"Why did you kill the chicken today?"

When she returned home, Ms. Yin looked at the prodigal thing busy working on the stove with a look of no joy, and asked calmly, if for no other reason, she just wanted to hear what reason this bastard boy could find to kill the chicken. .

"Mom, you're back."

Seeing the Yin family who had been forced to get used to his misbehavior, Feng Qingan felt a little embarrassed, but still explained,

"It's not that I had to kill it, it was because the chicken had heat stroke. I thought it was pitiful, so I put it in the water to relieve the heat. But while I was soaking it, I found that the chicken suddenly ran out of air, so I could only endure the pain and try again. Help it one last time."

"So that's it!"

Yin nodded calmly.

Half a month ago, if she had heard such nonsense, of course she would have picked up the stick without saying a word, so that this stupid boy would have a long memory and let him know the consequences of such nonsense.

But now, I'm tired and don't want to fight, so just let this kid be!

The old man back then was right. With the current situation of their family, there is no shortage of chickens and ducks. It just so happens that this boy is about to grow taller, so it is time to supplement him.

"You won't hit me?"

This was obviously different from the Yin family in the past. Feng Qingan felt a little uncomfortable. During this period, he tried his best to find opportunities to practice the "Ling Ling Blood Refining Technique".

However, as long as you practice, there must be a price.

For example, those chickens and ducks that have been reincarnated, and his butt that swells up from time to time, but it is all worth it.

"If I beat you, will you give up harming the chickens and ducks I raise?"

Yin asked rather tiredly.


"I want to hear the truth!"


This time, Feng Qing'an didn't lie. Although he had made great progress this time, he had not yet met the requirements. After he completed the spirit induction, the chickens and ducks he chose as targets were still alive and kicking. That would be considered a success.

"I'm not afraid of being beaten again and again. It doesn't matter if I'm scolded. What else can I do to you?"

Mrs. Yin sighed and shook her head.

"You can do whatever you like. It's also a good thing to learn how to cook. You won't be hungry wherever you go!"

"Is this okay?!"

Feng Qingan was quite uncomfortable. He was already ready to run away. He even planned his escape route. There was more than one route and he even prepared three hiding places, but none of them were used. .


The half-grown child sighed arrogantly, feeling lonely as a master who had mastered some magical skills but had no rivals in the world.

However, soon the aroma of chicken soup wafted over, and Feng Qingan was instantly successful and started playing with it quickly. Apart from anything else, his soup-making skills had indeed improved over the past few months.

After all, the chickens and ducks that he caused to explode and died did not waste any of the remaining bits of meat, it was all meat.

The days that followed became much calmer. The people in Fengjiagang ten miles away could no longer see the pleasure that Mrs. Yin had in pursuing her prodigal son by killing chickens and ducks every now and then.

It wasn't because Qing'anlang, who had threatened to become a government official, changed his mind, but because his mother looked away.

Not only the villagers felt that there was a lot less fun, but Feng Qingan himself felt a bit bored. But boring was boring. The process of killing chickens and ducks still had to be hidden from his parents, and he couldn't let them see it.

Because to others, it looked like he was holding a chicken or duck with his eyes slightly closed. Not long after, the chicken or duck in his hand suddenly exploded, or died suddenly without making any sound.

No matter how weird this scene looked, it was possible to give him the name of some evil evil spirit. He didn't want to be caught in the government and take a big hit, which was not comparable to the broom in his mother's hand.

Time passed quietly, and it was midsummer in a blink of an eye.

The sun was blazing and the heat was rising. Feng Qingan, who was hiding at home to escape the heat, stared at the big rooster pacing leisurely in his room with a bit of joy on his face.

This is a large, colorful rooster that is exceptionally handsome. Its corolla is as red as fire, its wings are brightly feathered, its neck and back are covered with bright yellow feathers, and its towering indigo tail has even a single variegated feather. No, the five bright colors make this big rooster look gorgeous and majestic.

"come over!"

Feng Qing'an waved to the big rooster. As early as half a month ago, he had successfully let some chickens and ducks survive under his claws, but even so, he did not attack Xiao Heizi rashly, but patiently Observing the changes in the chickens and ducks that successfully absorbed the spiritual energy with his help.

The big rooster in front of me is the one that has changed the most and is also the most conspicuous. This feather is really eye-catching.


The big rooster clucked and crowed, turning a blind eye to Feng Qingan's actions.

"Don't you understand? It seems that your intelligence has not improved significantly!"

Feng Qing'an didn't think that a creature with certain intelligence would refuse a second rebirth after enjoying the benefits of being reborn once. It seemed that the main manifestation of this chicken's absorption of spiritual energy was its feathers and size.

"Black Mountain! Get this chicken out!"

After seeing that the big rooster he had chosen as the target of observation did not show anything that amazed him, Feng Qingan casually gave instructions.

As soon as he finished speaking, right at his feet, a puppy with black and gray hair rushed out and barked at the rooster.

Being frightened by a puppy that was only more than two months old, the rooster, who was originally so majestic and arrogant, as if it was patrolling its territory, suddenly flapped its wings in panic, and after running a few steps quickly, it actually took off and flew into the air. , escaped from Feng Qingan's room to the yard.

"Well done! Montenegro!"

Feng Qing'an shouted out the name he had given to the puppy. This was the name he gave the puppy after he became extremely proficient in refining the blood of poultry souls.

It doesn't sound right to always call him "Little Heizi". He just needs to bark once, in case this little wolf dog is trained by him to become a generation of great demons, or even a demon king. He will inform other demons of his name, introduce himself, and say If you call yourself Xiao Heizi, won't that make other monsters laugh out loud?

Therefore, after thinking for a quarter of an hour, Feng Qingan took Hei as his surname and named it Shan.

There is no other meaning. According to his understanding of monsters from the story, monsters seem to be good at brute force and respect those with strong bodies. Feng Qing'an hoped that the little wolfdog he raised would have a body as tall as a mountain in the future.


The puppy ran over wagging its tail. Even though it had never received a spirit-inducing blood refining, when Feng Qingan named it, it quickly realized that that was its name.

"I have been preparing for so long, and I can finally draw your spirit and refine your blood!"

Feng Qing'an picked up the puppy. In two months, Heishan's weight had doubled. It was a bit difficult for him to pick it up. Fortunately, the little guy was very cooperative.

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