The silence of the riverside dam did not last long. At the widest point in the middle of the Boliu River, a water curtain that seemed to connect heaven and earth exploded, and an auspicious beast with a dragon head, a horse body, red scales, and wings leaped out. , stepping on the already furious river current, rushed towards Feng Qing'an's location.

But at this moment, the Boliu River was completely rioting because of the angry will of a being. The huge waves and turbulent rapids that were tens of feet high were shocking even when standing on the shore.

The auspicious beast in it, even if it breaks through the water curtains one after another and smashes the entangled rapids one after another, is still more and more powerless, because the water is targeting her at this moment, trying to suppress her and drag her under the water.


At this moment, a Qingyue dragon roar sounded that shook the world. The golden dragon shadow rose from Feng Qing'an's body and turned into a majestic existence like a god descending from the earth. The gorgeous halberd in his hand struck down with force.

The azure edge fell, and a brilliant light bloomed that seemed to separate the heaven and the earth. In an instant, it split open all the obstacles between the auspicious beast and the embankment, turning it into a smooth and smooth road.

The auspicious beast that seemed to be about to sink in the torrent and was swept to the bottom of the river took this opportunity to instantly cross the embankment and stand beside Feng Qingan, and then turned into the very familiar dark clouds and snow.

Seeing Sen Miao change like this brought great shock to the ghosts and gods next to her.

However, Wu Fu, who had been following Feng Qingan, was also surprised. But what shocked them even more was the golden figure standing in front of Feng Qingan and the gorgeous spurge it held in its hands.

It wasn't until this moment that they truly realized that Minglongjia had always been merciful to them. If they were willing, martial artists of their level would be wiped out with just one blow, and they would have no qualifications to fight with them.

"It turns out that this is the true power of Minglong Armor!"

All the warriors were greatly shocked, even Butler Zhao, who had lived for more than two hundred years, was no exception. He also felt sincerely in awe of the majestic power of suppressing the flow of a hundred miles of river with just one blow.

"Come back, don't hold on!"

Looking at the bright dragon armor in front of him, which seemed to be infinitely beautiful at the moment, Feng Qing'an stretched out his hand to call it back. As the owner, no one knew the details of this dragon armor better than him.

Its combat power evaluation rating was still Commander-in-Chief, not even Lord level, but it managed to hit a blow that could threaten the king. This was naturally attributed to the divine weapon Ting Hai.

But even with such power, it is not rated as a king, because the spiritual power it holds is strictly classified according to the realm. It is a commander. After hitting this blow that can threaten the king, it can't even swing a second blow. After the attack, most of Minglongjia's spiritual power had just been drained.

The combat power rating is based on the combat power that can be sustained and stably exploded under normal conditions, rather than the temporary burst of destructive power beyond the realm with the help of magical weapons or special secret skills. Because it is not long-lasting, the rating is determined , is often the real state.


Hearing Feng Qing'an's call, his appearance remained unchanged, but in reality the Minglong Armor, which had been hollowed out inside, turned into a slender dragon, and got into his sleeves under the extremely concerned gazes of the ghosts and gods. .

At this moment, dense water vapor rose above the mighty river, which was originally filled with waves and surges, and turned into dense clouds and rain. The deep rain clouds spread rapidly with an abnormal trend visible to the naked eye, and large raindrops followed. Hit it down.

The torrential rain was pouring down like a sky river. The originally dangerous river became even more dangerous from now on. In the increasingly turbid river, a bright red aura like fire appeared in the river, outlining the winding path of the river. The hundred-foot dragon shadow. Reading books

When the dragon shadow appeared in the majestic rainstorm, the heavy dragon power spread, and Feng Qingan could clearly feel that all the ghosts and gods who came to watch were suppressed in an instant.

Feng Qing'an didn't pay attention to the group of ghosts and gods. They were just a group of people anyway. There was no need to expect them to contribute much. They would just witness everything that happened next.

The young man stood in the heavy rain, not even a drop of water touching him. He looked at the red dragon shadow that became more and more conspicuous in the darkening night and the surging river, and couldn't help but smile.

"There isn't even a mortal here, so what's the use of creating this heavy rain? Who do you want to scare Suicune? Take it back and save your energy!"

As Feng Qing'an's calm voice fell, the increasingly fierce rainstorm gradually calmed down. However, the rain was still heavy, but it could not affect Feng Qing'an.

As for the group of warriors, it didn't matter. They looked at the hundred-foot-long dragon shadow in the river with excitement and excitement. This was the first time in their lives that they had seen such an existence.

The river surged, and a red dragon head like a hill poked out from the river, with red horns, bright scales, long fluttering beards, and a dragon's mane that rippled with the rapids.

Looking at the dragon head alone, Bailangjiang Shuijun Hongxi is almost exactly the same, but there are differences in size and details. Under the dragon head, it is completely different.

Hong Xi has the head of a dragon and the body of a fish, but the river water king in front of him has the body of a snake. The winding snake body makes him look very similar to a real dragon, but Feng Qingan can see clearly.

The dense rainstorm and the turbulent river current could not block his gaze at all. He could see that this Suicune only had a pair of front paws and no back paws, and its front paws only had three toes, which were hidden under the water. .

But even so, Po Liujiang Shuijun also possesses a powerful force that Feng Qing'an alone cannot contend with.


[Race: Dragon]

[Attributes: dragon, god, water, thunder]

[Potential Level: King·Medium]

[Combat power level: King·Superior]

As the younger brother, Bailangjiang Water Lord Hongxi, compared with his elder brother, is indeed a real younger brother. Based on the identification results alone, Feng Qing'an can conclude that the red dragon in front of him can stretch out a claw and hit Hongxi. .

"You look very similar to that person, and your breath is very similar, but you are not him!"

Feng Qing'an was sizing up the dragon, and Po Liujiang Shuijun, who had manifested his true form, was also sizing up Feng Qing'an. How could he not know the appearance of the enemy who killed his father?

"What's your relationship with him?"


Feng Qing'an looked at the dragon king who revealed his infinite power under the violent wind, rain, UU Reading and thunder and lightning. He replied calmly, not afraid of irritating just one head, which was better than that of Black Mountain and Bai Shan. All the Yao and Yao are as big as dragons.

"What do you think of me, Suicune?"

"You're not him!"

Namirue Suicune responded again, its eyes were full of indifference, but there was nothing crazy about it. For Feng Qingan, it seemed that he had no intention of killing him to vent his hatred.

I don't know if it was because the sword at Feng Qing'an's waist calmed him down and he didn't do anything drastic.

"Since Suicune doesn't have any ideas, it's time for us to talk about business!"

The smile on Feng Qingan's face faded, his face became serious, and his tone became aggressive,

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