The Unique Guardian Beast Master in Cultivation World

Chapter 269 The source of bloodline, comparable to gods and demons


Heishan, who was puffing up the morning glow and purple energy, had stopped. He turned to stare at Sen Miao, who was originally weaker than him. He advanced by leaps and bounds. Seeing that he had broken into the realm of the Demon King in one fell swoop and surpassed it, his eyes suddenly widened and he couldn't help it. Growled.


When Feng Qingan saw this, he immediately shouted to stop. He could not let this guy with burning jealousy disturb Sen Miao who was not finished yet.


The Great Demon Wolf let out a whimper of grievance, and his eyes as blue as the sky were still staring at the Qilin Beast, always paying attention to her changes, and his eyes could not help but reveal a look of expectation and envy.


Dragons, phoenixes, unicorns, white tigers, Xuanwu, etc. can all be included in it, because they were the most powerful creatures that were parallel to the innates at the beginning of the creation of the world. To put it more simply, they were the innates, and they were the outstanding ones among them.

These tyrannical beings have already dominated the world since the beginning of the world, and the ethnic groups derived from their inherited bloodline are still threatening the world and the world.

Once creatures similar to them appear, they are symbols of the most powerful and holy. Descendants like Sen Miao who have extremely weak bloodline inheritance may not show any change for half their lives, but once their bloodline awakens and revives, incredible changes will occur.

For Sen Miao, whose bloodline has further strengthened his awakening, the realm of the Demon King, which hundreds of millions of monsters have been cultivating but cannot seek, is as easy and comfortable as eating and drinking. Stepping into it, there are no realm barriers.

Who wouldn’t envy such descendants?

Heishan, who is not even five years old now, is naturally extremely eager for it. Every time it breaks through the realm, it has to be suppressed in advance and repeatedly condensed the demonic power. However, Senmiao does not need it at all. He only needs to pursue further recovery of his bloodline to transform and purify his spiritual power. .

It's a pity that Feng Qing'an cannot give this kind of bloodline out of thin air. This is a matter of ancestors. If you are born with it, you will have it. If you don’t have it, you will not have it. There is no way to make it up out of thin air.

Sen Miao's sudden awakening was because her mother's bloodline already contained the inheritance of Mu Qilin. As a descendant, she also received this inheritance, but it was not opened until she met Feng Qing'an.

Feng Qingan had carefully examined Heishan's body inside and out. He had ordinary blood and no traces worth mentioning. The spirit wolf bloodline it possesses now was obtained by swallowing an inner elixir.

Therefore, it is not difficult for Heishan to have bloodline. Just hunt down a descendant, let Heishan capture it, and smelt the essence of its bloodline.

But let’s not talk about how difficult it is to hunt down descendants. Just talk about smelting blood. If it were so easy to obtain the fused blood, the world would be full of dragon hunters hunting dragon species.

The reason why Black Mountain was able to obtain the bloodline of the ghost wolf by devouring the inner elixir was because they both belonged to the demonic wolf family, and the ghost wolf bloodline contained in the inner elixir had also been carefully processed.

So at that time, Heishan only got the spirit wolf bloodline after a night of torture. The most important thing is that at that time, Heishan was just a blank sheet of paper, which could be absorbed and merged with superior bloodlines of the same kind.

Now, unless we find a higher-level bloodline of the same kind for Montenegro and cooperate with the best devouring and refining methods, coveting the bloodline and trying to replace it will be a dead end.


Accompanied by the clear and sweet strange whine, like the surging ocean tide, the spiritual pressure ripples spreading outward in circles finally calmed down, and the oppressive feeling that was so dull and thick that it made people feel suffocated also gradually dissipated.

At first glance, Sen Miao's appearance did not seem to have any special changes when he reappeared in Feng Qing'an's eyes. However, upon closer inspection, one could find that the originally glittering golden dragon scales under Sen Miao's belly were now stained with... A layer of cyan, with cyan divine patterns spreading on the golden scales.

The fluff on the four hooves and the thick mane on the neck are also dyed green. Looking from a distance, this Qilin beast looks like it is stepping on four azure auspicious clouds, and there are flowing clouds around its body. Extraordinary handsomeness and elegance add to it a sense of majesty and solemnity.


Sen Miao, who had been reborn in just one night, looked at Feng Qing'an in the same eyes as before, with respect and submission and awe, even if the young man's appearance was not strong, and the most favored person under his command was The black wolf was no longer her opponent.

She carried a blood feud and struggled for hundreds of years to become a great demon. Now following this master, in a short period of time, all her demonic power was transformed into the power of a fairy. Not only did her strength level increase exponentially, the gap between It was so short that she felt incredible.

It is precisely because of her rich and long experience that Sen Miao knows how to awe and cherish, even though she is different now. Even with the current appearance of the skin, it is enough to sneak into the Immortal Mountain Taoist Gate and be granted the title of Mountain Protector Immortal Beast, but she is not unfamiliar with it, the biggest opportunity is right in front of her.

"Not bad!"

Looking at Sen Miao's current appearance, Feng Qing'an couldn't help but nod and praise him repeatedly, but there was also a sigh in his tone.

"It's just a pity."

Because Sen Miao's current appearance and posture are obviously following the path of the wooden unicorn. As her bloodline continues to be purified and strengthened, one day, the phantom of the wooden unicorn that could only hang behind her will turn into her true self. Mutually.

It would be nice to be able to ride on a unicorn, but Feng Qingan felt that the original Senmiao dragon-horse posture was also quite good, as it was a symbol of the Holy King of the Human Race.

"Master, what's the pity?"

"Although Qilin is good, dragon and horse are not bad either..."

Feng Qingan expressed his thoughts. If he could choose, of course he would want them all.

"I see."

After knowing why Feng Qing'an sighed, Sen Miao was thoughtful. Her thoughts actually coincided with what the master thought. Although the Qilin bloodline was very good, she did not want to pass on the bloodline passed on to her by her father. Erase.

"Please wait for me for a few days."

"what you up to?"

Feng Qingan asked curiously.

"Control the bloodline."

Sen Miao already had a plan in mind. Feng Qing'an also vaguely guessed the Qilin beast's thoughts, and he naturally supported it.

After awakening the ancient bloodline, he worked hard to get closer to the source of the bloodline. There are countless living beings in this world who are walking on this path, but there is naturally a shackle in this way of returning to their ancestors - that is what they must strive to pursue throughout their lives. The source of blood.

The highest realm that the source of its bloodline stands on is the limit that all those who later trace the source can reach. The imitators who trace the bloodline can never surpass the original path-finder.

Black Mountain's experience is a good proof of this. If there is no existence of Feng Qing'an, even if it swallows the big demon inner elixir, the lower demon king will be the limit it can reach in this life.

But now, even with Feng Qing'an's preference, its bloodline potential has only been upgraded to a high-level demon king. The ghost wolf bloodline that originally made it possible has become a liability.


As soon as Feng Qing'an thought of this, the guy from Heishan came over aggrievedly. Although he didn't convey his thoughts, the eyes he kept looking at Sen Miao revealed his thoughts.

How could Feng Qing'an not know that this guy was so envious, but there was really nothing he could do about it. The only thing he could do was to use the characteristics of the All Souls Supreme Body to forcibly increase its bloodline potential.

So what if the potential of the Ghost Wolf bloodline is not enough? Even ordinary wild wolf bloodline can be forcibly promoted by him. It's amazing that it just takes a little more effort.

Of course, he could think about this for himself, but he couldn't say this to Heishan. He had to use another way of saying it.

"Heishan, can you be successful? If you just envy someone for having a powerful ancestor, you can't set your ambitions. In the future, you will become a powerful being like Sen Miao's ancestor, Mu Qilin. You can only complain, and that won't work!"


Hearing Feng Qing'an's seemingly encouraging words, Heishan looked in disbelief and stared at Feng Qing'an in extreme confusion. Although he was young, he had a lot of experience.

If it was the first time it was adopted by Feng Qing'an and didn't understand anything, but was so inspired by Feng Qing'an, it would shake its head, and maybe it would make great ambitions.

But now that it is about to enter the realm of the Demon King, how could it not know what unicorn, true dragon, and phoenix mean?

Listen to what this says?

Become the source of bloodline and become an existence like the ancestor of Mu Qilin!

Is this what it can think of?

"Why are you belittling yourself? Even if you don't have confidence in yourself, don't you also have confidence in me?"

Feng Qing'an waved his palm at Heishan angrily. The invisible wind followed his will and turned into a hand that was the same as his palm, hitting Heishan's head as big as a house.

"With me here, sooner or later you will become as powerful as the ancestor of Mu Qilin."

Feng Qing'an solemnly gave Heishan a lesson, but this momentum actually calmed the guy down, and he nodded subconsciously. Although he felt that he couldn't do it, his master must be able to do it.

"The evil atmosphere here has been eliminated, what are your plans, senior?"

At this time, the old Taoist priest with a rosy face and a refreshed mind stepped forward cautiously and boldly asked Feng Qing'an. Even if he opened his Dharma eyes and looked at this place, he could no longer find much evil atmosphere.

The increasingly heavy feeling of oppression over the years has also disappeared, and he can even feel the vitality in his body. As long as he meditates and practices for a few more days, his cultivation will be further improved.

He suddenly understood that what he had just said was biased, but because of this, he looked forward to the senior in front of him even more to take action, sweep across and suppress the Qi country, and completely wipe out this troubled world where demons were rampant and haunted houses were raging.

"To end the troubled times, we need to support humanity and reestablish the divine way. I have been slaying demons and demons in this country. After traveling for several years, have I seen a wise king who has the world in mind and is kind to the people?"

When Feng Qing'an heard the questioning, he turned his head and looked around. As his thoughts turned, he asked.

"Wise King!?"

Hearing Feng Qing'an's questioning voice, the old Taoist priest's face suddenly became dull. He never expected that the young-faced senior master in front of him would ask such a question, which went against his common sense.

"You want to help the dragon?"

"Fulong? Not bad."

Feng Qing'an pondered the meaning of the word "Fulong", tasted the wonderful meaning, and nodded.

"I just want to help a humane dragon come out."

"Senior, why is this happening?"

The old Taoist priest looked at Feng Qing'an in panic. As a cultivator, unless there is no hope for the great road, it is difficult to achieve anything in life. Only in extreme despair will he go into the secular world and associate with the common people and dignitaries, only seeking glory and wealth. .

Anyone who has achieved success in practice, regardless of Buddhism, will regard gold, silver, pearls and jade as dirt, and secular power as fleeting smoke. The only thing that can be valued by practitioners is the dragon energy of human nature.

However, the human dragon energy is the result of the luck of a country, and the burden of its cause and effect cannot be coveted and spied by a single monk. Only the collective strength of a sect can bear it.

But it is not a Taoist Buddhist temple that can participate in the human struggle for dragons. For example, the Qingsong Temple behind it does not dare to have this idea at all. If it participates, it only takes a grass-headed king raising a flag to rebel. It can be destroyed. Their heritage spans over three hundred years.

At least one must be a sect who has been a real person before he can participate. As for a Taoist sect who has been an immortal, he doesn't care at all and doesn't bother to get involved.

Only some Taoist Buddhist temples that are stuck in the middle, unable to get up or down, will take the risk of cutting off their inheritance and join the human struggle for the dragon, hoping to create a human immortal or arhat with the help of human luck after the dragon is successfully supported. UU Kanshu allows Taoism to achieve a leap forward.

This is an extremely risky move. Unless it is absolutely necessary or absolutely certain, no Taoist sect or Buddhist temple will participate in it, let alone a single practitioner.

"Why do you look so embarrassed?"

Feng Qingan couldn't help but laugh.

"Senior and junior, although their strength is low and their knowledge is shallow, you can know that the cause and effect of human beings fighting for dragons is very important."

The old Taoist priest knew that these words should not be said by an old guy with low strength like him. There had never been any unscrupulous monks to advise the big monks, but he really couldn't help it.

Even he knows that the cause and effect of human nature is very heavy, and those seniors who have achieved the status of immortal arhats with the help of human luck will eventually suffer backlash. The meaning of their appearance is to push the sect to a higher position.

"Cause and effect? ​​I don't care!"

After Feng Qing'an learned about the worries of the old Taoist priest, he laughed. In practice, people seek the path and avoid the cause and effect of the world. Even if they go to the world of mortals, they mainly focus on tempering their state of mind.

But is he a person who cultivates immortality and seeks Taoism?


He is a beast master. What does the worldly cause and effect that practitioners fear as much as a tiger have to do with him?

"Senior has great righteousness, please accept my respect from this junior!"

But hearing Feng Qing'an's words, the old Taoist priest felt that this Taoist senior was open-minded and free-spirited, and he was also compassionate and benevolent. He was a sage who was transcendent.

"There is no need to be so arrogant. You just need to tell me if there is a good king in your country. I will go and test him. If there is one I like, I will help him achieve hegemony."

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