
Feng Qing'an lay on the bed and groaned. His pants had already been taken off to the crook of his thighs. A young man with an elegant appearance, with a helpless smile on his face, held a jar of ointment and patiently applied medicine to him.

"Hey~ Brother, please be gentle, it hurts!"

"Do you still know it hurts?"

Feng Qingping smiled.

"I'm not a wooden person, how could I not know pain?"

"I know it hurts, but you still said in front of so many people that you want to be a yamen. You deserve this beating!"

"Brother, don't you want me to be a yanei?"

Feng Qingan rested her arms on her head and tilted her head to look at her elder brother who was applying medicine to her.

Yin's attack was actually just like that. It looked fierce, but when it landed on his body, it was just a few red marks. It was Feng Shouli who really beat Feng Qing'an to the point where she had to lie down on the bed.

This honest and honest farmer, when he heard that his second son wanted to take advantage of his eldest brother's influence to become a playboy, he was so angry that he picked up a pole and beat him without mercy. Fortunately, there was someone else to help him. Discourage him, otherwise Feng Qingan's legs might be broken.

"What kind of yamen do you want to be?"

Feng Qingping asked with a gentle smile.

"What else can this mean?"

Feng Qingan asked in surprise.

"When I was in the capital, I saw rich and powerful children who loved beautiful women, dressed in beautiful clothes, and wandered around in the land of fireworks and glamour. They did not return home for several months. I also saw dandy children on the way to Beijing to take the exam. They relied on the power of the family and bullied men. The domineering woman committed crimes such as robbing women and occupying people's fields, which made the people complain."

"Leading the yellow on the left, holding the blue on the right, wearing a brocade hat and mink fur, and riding a thousand horses on the plain. I'll be the first one the eldest brother said. I can't do things like bullying men and dominating women, walking around with chickens, fighting dogs, and staying overnight. It’s a good place to listen to music in a brothel.”

Feng Qingan replied without even thinking about it.

"Is this true?"

Feng Qingping looked at Feng Qingan seriously, and the smile on his face faded.

"Brother, don't you understand me yet?"

Feng Qingan buried his head in his arms and replied dully.

"If you want to take the imperial examination, seek a small official position in this county, and you will be a wealthy person for the rest of your life."

"Yes, my biggest pursuit is to pass the exam."

Feng Qingan raised his head, his eyes sparkling, and then he felt a little depressed again.

"But they want me to be like you, to take the top exam, or at worst to be a Jinshi!"

"So you're just talking nonsense?"

Feng Qingping couldn't help laughing.

"It's not nonsense. I originally set my goal to be a civil servant, but I didn't expect you, brother, to be so strong. Since you, brother, have already passed six yuan, why should I suffer from ten years of poverty and get the best of you? Just light is enough.”

Feng Qing'an laughed and said, before today, he really had the idea of ​​​​studying hard and studying. It is better to rely on himself than to rely on his elder brother, and it is better to ask for help than to ask for help from others. However, since he was able to practice cultivation, he could only put aside the imperial examinations and other matters.

"Like me, wouldn't it be better to take the exam and come back with a top score?"

Feng Qingping asked with a smile.

"Brother, haven't you realized how outrageous you are? I'm just an ordinary person. I just want to be blessed by you and enjoy wealth for the rest of my life. Why bother asking for trouble? I must be admitted to the top imperial examination. , then there are quite a few octogenarians in the examination hall, right?"

Feng Qing'an couldn't help but screamed. He was not surprised that the sixth-level scholar who was less than fourteen years old was said to be the star king from the sky who came down to earth and reincarnated. After all, there are immortal cultivators and gods. Then, Nothing surprising.


Feng Qingping thought about what he saw in the imperial examination room and couldn't help but nodded. There were too many people who wasted their lives because of the imperial examination. In their old age, they all achieved nothing.

"So, if I act like a jerk now, they won't have such high expectations of me. As long as I act like a normal person in the future, they will be happy."

"Haha, you kid!"

After listening to Feng Qingan's nonsense, Feng Qingping found it even more interesting and couldn't help laughing, and then said,

"You still need to read more books. As for whether to take part in the imperial examination and gain fame, it all depends on your choice."

Feng Qingping patiently told Feng Qing'an to carefully lift up his pants, then took the quilt and covered him.

"I've given you the medicine. Just lie down and sleep on your stomach for the next few days. Don't move your body around at night. You'll be the one in pain again!"


Feng Qingan responded happily, and then watched his elder brother leave his room with the ointment. He was the only one left in this spacious room, falling into a rare quiet atmosphere.


Feng Qingan lay on the bed and stared quietly for a while. In the process, his mood gradually returned to calm, and the night became quieter.

"You can give it a try!"

The practice of a beast master has no requirements on body posture. Feng Qingan just lay on his stomach and began to try his first practice in his life.

In the dark, a little white light emerged, and the white light flickered slightly in the darkness, and then like a shooting star, pierced the darkness, fell to the infinite depths, and stood still, UU Reading www.uukanshu.net creating circles of white light ripples. …

Oh oh oh——

The majestic and powerful rooster crow sounded at dawn. Feng Qing'an, who had been lying on the bed all night, slowly opened his eyes and looked at the dim light shining into the house from the window, feeling a little surprised.

"The night has passed!"

Feng Qingan lay still on the bed. He didn't know how long he had been practicing, but he probably fell asleep later. However, there is no doubt about one thing, that is, he successfully entered the state of cultivation.

At this moment, everything that caught his eye was a little different from before, but he couldn't tell what the specific differences were. He just had a very strange feeling.

And just as he was carefully experiencing the differences and changes he had undergone last night's practice, a mechanical voice without wisdom or emotion sounded.

[Side mission: Long-term vision·3]

[Explanation: Qualified pet beasts must have extraordinary wisdom and fight side by side with the beast master]

[Requirement: Use the "Spirit-Inducing Blood Refining Technique" to temper the body of the pet beast raised and open up spiritual wisdom for it]

[Reward: Turn on the pet identification function]


Feng Qing'an thought for a moment, and after carefully reading the contents of "The Art of Leading Souls and Refining Blood", he decided to pretend that this mission did not exist for the time being. He had not even successfully condensed the first soul contract, and the one he had refined now With a little bit of soul power, it's hard enough to even sense its existence, let alone use the secret method.

Moreover, unlike the practice method, there are risks in using this secret method. Of course, the risk does not lie with the beast master, but with the beast pet. If the beast master uses the "Spirit Drawing and Blood Refining Technique" and something goes wrong, it will be the beast pet who suffers. Therefore, we have to be cautious. There is no guarantee. , it is best not to use it indiscriminately.

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