Chapter 247 Killing the Ghost King

Above the head, there is a giant boy in white who stretches out half of his body. He looks at the many ghost kings with a contemptuous expression.

Although this is the first time he has come to the Netherworld in person, he has seen it too many times. He knows what is most needed to practice stably in the Netherworld - violence that can crush the opponent, and the ability to use it without hesitation. This violent determination.

Here, pretending to be a pig to eat a tiger is completely stupid. If you dare to hide your strength, the evil spirits around you will really regard it as a pig that can be slaughtered and devoured flesh and blood, and swarm you. At that time, even if the tiger skin is exposed, it will not help.

As a living person in the world, he walks in the underworld. When he appears for the first time at this moment, he must show absolute violence that can crush everything, so that he can be safe and avoid a lot of trouble in the future.

In the sky above the royal city, he openly announced that he was the husband of the Lord of Youhuang Kingdom, but he was just deliberately causing trouble. Even if he kept a low profile, just his status as a living person in the world was enough to attract a lot of malice and prying eyes.

It would be better to simply beat up the most powerful ghost kings in the Youhuang ghost country and under Donghuang one by one. It is really not possible to kill them all.

No matter how hard he goes, Donghuang always stands behind him to support him. What's there to be concerned about?

Naturally, he is unscrupulous and can do whatever he wants. Even if he demolishes this royal city, Donghuang will not have any big reaction.

In fact, Feng Qing'an was just like this. He controlled the giant Long Bo with the "Magic Skill" and slapped a palm from the cave. It not only knocked the ghost king with lava flowing all over his body and poisonous gas into the ground.

It also destroyed part of the entire royal city. Smoke and dust rose straight into the sky. Spider-web-shaped cracks as deep as a rift valley could be seen spreading from the giant's palm prints to the entire ghost city.

The sudden change caused many ghosts living in this ghost town to fall and suddenly spread into the rift valley at their feet.

But just falling into a crack was the best outcome. The lava ghost king was slapped from the sky and fell into the city.

The ghosts that came into contact with the ghost king's body were directly vaporized without saying a word. The ghosts that were too close were ignited by the fire. Amidst the screams, the ghost bodies that had been condensed through hard work melted in the poisonous fire.

But this was just the beginning. The real disaster was the palm of the giant Long Bo who followed closely. Although the giant's palm was not that big, it could not even hold the lava ghost king, who had manifested his true form in mid-air, in his palm. .

But what is contained in this palm is a terrifying power that even the Ghost King is unable to resist no matter how much he roars and struggles, and can only be slammed into the underground of the ghost city.

The moment the ghost king's body touched the ground of the royal city, this world-shattering power was guided into the royal city. The earth was like water, creating ripples in circles.

It can be seen from the air that with the rising smoke and dust, the majestic royal city is trembling, and the city wall that is slightly closer is also impacted, with large cracks appearing, and it looks like it is crumbling.

Tens of thousands of ghosts were wailing and roaring. The sudden change left them no chance to react. They could only watch as their fellow creatures not far away were ignited by the fire and turned into ashes.

These ghosts felt the scorching fire and felt panic at the same time. Before they had time to rejoice, like a huge wave rising from the vast ocean, the impact wave clearly visible to the naked eye followed the street building layout of the ghost town and swept over most of the ghost town. Empire.

Just like being collided by ancient wild bulls, thousands of slightly closer ghosts had no power to struggle and resist. They were like tofu that fell to the ground and were crushed into pieces.

Suddenly, a corner of the royal city was filled with a fishy stench, and the rich Yin Qi was about to condense into substantial hatred and resentment lingering in the low air, as if it was going to give birth to some terrifying monster.

The practice of ghosts is simple to say, from emptiness to reality, from yin to yang. Newborn ghosts, let alone harming people, have to find ways to absorb the yang energy of living people in the human world, selecting the old, weak, sick and disabled, and matching them with the special time and place.

The evil ghosts who can select ordinary young people without any scruples, kill their lives, and steal their souls, essence, blood, are only one in a million, and those who can condense ghost blood are the best among them. Once they appear, they will inevitably It can attract the surrounding Taoist monks to gather in crowds to attack.

But that was in the human world, and it was still when the dynasty was in peace and prosperity, so evil ghosts that could take physical form were so rare. And in the netherworld, where ghosts are like a fish in water, and have unique advantages, ghosts that condense ghost blood are not to mention random. It can be seen everywhere.

But even so, if you want to live in the Ghost King's Capital of Youhuang, you must at least condense a complete ghost body, with limbs, bones, internal organs and other organizational structures similar to flesh and blood creatures.

Once such ferocious ghosts appear in the human world, they can even overturn a city if they are not careful. However, in the ghost king's capital of Youhuang at this time, a living boy from the human world clashed with a ghost king. In the aftermath of the impact, it was just an inconspicuous and insignificant embellishment of flesh and blood.

No ghost king paid the slightest attention to these innocent ghosts who died tragically, and did not even bother to look away.

Sympathy? Pity? mercy?

What is this?

For the Ghost King in the Netherworld, these are extremely ridiculous emotions.

No ghost king cares, not even the king who rules the ghost kingdom. Even ghosts with similar strength to those tragic ghosts just feel lucky at the moment, and then they worship, marveling at the ghost king's magical power, and being obsessed with it. This powerful blow can kill nearly ten thousand ghosts.

The King of Ghosts and the Lord of the Kingdom don't care, and Feng Qing'an certainly doesn't care. This is not the human world, and all the rules of the world can be thrown away here.

Now he only needs to show his power to the ghost kings in the Youhuang Ghost Kingdom and prove his status. He will not have to hide in the deep palace of Donghuang and not show his face when he arrives in the Netherworld, right? What does this sound like?

Establish your authority in one battle and kill the chicken to scare the monkeys!

This was the first step Feng Qingan made after coming to Netherworld. The reason why Donghuang remained indifferent and let him do what he did was because he saw his plan.

Feng Qing'an simultaneously operated the "Shenjing Technique" and "Shenjin Technique", injecting his consciousness into the body of the giant Long Bo, and forcibly pulled the lava ghost king that was shot deep into the ground out of the mixed and dilapidated ruins. Lifting into the air, the young man's clear voice echoed over the ghost town,

"what are you?"

Caught off guard, the Lava Ghost King, who was suddenly slapped, had his mind stagnated, his consciousness was dull, and he was confused. For a moment, he didn't know the answer.

The strength of this ghost king is not weak. The true body of the ghost king manifested at this moment is nearly eighty feet tall. The dark ghost body is covered with lava cracks, and molten flames are constantly flowing and dripping from it. Even if it is an evil spirit, The poisonous smoke and evil spirit that even the ghosts could not bear drifted away.

However, whether it was the terrifying high-temperature flames or the poisonous smoke and miasma, they were of little use to the giant Long Bo. On the contrary, the violent winds and incandescent thunder wrapped around the giant's hands were constantly destroying the ghost king's body.

"I asked you something, why don't you answer it?"

The Lava Ghost King can be considered a huge head, but for Giant Long Bo, it can be held in his hand.

From the perspective of other ghost kings, a gap suddenly opened above the head of the white-faced boy from the human world. The last terrifying giant slapped the lava ghost king into the underground of the ghost city with one palm, and then with great force, lifted the ghost king's head, and asked him.

Just by looking at the indifferent posture of their king, one knew that the origin of this giant must be related to the pretty boy holding his waist at the moment.

"You have a problem with me?"

Feng Qing'an didn't have the slightest trace of annoyance on his face at this moment, but instead had a smile on his face.


The Lava Ghost King, who had just recovered from such a heavy blow, wanted to say something, but Feng Qingan was impatient.

"Forget it, there's no need to ask about such an obvious thing."

The young man in white clothes with fluttering robes, and the many ghost kings who are standing in the sky above the ghost city at this moment, either hiding or appearing in form, have humble and gentle expressions and calm voices,

"Please take a good look at what will happen if you offend me in Youhuang Kingdom!"


The moment the words fell, a crisp crackling sound also sounded. The head of the Lava Ghost King, which was caught in the giant's hand, could not withstand the majestic force suddenly exerted on it, and suddenly exploded.

Along with the falling broken stone fragments and the flowing fire streaking across the ghost city, a headless ghost king's body fell from the sky again.

Such a shocking change suddenly changed the mysterious atmosphere over the ghost city. Most of the ghost kings remained silent and watched the situation develop. However, some of them were familiar with the lava ghost king or had ulterior motives and spoke out at this moment.

"How dare you be so presumptuous?"


"What are you doing?"

"Kill the Ghost King wantonly in the royal city, Your Majesty!"


Many ghost kings spoke out at this moment, but they only made their own voices. No ghost king took action, because at this moment, the leader of Youhuang Kingdom was still silent, without any expression, watching indifferently as the head of a ghost king under his command was crushed. .

But at this moment, in such a scene, without making a sound statement or making any intervention, the leader of Youhuang Kingdom has already made her attitude clear.

This living boy from the human world is her royal husband. If he offends her, even the ghost king must be prepared to fall on the spot.

"What? Do you have any objections to my handling?"

The smile on Feng Qing'an's face became gentler. Although quite a few ghost kings expressed dissatisfaction with his appearance and actions at this moment, Feng Qing'an could clearly feel that the malice lingering around him had just been crushed by him. The moment the head of the Lava Ghost King dissipated, most of it dissipated.

Just as he expected, in the Netherworld, as long as he shows violence that can crush his opponents, even a stranger from the human world like him can walk freely. These ghost kings, who are instinctively greedy towards him, Will take the initiative to restrain his thoughts.

“If you have an opinion, you can speak up.”


The mighty wind, like the flow of a long river, started roaring over the ghost town at some unknown time. There were thunders flying through the strong wind and roaring in the sky.

In the violent changes in the sky, the half-length giants revealed more of their bodies, and many ghost kings changed their colors. Under the gaze of all the ghost kings, the giants who looked like the giants holding up the sky began to cross the border.

Along with the roar and vibration of the earth, the earth holding up the royal city seemed to have its own will. Just where the giant was about to land, the earth began to rise and rise.

Just beside the royal city, a majestic mountain quickly took shape as the giant Long Bo came across the border. When the other side of the giant's body also stepped over, a mountain had already taken shape, transforming the already majestic and towering mountain with hundreds of people. A fifty-foot-tall giant was lifted up on the top of the mountain.


When the giant's body completely descended into the netherworld, a thunderbolt stretched across the sky and meandered thousands of feet through the darkness, bringing a moment of light to the netherworld. For a moment, there were no one who knew how many swimmers were flying in the air. The soul was destroyed by the thunder.


Under Feng Qing'an's Kunshen qualities, the giant Long Bo whose aura was already feared by many ghost kings, the moment his feet touched this netherworld, a wave of darkness seemed to be endless, like the vast ocean. Han's heavy strength poured into the giant's body crazily.

"As expected!"

The extent to which Kunshen's characteristic can be exerted is often related to the recipient's cultivation level and carrying capacity. In theory, the power of the earth is nearly infinite, and how much it can be extracted depends entirely on its own endurance.

But before, it was in the cave sky, but the land was only a hundred miles in radius. The power that the earth could provide was limited, which also limited the performance of Giant Long Bo. UUkanshu

As for Feng Qing'an himself, the characteristic of Kunshen fell on him, but it only gave him endless physical strength. If he were to use it in battles and battles, the effect would be the same.

However, when used on the Long Bo giant, the effect was even better than that of Donghuang. After the death of the Long Bo giant's predecessor, the remains left behind had been petrified over the long years.

Feng Qing'an woke him up, and this guy was regarded as a rock spirit, but even so, the carrying capacity of his previous life was still there.

It's just that because of Feng Qing'an's current limited abilities, Wanli's spiritual fire cannot control such a huge body. Without Feng Qing'an's help, it is very difficult for this guy to even move.

Now that he has descended into the Netherworld and gained the power of the Netherworld, the combat power that Giant Long Bo can unleash is extremely terrifying.

"not bad!"

Seeing the Long Bo giant whose spiritual pressure was flowing out of his body, the smile on Feng Qingan's face became warmer. He looked at the appearance of the ghost kings at this moment, and felt particularly satisfied.

The body and strength of Giant Long Bo had already shocked them. Even the relatively powerful Lava Ghost King among them looked like a little chicken when faced with Giant Long Bo.

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