The Unique Guardian Beast Master in Cultivation World

Chapter 211 That year, a sword slashed at the capital city god

Chapter 213 That year, a sword slashed at the capital city god

"Huo, which descendant of the immortal is this descended from the sky?"

When the Qilin beast with the head of a dragon, the body of a horse, two wings on its bones, and golden scales covering its neck appeared at the gate of the Yin Division, many monks who could only wait and see were already accustomed to the seniors arriving one after another at the gate of the Yin Division. Seeing this scene, I couldn't help but talk about it.

They marveled at the pomp of this young man in white clothes. The monks who appeared at the gate of the underworld looked like beggars, cattle farmers, swingers, Linchen fairies, and salesmen carrying goods.

Even though they have a unique temperament and unique style, these monks are generally quite low-key. Even if they are placed among the crowd, they are not conspicuous. Some of them are too lazy to take a second look.

There are only a few female cultivators. Perhaps they pay more attention to their appearance. They appear graceful, majestic, or lively and full of vitality, like nine-day fairies descending to the mortal world. They attract a little attention, but it doesn't matter. This is what they are. The attitude and appearance of a female cultivator at this level is just not low-key.

But even these female cultivators who pay attention to their appearance can't compare with the young man in white who appears at the entrance of the underworld at this moment.

Needless to say, the Qilin beast who sat down did not need to say anything. The auras of the two wolves, one white and one black, following him showed their power unintentionally, making many monks feel ashamed.

Although it would be a bit embarrassing to say this, self-aware monks had to admit that they couldn't even beat the black dog next to the young man in white.

"Who is this senior? Does any of you know him?"

The face of the boy in white looks very young, but if he can stand in front of the gate of the underworld, he is called a senior and a practitioner. Who can tell his age based on his superficial appearance.

Despite his young age, he even still has a childlike look on his face. Who knows if he is an old monster who has lived for dozens of years, or an ordinary octogenarian who may not have lived a fraction of his age.

"I don't know him. If I had seen this senior's pomp and circumstance, I would never forget it in my life!"

"It's so good, I'll definitely never forget it after seeing it once!"

"Look at your ignorant looks. What kind of pomp is this? You have never seen the princess of the Tianqin Empire traveling with three thousand Xuanluan Guards clearing the way. That's called a pomp, but this senior looks familiar. , where have I seen it?”

"He looks so much like this one!"

"Isn't this the reincarnation of the Immortal Lord..."

Feng Qing'an, who did not hide his face too much, caused a wave of admiration when he appeared. His appearance immediately attracted the attention of the monks who had seen the reincarnation of a certain "immortal king".

But the whispers in the city naturally could not reach Feng Qingan's ears. At this moment, he had already rode Sen Miao to the gate of Fengtian Yinsi. His attention was not below, but on the left and right sides.

Because he received completely different treatment from other monks, for some unknown reason, the heads of these Yin soldiers, who were originally sculptures, turned and looked at him with expressionless and lifeless faces, as if he was to the Yin soldiers. , like an extremely dangerous beast.


Sensing something amiss with the Yin soldiers arrayed on both sides, Heishan let out a low roar, and the strong demonic aura turned into blazing blue fire, wrapping around its limbs and tail.

However, facing the intimidating demon, these Yin soldiers, who were several feet tall and could be compared to some small county priests, still did not make any move. They just stared at Feng Qingan, making the young man frown.

"What do you mean? Don't welcome me? Treat me differently?"

However, the young man's brows relaxed quickly, and with a slight raise of the corner of his mouth, he had an idea. He first arranged his clothes slowly, then stretched out his hand, and a simple long sword with a crimson scabbard appeared. In his hands.

The moment the sword that had slain many gods and killed evil dragons appeared in his hand, the dead eyes that originally made Feng Qingan feel extremely uncomfortable disappeared. These Yin soldiers turned their heads, straightened their heads, looked straight ahead, and It was the same as before, nothing unusual anymore.


Seeing this scene, Feng Qingan let out a chuckle, and then slowly tied the long sword in his hand to his waist.

Not surprisingly, his eldest brother should have been here when he was taking the exam. As for what his eldest brother did in this city, he didn't know, but judging from the reaction of these Yin soldiers, his eldest brother had been to Fengtian Yin Division back then?

Maybe he hasn't been here before, but at least one thing is certain, these Yin soldiers recognize the sword in his hand.

"Black Mountain, open the way!"

After seeing that these Yin soldiers did not become demons, Feng Qing'an asked Heishan to calm down a little. The ghost wolf immediately bowed his head and obeyed his orders, opened his mouth, and took a gentle breath. The Yin energy that could prevent the weak monks from entering the Yin Division suddenly surged like a galloping force. The trickle of water flowing into the ocean was quickly swallowed into the mouth by the Black Mountain.

"Don't eat randomly here. Just get rid of the yin energy. How long are you going to eat?"

Feng Qing'an stood behind the portal of the Yin Division and took a look. Behind this portal was the Yin Division Domain that could not be seen at a glance. He patted it angrily, and a wind that seemed to be substantial turned into the shape of his palm, knocking on it. On the back of Montenegro's head.


Heishan whimpered, pushing aside the Yin Qi pouring out of the Yin Division, and opened a spacious and smooth road to Feng Qing'an. Sen Miao, who felt very uncomfortable with the environment here, moved his front hooves and walked away.

Bai Yao, who also came to watch the excitement, followed closely behind. When their group entered the Yin Division, the Yin Qi surged, filling up all the Yin Qi that Heishan had just swallowed, turning it into an invisible and powerful barrier.

All young monks who have not cultivated to a high level will be kept out of the Yin Division. Not everyone can enter here.

However, Heishan's actions just now are also imprinted in the eyes of many opportunistic monks. Some people want to take advantage of the weak Yin Qi to break in and take a look, but the end is no different from the previous little monks. They are directly turned into a frenzy by Yin Qi. Sweep it down from the gate of Yinsi.

After the underworld, Feng Qing'an, who had already stepped into it, looked at a priest who stumbled away in front of him with some confusion, and almost disappeared. Then his confused eyes turned to a man who fell ten feet away and was full of emotions. The little official with a worried face.

"What do you mean? I'm not welcome?"

Feng Qing'an, who had just been watched by the Yin soldiers outside the Yin Division Gate, had a subtle feeling. At this moment, this feeling became even clearer when he met these officials whose minds were obviously more complete and clear.

Originally, these officials came to him on their own initiative, as if they wanted to guide him, but when his face appeared in front of these guys, these guys were like a bunch of rabbits being targeted by natural enemies, and they didn't even think about it. Thinking, they scattered and fled.

It was as if he was some extremely terrifying and irresistible scourge, and also like a ferocious bandit who broke into poor people's homes and robbed them.

The Yin soldiers and officials of the Fengtian Yin Division, for him or for this face that was very similar to their eldest brother, the fear in their hearts was almost engraved into their souls.

"No, nothing!"

The official who heard Feng Qing'an's question was shaking like chaff at this moment, the fear in his heart was completely revealed, and an extremely forced smile appeared on his face that was about to cry.

"How, how dare we not welcome you?"

"Then why are you running?"

Feng Qing'an rode on Sen Miao's back, looking down at the Yin official who had not suppressed his fear until now. This was the only one who was alone, and the other two had disappeared.

"I, we..."

Hearing Feng Qing'an's question, the underworld official hesitated and hesitated, not knowing how to answer. He also recognized it at this moment. This face was slightly different from the one who had entered the underworld.

But they were too similar, so similar that even though he knew they were different people, the similar faces almost gave him no courage to escape, so he had no choice but to kill them at the neck.

"It turns out that the Second Master Feng is here. I'm sorry for not being able to welcome you from afar. I wonder if you can spare these people? They don't know the etiquette. Please forgive me!"

Under Feng Qing'an's gaze, the bodies of ghosts and gods began to tremble as if out of fear, and the Yin officials became illusory. Not knowing what to do, a deep and strong voice sounded, and a familiar figure of ghosts and gods appeared. It was that A literary judge who led the Heavenly Dragon Monk into the underworld.

"You can tolerate it, but I want to know the reason. It's excusable, and you have to let me know the inside story, right?"

Feng Qingan replied after seeing this judge who was taller than himself riding on Sen Miao.

"What the young master said is absolutely true!"

"Then what's the inside story? The ghosts and gods here are so afraid of me? Or rather, they seem to be afraid of me!"

Feng Qing'an asked, he was extremely curious about everything his brother had done on the way to the exam.

"Young Master is very aware of everything. You have already guessed it. Just as you expected, your brother has been here!"

Judge Wen cupped his hands and responded.

"Because of what?"

Naturally, Feng Qing'an would not be simply dismissed by this answer. His elder brother had been here before, and it was obviously not to discuss anything with ghosts and gods. He must have used weapons here, otherwise these ghosts and gods' dark soldiers would not have such an attitude.

"Second Young Master, I'm afraid you'll have to find someone else to inquire about the details. I'm a subordinate and I don't dare to speak arbitrarily against the superior!"

Upon hearing Feng Qing'an's inquiry, Judge Wen suddenly looked embarrassed, as if he didn't say anything, but he clearly revealed crucial information.

His elder brother once broke into Fengtian Yinsi and had a conflict with the capital city god. As for who won and who lost, it seemed clear at a glance. Ghosts and gods saw him, but they were like mortals avoiding savage beasts.

"Your answer doesn't satisfy me. As far as I know, my eldest brother doesn't know how to use a sword lightly. If the sword is drawn, there will be injustice. Could it be that you, the superior official, are unethical?"

"Young Master, please be careful. My master has served as the City God of Heaven for thousands of years. He has benefited the people, driven out demons, and protected the country. His merits are immeasurable. How can he do anything unethical?"

"Then you mean, my brother is wrong?"

Feng Qing'an raised his eyebrows and his expression became unkind.

"Of course not, it's just that my adults were implicated by unfilial descendants, and there was no fault of their own!"

The judge quickly defended.

"Unfilial descendants? Thousands of years, which family in the city is your master the ancestor of? Xiao? Yun? Sun, or Shi?"

Feng Qingan's eyes narrowed slightly, probably making some guesses.

"Young Master is really well-informed. He has just arrived in the city and already knows..."

"Don't waste my time!"


The literary judge honestly said that not only the underworld officials below, but even he was still frightened by the childish face in front of him. Even in another hundred years, he would probably not be able to forget the sword that struck the capital city god.

"So he is the ancestor of the Xiao family? Tsk, it is indeed a thousand-year-old family. Has the position of the City God been replaced?"

Feng Qingen couldn't help but marveled. The Xiao family's heritage was deeper than he thought. No wonder they dared to support the demon king. It turned out that there was such a great god in Fengtian City.

"Of course not. My master is just a fault of his descendants, and he was protected by your brother's sword. How could he fall because of this?"

"What? What do you mean? Do you still feel that your family is aggrieved? The mistakes committed by descendants a thousand years later have nothing to do with his living ancestors?"

Although he didn't know what happened specifically, Feng Qingan was naturally on his eldest brother's side.

"This... of course not, but you have to know that with so many children and grandchildren, even adults like me cannot be thoughtful about everything. It is inevitable that some dandy children will make mistakes and fail to notice them in time!"

"Is it just that I didn't notice it in time?"

"Master, please let me go. This is the Fengtian Yin Division!"

Judge Wen had a sad face and begged Feng Qing'an to raise his hand and let him go. Everything that happened here was seen by the City God.

What is the difference between him telling the second young master the whole story of what happened back then and telling his dark history in front of his own superior? It is not like this to cut off one's future.

"Then you have to let me know. Who can I call to find out what's going on?"

"You can ask your brother yourself about such matters!"

The literary judge just felt baffled. What your eldest brother did, you still have to ask us ghosts and gods who have been affected by it?

"If my brother was willing to tell me, I wouldn't have found out today!"

Feng Qing'an also felt melancholy. His elder brother was really too low-key. He didn't know anything about what he did back then. He only knew it from other people's mouths.

"Then I can only trouble you, Young Master, to think of a solution on your own. I still want to be a civil judge here for another five hundred years, and I don't want to become a lonely ghost!"

Judge Wen bowed his hands.

"Then I can ask the City God directly later?"

Feng Qingan wanted to directly ask the ghosts and gods who had experienced this first-hand.

"But, after I finish discussing the Dharma with the eminent monks from Xilan Continent, if you have any questions, you can ask them in person!"

Before Judge Wen could answer, a deep, deep voice with endless majesty sounded beside him.

"grown ups!"

The expression on Wenjian, who was originally full of bitterness, suddenly became more helpless at this moment. He really felt that he had been wronged, whether it was three years ago, UU Reading or now.

The wrong things done by the mortal descendants actually involve their ancestors who have ascended to the altar.

"Bring Mr. Feng to the main hall!"


The judge, who had taken another pot for no apparent reason, sighed slightly in his heart, then smiled and looked at Feng Qingan,

"Sir, please come with me!"


The judge led the way and saw the majestic and continuous palaces along the way. Needless to say, what impressed Feng Qing'an was particularly profound. The eyes of the ghosts and gods who came in and out of the underworld looked at him.

This also made him more and more curious as to why his brother had killed the City God with his sword!

Spoiler: Tianlong Monk, Yinghai, who is the template for this character based on? No need to talk nonsense, this is the character who is being beaten, but it is not a supporting character who can beat him violently, at least it has to be related to the protagonist.

This monk's attitude towards people falling in love with heterogeneous people. Who was responsible for the first round of beatings he received? Needless to say, he is not the capital city god anyway, this guy is not worthy

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