The Unique Guardian Beast Master in Cultivation World

Chapter 272 The evil god who fell into the ways of demons

"Look what you've done?"

"Just a little goblin, you destroyed so many houses, where will all of us live tonight?"

"Cheng Ping, you can't do this!"

"Yes, it's like this every time you kill a demon. If you keep trying a few more times, we'll have to sleep on the street."

"Yes, yes, when you attack, please pay attention to your surroundings and try to hold back as much as possible. If you continue to smash things like this, our work for several years will be in vain."

The young man, who had returned to his human appearance, put on a coarse cloth to cover his body and looked down at the crying child in his arms. People from the surrounding area were pouring in from all directions, complaining and accusing their voices. Together, they are buzzing like flies, annoying.

"Have you said enough?"

The young man, who was already no different from ordinary people, was stimulated by these noisy sounds, and his eyes were covered with a layer of red again, like a burning flame.

Under the evil spirit suddenly released by the young man, the many people around him who had their homes or other things damaged, or who were just joining in the fun, were immediately stunned. No one had the ability to speak at this moment.

"Do you think I have destroyed too many places? Then next time, if a demon breaks into the town, you can deal with it yourself and don't bother me anymore."

The young man spoke clearly and clearly, but these words shocked the complaining ordinary people, and their faces showed panic.

However, there are quite a few people who are not aware of the problem yet. Their impression of the young man in front of them who looks pretty and handsome is still stuck in the past.

"Cheng Ping, what are you talking about? Look at this goblin, this head, our little arms and legs can't fight it. No matter how many of us get up there, it's not enough for it to chew on."

Someone made a noise and poked the half-burned weasel corpse that was burned by the boy with the thing in his hand. Even though this thing was actually no bigger than a human, there was still awe in his eyes.

It was obvious that only half of it was dead, but the awe of the monster's remains was greater than that of the young man who beat it into this state.

Because this is a demon beyond their knowledge, a spirit that can really eat human flesh and drink human blood. If they confront them, they will attack without mercy.

"Yeah, you can't just ignore us!"

"We can understand that you save people, but you can't save people like this. At least you should be considerate of us."

Some people realized that the young man today was different from the one they knew in the past, and wanted to be subdued. However, some people ignored this and thought they had figured out the young man's nature. They opened their mouths and scolded,

"We provide you with good food and drink, how can you say such a thing?"

"That's right, you eat our food, drink our food, and serve us with food and meat every day. Our house has been beaten like this by you. What's wrong with you? Did you listen?"

Seemingly irritated by the young man's reaction, many voices of scolding and accusations came from all directions, but at this moment the young man did not think that he had done anything wrong at all.

He also clearly realized this. He was fundamentally different from these ordinary people, and he didn't need to care about their emotions at all.

The yard was blasted out of a pit? The mud wall was knocked down? The roof was trampled on?

Compared with wealth and life, which one is more important?

Before he came to this town, what kind of life did the people in this town live without the blessing of ghosts and gods? What kind of life did they live after he promised to protect this place?

ungrateful! Push your limits!

He personally felt and understood people's greed and evil nature. Those who seemed amiable and amiable would, after gaining a short period of peace, worry about trivial matters and even bully him for his weakness.


A raging fire ignited from the young man's feet, and the young man who had just transformed into a human was once again transformed into a ferocious, but possessing a natural majestic demon.

The tall and burly body seemed to have grown taller because it had swallowed the soul of the little demon. However, many people who came into contact with the demon at close range fell into silence again because of the demon's extremely oppressive and intimidating appearance. They couldn't help but retreated a distance.

After all, such a size is quite oppressive to them. The devil can crush a large area to death with just a raise of his hand and a stamp of his foot.

"What do you think I am?"

The demon leaned forward slightly and looked down at the many ordinary people who finally showed panic and fear at this moment.

"Thugs hired by you idiots? Guards? Escorts? Do you think you are worthy?"

"Without my protection, what do you think you are now, feces? Or a corpse that is quietly moldy and rotting in an unknown corner? Or a corpse slave who was stabbed by a zombie and is confused all day long?"

There was a sarcastic look on the demon's face. Due to the awakening of his bloodline, he now eats far more than ordinary people can. However, these ignorant mortals are so naive that they think that providing him with food is incompatible with his status. Reciprocity, even treating this as an exchange, how ridiculous is it?

"From today on, Qingshi Town is my territory. If you obey me, you can live here. If you don't want to, I will allow you to leave before the sun rises tomorrow."

The devil cracked the corners of his mouth, revealing his sharp fangs. He always kept in mind the immortal's instructions and requirements to him, but the immortal only told him what to do at the beginning, and then let him do what he wanted, except for the point and the scolding just now. He was beyond words.

"Cheng Ping, what do you want to do? Do you want to rebel?"

A man whose figure and demeanor were slightly different from those of the civilians around him pointed at the demon hastily, and there was even anger in his eyes.

"Yes, I just want to rebel. You can go to the county to report me to the county government now. I would like to see if anyone from the county government comes to suppress the rebellion!"

The demon lowered his head and looked down at the mortal who seemed to have some background. However, after just a glance, an uncaring smile appeared on his face.

They are just mortal ants who have not practiced cultivation. Regardless of their special status or background, they are of no use here.

"How dare you?"

The middle-aged man who still had a somewhat elegant aura pointed at the demon, but he was soon grabbed by the demon who showed an impatient look. Many people screamed, howled and cried, and held him. Caught in mid-air,

"I'm also curious, who gave you the courage to accuse me like this?"


The demon just exerted a little force, and there was a bone cracking sound that was so clear that it made people's scalp numb, followed by the man's pain and screams...

"Master, is it okay to indulge him like this? If he is not suppressed, his consciousness will be eroded by demonic nature, and by then, he may no longer be a human being."

Above the clouds, the Qilin Beast, with its feet on the auspicious blue clouds, looked down at the town below and asked the young man standing by who was also watching with interest.

"Since he has awakened the Yama bloodline, he should have some demonic and evil qualities. He was suppressed too much before, making him look honest and responsible. It is really ridiculous that a group of mortals can bully him like this."

Feng Qing'an couldn't help but shake his head when he saw the farce that had just happened under his nose.

No matter where it is, when the weak face the strong, there is only one thing they need to do, and that is awe, surrender, or worship.

This was the first time he had seen someone who knew that the other party had the power to crush him, but still dared to scold and accuse him. How weak and docile a person with this power must be in order to make others far better than him. A weak person being bullied like this?

Feng Qing'an simply couldn't understand it, but after hearing what Sen Miao said at this moment, he suddenly understood why this young man could be so honest and responsible. It turned out to be Sen Miao's credit.


There was a questioning look in Sen Miao's eyes. Her master had no leisurely time to guard this young Yan Mo. She was always watching over him, and this master took a tour of this big country where human order had collapsed. , did not return until recently.

"The demonic nature and evil spirits in him still need to be suppressed, otherwise he won't be able to control it, but you don't have to do it too thoroughly. Leave some for him. This person still needs to have some temper, otherwise he will feel weak and can be bullied."

"I will obey the master's decree."

"What an interesting bloodline."

Feng Qingan looked down again and saw the young man who had already begun to try to establish his prestige in the town.

[Type: Yama]

[Attributes: Demon, Fire]

[Potential level: Commander·lower]

[Combat power level: Warrior·Medium]

Needless to say, the growth potential of this bloodline is extremely astonishing, but Feng Qingan did not ignore the hidden dangers hidden in this seemingly powerful bloodline.

If there is not a strong enough will to control the rapidly growing power of this bloodline, the demonic nature bred in it will one day defeat the will, engulf the reason, and turn the creature who awakens this bloodline into a body that only knows killing. An irrational evil monster.

"Unfortunately, it will take some time to cultivate."

Although it is a human dynasty, if you want to gather the human dragon energy and ascend to Dabao to control the artifact, you still need to have a good level of cultivation. The founding emperor of the Jin Dynasty is said to be a martial artist whose cultivation level surpasses that of the Divine Pill Mirror.

The Qi State is not as vast as the Jin Dynasty, but it is not bad. If you want to really clear the land and condense the human dragon energy, you must at least be able to compete with the martial arts divine elixir realm.

"It just so happens that I also have some things to do. I will leave for a while and leave the rest to you."

Just coming back to encourage the chosen future Holy King, Feng Qing'an looked at Sen Miao again without any guilt.

"Master, are you leaving again?"

Sen Miao, who has been guarding for two months, has some objections. She also wants to be like the black wolf and run rampant in this land where demons are now roaming.

"Well, I plan to practice a few swords recently, and I have found out where some high-quality materials are. Just wait here. I will return in a few days."

Feng Qing'an gave serious instructions, and then rode the wind away under the helpless eyes of this auspicious beast.

"When I come back next time, you can be like Montenegro and go wherever you want. I hope you can control the magical powers derived from your bloodline by then."

"Thank you, sir!"

Hearing the voice coming from the soul contract, Qilin Beast suddenly felt a sense of gratitude in his heart.

At this time, Feng Qing'an had gone far away. He seemed to be alone at this moment, but if a blind demon king jumped out and stood in front of him, there would be no good outcome. Thousands of people

There is no need to say more about carrying the Minglong Armor with you. The spirit of the blazing sun bred by the blazing sun tree is always hidden in his body, waiting for his call or to summon power.

This is still time that he can use anytime and anywhere. As long as he is given a little more reaction time, he can call the giant Long Bo to come, or even borrow Donghuang's power.

As for Heishan, because he was stimulated by Sen Miao's breakthrough and set foot in the realm of the demon king, this guy, after obtaining Feng Qing'an's consent, also went out to have fun - to find the demon king in the cholera world to fight with.

Xu Wuding, the ghost general who came to the world with him, did not comment on Feng Qingan's idea of ​​cultivating a human dragon on his own. He went to fulfill his duties and went to hunt down the ghost king who had sneaked into the world. .

Feng Qing'an himself, his long-term goal is to cultivate the Dragon of Humanity, UU Reading to end the demonic chaos on this land, and his current short-term goal is to refine swords!

The idea of ​​refining a demon-killing sword with the help of the formations in the Cave Heaven Paradise was due to Feng Qingan's discovery of superior sword-refining materials - the mountains and rivers that took advantage of the chaos in the world to commit evil with the demons. Evil God!

These landscape gods, whose behavior is no different from that of demons, are Feng Qingan’s targets. These evil gods have bodies that range from hundreds of years to thousands of years. In Feng Qingan’s eyes, they are first-class sword-making materials. .

If God does not take it, he will suffer the consequences!

Suddenly shocked to hear the news about this evil god, Feng Qing'an really couldn't think of a reason to let him go.

The origin of demon cholera in the human world is to obtain the essence and blood of human beings. If a small monster devours one person, its power will be greatly increased. If a monster becomes a monster, if it devours hundreds of people, it can also achieve a huge increase in demon power.

The big demon, and even the demon king, aims to slaughter the city and collect the blood and souls of the people in the city, so that they can improve their cultivation and break through the realm.

This is the root cause of the troubled world of monsters. They are driven by profit and kill simply for the sake of killing. In fact, not many monsters can do this kind of thing.

Those evil gods of mountains and rivers who practice the ways of demons and demons have the same purpose. They want to take advantage of the troubled times to massacre human beings and break through the realm barriers that have been stagnant for a long time with the help of massive amounts of essence, blood and souls.

However, as a god, doing such an act is more abominable than a demon. As a god, he has more or less received incense from the human race.

Nowadays, the world is in chaos. It’s just that they don’t protect the human race. Instead, they join forces with the demons and wield the butcher’s knife at the human race. How can they not kill such gods? How could it not be beheaded?

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