The Unique Guardian Beast Master in Cultivation World

Chapter 199 I just hate myself for not being perverted enough

Chapter 201 I just hate myself for not being perverted enough

It was a seven-story hexagonal iron tower with six iron cables as thick as a human body. One end was connected to the eaves at the highest point of the tower, while the other end was nailed to the ground with a huge copper pillar. The chains have talisman light patterns as thin as mosquitoes and flies flickering, and a power of prohibition against demons lingers on them.

"This is the Demon Locking Tower!"

Following Feng Qing'an's gaze, Xiao Yi answered very knowingly before he asked.

Every guest who enters the Kingdom of Ten Thousand Demons for the first time will be particularly shocked when they see the Demon Locking Tower. This is part of their Xiao family's thousand-year heritage.

"Hey, Brother Feng, don't look at this guy's arrogance. Let me tell you, this Demon Locking Tower was built one by one after the Xiao family opened the Ten Thousand Demon Kingdom. At the beginning, there was no This thing!"

At this time, Yunlin began to expose the Xiao family's old background again, throwing information unknown to ordinary people to Feng Qing'an as if it was free of charge. Xiao Yi on the side glanced at this guy and didn't bother to waste his expression.

Let's just say it, sometimes it's not a bad thing to show strength appropriately. As long as the strength shown is strong enough and scary, a lot of troubles can be reduced invisibly.

The opposite is also true. If you are too low-key and make others think that you are weak and can be manipulated at will, that is the beginning of trouble.

Pretending to be a pig to eat a tiger, if someone pretends to be a pig, it would be a very embarrassing thing, especially when pretending to be a pig is so successful that the guys around you pounce on them one after another. At this time, even if they take off the pig skin, There was no point in revealing the fact that he was a tiger.

"Build one by one?"

Feng Qing'an noticed the important point and raised his eyebrows slightly. He looked at the tower in front of him, which was about thirty feet high. The materials used in it were no longer ordinary gold.

The spiritual essence lingering in it made even Heishan beside him feel extremely fearful. This is indeed a demon-locking tower worthy of the name. Even if a big demon falls into it, it will be difficult to get any benefits.

"How many other demon-locking towers are there?"

"In order to ensure that all the monsters sent to the Kingdom of Ten Thousand Monsters will not escape, a monster locking tower has been built at every exit leading to the human world, as many as the Tiangang!"

At this time, there was no need for Yunlin to uncover the truth. Xiao Yi took the initiative to reveal the truth about his family. Thirty-six demon-locking towers were built in the Ten Thousand Demon Kingdom. Each demon-locking tower corresponds to an entrance and exit to the outside world. .

"Monster Locking Tower! Don't let the monsters escape!"

Feng Qingan just took a closer look and noticed something was wrong.

There are too many entrances and exits to the Ten Thousand Demon Kingdom. So many demon locking towers are built just to satisfy some guys who come here to have fun and let them vent their excess energy and desire on the demon clan?

What a joke!

"The Kingdom of Ten Thousand Demons is not just a place for fun, right?"

Feng Qingan looked at Xiao Yi.

"Young Master is really very smart. The person who will lead the court examination in the near future must be Young Master!"

"The college exams haven't started yet. It's too early to say this. I'll be satisfied if I can get the title of scholar!"

"If you are willing, Master, you will be just like your brother, and you won't even be able to win six yuan!"

"I know my own level well. When it comes to literary talent, I am not as good as my brother. How can I win six yuan in a row? Let's talk about your family's Kingdom of Ten Thousand Monsters!"

Listening to the seemingly meaningful words of the young master in front of him, and looking at the matter-of-fact expression on the third young master Yun next to him, Feng Qingan frowned, and then brought the topic back. Compared to the imperial examination, he was still interested in the current situation. The Ten Thousand Monster Kingdom is more interested.

Although an entrance to the Kingdom of Ten Thousand Monsters is located in the Land of Fireworks and Wind and Moon, it is obvious that letting people enter it to find monsters and have fun is just a revenue-generating project. The Kingdom of Ten Thousand Monsters seems to still be in the Great Jin Dynasty. assume some more important responsibilities.

"The Kingdom of Ten Thousand Demons is more appropriately called the Prison of Ten Thousand Demons for the monsters living here!"

Yunlin spoke at this time and answered Feng Qingan's question, but before he could say a word, he started laughing and joking,

"However, for us, it doesn't matter whether it's called the Kingdom of Ten Thousand Demons or the Prison of Ten Thousand Demons. We come here just to have fun, and we can't come into contact with the real Ten Thousand Demons Prison. We can only walk around on the top floor!"

"The top floor?"

"The Kingdom of Ten Thousand Demons has more than one level, but I don't know how many levels there are specifically. You have to ask the Xiao family, who is growing up, he knows better than me!"

Yunlin looked at Xiao Yi, whose face turned dark again.

"I don't know, don't ask me!"

Xiao Yi's attitude at this time was very obvious. He could answer the things that were openly displayed in front of him for outsiders to see, but if they involved some more fundamental things, then don't ask. If you ask, you just don't know.

"One level is the Kingdom of Ten Thousand Demons, and one level is the Prison of Ten Thousand Demons? Then this blessed land has at least two levels!"

"Brother Feng, you can't say enough. There must be at least three floors, and there is also the first floor where the Xiao family lives. But I heard that some said there were five floors, some said seven floors, and the most outrageous one said there were nine floors. There are several levels, but only the direct descendants of the Xiao family know how many levels there are!"

Yunlin still wants to expose the Xiao family's background, but when it comes to fundamental matters, he really doesn't know.

The Xiao family has never shown the complete blessed land to the outside world. They just let the outside world speculate and never prove anything. Because they have already proved their strength, there is no need to prove anything else.

"You bitch, stop guessing, I tell you, there are only three floors!"

Xiao Yi couldn't help but curse when she saw her friends spreading rumors.

"I do not believe!"

As if he had heard similar words too many times, Yunlin replied without thinking, taking advantage of the situation to make a request,

"Unless you take me around all three floors, I will never believe that there are only three floors in the Kingdom of Ten Thousand Demons!"

"What does it have to do with me whether you believe it or not?"

Xiao Yi was so angry that he shook his sleeves and sneered again and again.

"Mr. Xiao, I don't understand something, and I would like to ask for advice!"

Seeing the two people arguing and obviously unable to ask anything, Feng Qingan interrupted them.

"Young Master Feng, you're welcome. Feel free to ask. As long as it doesn't involve the secrets of my Xiao family, I will speak freely!"

Xiao Yi was quite polite to Feng Qingan, because there had always been debates in the Xiao family about the identity of his brother, but one thing was generally accepted, that his brother was the reincarnation of a heavenly being.

As his younger brother, the person in front of him might be a similar being, so even if the Xiao family has a heritage that can be passed down for thousands of years, they are still very polite when facing an existence that is suspected of being a reincarnation of a heavenly being.

But you should be polite. If you can tell him, he will definitely tell the truth. If you can't, he won't say a word.

"This place is a blessed land for the demon clan. The environment here, as well as the products and even the aura, are completely different from the outside world and are completely biased towards the demon clan. Why was this place chosen as the demon clan prison?"

Feng Qingan asked the doubts that had just emerged in his mind. Transforming the blessed land of the demon clan and imprisoning the demon clan, could this really be regarded as the Ten Thousand Demons Prison? Are you sure this isn't seeking death?

He has just entered the blessed land and doesn't know much about other things, but he knows one thing. This place is considered a blessed land, but it is actually a kingdom of ten thousand monsters with a broken cave. Nowadays, emperor's liquid drops from time to time.

This wonder of heaven and earth formed by condensing the essence of the sun and the moon will produce monsters in large quantities. The ordinary weeds under your feet, or even a small stone, will be nourished by the emperor's liquid and turn into monsters with incomparable strength. Weak monster.

Even weeds, sand and gravel can do this, let alone those monsters that have already become the climate. Under the nourishment of the emperor's liquid, the strength of the monsters will only skyrocket, without any other changes.

"Hey, Brother Feng, you don't know something. You don't know whether it's in the Ten Thousand Demon Prison above or below, but there are also seventy-two demon-suppressing halls built, so don't say that this place used to be a blessed land for the demon clan, it was the cave sky. Being imprisoned, life is still worse than death!"

Yunlin rushed to answer again, but after finishing speaking, he did not forget to add,

"These are what I heard from my old man. I also only heard that there is another layer of Ten Thousand Demons Prison, and there is a demon-suppressing hall to prevent demon riots, but I have never been to the specific conditions inside!"

"You've never seen it before, and you're still talking nonsense here!"

Xiao Yi glared at him. If looks could hurt, the guy in front of him had already been riddled with holes by his gaze.

"Why is this nonsense? My old man said this himself. How can it be wrong? If you think there is anything wrong with what I said, point it out!"

Yunlin was not convinced by Qi Dao, but such a simple and crude provoking method was of no use to Xiao Yi.

"The role of the Demon Suppression Hall is not to prevent monsters from rioting, but to restrict them through other means!"

"What means?"

"No comment!"

Xiao Yi responded coldly.

"Does your Xiao family cooperate with the Jin Dynasty?"

Feng Qing'an asked. He didn't believe that such a wealthy family had such a sense of responsibility and actually took the initiative to take on the important task of subduing demons. It must be driven by some kind of benefit, or an exchange of benefits.

It was really hard for him to imagine that a noble son born in a noble family like the one in front of him would travel across mountains and ridges to catch monsters and then throw them into his own land.


Naturally, Xiao Yi would not hide anything from the person in front of him when it came to public information for the powerful class.

"Our Xiao family has reached an agreement with the Luo family, and we are responsible for detaining and suppressing some demons and monsters that cannot be killed or removed on the spot due to various reasons!"

"What are the various reasons? Do you still need to be wary of monsters and ghosts?"

Feng Qingan frowned. When these words fell into his ears, he felt very uncomfortable.

"Master Feng, not everyone can be as unscrupulous as you. There is only one brother in your life for thousands of years!"

Xiao Yi couldn't help but sigh. He had the same doubts when he was a child, but when he grew up a little and saw a wider world, he understood.

If it is an ordinary fish demon and water ghost that harms the villagers and is discovered, it will naturally be killed on the spot. There will be no second result. But what if the person who harmed the people has a special background or identity?

Sons of tigers and daughters of water gods, these second-generation gods are born with divine power. Once they cause trouble and cause trouble, they can easily destroy a village.

Even if such a being is caught, how to deal with it is still a headache. If let go, where will the majesty of Dajin be? But what if you kill them on the spot and offend them? Are you really cutting down mountains and destroying temples?

One or two, the Jin Dynasty can bear it, but the same is true for mountains and rivers. If they conquer the mountains and destroy the temples, they will be defeated halfway, so they can only make concessions and compromises. They will not kill them, but they will not let them go, but they will be thrown into the monsters. prison.

"Brother Feng, your eldest brother is really a god descended from heaven. We brothers all admire him very much, because your brother killed a lot of people three years ago, and many of the most beautiful women in the Ten Thousand Demons Prison lost their backers and were relocated. When we got to the top, we brothers had a great time!"

When talking about this topic, Yunlin was also very happy. Feng Qingan looked at him, waiting for this guy to continue talking.

"One of them impressed me the most. I remember she was the youngest daughter of the mountain god of Crouching Tiger Mountain. She was imprisoned because she liked to eat the blood of human men and harmed men in more than a dozen villages below the mountain. The people from the Demon Division spent a lot of time before they were caught.

It's a pity that she has a good father. Those cowards from the Fumo Division didn't dare to hurt her at all and threw her into the Xiao Family's Ten Thousand Demons Prison. However, the little tiger didn't get proud for long when her big backer bumped into her. Your eldest brother was chopped down with a sword by your eldest brother. I heard that when the body was found, it was so rotten that only bones were left! "

When talking about this topic, Yunlin's face looked a little wanton and cheerful, and even a little proud.

"That little tigress has had no support since then. She should have been punished, but for the crime she committed, it would be too easy to kill her like this. The Xiao family moved her up and let her Came out to pick up guests.

My brothers and I were her first benefactors, and we used all kinds of tricks. The little tigress was very fierce at first, but now, she has turned into a little tigress that cries when she sees anyone. The kitten is quite boring! "

"...You had a good time?"

Feng Qingan's mouth curled up a few times, but he had no intention of commenting on this matter.

He didn't have any sympathy for the tiger's daughter. She was played by a group of dandies from aristocratic families, and her life was worse than death. It could only be said that she deserved it.

"Of course, but it's a pity. UU Reading There are only two or three such goddesses, and most of the ones caught are males. I'm not as good as Long Yang, and I can't compare to those guys who are not afraid of meat and fish. .”

There was a bit of regret on Yunlin's face. He only regretted that he was not perverted enough. Otherwise, let alone the goddess, he could play more than a dozen of them, even the son of the god. But for those guys who criticize and wear horns, he is really No interest in it.


Feng Qing'an has a deeper understanding of the noble disciples of Dajin. After leaving here, he should stay away from these guys. He can't play with these guys.

"By the way, Brother Feng, there are many well-established guys imprisoned under this Ten Thousand Demons Prison. Dajin and the Xiao family don't dare to touch them. If you are interested, you can have a try. Do you want to give it a try?"

Yunlin, whose face was full of regrets, suddenly thought of something and looked at Feng Qing'an with bright eyes. They were afraid of the background, and they were nothing in front of this person.

If Feng Qing'an is willing and wants to play the goddess, he will be there to see her. If nothing else, he will have bragging rights in the next half year.

As a well-known dandy in Fengtian City, his biggest hobby is to ride on the crotch of those guys who pose as if they are superior in front of the human race, and look at their faces with despair and pleading. There is nothing more satisfying than this. He was excited.

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