The Unique Guardian Beast Master in Cultivation World

Chapter 234 The secret technique that defies heaven

Chapter 236 The secret technique that defies heaven

[Sixth Soul Contract: Sen Miao]

[Race: Qilin Beast]

[Attributes: Lin, Jing, Wood, Water, Wind]

[Potential Level: King·Superior]

[Combat power level: Lord·Medium]

It was a rather unpretentious change, but although it looked somewhat similar to Heishan at first glance, Feng Qing'an estimated that if Heishan and Sen Miao were to fight, the outcome would be between 30 and 70.

Heishan three, Sen Miao seven, and the 30% is because Heishan has a special talent that can burn the soul. When it is not a life-and-death battle, Sen Miao cherishes himself, and Montenegro has the possibility of winning.

There was no way, Heishan's bloodline might have been good at the beginning, but now, compared to the others, it was not even a bit worse.

However, if there were other beastmasters in the world, they might mind this, but for Feng Qingan, it is not a problem at all. If his bloodline is bad, then just find a way to transform and evolve him.

"Ghost Wolf, you have to ask Donghuang later to see if there is any way to strengthen the Black Mountain bloodline."

Feng Qingan took a look at Donghuang's situation. Not surprisingly, Donghuang was hardly affected by him, and it was only superficially unaffected.

In fact, the Lord of Youhuang Kingdom was in a very good mood. Sitting still, part of the incomplete origin that made her particularly distressed was filled. Who would be unhappy?

Compared to her elder sister, the younger sister's changes are obvious, because the feedback given by Feng Qingan's promotion can be regarded as equal to the rain and dew to a certain extent.

[Second Soul Contract: Southern Song]

[Race: Innate Yin Spirit]

[Attributes: Yin, Heaven, Spirit]

[Potential Level: Emperor·Medium]

[Combat power level: Lord·Medium]

"Feng Qing'an, how could you do this?"

The moment she noticed Feng Qing'an's consciousness coming, the girl complained to him because she was repeating a secret technique similar to the one she had used to refining her magic power.

She prepared to suppress her realm and break through after a while, but Feng Qing'an's sudden feedback made her unable to control the power she had accumulated for a long time. The long-term accumulation suddenly burst out, causing her to cross two small steps in a row.

But this did not make the girl happy, because this was not what she wanted. As a result, she wanted more. The girl's mind had long since lost the indifference it had before meeting Feng Qingan, and she wanted to compare everything with her sister.

"Accident, just an accident."

The girl complained, but the joy in her heart could not be hidden from Feng Qing'an. Feng Qing'an chatted with the girl for a long time with a smile, quietly listening to the girl chirping like a lark, pouring out her thoughts.

I don't know how long it took, until the whirring sound of the cave spirit came from my ears. Feng Qingan temporarily removed his consciousness from Nan Ge and paid attention to the changes in front of him.

The appearance of the giant Long Bo in front of him has changed drastically. The originally broken armor has now become complete. At least with Feng Qingan's current eyesight, he can't find any damage.

The armor with dark colors as the main color is now covered with a thick layer of black and yellow aura, and within the armor, there are lines of red gold aura spreading, which makes Giant Long Bo's aura appear heavy without losing its majesty. .

Of course, the changes in the armor were the least worthy of attention. What really amazed Feng Qing'an was that the armor was no longer wrapped in a bare skeleton.

The translucent amber-like crystal perfectly fills every part between the bones. Even if the armor is removed, what is displayed in front of Feng Qingan is a giant body that explains what is perfect in every part. A body, not a skeleton as huge as a mountain.

"Not bad!"

Looking at the reborn giant Long Bo, Feng Qingan couldn't help but nodded and checked the guy's current condition.

[Seventh Soul Contract: Ten Thousand Miles]

[Race: Long Bo Giant]

[Attributes: Spirit, Earth, Yin, Fire]

[Potential Level: Emperor·Inferior]

[Combat power level: King·Inferior]


In terms of the increase in potential and combat power, this guy is definitely the highest this time. However, Feng Qingan also knows very well that the reason why this guy has undergone such earth-shaking changes is also due to the huge body in front of him that has lost one of its forelimbs. Turtle Mountain.

"Can you still eat it? How about a few more bites?"

Looking at the incomplete beauty of the turtle mountain in front of him, Feng Qingan asked with concern to the giant who no longer had any devouring power emanating from his body.

Only after seeing the changes of giant Long Bo can we truly realize the value of this turtle mountain. It is not just a mountain that looks like a turtle.

This was the transformation of a powerful monster from the demon clan who had a lot of history, and before his death, he was not devastated like Wan Li, and all his spiritual essence was wiped out.

Even if it has turned into a mountain, it means a huge opportunity and benefit for the being who can swallow the mountain. Just now, Feng Qing'an thought that Wan Li's appetite was a bit big, but now he just feels that this guy's appetite is not good enough. If he swallowed the entire Turtle Mountain, God knows what level he could advance to.

"...I can't eat anymore."

After hearing Feng Qing'an's words, his eyes were no longer filled with leaping soul fire, but a pair of giants with crystal clear pupils. He stared at the partially mutilated Guishan in front of him seriously for a long time, and then looked at Feng Qing'an. An slowly shook his head.

He also realized that if he could eat the turtle mountain in front of him completely, it would be of great benefit to him, but he really couldn't eat it now. He had reached his limit and it would take him a while to digest it before he could continue to devour it.

"Then you rest and get used to it."

If you can't eat, don't hold on. Feng Qing'an no longer forces himself on Giant Long Bo. It's an unexpected surprise to have such a result now. Being greedy will only waste all the previous efforts. Only those who are satisfied can always be happy.

Although he had met Donghuang's requirements with the Long Bo giant, he was not in a hurry to look for Donghuang. He had not had time to explore the changes that had happened to him.

"Zhengtian Divine Body!"

Feng Qingan silently thought about his newly acquired physique, and then recalled the dream he had when he obtained the physique, or that it was not a dream at all.

Because everything he experienced in it couldn't be more real, even the pain he felt when he was injured, Feng Qing'an could recall it.

"The wind is coming!"

The young man standing in the sky waved his hand gently, and the strong wind roared in the sky, blowing away all the clouds and mists that blocked his sight. This kind of arbitrary control could almost be called a magical means to control wind and rain, which made Feng Qing'an's eyes appear. Marvel.

Feng Qing'an, who has read many Taoist scriptures, knows how shocking his current behavior is among practitioners, because he does not need to set up an altar, recite mantras, and has no magic power.

He didn't need any preparation. Calling Feng Lan was as simple as taking in a breath and spitting it out, whatever he wanted.

Master of the Wind!

As long as he is still standing in the sky, the violent wind in the sky is like a derivative of his will. With his thoughts, the violent wind will come. This is only part of the wonder of his physique.


Feng Qing'an stretched out his palm, and a ray of thunder appeared in his palm. Then the incandescent and dazzling lightning quickly extended in his palm and turned into a thunder spear that coiled with electric arcs.

"I wonder how it compares to the Five Thunder Method?"

After weighing the substantial thunder in his hand, Feng Qing'an raised the thunder spear in his hand high, aimed at a raised hill at the edge of this layer of cave sky, and threw it with a wave of his hand.


The electric light exploded, and the smoke and dust rushed hundreds of feet. When the billowing smoke and dust were blown away by the strong wind set off by Feng Qing'an's wave, the small hill that was originally there had turned into a pit, which was full of scorched black and Remaining traces can still be seen at the edge of the lightning crater on the lens.

"Huo, it's not bad!"

Seeing this kind of power, even if Feng Qingan's horizons have been raised repeatedly, he can't help but nod in praise, because these are the magical powers that he can unleash with his free will and movements, but they consume a lot of soul power. , especially creating thunder spears out of thin air.

"Sir, what kind of physique do you have? You are actually gifted before you have even practiced. If you practice thunder, how can you do that?"

Seeing that Feng Qing'an raised his hand and created a hole in this layer, the cave spirit didn't care. It wasn't eaten or taken away. It was just that the terrain changed. It didn't matter.

"Zhengtian Divine Body."

Feng Qing'an replied casually, because the physique given to him by this transformation has nothing to do with beast control. Could it be that a beast master with such a physique can confront the beast he likes head-on? Capture the beast alive. beast?

"I have no impression."

After hearing Feng Qing'an's answer, Dongtian Spirit racked his brains and thought for a long time, but could not find the corresponding physique. Even if he searched based on the physical characteristics, he had no clue at the moment.

It is true that he was born with a special physique with the power of wind and thunder, but the physique obtained by the master in front of him is too unnatural. He has not even started practicing yet. He can feel the strong wind in the sky when he waves his hand, and the thunder spear of divine punishment when he raises his hand.

"Don't say that you have only obtained part of the inheritance. Even if you have obtained it all, it is not surprising that you still don't know. The world is so vast and the evolution of all things is endless."

Feng Qingan made a random joke, but the cave spirit was thoughtful and agreed with it.

The ancient demon sage who opened up this cave lived in a very ancient era. After his death, a new physique was born in the world. It is not surprising. Who in this world dares to say that he knows everything in the world? Variety?

"That makes sense."

Feng Qing'an glanced at this guy and said nothing. He was originally thinking about a possibility, such as whether the Zhengtian divine body had anything to do with the world he was currently in. Now it seems that there is basically no connection. , of course, cannot draw such a conclusion.

However, this physique is indeed extraordinary. Feng Qingan just tried it casually and was a little shocked. Of course, the most important thing is that such physical characteristics can be given, which is the strongest.

However, although it is worth trying and testing, Feng Qingan has more important things to focus on right now.

[Sky Beast Lord·Side Mission: Perfection]

[Requirement: Master the "Heshen Technique" and be able to cast it at will]

[Reward: "Yuanling Holy Soul Art\

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