"Lord Mountain God!?"

The sudden arrival of the mountain god shocked the White Wolf Lord, but what shocked him even more was the mountain god's words:

"Do you also agree with my daughter leaving the mountain?"

"Didn't you also leave the mountains at about the same age and travel outside? It took nearly a hundred years for you to return to the mountains, and then you never went out again!"

The mountain god, who has lived for more than 1,500 years, looked at the White Wolf Lord with gentle eyes. This great demon grew up under his watch. He has personally watched many great demons from their birth to their death. Of course, some of them left the mountain. No news from him since.

"It is precisely because I have traveled abroad, experienced life and death several times, and almost lost my life that I don't want my daughter to go out. She stays in the mountains, with your protection, and her life is safe. She will not be like me back then, in a panic like a lost dog. !”

The White Wolf Lord replied that it was precisely because he had suffered enough and suffered so much that he did not want his daughter to repeat the same path as before. The outside of the mountain was no better than the inside, and there would even be many disasters.

If that's the case, why let your daughter go out?

"My asylum? You think too highly of me. Haven't these years of experience awakened you? There is no real safe place between heaven and earth. If you want to settle down, you can only master powerful power yourself. The most reliable!"

The mountain god couldn't help but laugh. He had a clear understanding of his own strength. After fifteen hundred years of accumulation, he could only reach the point where he is now. He becomes a mountain god or fails as a mountain god.

"If a catastrophe really comes, I can't even protect myself, so how can I protect you and others? Even if I want to, I will be powerless."

"Even if she wants to go out, she should wait another hundred years!"

The mountain god's words made the White Wolf Lord back down half a step, but he still believed that his current daughter was not qualified.

Because it knew very well how strong the blood potential of the white wolf clan was, and even if they were to leave the mountain, they would become a great demon that was almost as powerful as it.

"A hundred years? There is no time to wait any longer. If you wait for another half a year, your daughter's chance of becoming a king will be gone!"

"Become a king!?"

This is the dream that the White Wolf Lord cherishes but is out of reach. He knows that he probably has no chance in this life. There are many powerful races in the world who are born with strong blood and are born to be kings.

Although the blood power of their white wolf clan is not bad, it is not enough for them to be born as kings. Only a very small number of extremely qualified people have the opportunity to break the shackles and become the white wolf king.

It has no hope, but it places its hope on its own daughter, because it has long realized that its daughter's qualifications are better than it. .

"You mean that rude kid from the human race has the chance to make my daughter a king?"

The White Wolf Lord still remembers the scene when the child "visited" him with that terrifying killing sword, and his wild and unruly attitude, which he will never forget even until his death.

Under the pressure of that killing sword, it chose to give in extremely shamefully, because it did not dare to bet on the consequences of this kid pulling out the sword in anger.

Therefore, it has always been brooding over this matter. Being threatened by a human child with a sword is really a shame for the great demon. Although it is not the first great demon to be bullied in the mountains, this tone is really hard to swallow.

"Don't you think he has? Haven't you carefully observed the changes in that black wolf?"

The mountain god couldn't help but sigh slightly.

Facts speak louder than words. It was precisely because he saw the changes that had occurred in Heishan in such a short period of time that when Feng Qingan said that he would help him transform into a dragon in the future, he chose to acquiesce, and even had some expectations in his heart. Opportunities that may come in the future.


The White Wolf Lord fell silent immediately. It had also witnessed the growth of Black Mountain step by step, how could it turn a blind eye, but it also knew where the key opportunity for Black Mountain's transformation lay.

"The reason why that black wolf became a ghost wolf was because the dignitaries of the dynasty sent a ghost wolf inner elixir?"

"Whose face is this for?"


There was silence again, but the White Wolf Lord did not give up and wanted to struggle again.

"But this is not an opportunity given by the human boy himself, but a gift given by the powerful dynasty for the sake of his brother. Why should he promise my daughter to be the king?"

"No, he has this ability himself, have you forgotten? Didn't you also see Heishan's origin at the beginning? But when you saw it, it was no worse than the century-old monster in the mountain. At that time, it was just How old is it?”


The White Wolf Lord was completely silent, unable to say anything to refute.

"Looking back at what this human boy and the black wolf have done, do you really think that the promise he made was a lie?"

"Lord Mountain God, you don't have to tell me this. My daughter has grown up and she has already made her decision, and I will not stop her anymore!"

The White Wolf Lord spoke, but this time he gave in completely. The Little White Wolf suddenly showed a happy expression. If possible, she would of course hope to gain support from her parents instead of breaking with them and running away from home.

Moreover, if her father does not agree and wants to force her to stay here, then tomorrow night at this time, the second young master Feng will really enter the mountain, and then her father will probably suffer a bloody disaster.

"Don't worry, your daughter is not the same person you were back then, and that Second Young Master Feng is far from as simple as you see. Like his brother, he is a rare person in the world. Your daughter can follow him. You will definitely achieve something in the future, even surpassing me is no problem!"

The mountain god suddenly laughed.

"How dare you do this? If my little girl could have one-tenth of your magical powers, Lord Mountain God, I would be completely satisfied!"

The White Wolf Lord was shocked when he heard this and quickly replied.

"Why not? If a demon immortal who is far better than me can emerge from this mountain, I would like to congratulate him!"

The mountain god smiled.

Fairy? !

The White Wolf Lord still dares to think about the Demon King. As for the Demon Immortal, even if it is a dream, it will not dream about this, because it knows that this is impossible for it. Since it is impossible, why should it be done by itself? Looking for trouble.

But now the mountain god tells it that its daughter will not only have the opportunity to become the demon king it dreams of, but will even become a demon fairy that surpasses him. This is really unimaginable and unbelievable for it.

The White Wolf Lord looked down at his daughter. After looking at her for a moment, he suddenly raised his head and found that the mountain god had disappeared at some point, but he was not surprised because he knew that the mountain god was always watching everything that happened in the mountain.


"Go tell your mother about your decision, and then say goodbye to her!"

The White Wolf Lord turned around. This time, it did not look back, but its steps seemed very heavy, without the lightness of the past.


second night

Little White Wolf, who has been recognized and blessed by his parents, is ready to go to the village to meet Feng Qingan as promised.

"Are you leaving tonight?"

The voice of the White Wolf Lord sounded behind him. The little white wolf, who was about to ascend to the sky with the wind, paused and looked back at his father.

"It will take some time before we leave!"

"In that case, why not stay here and spend some time with your mother?"

The White Wolf Lord's voice was a little low.

"I made an appointment with Mr. Feng last night, and I will go see him tonight!"

"Since you have decided to follow him, you have to go see him again tonight before the day of departure. What does this mean?"

The White Wolf Lord was keenly aware that something was wrong.

"I just……"

The little white wolf really didn't expect that his father had already agreed last night, but tonight he suddenly asked this question. For a moment, he hesitated and didn't know how to answer.

"That kid doesn't trust me, right?"

The White Wolf Lord guessed Feng Qingan's thoughts at this moment. If you think about it from his perspective, you can understand.

"He's worried I'll ground you?"


"Okay, you don't need to say anything!"

Looking at his daughter's expression, the White Wolf Lord knew that he had guessed very well. He only wanted to know one thing now.

"What will happen to the boy if I don't let you see him tonight?"

"Second Young Master Feng said that he will go into the mountain to talk to you!"

Little White Wolf carefully and cautiously considered her words. She really didn't want to see her father conflict with Mr. Feng, but the facts would not develop according to her will.

"Since that's the case, then you should sit down. I want to see what he plans to talk to me about when he goes into the mountain tonight!"

Even though there was a precedent of being intimidated by Feng Qingan with a sword, the White Wolf Lord did not intend to give in this time. It planned to untie the knot in its heart.

His father's resolute gaze let the little white wolf know that he had no possibility of refusing. If she really left at this time, the little white wolf was convinced that his father, a great demon, would force her to stay.

Then, in the night sky that enveloped the mountain, a ray of fire came from outside the mountain and cut through the dusk, attracting countless birds and animals that were looking for food at night to look up.

"White Wolf Lord!"

Feng Qing'an, with Yang Yan's four wings stretched out behind him, was hanging in the air. The hot flames spurted out behind him, giving him the power to stand in the air and at the same time emitting the blazing brilliance of the sun.

"Why are you so stubborn?"

Feng Qingan, whose eyes like paint had turned red, looked at the White Wolf Lord who slowly stood up from the ground, and asked in confusion.

"As one of the few great demons in this mountain, why do you make wrong decisions again and again? You even hinder your daughter. Are your vision and mind really so narrow?"

"The mountain god came here last night, and I agreed!"

The White Wolf Lord looked at Feng Qing'an, whom he had never seen before, and his eyes swept across the four wings behind him that emitted the power of the sun. He felt both admiration and surprise in his heart, but all of this was obscured by the cold appearance.

"But my daughter said that if I don't see you tonight, you will come to me to reason with me and talk to me, so I have been waiting here, waiting for your arrival, and want to hear what you are going to do. What do you want to tell me?"


When Feng Qing'an heard this, he couldn't help but feel speechless. He really thought that this old wolf couldn't figure it out and wanted to fight him to the end, but it turned out that he had already agreed and even provoked him to go to the mountain for nothing.

"Now that you have agreed, I have nothing to say. Maybe you are not as old-fashioned and mean as I thought, and you may be more open-minded!"

"Old-fashioned and mean, is this what you say about me? If one day, like me, you become a father and have a daughter, you may be able to understand how I have always felt."

"That will happen in the future, but even if I have a daughter, I will not hinder my daughter's future!"

"Haha, both the mountain god and my daughter told me that you have the opportunity to become king, but I still have doubts in my heart at this moment, so can you let me witness your ability?"

The White Wolf Lord didn't care about Feng Qing'an's overt sarcasm. He was more concerned about the talents of the human race that his daughter wanted to follow at this moment, and whether they were really as miraculous as the mountain god said.

"How do you want to witness?"

"There's no faster way to learn than to fight!"

The terrifying spiritual pressure erupted from the White Wolf Lord's body at this moment. The White Wolf Lord, who was originally like a small mountain, was really like a towering mountain at this moment, giving Feng Qing'an a strong sense of oppression.


The little white wolf on the side couldn't help but screamed.

"You can choose to avoid fighting. I won't force you. Of course, you can also pull out the sword you used last time and slash it at me!"

The White Wolf Lord's body seemed to be getting bigger and bigger, but facing the oppression of a big demon, Feng Qing'an not only didn't feel any nervousness at this moment, but actually laughed, and his eyes were full of expectation and eagerness.

"That sword is not meant to kill big monsters like you, but I recently got a new sword, which was given by the mountain god. Although I have tried it out before, I have never tried it with all my strength. Today, Lord White Wolf, you will give me a try. I won’t be polite if you have the chance to use the sharp edge of the sword!”

After saying that, a long sword with a snow-white hilt, sword and scabbard appeared in Feng Qing'an's hand. Seeing this, the little white wolf became even more nervous. After all, it was a sword made from the dragon's teeth of the mountain god.

Although the White Wolf Lord was a little scared in his heart, he naturally could not show timidity on his face.

"How much power can you exert with the mountain god's sword?"

"I want to know too, so I would like to thank Lord White Wolf for the opportunity to try the sword with me!"

The blazing power of Yang Yan surged in the body. The two Yang Yan essences had no reservations about their power and provided it to Feng Qing'an. He had already trained these two little guys to be quite well-behaved. This was He was relying on it for flying now. If he suddenly lost his temper while flying in the air, he would suffer.

"No need to thank me, just stop when you can't bear it anymore!"

The white wolf as big as a small mountain waved its claws, and the gentle wind at night in the forest obeyed the will of this big monster, gathered in one place, and turned into four sharp invisible blades.


Feng Qing'an drew his sword out of its scabbard. This green divine sword had no restrictions. Under Feng Qing'an's swiping, which was filled with the power of Yang Yan without leaving any room, a fire dragon of more than ten feet roared and came out of the sword's edge. fly out.

After the endless coma, Shi Yu suddenly stood up from the bed. If you want to see the latest chapter content, please download the Star app, which has no ads and free latest chapter content. The latest chapter content is no longer updated on the website, but the latest chapter content is updated on the Star APP.

He took a big breath of fresh air, his chest trembling.

Confused, confused, and all kinds of emotions came to my mind.

Where is this?

Afterwards, Shi Yu subconsciously observed his surroundings, and then became even more confused.

A single dormitory?

Even if he was successfully rescued, he should be in the ward now.

And my body...how could I not have any injuries at all?

With doubts, Shi Yu's eyes quickly swept across the room, and finally his eyes rested on a mirror beside the bed.

The mirror showed his current appearance. He was about seventeen or eighteen years old, and he looked very handsome.

But the problem is, this is not him! Download the Star app, the latest chapter content is free of ads and free of charge

My previous self was a handsome young man in his twenties who had been working for a while.

And now, no matter how you look, this appearance is that of a high school student...

This change made Shi Yu stunned for a long time.

Don't tell him that the operation was successful...

The body and appearance have changed. This is not a matter of surgery or not, but magic.

He turned into a completely different person!

Could it be...that he traveled through time?

In addition to the mirror placed by the bedside, which was obviously not feng shui-friendly, Shi Yu also found three books next to it.

Shi Yu picked it up and took a look. The title of the book instantly silenced him.

"Essential Animal Breeding Manual for Beginner Breeders"

"Postpartum Care of Pet Pets"

"Evaluation Guide for Interracial Beast-Eared Girls"

Shi Yu:? ? ?

The names of the first two books are pretty normal, UU Reading www. uukanshu.net What happened to you in the last book?


Shi Yu looked solemnly and stretched out his hand, but his arm soon stiffened.

Just when he was about to open the third book and see what it was about, his brain suddenly felt a sharp pain, and a large number of memories came flooding back.

Icefield City.

Pet animal breeding base.

Intern pet breeder. The website is about to be closed. Download the Star app to provide you with the only beast master in the world of immortality.

Beast master?

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