The Unexpected Baby

Chapter 9 - Why aren't you at home?

She was getting very tired of staying at home, and Jamal had left he said he had an emergency meeting and had to be there.

Belle had a gig from her modelling agency, so she had to go very early to Japan for a shoot.

She was all alone and she didn't like it, just then an idea came to her, she decided to call Jamal to ask if he was on the way.

"I'm so sorry, the meeting is going to be longer than I thought" Jamal answered her in a sorry tone.

"Oh..." she replied partially happy that she could execute her plan of leaving the house but she felt bad cos he wouldn't be able to be with her. Maybe it was the baby she thought.

"But, why do you ask? ... missing me already?" he asked

"Me, miss you, not possible..." she retorted

"hmm don't sound like you don't" he laughed as he said it.

"Don't you have a meeting to get to?" She retorted. He laughed as he said bye.

Now she was sure he wasn't coming home anytime soon, she had a quick bath and put on her work attire, feeling very happy about sneaking to work.

She got to the J & K building where she works in about 15 minutes, she had missed work so came faster than usual. When she got in, she greeted Jake the doorman and the secretary who waved at her and smiled very brightly. It didn't seem unusual so she kept walking till she got to her office.

She greeted Molly, her assistant, then proceeded to drop her bags in the office, the next course of action was that she'd go see the new boss and thank him for the unexpected leave, he granted her.

She asked her assistant if the boss was in but was told that he was in a meeting with some investors, so she asked for anything she had missed and for any important work she could quickly do before the boss came out of the meeting.

The meeting lasted for about three hours and by then she was able to balance some accounts and finish some of the uncompleted work she had left behind. Her assistant was very efficient and had done most of her work.

She hurriedly left her office after fixing the her hair and pulling down her gown.

When she got to his office she knocked twice .

"Come in" she heard a voice say, she came in and shut the door behind her. She had prepared what she would say and how thankful she would behave but nothing prepared her for what she saw...

It was Jamal on the boss's seat with an angry expression on his face.

"Why aren't you at home?...

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