The Unique Guardian Beast Master in Cultivation World

Chapter 131 Where is the ghost, knocking on my temple door

"Uncle Supervisor of the Temple! You are finally here!"

As dusk approached, a fat monk with a figure so broad that even loose monk robes could hardly cover it led a group of plainly dressed monks into the Bodhi Temple, which had just been built less than half a year ago. As soon as he entered the temple, the old man who had already received the news The monk came in a hurry and saluted the fat monk who looked much younger than him.

"Yixiu, you proposed to me half a year ago to come south here. What have you gained now?"

The fat monk in charge of the temple looked at the old monk and asked in an unhurried tone.

"Reporting to the Master of the Supervisory Temple, the poor monk has met the younger brother of Commander Feng a few days ago. As expected, he is an unusual boy with innate magical powers!"

The old monk replied.


The fat monk already believed it, but he still asked.

"Monks don't lie. The poor monk saw with his own eyes that this boy has a black dog that will turn into a big demon!"

The old monk's words were shocking, and several monks following the fat monk suddenly looked shocked.

"I heard that Governor Feng is only over fifteen years old now. How old is his brother now? He actually keeps a big demon in captivity!"

"The poor monk has already inquired about his neighbors. This boy is only twelve or thirteen years old now!"

The old monk replied, with a look of admiration and a hint of contentment in his eyes.

It is said in all the Buddhist temples that in this country, an immortal king was born and said great virtues. Since he was an immortal king in his previous life, he should be a Buddha in this life. This immortal king should be welcomed into the Lingshan Mountain in his reincarnation and worshiped as the Lord Buddha.

Therefore, in the Bodhi Temple, headed by Jian Si, he led the monks to the Jin Dynasty to find the reincarnation of the immortal king and enter Buddhism. 【1】





However, after their group came to Dajin, they discovered that the expected and beautiful vision of finding the reincarnation of the Immortal Lord by chance was completely in vain. As long as the Taoist masters or Buddhist monks who came to Dajin were almost The reincarnation of the Immortal Lord was immediately locked.

The so-called deities and beings hide themselves, gods and objects conceal themselves, is simply nonsense. The reincarnation of this immortal king is extremely high-profile in this secular world. His reputation has spread to almost every part of the country, even in neighboring countries. Hear.

He was less than fourteen years old and passed the sixth grade. He entered the palace and became a noble. He was favored by the imperial daughter and loved by the prince's legitimate daughter. He stayed in Beijing for less than two years and was sent to the northern Xinjiang. He was worshiped as the governor of Changhe County and the pastor of one side. He was still under age. He is already a feudal official with great power.

Such a shocking achievement is still an insignificant part of what mortals can see. If you look for ghosts and gods to inquire, you can know the more terrifying "accomplishments" of this king.

It is said that the reason why this monarch stayed in Beijing for less than two years before establishing a new dynasty and decentralizing the country was because the princes and ministers of the Manchu dynasty, as well as ghosts and gods invisible to mortals, were all frightened by him. I was trembling with fear and worry, and I didn't dare to slack off at all.

Therefore, when someone wrote a letter requesting that he be worshiped as the governor of the border county, many ministers wrote in agreement, and no one had any objections. Even the emperor was particularly happy and had no intention of trying to interfere with the ministers. On the first day of the ministers' letter, The next day, the appointment edict was stamped with a big seal, which was incredibly efficient.

Such a person, as long as he is not blind or deaf, can basically know his existence, and there is no more suitable explanation for such a person except the reincarnation of the Immortal Lord.

With this explanation, all seemingly shocking actions and achievements become natural, even commonplace. When the Immortal Lord is reincarnated, he can only think about what he can't do.

So, after a group of monks from the Bodhi Temple, which spanned half of South China, hurried to Dajin, they realized in despair that they could not even see the face of this reincarnated immortal king, let alone cross the mountain gate. Don't even think about it.

This reincarnated immortal king was surrounded by eight layers inside and eight layers out. There were countless real people from various sects surrounding him. It was even rumored that there were immortals who put down their shame and mingled among them.

Surrounded by so many Daoists and even human immortals, the monks who can still come into contact with this reincarnated immortal king are all from the top temples in South China.

Although the Bodhi Temple is not bad, it has declined in recent years. Moreover, they are the leader of the temple supervision this time, and they do not pay as much attention to it as other Buddhist temples. Some Buddhist temples even invite the old abbots who have resigned, which is considered to be draining the family's wealth. Out.

Under such circumstances, they naturally have no competitiveness and can hardly do anything, but they are not willing to let them go back like this. It is outrageous to go back without even catching a hair after traveling tens of thousands of miles. .

Therefore, in a dilemma, the old monk named Yixiu came up with the idea of ​​​​contouring. Since it is as difficult as reaching the sky to come into contact with the reincarnation of the immortal king, he would not contact him and look down to contact the worldly life of this immortal king. Blood relatives.

Finally, the old monk came to Yongning County. Although in this seemingly remote small county, he also found traces of many practitioners and even Taoist masters. It seemed that someone was thinking of them.

But compared to the reincarnation of the immortal king who could not even see him, this place was much better. With the idea of ​​​​first come first served, he built it not far from the village where the reincarnated immortal king was born. A Buddhist temple.

Although he spent a lot of effort, he spread the reputation of this newly built temple to several neighboring counties, and even believers came from far away to offer incense.

However, despite all his efforts, he didn't attract the slightest attention from the children in the village, and almost didn't even glance at him. This gave him the illusion that he was getting nothing.

So, he prepared a lot of incense and visited the local ghosts and gods. Only then did he get some useful information. After some thought, he began to enter Qingmang Mountain to promote Buddhism and explain Buddhist scriptures.

It wasn't until a few days ago that I finally gained something. I attracted the younger brother of the reincarnated Immortal Lord to meet him. Although he was frightened and suffered heavy losses, in a certain respect, it was not a gain. Fei.

"At such an age, he can actually keep a big demon in captivity? Could it be that the mortal brother of this immortal king is also a reincarnation of a heavenly being?"

"Having the same father and mother, they may have been contaminated by the immortal spirit of that immortal king, so they are naturally good and miraculous."

"But we can't rule out the possibility that this son is also the reincarnation of a heavenly being. After all, he is in the same lineage as the Immortal Lord. He might also be reincarnated with the Immortal Lord!"

Many monks were talking about it, and their originally calm eyes were now shining brightly and they were very interested.

"No matter what happened in his previous life, this child has a predestined relationship with my Buddha in this life. He should be introduced into my Bodhi Temple to learn the supreme Buddha Dharma and achieve positive results!"

The fat monk immediately made the final decision, and his eyes shone with wonder at this moment.

Ten birds in the forest are worse than one in the hand. There is no need to think about the reincarnation of the Immortal Lord. There is no hope or possibility at all, but his blood-related brother seems to be quite good now. If he can be brought back, Then they have gained nothing.

"But this boy is not interested in me now, and even resists me!"

"It doesn't matter. Even though this son had a great origin in his previous life, his Su Hui has not yet awakened and his six roots have not been purified. He has a lot of attachment to this worldly world and does not want to enter my Buddhist door. It is reasonable and reasonable!"

The fat monk clasped his hands together and looked solemn. He was not surprised by this situation. After all, he had seen it many times.

They come from Mahayana Buddhist temples, and they have to abide by too many rules and precepts. It is normal for people in the mortal world to resist and not want to become a monk. Unless they have achieved great enlightenment and have no nostalgia for everything, then they can enter Buddhism. .

Under normal circumstances, the fat monk would be willing to spend ten to twenty years, or even half a century, waiting for this child to grow up, experience the world of mortals, and see all kinds of living things. After he has experienced everything that should be experienced, he can Introduce it into Buddhism.

Buddhism has no requirements for age, bones or anything like that. If you can see through everything, even an old man with exhausted vitality and near the end of his life can enter Buddhism.

After all, there are not many legendary cases of enlightenment in one night among Buddhists. Of course, there are still very few people who can achieve enlightenment in one night, unless they are born Buddhas.

It's a pity that they are not the only smart people. There have been people like them who knew that there was no hope of contacting the reincarnated immortal king, so they chose to take a roundabout way and focus on his blood relatives.

Therefore, he does not have enough time to spend half a mortal's life waiting, not even a year. After the miracles in this boy are spread, more and more Taoist disciples and even eminent monks will be affected by the relationship between the Immortal Lord and the Immortal Lord. Keep an eye on him.

If he can't get the reincarnation of the Immortal Lord, the next best thing is to introduce his brother into the mountain gate. With such a relationship, are you still afraid that he won't be cared for in the future?

"Please also ask Master Jiansi to give me some advice!"

The old monk was respectful. He knew that the uncle in front of him, who seemed to be broad and fat, was quite accomplished in introducing people to Buddhism. What it meant to let a child enter Buddhism, for this uncle, it should be It's within reach.

"The turbid air in this mortal world is very heavy, and it is easy to block the six senses and five senses. Even if you have a great origin in the past life, you will not know the subtleties of Buddhism. However, this child has innate wisdom. He only needs to be given a warning to enlighten him to know my Buddhism." Eminent monk!"

"I'm afraid this won't work. This boy has a terrifying saint's sword in his hand. If he is given a blow and provoked to draw the sword, even the master supervisor of the temple will be in danger of his life!"

The old monk immediately raised objections and warned.

He knew what the so-called wake-up call was, and he could do this to a person with intelligence but no background, but for this kid with a background, if he dared to do this, he would go to the latrine with the light on.

"Yixiu misunderstood me, why didn't you talk to me earlier?"

The fat monk immediately blamed him.

"Uncle Master never asked!"


"This matter can only be dealt with slowly, not too hastily!"


A group of monks just under the cover of night, without even lighting an oil lamp, started discussing how to figure it out, until it was late at night and midnight came.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

A clear knock on the door sounded, echoing in the silent night and floating in the empty temple. The monks' heated discussion suddenly stopped.

At this time, all the monks discovered that the light of the stars and moon above their heads had disappeared for some time, and the chirping of birds and insects, which symbolized the vitality of all things, had no longer been heard. However, they suddenly realized that all this was abnormal. Sleep.

"Who is this monster? You are so brave, you dare to attack our Bodhi Temple!"

However, such a strange atmosphere did not scare these monks at all. The fat monk who led them even had a angry look on his face.

Having been monks for hundreds of years, they have never seen anything. But in the past, when they were not chasing these demons and ghosts, when did they stay in the temple and get knocked on the door by evil spirits?

How humiliating is this?

I can't bear it!

"Sanchu, go and open the door. The poor monk wants to see who is knocking on the door of my Bodhi Temple at this time?"

"Yes, Master Supervisor of the Temple!"

An old monk with a crude appearance bowed to accept the order, and then stood up and walked to the door without fear. Although he was of a lower seniority, no matter which one of them walked alone in Nanhua Continent, they were all regarded as eminent monks. With the qualifications of a great virtue, there is no reason to be afraid of ghosts and ghosts knocking on the door in the middle of the night.


The heavy door was easily opened, and the icy-cold Yin Qi rushed in from the open door, filling every part of this temple that actually occupies a relatively small area.

It is obviously late spring when the hot summer is approaching, but in this temple covering an area of ​​more than ten acres, whether it is the stone bricks on the ground, steps, pillars, or even the solemn Buddha statues in the Buddhist hall, they are covered with A thin layer of frost.

The monk who went to open the door clasped his hands and looked stiff, while the many monks who were ready to slay demons were also stunned and at a loss!

Because there was only nothingness outside the gate. At this moment, the temple they were in seemed to have become an island suspended in the darkness, exiled into the void, isolated and helpless.

This is not a scene that shocked many monks. The so-called darkness and nothingness is just an illusion. As long as the source of this evil power is erased, the illusion will be eliminated.

What really makes these monks not know what to do is that outside the gate, the ghosts and evil spirits they expected turned out to be a tiger in front, a lin in the back, a snake head, a fish tail, a dragon pattern, a turtle body, a swallow's jaw, a chicken's beak, and a parallel horse. Winged bird. The first is virtue, the top is righteousness, the back is benevolence, the heart is loyal, the wings are trustworthy, and the feet are upright.


A phoenix with a wingspan of hundreds of feet was flying high outside the gate, seemingly in the endless darkness. Its wings and tail feathers, which seemed to be dyed with ink, were silently telling that this phoenix was no longer alive. Then there is the auspicious bird that symbolizes peace in the world.

The blazing flames burned as the phoenix soared. This power was full of extreme oppression, making every monk in the temple tremble. This was the key to preventing them from moving.

Can't beat it!

The group of monks who came together should have also ended up being turned into ashes under the ominous phoenix flames.

"Amitabha, I didn't know that there was a distinguished guest coming to my door in the middle of the night. I was disappointed to receive him from afar. I hope you will forgive me!"

The fat monk who was about to take on the appearance of subduing demons now smiled kindly at the phoenix outside the door.

After the endless coma, Shi Yu suddenly stood up from the bed. If you want to see the latest chapter content, please download the Star app, which has no ads and free latest chapter content. The latest chapter content is no longer updated on the website, but the latest chapter content is updated on the Star APP.

He took a big breath of fresh air, his chest trembling.

Confused, confused, and all kinds of emotions came to my mind.

Where is this?

Afterwards, Shi Yu subconsciously observed his surroundings, and then became even more confused.

A single dormitory?

Even if he was successfully rescued, he should be in the ward now.

And my could I not have any injuries at all?

With doubts, Shi Yu's eyes quickly swept across the room, and finally his eyes rested on a mirror beside the bed.

The mirror showed his current appearance. He was about seventeen or eighteen years old, and he looked very handsome.

But the problem is, this is not him! Download the Star app, the latest chapter content is free of ads and free of charge

My previous self was a handsome young man in his twenties who had been working for a while.

And now, no matter how you look, this appearance is that of a high school student...

This change made Shi Yu stunned for a long time.

Don't tell him that the operation was successful...

The body and appearance have changed. This is not a matter of surgery or not, but magic.

He turned into a completely different person!

Could it be...that he traveled through time?

In addition to the mirror placed by the bedside, which was obviously not feng shui-friendly, Shi Yu also found three books next to it.

Shi Yu picked it up and took a look. The title of the book instantly silenced him.

"Essential Animal Breeding Manual for Beginner Breeders"

"Postpartum Care of Pet Pets"

"Evaluation Guide for Interracial Beast-Eared Girls"

Shi Yu:? ? ?

The names of the first two books are pretty normal. UU Reading What happened to the last one?


Shi Yu looked solemnly and stretched out his hand, but his arm soon stiffened.

Just when he was about to open the third book and see what it was about, his brain suddenly felt a sharp pain, and a large number of memories came flooding back.

Icefield City.

Pet animal breeding base.

Intern pet breeder. The website is about to be closed. Download the Star app to provide you with the only beast master in the world of immortality.


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