"This is..."

"The body of the Ancestral Dragon."

Yun Xiao glanced at the giant dragon, and a trace of respect flashed in his eyes, "It is also its... immortal body."

"Immortal body!"

Gu Han's expression was lifted. Even though he had already guessed the result, he still found it hard to believe.

In comparison.

Chongming was also half-immortal, but because the immortal substance in his body had been almost wiped out, except for the fact that he was particularly resistant to beatings, compared with the body of the Ancestral Dragon... there was no comparison at all!

Poor Ji Ye.

He sighed in his heart.

"It's rare."

Yun Xiao glanced at him, and a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes, "It's because you have the Five Extreme Realm and a solid foundation. If it were someone else, even a Free and Easy Realm cultivator, if he sensed the breath of the Ancestral Dragon without authorization, he would be suppressed and destroyed!"

Sapling shuddered in fear and closed his eyes tighter.

Fortunately, I was too scared to look at it!

Gu Han didn't say anything, and stuffed a magical medicine into his mouth, not daring to look at it again.

One look at a magical medicine.

It's too expensive!

I can't even look at it!

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