"Dare I ask, sir, who are you?"

Hearing Feng Qing'an say such wild words, the old man looked at him in disbelief. Although this person was a nobleman brought back by Mr. Zhou, even the Zhou family had no right to interfere with various government orders issued by the county magistrate. This Sir, can you?

"I just passed the Tongsheng exam not long ago, and I'm not much better than Bai Shen. However, my brother has been transferred to the local government and served as the governor of Gunzhou. The magistrate of your county should listen carefully to what I say!"

Feng Qing'an smiled and said, his eldest brother was devolved to the border area, and he was a real border official. He had military power in his hands. After all, it was the border area. If he couldn't get the military power, wouldn't it be a joke.

"Zhou Mu, how big an official is that?"

The old man was a little confused when he heard such an official position.

"Below one person and above ten thousand people, the only one who can control my brother is probably the emperor!"

Feng Qing'an was a little humble on behalf of his brother. He felt that the old emperor most likely couldn't control his eldest brother, otherwise he wouldn't have failed to abide by the rules. He decentralized it and gave it such great authority.

"It turns out that you are really a noble person. Please save us. We really can't survive!"

After understanding Feng Qing'an's origin and background, the old man burst into tears and pretended to kneel down to Feng Qing'an again.

The men, women, and children following behind him were also quite clever. After Feng Qingan introduced his origins, they fell to their knees like a wheat field blown down by the wind.

"Master Qingtian, please make the decision for us!"

"Please give me some advice, sir!"

"Please show mercy and reduce taxes, my mother-in-law will stop having milk!"

Suddenly, the fields were filled with cries and howls, which moved those who heard it.

"This dog officer!"

Behind Feng Qing'an, a bear-like martial artist clenched his fists, with an evil look in his eyes.

"I can help you, but you have to let me know what's going on first."

Feng Qing'an felt a headache when she saw the men, women, old and young in front of her crying.

"My lord, you don't know that the county magistrate here is very dark-hearted. You have also seen the situation in the land. If the Dragon King doesn't rain water, we can only make the seedlings grow in the field even if we work very hard." so tall,

It’s hard to say whether there will be a harvest this year, but the county magistrate won’t leave us a way to survive. If we don’t collect taxes from previous years, then the county magistrate will also charge canal taxes and irrigation taxes! "

An old farmer whose face had no more vertical ravines than the cracked soil in the field rambled on. His words were full of despair, and there was also a trace of imperceptible resentment.

In previous years, when the harvest was good, it was already very difficult to pay taxes. Now that the harvest is bad, taxes are not reduced but are increased. Who can bear this?

"Canal tax? Irrigation tax?"

"This is just a pretext for the officials to take away the blood and sweat of our people. They say that in order to prevent drought, there is not enough water to irrigate the farmland, so they have to collect taxes to build reservoirs and build canals!"

"sounds good!"

On the surface it sounds okay, but when implemented, forcing people to sell their sons and daughters is a big problem.

"But the tax has been collected, but we haven't seen the reservoirs or canals. We haven't even seen any wet mud, so the irrigation tax is collected for no reason."

"That's not all. I heard that the officials in the county are planning to impose corvee labor and let us collect stones, build reservoirs, and dig channels!"

"We have already paid the tax, so why do we still need to repair the reservoir? Whose pocket is this money collected from?"

Men, women, old and children who were obviously from the same village were talking about it, their eyes showed indignation, and an obvious resentment boiled in their bodies.

Public resentment!

"How long has the magistrate of your county been in office? When did these taxes begin to be collected?"

Feng Qingan asked warmly.

"It seems that the magistrate of our county took office two years ago. It turns out that gentleman has been promoted!"

"What a good person, why can't you continue to be a good person?"

"Yes, if only the former county magistrate were here, he might even reduce our taxes!"

Hearing Feng Qing'an ask about the current length of the county magistrate's reign, these farmers and women talked a lot, and even missed the previous county magistrate who had been promoted.

There are differences only when there is comparison, and only when they are lost can one realize the original beauty. They are just farmers in the field, and they only care about their own one-third of an acre of land.

But after the new county magistrate took office, they realized how good the original magistrate, who never imposed excessive taxes and levies, seemed inconspicuous and had no sense of existence to them, was really.

But regret is useless. The promoted county magistrate cannot return to Pingwu County.

"How much does your county magistrate charge for this dealer's tax, canal tax, and irrigation tax? Can you tell me?"

"Half of the dealer's tax must be paid. Canal tax and irrigation tax are all collected according to the head of each family. Two taels of silver per person, even for newborn babies!"

"Two taels of silver? That's too much!"

Feng Qing'an, who has experienced a poor life, knows what two taels of silver means to ordinary farmers.

In a city, two taels of silver may not buy a plate of good food, but in a village or town, this is enough to meet the generous food and clothing expenses of a family of five.

The most outrageous thing is that this private tax is not collected based on household registration, but is spread out based on the head of the family. Based on the child-rearing habits of ordinary farmers, each household has to pay almost ten taels of silver. If there are more children, it may even be doubled. Not only that, it’s no wonder that people are selling their sons and daughters one after another.

This is not only because they can't afford to pay by selling iron, but also because they want to avoid taxes. The tax is calculated based on the head of the family, so the number of people in the family is reduced.

I have to admit that the county magistrate who privately increases taxes is really a living beast!

"Yes, this tax is too much. We idiots like us can't afford it even if we sell our sons and daughters!"

Hearing Feng Qing'an's comments like this, the old man couldn't help crying.

"Don't worry, father-in-law. UU Reading www.uukanshu.net I will go to the county office and talk to your county magistrate. This tax will probably be canceled from today!"

Feng Qingan smiled and reassured.

"Sir, can you really persuade the county magistrate not to collect taxes?"

One farmer was still skeptical. The surprise came so suddenly that he couldn't believe it.

"Whether it's possible or not, we'll find out in the next two days. Just go back with your children first. If you don't collect taxes, you can just have this baby!"

Feng Qingan asked these poor people to take all their children back.

"Thank you sir!"

"Quick, kowtow to the noble man!"

Although they were skeptical, Feng Qing'an said so. Naturally, this group of farmers had nothing to say. They were just waiting for two days. So, this group of people kowtowed and bowed, but also gave way to the road. He came out so that Feng Qingan and his party could pass.

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