In any case, she is still a pirate, even if those eyes are just “curious”, or surprised, surprised, but it still makes Perona feel like sitting on pins and needles, and there is a feeling of anxiety.

On the two large warships that monitored her journey, a vice admiral of the naval headquarters and a rear admiral of the naval headquarters also followed to the shore.

The eyes of the two were either puzzled or surprised, and they didn’t know why the Marshal of the Warring States wanted to see a pirate.

Yes…… They were arranged by the marshal of the Navy headquarters of the Warring States to “escort” Perona over.

They also don’t quite know what to “invite” a pirate to the headquarters.

Of course, they will not take the initiative to ask the Warring States such questions.

Many people understand the truth of asking less and doing more.

Perona is now under great pressure, she is trying to suppress the tension that appears in her heart, and her expressionless appearance can show that she is particularly nervous.

Using the Devil Fruit ability, she is led by a lieutenant general of the headquarters and a major general of the main department…

Perona came to the front of the marshal’s office at the headquarters of the Navy.

I saw the lieutenant general of the headquarters who “escorted” her over, and gently knocked on the door of the marshal’s office.

Knock…… Knock…… Knock!

When the third knock fell, soon, there was a breathy sound from inside.

– “Forward!” ”

The lieutenant general who knocked on the door gently pushed open the office door and made a “please” gesture to Perona, signaling Perona, the pirate, to enter.

And Perona also secretly swallowed her spit, and floated in silently.

As the office door was closed and there was a soft “bang”, Perona’s little heart also “plopped”, and her heartbeat seemed to be gradually accelerating.

After all, what she is now facing… It’s the marshal of the headquarters of the Navy! And she’s a pirate!

A pirate, who is not very strong, meets the marshal of the navy headquarters head-on.

And the distance between the two sides is only a few meters apart …

Who can not be nervous in this situation?

Anyway, Perona was so nervous that she couldn’t be worse.

Sengoku, who had just processed a document, sorted out the documents on the table, raised his eyelids, and looked at Perona, who was floating like a ghost in front of him.

Sengoku’s ten fingers interlaced, leaning back on the back of the chair, looking directly at Perona.

The silence lasted for a few seconds, making Perona more nervous.

Her fair and smooth forehead had already overflowed with a few drops of incense.

Perona was a little afraid to look directly at the marshal in front of her.

After all, the momentum of the Warring States in a high position…

It made Perona instinctively fearful.

It wasn’t until a few seconds passed that Sengoku’s voice sounded: “You are the new captain of the terrifying three-masted schooner mentioned by Rona, Princess Perona, Mononoke, right?” Please sit, you don’t need to be so inhibited. ”

Sengoku motioned for Perona to sit down, and Perona could only obediently do so.

Her gaze looked around the office and eventually found a chair to sit on.

The nervousness made her sitting posture look unusually upright.

The expression is also too serious to be serious.

At this time, only listening to the voice of the Warring States, it continued to sound: “Rona is right, at present, the naval headquarters is not enough manpower to take care of the Devil’s Triangle seas. He said that you are a good candidate, you can manage that sea area for the headquarters of the Navy, then… Can our Navy trust you? ”

The faint tone made Perona nervous to the extreme, she raised her hand weakly, and said: “I… I will not betray the headquarters of the Navy…”

Perona has already accepted her fate, be a lackey of the Navy, be a lackey of the Navy!

It’s better anyway than being killed by the navy, or locked up in the city.

Sengoku said: “Verbal promises are not enough, you need to prove your loyalty to the navy, or your loyalty to ‘justice’ with your actions.” ”

Perona was stunned, a little puzzled: “Justice?!” ”

Sengoku nodded and said: “That’s right, you need to be loyal to justice, as long as you don’t betray justice, then you are a person recognized by the headquarters of the Navy!” ”

It is impossible for Perona not to know the meaning of “justice”, after all, she is not a child.

A pirate himself to be faithful to justice … Well, that’s not impossible!

The mentality from the heart told Perona … Survival matters!

She nodded solemnly and promised the Warring States: “I will prove it to you!” ”

After a few brief conversations, Perona was shocked to find that she didn’t seem to be as nervous as before.

But is it the language art of the marshal? Just two or three sentences made me less nervous than before.

This may be the legendary big man!

For Perona’s solemn promise, the Warring States nodded with satisfaction and continued: “If you can prove it to the Navy headquarters, I will help you fight for a place in His Majesty’s Seven Wuhai, now His Majesty Qiwuhai has only six people, and there is a vacant place, and I need you… Make it up! ”

“Huh? His Majesty the Seven Wuhai? I? Perona looked confused, and she hurriedly said, “But my strength is so weak, it is unlikely that I will be able to become a Seventh Martial Sea!” ”

“Don’t be presumptuous, our navy has checked your resume, your Devil Fruit ability potential is very large, and your good use will not be weaker than Moonlight Moria.”

The war Chinese said calmly: “During this time, the Navy’s scientific forces will evaluate your fruit ability and put forward opinions on where to develop. Coupled with my hard work, the probability that you can become a Qiwu Sea can reach at least about sixty-five percent. ”

His tone paused, his eyes looked directly at Perona, and he continued: “And the conditions of our navy are also very simple, you just need to be loyal to justice!” ”

Perona was startled, pursed her pink lips, and fell into endless entanglements.

She felt that her strength was unlikely to be the upper Qi Wuhai at all.

But if there is a recommendation and struggle of a marshal of the navy…

Plus the advice of a bunch of people in the headquarters of the Navy for the development of her fruit ability.

Maybe he can really become a Qi Wuhai?

After hesitating for a moment, Perona gritted her teeth and nodded solemnly. _

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