The Unexpected Baby

Chapter 2 - Mangoes and Promises

"Do I really have to go?"  I asked my friend Belle for the thousandth time...

" Yes you do, Avery Bella Jones, I am your best friend, and I have the right to say you are going with me to the club tonight, its going to be so dope, I heard from a zoe, who heard from Sasha who heard from Shauna who heard from her friend who heard from her cousin that celebrities might be there tonight. You don't know you might see Drake or Harry Styles or Liam Payne or Bryson Tiller or Chris Brown or Tinashe or Beyonce or... " then I cut her talk

" Wait, one,  how do you know if what this is just a rumor, like really do you even know the amount of people you counted just some seconds ago. And in case you do not know I don't have any interest in all those  celebrities you just mentioned , in fact all celebrities in general"

Well I was just saying And besides  you have to level up your social life, like no offense but you have a zero social life" Belle answered.

"No I don't, I definitely have a social life like really don't you see me go to bars, and clubs? " I asked.

"Like really Avery don't get me started on that you only do that when you want to go meet a client or so and besides the only thing you care about is actually your job,  so don't even try this much to cajole me" she replied putting her thumb and pointy finger together.

"Well doesn't it count?" I asked.

" No it doesn't! " she retorted

"Well guess what I'm not going and I don't care about what you think of my social life, as long as I think it's OK, so I think you should go screw yourself". I said then went back to my laptop to finish a project I was working on. 

"Its official you DO NOT HAVE A LIFE" my best friend said as she left me alone in the living room.

"Avery where are my Mangoes?" Belle shouted angrily from the kitchen as she peeked her head out of the kitchen doors looking at me.

Oh oh...

"I'm sorry Belle I saw them in the fridge and I thought they were mine, and you know how much I love mangoes I'm so so sorry" I pleaded with her

"You didn't know like really you never do anything apart from work and your spare time you use it on your laptop which is also work, so don't start with me" she retorted.

"I'm so sorry" I tried begging her again.

"The worst part is that I wanted to use it to make my smoothie recipe and you know how I feel about my smoothies"

"I am sorry, its just that I was tired and I had to get back to work" I told her

"WORK! WORK!!  WORK!!! do you not know anything other than work? "she shouted

"OK I will do anything you want, anything, I promise" I said as I placed my hand on my heart

"A...n..y.. thing? " she asked with a wide smirk on her face and at that moment I knew I was in trouble...

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