The Unique Guardian Beast Master in Cultivation World

Chapter 21 The Supreme Being of All Spirits

Feng Qing'an stood at the door of his room, his expression changing. Just by hearing the name, he knew that the All-Spirit Supreme Body was much stronger than the Yuanling Body he had already obtained.

However, the transformation of the Yuanling body has been too much for him to bear. How will this achievement reward, which can only be obtained by the strongest beast master, torment him?

He didn't know what the upper limit of a beast master was, but the Supreme Being of All Spirits had already made it clear that this didn't seem to be a benefit he could bear now!


Looking at Feng Qing'an standing motionless at the door, Heishan let out a low bark.


Feng Qing'an looked back at Heishan, took a step back, closed the door, and then sat back on the bed, falling into a difficult decision. He didn't know how long it had been, when he saw the man who had been squatting quietly on the ground. , Heishan, whose expression showed concern, suddenly laughed.

He could feel the presence of the wolf-dog in front of him. Even with his eyes closed, he could still feel it. It was the feeling conveyed to him by the soul contract.

He could feel even more that his body had obviously become different. He had mastered the extraordinary power that he had longed for before. This was the result of his hard training for hundreds of days without stopping for a day.

But this is only one of the gains, and it is the most insignificant. The biggest gain is now in front of him. Even if it is a benefit that he can get by some combination of circumstances, this is indeed his gain. .

Isn’t it a joke to be eager to practice but afraid of opportunities?


Feng Qing'an, who had clear thoughts, read in his heart.

At this moment, Feng Qing'an's consciousness came into contact with a vast and boundless abyss. This was boundless and seemed to have endless power. It actually wanted to pour into his body. In just an instant, Feng Qing'an It felt like his body was being torn apart and swallowed up, and his consciousness became blurred.

[The supreme body of all spirits is being transformed, the transformation progress is 0.0001%, and the vital signs of the beast master are abnormal! 】

[The life safety of the beast master is the highest priority! 】

[All Souls Supreme Body, stop transformation! 】


The child, whose clothes were still slightly damp with sweat, looked up and fell on the bed. Heishan, who was already a little nervous and worried, immediately stepped forward and stretched his head to sniff.

After that, the tall and mighty wolf dog felt relieved, but still waited quietly in front of the bed for a long time. When the moon was at its peak, he lay down on the ground and took a nap. Even though he was hungry at this moment, he never left. .


The powerful and penetrating rooster crow sounded, and Feng Qingan quietly opened her eyes. Her black and white eyes revealed a kind of confusion, without the spirit of the past.

The next moment, as Feng Qingan recalled everything that happened last night, he suddenly sat up from the bed,

"Abort transformation?! Panel!"

[Beast Master: Feng Qingan]

[Level: Phantom Beast Master]

[Physique: All Souls Supreme Body] [View]

[First Soul Contract: Black Mountain] [View]

"Check your physique!"

[Explanation: You will become the supreme being of all spirits, the source of immortal spirituality. Every drop of your blood and every hair can bestow upon all things immortal spirituality, unlimited potential, break away from all shackles, and achieve immortality]

[Physique transformation has not been completed, current progress: 0.0001%]

[Fusible Characteristics: Yuanling] [Do you want to fuse? 】


Feng Qingan sat on the bed and fell into a long silence. The message projected into his consciousness really left him with too much to say.

The All-Spirit Supreme Body, as he expected, crushed the Yuanling Body he obtained in all directions. With only one millionth of the fusion progress, it forcibly stripped off the Yuanling Body and turned it into a fusionable characteristic.


There was no second option, so what else could Feng Qingan choose? Although he complained that the Yuanling body was a nanny's constitution, part of the milk from his pet would eventually be fed back to himself.

The time and energy that a beast master spends on his animal pet will be reflected in his own body when it accumulates to a certain level and the quantitative change reaches a qualitative change.

[Physical characteristics are being fused...]

[Integration successful! 】

The fusion process was extremely simple. Feng Qingan didn't even feel any changes in his body. It seemed that the fusion process had been completed long ago. He just waited for him to wake up and then go through the process again.

"Check your physique!"

【All Souls Supreme Body】

[Conversion progress: 0.0001%]

[Physical Characteristic 1: Immortal Spiritual Source] [Disabled]

[Physical Characteristics 2: Yuanling]

This time, there is no physical explanation. This seems to only happen once. The explanation once is enough, as simple and straightforward as ever.

Feng Qing'an didn't even bother to ask, because he couldn't get an answer, and besides, he could guess 90% of the time.

Physical characteristics: Immortal spiritual source, followed by "disabled". There is no need to guess the reason. Just look at the conversion rate of only one millionth, and you will know. You probably don't have to put much hope in this characteristic.

On the contrary, the physical characteristics: Yuanling, which is worth looking forward to, because this is obviously the merger and fusion of the Yuanling body he first transformed, UU Reading www.uukanshu. NET just doesn’t know if all the characteristics of this physique have been incorporated.

[Main Mission·2: Promoted to Earth Beast General]

[Requirement: Condensate the second and third soul contracts, and successfully contract a beast pet with potential or combat power above the warrior level! 】

[Reward: Divine Spell]

The cold voice of the system sounded at the break of dawn, which immediately made Feng Qingan's body tense up, but after he saw the content clearly, he slowly relaxed.

He was really tortured last night. Although he got many benefits and it was not an exaggeration to call him a new man, it was so painful that he didn't want it to happen again.

Unfortunately, as of now, this is just wishful thinking on his part. He has received the strongest achievement reward for his current level, as well as the strongest reward for the beast master system.

But there are obviously higher levels in the beast master system. Now the updated main mission has told him that the higher levels of beast masters and beast pets, earth beast generals, and war general levels

When he is promoted to the Earth Beast General, he will probably be able to win the title of the Strongest Earth Beast General on his own. When the time comes, this achievement reward will give him another try.

However, although Feng Qing'an thought so, there was still some expectation in his heart.

Who can have too many opportunities for reinvention?

"Black Mountain, let's go!"

At this moment, feeling refreshed and clear in his thoughts, Feng Qing'an jumped out of bed and woke up the wolfhound who had already gotten up the moment he opened his eyes.


Montenegro shouted, also wagging his tail, and followed in a happy mood.

However, when Feng Qingan walked into the courtyard in the early morning light, the suddenly quiet courtyard made him stop abruptly.

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