
Feng Qing'an knew why this golden pheasant didn't pretend to be stupid today, but so sincerely stuffed its head into the crack in the wall. If possible, he would also want to stuff himself into the crack in the wall.

The two superior kings are on the same level as the Mountain God, and unlike the Mountain God, the Mountain God can only stay in the Green Python Mountain, but these two have come to the human world from the Netherworld.

Regardless of strength or weakness, with this level of freedom, no matter who is in front of you, it will be a mountain god!

Moreover, at this moment, Feng Qing'an realized again that the combat power assessment given by the appraisal could only be used as a reference.

Although they appear to be the same, the subordinate relationship between the Lord of the Ghost Kingdom in front of him and the Minghuang standing on his shoulders is clear at a glance, and the strength and weakness are naturally clear and distinguishable.

Without a special reason, no creature would succumb to a being weaker than itself.

Judging from what we can see in front of us, Nan Ge’s sister is definitely stronger than Minghuang on her shoulders. She seems to be at the same level, but the former may have reached the limit of this level, while the latter may have just crossed the threshold. .

"Weak chicken!"

Standing at the door of his room, Feng Qingan glanced at the useless and extremely embarrassing Golden Pheasant, then took a deep breath, held the sword at his waist, and walked in.

As soon as she entered the room, Feng Qing'an saw the Lord of the Ghost Kingdom taking out a book from his bookshelf and flipping through it with great interest. As for the awe-inspiring righteousness that naturally permeated the book, it was of no use to her. .

After seeing this scene, Feng Qing'an felt much calmer, but he was still a little nervous.

Since Haoran Qi was not harmed by Donghuang, it means that Nange's sister is not a vicious person, otherwise the golden light would not flow freely and naturally like in front of her eyes.

But even so, it couldn't change the identity of the being in front of him. She was Nan Ge's sister, and she was also a being that he had accidentally glimpsed not long ago.

"Feng Qing'an, right?"

When Feng Qingan walked into the room, Donghuang, who was holding the scroll, turned around and did not question or criticize. It was completely different from what Feng Qingan had imagined, and he even acted quite friendly.


Feng Qingan nodded, his hand still resting on the sword at his waist.

"Sit down and talk. As for the sword on your waist, it is indeed extraordinary, but it is useless to me. I have seen a real saint's weapon before!"

Donghuang walked calmly to Feng Qingan's bed, and then sat down. His tone was relaxed and casual, as if he really didn't care about the sword on Feng Qingan's waist.

But how could the sword that once terrified the dragons and snakes in the mountains leave the Lord of the Ghost Kingdom indifferent? It's just that her vision is far higher than that of the mountain god, and her courage is greater!


Feng Qing'an didn't speak, sitting in front of the desk, and the sword at his waist was placed on the table.

At present, Nan Ge's sister has no ill intentions towards him, but her purpose is still unclear.

"Can you tell me how you and my sister Nan Ge met?"

He accidentally glanced at the long sword placed on the table. The bright red scabbard was so dazzling in Donghuang's eyes. It was not the true color of the scabbard, but the blood-stained color.

Once this sword is swung at her, it will definitely pose a threat to her, but Donghuang is confident that this sword will never be unsheathed to kill her. She knows what she has done in the past.

The saint's weapon never harmed her, and neither did this sword.

"Encountered in a dream!"

Feng Qingan answered truthfully.

The eldest brother is like father, and the eldest sister is like mother!

Although the Lord of the Ghost Country in front of him and Nan Ge are sisters, looking at the difference in strength between them, we know that Donghuang in front of us may still be responsible for the mother's duties, even though they are both innate Yin spirits!

"I heard from Nan Ge that it was the first time that you took the initiative to go to the Netherworld to find her!"

"That's probably true!"

Feng Qing'an admitted this, which meant that he took the initiative to look for Nan Ge, but he did not expect that he would meet Nan Ge.

"Take the initiative to find me!"

Donghuang paused slightly. Since it was the young man in front of him who took the initiative to form a relationship with her sister, there would be no problem.

"What do you think of my sister?"


Feng Qingan was speechless for a moment. How should this be evaluated? Of course it's good. I throw myself into my arms every day. Why is it not good?

The body is delicate, the figure is exquisite, the figure is graceful, the skin is as fragrant as snow, and the fragrance is rich and fragrant.

But is this what you can say to the person in front of you?

"What? You two haven't been together for a long time. Don't you have any comments about my sister?"

“There are so many things to praise about Nan Ge, I don’t even know how to put it into words!”

"Oh? Just say a few words casually. I just want to hear what you think of my sister!"

"Innocent and romantic, smart and intelligent, dignified and virtuous..."

Feng Qing'an thought about it for a while, then opened his mouth and poured out all the praises and praises he could think of on Nan Ge.

That's all right. It was the first time he met Nan Ge's sister. Could it be that he could say anything slanderous about her? And there is nothing wrong with Nan Ge. The only bad thing is that she is too clingy to him.

"That's it!"

But before he could even say a few words of praise, Donghuang took the initiative to interrupt Feng Qing'an's words of praise. The Lord of the Ghost Country, who was cold-faced towards everyone except his own sister, now showed a cold expression towards Feng Qing'an. A slight smile,

"My sister is not as good as you said, you are exaggerating!"

"This is what I say from the bottom of my heart!"

Feng Qingan has no modesty.


Donghuang responded, not knowing that he had listened to Feng Qing'an's praise, and said,

"You're good!"

Feng Qing'an felt happy and heard the leader of the ghost country in front of him again,

"This is the first time I came here. I was supposed to bring gifts, but I came in a hurry and was not prepared. I don't know what you need. But when we meet today, I know what you need most. Please stay a little longer. , I will visit you again soon, and I will definitely give you a valuable treasure!"

These words made Feng Qingan confused for a while. What did he need most? What did he need? How come he doesn't know it himself?

But even so, Feng Qing'an could tell that the being in front of him was unintentional. It seemed that he really just came to find out what he thought of Nan Ge, asked briefly, and then left after listening.

As for the stunning scenery he accidentally saw, he didn't mention it at all. Naturally, Feng Qing'an would not take the initiative to mention it.

"That's it for today. I won't disturb your peaceful sleep. As a human being, you should abide by the order of yin and yang. Work at sunrise and rest at sunset. Have a good rest!"

After saying that, Donghuang held the book in his hand and left. Feng Qingan stood up and saw it off. As for the book in her hand, she just pretended not to see it.

"I remember that King Hunxie has a piece of Huntian jade, which can reverse the chaos of the sky, cover up the aura, and not reveal anything. Even an immortal can't tell the truth in front of him!"

Standing outside the Feng family mansion with the door closed, Donghuang looked at Minghuang on his shoulder with a thoughtful look in his eyes.

"If I look for King Hunxie, tell me, will King Hunxie give this jade to me?"

"Huntian Baoyu is the foundation of King Hunxie. If we exchange it, that guy will probably make unreasonable demands that you can't accept!"

When Minghuang spoke, his voice was clear and childish, like an oriole emerging from the valley.

"Then just kill it. I am determined to get this jade!"

Donghuang wrote lightly.

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