Chapter 204 It’s a lot of fun

"You did?"

Although Feng Qing'an felt that he had been to many places and had seen magnificent and wonderful sights that ordinary people had never heard of, even if he spent his whole life, he would never see them. But hearing this kind of thing still made Feng Qing'an realize that he His knowledge is still shallow.


All Feng Qing'an heard was a burst of obscene laughter and no answer, but it could be regarded as an answer. This guy must have done something similar, otherwise how could he describe it so vividly?


A whisper rang out in the strong wind caused by the black-feathered eagle. It was scolded by another young master from an aristocratic family, Xiao Yi.

However, this scolding just happened to express what Feng Qing'an was thinking at the moment. However, the sound was quickly drowned in the wind, and the scolded guy didn't hear it at all. This was just because Feng Qing'an's five senses were incredibly sharp. This was captured.

"Brother Feng, don't forget that these beasts have become somewhat human-like after taking the Transformation Pill, but in fact, they don't understand the etiquette and morality of the human race at all. The concept of chastity that ordinary people take for granted is nonsense here!"

As a child of an aristocratic family, Yunlin was born to observe people's emotions. Even though Feng Qing'an was dozens of feet away and didn't even speak, he still noticed Feng Qing'an's emotional changes and seemed to know what he just said. What he said made this person unhappy, and he thought about the other person's background. What he just said was indeed difficult for ordinary people to accept.

But in fact, this kind of thing is not uncommon among the human race, not to mention the monster race who don't know etiquette and morality and have no concept of chastity. It's just that ordinary people basically can't hear it. Open the history books and you'll find something like this. Absurdities and even more outrageous things abound.

Precisely because he has seen and seen too much, he doesn't think it's anything because he is used to it. It's just that this kind of thing will have a huge impact on people who come into contact with it for the first time, even if they just hear about it.


Feng Qing'an was actually only slightly surprised, because he also knew that other species cannot be viewed with the moral values ​​of the human race.

The monsters living on the land below look somewhat human-like, but they have a human-like appearance due to the influence of the environment. In fact, they have no blood relationship with the human race.

Let’s just talk about those snake women and snake monsters that are very common in places with abundant water and vapor. Given the nature of snakes, what does it mean to them that humans seek peace with them? With the endurance of snakes in this regard, one is worth ten, and people will not take this seriously at all.

Of course, there are also races that are extremely in line with human ethics in this regard, such as swans and geese. Even these immature birds have higher standards of loyalty to their spouses than the human race itself.

Among wild beasts, there are also races that are extremely affectionate and dedicated, such as certain apes. Even if they are not as intelligent as humans, their loyalty to their partners is amazing to most humans. The same is true for wolves. They are extremely One of the few species that can stay committed to its mate.

Although there are many races that are very consistent with human moral standards and concepts of chastity, compared to the numerous races in the world, they are a minority and can even be considered aliens.

"For us to come down to have fun now is a gift to any ethnic group below. They will not feel that this is an insult to them!"

"The number of these monsters is too weak. Are there no stronger monsters?"

Feng Qing'an's eyes wandered around the earth, and he could come into contact with many longing eyes on the human race flying through the air, but he had no idea of ​​coming down.

The reason is simple, it’s too embarrassing!

For the great demons, having reached this level, transformation is a matter of course. They can shape themselves into a flawless human posture according to their own wishes.

But for the monsters everywhere in the Kingdom of Ten Thousand Monsters, who use external forces such as the Transformation Pill to transform into shapes, their transformations are full of randomness because they do not meet the level of strength.

Those who can transform their heads and torsos are considered the best among them. Most of the monsters cannot be seen at all under the random transformation, so they might as well keep them as they are.

But even among the monsters that can take on a roughly human form, the human facial features they transform are also full of randomness. It can be imagined whether they can be seen or not. Sometimes it is not as pleasing to the eye as holding the head of the original body.

Wandering around in the sky, Feng Qing'an knew that those little goblins who were chosen to go outside to receive the people who were looking for flowers and flowers were already one in a thousand, or even one in a thousand.

The appearance of most of the transformed little demons is too challenging for the tolerance limits of ordinary human beings. Let alone staying together, it would be good if they can start to explore the Yin and Yang Dao without being scared away.

"It's just because they are weak that I don't bother to care about them. As for the big ones, they all have special placement points, just like my ghost bride!"

Yunlin explained.

"Where is your ghost bride? Where has it been placed? Why haven't you seen it yet?"

"We've arrived, Brother Feng, take a look!"

Looking in the direction of the dandy boy's finger, Feng Qing'an immediately saw a dilapidated village standing abruptly on the edge of a dense jungle full of primitive and wild energy. It was very unusual.

Because this dilapidated village has no human habitation at all, but it is decorated with lights and colorful decorations everywhere. Big red happy characters and red flowers can be seen everywhere. But this joyful decoration, combined with the quiet atmosphere, and the dense and lush jungle outside the village, what do you think? How weird.

It's as if this village was suddenly moved here and is out of tune with the environment here. That's all. This village also reveals an unusual and strange atmosphere everywhere, and an ominous atmosphere arises spontaneously.

"You have great courage!"

After taking a look at the village below that was already shrouded in ghostly aura, Feng Qingan took a look at Yunlin, whose face was red and had sex. He had to admire this guy's courage. He wouldn't be able to do it in his place!

"That's right, most people don't dare to be like me. Brother Feng, I will go down first, and you and Xiao Wu will watch from the sky. But when I enter the main scene, you will let Xiao Wu lead you elsewhere. visit?"

"Are you alone? Aren't you afraid of something happening?"

Feng Qing'an raised his eyebrows. This guy was really brave. Of course he could see that although this guy was a drunkard, his physique could be compared with that of an innate warrior because he was born into a noble family.

"This is the Kingdom of Ten Thousand Monsters. As long as it's a human race, nothing can happen here!"

Yunlin looked confident.

"Well, then go ahead!"

Judging from the strength shown by this guy alone, entering the ghost village below alone is like a sheep entering a tiger's mouth. There will be no return, but considering his origin, and the purpose of this guy coming in is to have fun. Just for fun, so I won’t comment. Who knows what tricks this guy hides.

"Then I'll go first, and I'll show you Brother Feng how to play in the Kingdom of Ten Thousand Monsters!"

While speaking, Yunlin patted the giant eagle under him. Such a powerful raptor had already understood human nature, so with just a simple movement, the black-feathered eagle fell sharply to the ground like a galloping arrow, and landed with a crash. land.

Yunlin, who was riding on its back, turned over and landed skillfully. The black-feathered eagle did not stop here. It flapped its wings and flew towards the direction from which it came, obviously not caring about him.

Yunlin, who was walking alone on the ground, raised his head and looked at the black spots in the sky. He didn't take it seriously. He smiled, and then took out several sets of clothes with very obvious styles under the slightly astonished gaze of the sky.

The gray scholar's robe, the dark monk's robe, and the tattered monk's clothes exuding a greasy smell, except for these clothes, the identity can be identified at a glance.

There is also a book box that is obviously used by poor scholars, a peach wood sword and golden bell that bloom with spiritual light, and even a tin staff and a wooden fish are prepared.


It was already clear what preparations the guy below was making, but Feng Qingan's probing eyes looked at Xiao Yi aside, and it was faster to ask directly than to guess.

"He is choosing his identity. As you can see, he is a weak Confucian scholar, a Taoist priest who subdues demons, or a monk who breaks the precepts. Yun San needs to choose one of them and make an action that suits his chosen identity. With the ghost bride imprisoned in it, Contact occurred..."

Xiao Yi explained in detail, and Feng Qingan understood immediately after hearing it. Role-playing, regardless of whether the Jin Dynasty was a feudal imperial dynasty, within the allowable range, the nobles of the aristocratic families can play as fancy as they want.

"You guys are really good at playing!"

While they were talking, Yunlin had already made his choice. He first put away the Confucian shirt and the Taoist monk's clothes that were stained with the smell of wine and meat, then took off his clothes and quickly put on the Taoist robe.

The originally handsome and handsome young master was shaking a copper bell in one hand and holding a peach wood sword in the other. When he calmed down a little, he still looked like the same thing. He really looked like a young Taoist priest who came down the mountain to slay demons. .

But when he looked at the dilapidated village and smiled, his true nature was immediately revealed.

"Little lady, I'm here, Taoist Master. You must hide well, otherwise you will be caught by Taoist Master, but hey hey hey..."

"Yun San chose the identity this time as a ghost-catching Taoist priest!"

Xiao Yi breathed a sigh of relief, and her expression became more relaxed. When she noticed Feng Qingan's gaze, she took the initiative to explain without waiting for questioning.

"The identity he chose is relatively simple. He is now a powerful ghost-catching Taoist priest. After catching ghosts, the next step is for him to express himself freely.

So we don’t need to prepare anything in advance. If he chooses to be a weak scholar, we have to find a way to rearrange it so that he is ‘forced’ to come into contact with the ghost bride in the posture of a weak scholar.

However, this ghost bride has just been caught and has not been completely tamed or trained well. Cooperation will be very troublesome. Now that Yun San has chosen to catch the ghost Taoist priest, he only needs to use violent means to force the other party to the front. No cooperation is required. The more the ghost bride resists, the more fun this guy will have! "

"...Okay, you don't need to say anything, I understand everything!"

Feng Qing'an finally understood that there were different levels of people seeking pleasure.

On Fengyue Street in Fengtian City, the Ten Thousand Demons Tower is undoubtedly the most superior and has the highest level. After all, the people who serve are fairies, but even after entering the Ten Thousand Demons Tower, the levels are still clear.

Naturally, the lowest ones can't even enter the gate, so they can only gather and gamble outside the gate of the Ten Thousand Monster Kingdom, looking for the company of some demon girls who barely take on human form.

The medium one is the gateway to the Ten Thousand Monsters Kingdom, but you can only wander around the portal and cannot enter the Ten Thousand Demons Kingdom and enjoy the real Ten Thousand Demons Kingdom services.

The highest status is a guy with power and background like Yunlin. He can get the best enjoyment in the Kingdom of Ten Thousand Monsters, freely choose the scene and interpret the stories that can only happen in the strange world of gods and ghosts. Let the powerful monster play with him. As for the last part, it is the least important.

Of course, there were some in the Kingdom of Ten Thousand Demons that he couldn't touch. For example, in the Prison of Ten Thousand Demons, he could only look at those prisoners with backgrounds and backgrounds, but he couldn't touch them at all.

"Young Master Feng must have a certain understanding of our country of Ten Thousand Monsters. What do you have in mind? As long as it can be realized, we will try our best to satisfy you!"

Seeing that Feng Qing'an was an understanding person and figured out the real gameplay of Ten Thousand Demons Kingdom so quickly, Xiao Yi also felt a lot more relaxed. It would take some time for people who came to Ten Thousand Demons Kingdom for the first time to adapt.

In the past, strange stories that could only be heard in storytellers' stories could be experienced here personally, and he could become the protagonist. This impact was still very big for Brother Chu.

"I don't have any ideas!"

Feng Qing'an shook his head. Although this ingenious way of playing was novel, it really didn't appeal to him. He couldn't arouse any interest.

"What do guests who come to your Kingdom of Ten Thousand Demons usually choose for the first time?"

"Linghu repays the favor!"

Xiao Yi gave an answer that was not what Feng Qingan expected. UU Reading When it comes to the monsters that have the most contact with the human race, who is the best? No village can be made without foxes!

"The second thing is that the raccoon slave repays the favor and the dragon palace enters the marriage..."

Feng Qing'an nodded. These are classic stories that have been circulated among ordinary people for a long time. If you have the opportunity, you will naturally find a way to experience it yourself.

However, it’s not surprising that fox girls, raccoon slaves, etc., these kind of monsters, even if they don’t take form, are very lovable in their true form, but entering the Dragon Palace as a wife?

"Do you still have dragon species in your Ten Thousand Monster Kingdom?"

"Yes, but the dragon blood of those people is extremely thin. Compared with those of the people you have seen, please don't have too high expectations!"

Xiao Yi bowed slightly and apologized.

Although there is a repertoire for marrying into the Dragon Palace, the few demon clans responsible for the repertoire are only barely related to the dragon clan. Really, it is considered a fool. If a serious dragon species is eight hundred, the Xiao family will not let it fall into the dust and do skinny work!

This kind of thing is taboo for the Dragon Clan. Even if it is a wild acquired dragon species with no background, a demon clan with dragon bloodline can do this kind of thing. If the Dragon Clan knows about it, let alone they are just a family that has been passed down for thousands of years, it is a family that has been passed down for thousands of years. The holy land is still unable to withstand the dragon clan's anger.

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