Chapter 256 Immortality of Gods

[Race: Ghosts and Gods]

[Attributes: God, Ghost, Yin]

[Potential Level: Lord·Superior]

[Combat power level: King·Inferior]

"Are you actually a god?"

Feng Qing'an just saw that the former judge's strength had skyrocketed, so he made an appraisal. However, the result of the appraisal was far beyond Feng Qing'an's expectation, especially his race and attributes, ranking among the highest. The first God.

This result was beyond his imagination. The strengths and weaknesses of the incense god were extremely obvious. As long as there were enough incense offerings, even a mortal soul could ascend to the throne of God and rival the great monks.

Once the incense is lost, even the Capital God he has seen will fall from the divine position overnight. What it was originally, will become what it is after falling from the divine position.

Logically speaking, after the military judge of Yongning County was taken to the underworld, he would no longer be able to respond to pilgrims and believers after losing his position, and the incense would become less and less.

There is not only one ghost and god named Wu Pan in the Chenghuang Temple. If you offer incense and get no response, you will naturally replace it with a more effective ghost and god. No one will be stupid enough to pay in vain.

If things go on like this, it is only a matter of course that he, the military judge, has his name wiped out and replaced with a new official. But in the netherworld, he has lost his incense and the source of his divine power, so naturally he only has a ghost body left.

Based on the arrangements Donghuang left behind, it is not surprising at all that Judge Wu was able to become the Ghost King in just over a year.

After all, there is a king who cultivates and feeds him in a planned way. Under such circumstances, as long as he is not too useless, it is not a problem to cultivate an inferior king.

But what Feng Qing'an found hard to understand was why the Yin Qi and evil energy on his body was so strong. According to the appraisal, he was still a god and even got rid of his dependence on incense.

How is this done?

"Young Master Feng is an extraordinary person. He has a sharp eye and can tell the details of his subordinates at a glance."

The ghosts and gods who reunited with their old friends in the netherworld were filled with emotions at this moment. In order to guard the cracks leading to the human world and stop all the ghosts who wanted to go to the human world through the cracks and harm living creatures, he gave up a lot.

As a price, he got the power he wanted, and also gained something beyond his expectations, which prevented him from completely falling into the ghost realm and was still fundamentally different from the billions of ghosts in the netherworld.

"You are actually a stranger. What orders did the king ask you to bring?"

Among the ruins, a figure wearing a black robe suddenly appeared. There were no legs under the robe, only a surging black air. Under the hood, a dry and hoarse voice sounded, full of malice.

Scarlet light emerged from under the hood. It raised its head and stared at the young man standing on the back of Minghuang. Before Feng Qingan felt anything, he saw the figure of the evil ghost suddenly swaying, and the figure under the black robe suddenly swayed. A large cloud of Yin Qi burst out, and the originally solid body suddenly seemed much more illusory.

[Race: Phantom Heart Ghost]

[Attribute: Ghost, Yin]

[Potential Level: Lord·Inferior]

[Combat power level: Lord·Medium]

Feng Qingan glanced at it, and then stopped looking. Just looking at the race, he knew what this kind of ghost was best at, but in front of him, this ghost was disabled and had no lethality. As for the threat, it was not even a threat. .

"Be presumptuous, don't be rude to the young master, stand down!"

Looking at the Huan Xin Gui whose vitality was severely damaged, Xu Wuding was furious. He couldn't tell that this was clearly a symptom of a severe backlash to his magical powers.

When he first broke through his magical power and illusion, this ghost was like this. Its Yin body was destroyed without attack, its vitality was severely damaged, and then it surrendered to him.

"Is this your subordinate?"

Feng Qing'an, who felt nothing from the beginning to the end, was not angry at all even though he knew that a ghost had just been malicious towards him. After all, the bite just now was not even comparable to a mosquito bite, so it was really difficult for him to care.

What he really found interesting was that Judge Wu, who was upright before entering the underworld and could not even tolerate contact between mortals and ghosts, now actually accepted ghosts as his subordinates.

Feng Qing'an was a little strange at first. After all, the location given to him by Donghuang was for him to come here to take over a ghost army. When he was in the sky, he was disappointed and did not see the flying flags he expected, stretching for dozens of miles. army.

But now that he met Judge Wu, he immediately understood in his mind that a general who did not abide by the old rules, adhered to irrelevant rules, and did not make changes was much stronger than an army.

"The lower official is not strict with his subordinates, which makes the young master laugh."

Xu Wuding cupped his hand at Feng Qing'an, then glanced at the illusory black-robed ghost, swiped it with the white bone sword in his hand, and instantly threw it far away.

"General, you are really humble. I have been in the netherworld for a long time, and this is the first time I have seen a ghost that would complain about his superiors and attack the strong."

In the human world, a person of this kind of character may not be uncommon, with a body of an ordinary man, and blood spattering every five steps, but there are actually such ghosts in the netherworld, which really makes Feng Qing'an feel strange.

This ghost knows how to feel sorry for his boss, but he still dares to attack a being stronger than himself. I don't know whether to call it courageous or downright stupid.

Or maybe he, the human boy standing on the back of the Immortal Phoenix, looked too weak and was despised, so he tried to control him with illusions?

Judging from the words of the black-robed ghost, this kid does not seem to recognize Donghuang's status as the king of the country, and there is no awe in his words. This can be said to be extremely rare among ghosts.

"Young master really knows how to joke, how can there be any injustice in being dismissed from the official position?"

Xu Wuding was not stupid. If he hadn't reacted at first and thought that the Lord of the Ghost Country was trying to play a trick on him, he would have come to his senses by now.

The weapons that the Ghost King once used, as well as the complete ghost cultivation method, if these are not enough to explain anything, there are also the ghosts that come from all directions, but they happen to be stuck within the limit of what he can deal with.

All of this shows that the king who brought him to the Netherworld really took a fancy to him, and even took advantage of his character weaknesses to train him in a very special way.

He, Xu Wuding, is not a ungrateful person. In order to protect the human world behind him, he can give up his identity as a ghost or god, even without asking for incense. He can give up many things, but there are some bottom lines that he does not want to give up.

He could not bow to the lord of a ghost country. He only hated that the other party was not a human monarch, otherwise he would be willing to die for him even if he was a woman.

How frustrating is it to live for thirty years?

On the battlefield in Northern Xinjiang, the high-spirited life in just a few short years ended with an unwilling roar.

But even if he ascends to the altar and turns into a ghost, he still faces many puzzles and is ostracized by his colleagues. How depressing is that?

This world is so vast that there seems to be no place for him. Xu Wuding, who could not relax his mind whether he was alive or after death, felt unprecedentedly relaxed after being forcibly taken to the Netherworld, and felt the fullness of life.

Such a generous treatment, no matter how rigid and inflexible he is, it is impossible not to be unaffected in his heart. This is the first time that a king has valued him so much.

Unfortunately, this is not the king he wants to be loyal to. He just regrets that he was born in the wrong place and in the wrong era.

"You and I are already familiar with each other. Why should Mr. Xu be so secretive about me when he speaks? Tell me honestly, does the king often call you around?"

Feng Qingan raised his eyebrows and chuckled.

He flew down from Youyou's back and landed on the ground, and the ghost and god that had originally manifested a towering body of dozens of feet now transformed into the size of a human and came to Feng Qing'an.

"Leading troops to fight is also what the subordinate wants."

Xu Wuding did not answer directly, but it was no different from what he said clearly. It could be seen that Judge Wu had indeed changed a lot after entering the Netherworld.

"Tsk, don't you disobey orders?"

Feng Qing'an immediately smiled and said after hearing this.

After seeing this familiar Judge Wu, it was hard for him to feel bad.

He also knew that the military judge's life experience, whether it was personal bravery or leading troops in battles, was a top choice. If he was given the opportunity to perform, he might even become a famous general.

It is much better to take such outstanding people in life and die as ghost heroes under his command than to assign a few ghost kings to do his bidding.

The ghost kings in the netherworld organize their troops to fight. To put it nicely, it is not called a war at all. It is just that a large group of ghosts gather together and then lead the charge. There are less than one ghost king in ten who can form an army formation, let alone Let alone know how to lead troops in war.

"The lower official's heart is in the world. Even if he doesn't want to, he must obey his orders."

Xu Wuding had a look of helplessness on his face. Feng Qingan became interested and started to inquire about it. After hearing his story, he couldn't help laughing.

A gentleman bullies others. Although Xu Wuding is not a gentleman, he is not much different. Taking advantage of his belief that he is willing to give up everything to protect the peace of the world, Donghuang simply controls him to death.

When the military judge entered the underworld and stood firm, the Lord of Youhuang Kingdom issued a conscription order for him during an expedition. Ask him to go out with the army.

But at that time, Judge Wu had a strong temperament, so he naturally refused to obey. But the second time, the envoy sent by the king told him that the ghost king who wanted to conquer this time wanted to invade the human world and wash thousands of miles with blood.

After hearing such news, Judge Wu couldn't sit still no matter how reluctant he was. He naturally picked up his sword and followed the military formation. Then he became a member of the military formation and fought on the battlefield. There is no room for wandering soldiers, even if the army of ghosts is extremely scattered.

After the first time, there will naturally be a second and third time. There is almost no ghost king in the netherworld who is not interested in the living souls in the world. Strangers like Donghuang are very few and rare. .

Therefore, every time before Donghuang went on an expedition, he only had to tell him that the ghost king he wanted to defeat was a glutton for human souls and harmed the common people. He could only prepare his armor with his sword, and then follow him with the conquered ghosts.

"What do you mean by being a disobedient person? It's better to surrender to Donghuang directly to avoid such trouble. If you are willing to bow your head, the 10,000 ghost cavalry troops that Donghuang originally promised to you will no longer be said. Ten times that."

After laughing, Feng Qing'an found it hard to understand this guy's persistence. How many ghost kings in the Netherworld are not greedy for human souls? According to Donghuang's usage, it is clearly bullying, and after the fight, there is no need to distribute the spoils.

"One minister does not serve two masters. The subordinate has already committed himself to the human race, and it is difficult to follow the Netherworld."

Hearing Feng Qing'an's words, Xu Wuding still smiled and shook his head in refusal. No matter how much he changed or compromised, he would stick to certain bottom lines and would rather die than change.

"Really, what if I need you to help me?"

Feng Qingan touched his chin and asked with a smile.

"Which ghost king does the young master need to defeat? If he has a past of eating souls, I will definitely help him."

Xu Wuding replied.

The harsh environment in the Netherworld smoothed his edges, and he also made compromises. Being treated so favorably by a king also touched his heart. Although he shouted verbally, he would never bow his head and acknowledge his master. But as long as you give him the right reasons and good steps, he can go down the path.

"My target is not a ghost king. What I want to conquer is a demon kingdom. It's just a little far away. There are many ghost kingdoms along the way. I need to defeat them one by one before I can reach it."

"Demon country?"

Xu Wuding's eyes showed surprise.

"Where can the demon kingdom come from in the netherworld?"

Let alone a demon country, in such a harsh place, even if you have fresh blood, you will be peeped and greedy by countless ghosts.

The blood shed by the Yin beasts in the netherworld is even colder and filthier than the ghost blood condensed by ghosts. Even ghosts look down upon such things.

"Ghost Wolf, Sir Xu, have you ever heard of it? It is a demon kingdom established by Ghost Wolf."

"I see. How many ghost countries do we need to conquer along the way?"

Although the target is the demon country, if we have to attack the ghost country along the way and UU Kanshu encircle and suppress the ghost king, then there will be no problem.

"have no idea."

Feng Qing'an was quite straightforward. He had never explored the road before, so how could he know so much.

"In this case, I am willing to lend a helping hand to you."

Even though he didn't know anything about it, Xu Wuding immediately expressed his attitude when he looked at the immortal underworld phoenix on the side.

"If it's just you, even if you add a few special ghosts, it won't be enough. Before leaving, Donghuang told me that there is a ghost army here, so I want to ask, where is the general's ghost army? "

"Master, please wait a moment and allow me to summon them."

As the words fell, I saw the ghost and god in front of me once again manifested a body as tall as a mountain, and his originally dark eyes quietly turned into bright golden. It was the brilliance of divinity, and the majesty of the gods was revealed at this moment.


Feng Qing'an looked at the ghosts and gods in front of him in surprise. At this time, a trace of pure Yang energy appeared in front of his eyes.

The young man saw at this moment that wisps of pure incense came from the human world and merged into the body of this ghost and god, maintaining a touch of divine brilliance and preventing him from falling into the ghosts of the netherworld.

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