"This bitch really understood what I said!"

Under the moonlight, Feng Qingan could clearly see Heishan climbing over the wall and couldn't help but say.

Even though Black Mountain's hair almost blends into the night and cannot be seen at all in the dark, Feng Qing'an, whose five senses have become extremely sharp after months of hard training, can still easily distinguish it from the surrounding environment. .

This is also one of the few positive feedbacks he has gained from practice. Apart from this, he has not felt any special changes so far, but he firmly believes that this is because his soul power has not achieved a qualitative change. threshold.

[Side mission: Far-sighted · 3, completed]

[Reward: System Permission: Pet Identification, turned on]

Feng Qing'an stood by the window for a while. Just as he was about to go to bed and start his daily practice, he suddenly heard the sound of machinery. The sudden change made him postpone his preparations for practice.

He stood in his room and looked around, and then looked out the window at the room where his parents slept. After making sure that they turned off the lights and went to bed, he quietly opened the room, sneaked into the yard, and looked at the chicken coop and duck coop in the yard. Those chickens and ducks that were just bought inside, with quick eyes and quick hands, caught one directly.


Feng Qingan recited silently. There was no familiar mechanical sound, but a brief message was projected into his consciousness.

[Type: Three Yellow Chicken]

[Potential Level: None]

[Combat power level: none]

"They're all nothing? What's the difference between being identified and not being identified?"

Feng Qing'an complained in his heart, and he probably knew what was going on. The object being appraised was too ordinary, with no potential or combat power, and could not be rated at a high level.

But with the authority that had just been opened, Feng Qingan would not go back to the room like this. He caught another one from the duck pen and conducted an identification again. The result was not as expected.

[Species: White Duck]

[Potential Level: None]

[Combat power level: none]

Not only ducks, Feng Qingan also tried geese, which he had never harmed before, but...

[Type: Goose]

[Potential Level: None]

[Combat power level: none]

After testing all the chickens, ducks and geese in the yard, Feng Qingan cursed and was still unwilling to give in. He ran to the cowshed and tested again, with the same result.

[Type: scalper]

[Potential Level: None]

[Combat power level: none]

Back in the room, Feng Qingan was very depressed. It was as if he had not tried it. He could not see anything at all. He only knew that he had potential and combat power levels, but he had no idea what the specific levels were and how they were divided. He had to ask the system. No response.


The reward for months of hard work was like this. Feng Qingan went to bed full of frustration. It took him a while to calm down and enter the cultivation state. He sat cross-legged on the bed and started daily practice to accumulate soul power. .

Oh oh oh——

The loud crow of the rooster sounded, and Feng Qingan opened his eyes, his eyes were full of energy, his mind was clear, he was full of energy, and he did not feel any fatigue.

After getting out of bed and walking to the bedside, Feng Qingan looked into the yard and saw a familiar figure lying on the ground taking a nap. Who could it be if it wasn't Heishan who climbed over the wall last night?


Feng Qing'an walked up to the wolf dog that had been out all night, squatted down, and reached out to touch its head. Heishan's eyelids trembled, but when his nose twitched slightly twice, he did not open it again.

[Name: Montenegro]

[Race: Wolf Dog]

[Attribute: beast]

[Potential Level: Enlightenment·Lower]

[Combat power level: none]

"It's not gone in the end, but Qiling?"

Feng Qing'an thought about the information vaguely revealed in it. Based on the previously released mission content, he had some ideas and speculations.

"Open spiritual wisdom? It's called enlightenment for short. So, the first step for a beast pet to transcend the world is to grow a brain? If you don't grow a brain, you won't even be qualified to contract with a beast master."

Feng Qingan felt that his guesses were quite accurate, and it was very important to be able to communicate with each other. He originally picked Hei Shan home because, among the animals in the village, only dogs were the most cooperative with people.

"But what is the next level of enlightenment?"

There must be a higher level, this is unquestionable, but unfortunately, the system does not provide him with popular science, and he does not even know the specific classification of beast masters. Of course, he is a novice, so there is no need to guess.

There was no use in dreaming. Feng Qingan quickly gave up thinking. When his cultivation reached a certain standard, what he wanted to know would naturally appear in front of him.

"Invite spirits!"

Looking at the stupid dog under his hand, which was lying down to catch up on his sleep, Feng Qingan began to conduct daily spiritual guidance for it. After all, he had seen the results, and now he should keep up his efforts.

Although he is the one who suffers, and Montenegro is the one who benefits, but this guy will have to hang out with him in the future, so it is not a disadvantage, but he always thinks that it is a little awkward, and this dog's life is too comfortable.

"Isn't it too hard to be a beast master?"

Feng Qingan couldn't help but have such thoughts. But thinking about it again, the movements under his hands were not slow.

The quiet and ordinary days passed like this. During the day, I would lead the spirit of the dog to refine blood, and then go to the village school to take classes. After returning at night to complete my homework, I would practice again until I fell asleep. It went on like this day after day, and Feng Qingan kept persevering.

As for Montenegro, nourished by its daily blood refining and its climbing over the wall every night to hunt and feed itself, its body grew almost at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The overly tall and mighty body makes anyone who sees this wolf-dog again after a while feel a sense of horror, UU Reading www.uukanshu.nett even fearful.

When he was young, Heishan was just a ball of black and gray hair. He looked silly and cute, making people want to hold him in his arms and caress him. But now that he is nearly four months old, Heishan is still growing. But it’s daunting.

The hair on this wolfdog is still thick and luxuriant, and it is extremely elegant, without any sign of knotting or mixing. The hair is shiny and shiny, but even this thick hair cannot hide the strong body underneath.

"This dog is too big!"

Whenever Heishan goes out, the villagers who see him are frightened at first. When Feng Qingan's figure appears next to him, those who are not scared away or cry on the spot can't help but sigh.

"Are we going to put a chain on Xiao Hei?"

Even when Yin looked at Heishan, who was as strong as a calf, she couldn't help Xunfeng's father to discuss it. This dog would easily scare people if it ran out now, because its size has far exceeded that of a normal dog. category.

"What an obedient dog, why are you wasting this money? You might as well buy two kilograms of meat!"

This is Father Feng’s response

But even so, not everyone was surprised and wondered whether the dog had become a spirit. But the hunter who was the best at raising dogs in the village, Er Pang’s father, gave an explanation for this,

"This is the cub of the wolf king in the mountains. Moreover, if it is with the right person, it will naturally not be the same as ordinary dogs. What do you feed your own dogs when others eat them? How can this be compared?"

In this way, the abnormality in Heishan was barely revealed, and Feng Qingan also accumulated enough soul power that he expected to achieve a qualitative change in his slightly turbulent and calm daily life.

"Practice hard for a hundred and twenty days, practice diligently and without rest, and you will be successful today!"

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