The Unique Guardian Beast Master in Cultivation World

Chapter 274 Punishment on behalf of Heaven


In the eyes of mortals, a sword that is ordinary and without the slightest spark of fireworks, in the eyes of the mountain god, is a brilliant sword light that shoots straight into the sky, with great righteousness, across the sky, and a roaring roar. Originally, he did not pay attention to the appearance of the young man in white. The mountain god immediately revealed his true form.

But it was a giant tiger with striking eyes and a white forehead. The thick and thick evil spirit had turned into smoke and clouds like a substance, wrapping around its body as big as a mountain. There was a mighty wind, like a torrent, coming from all directions. He wanted to lift its demonic body up into the sky, trying to avoid the oncoming sword.

"No, spare my life!"

But this mountain king found it extremely desperate. No matter how he dodges, the brilliant sword light has filled the sky and the earth, almost everywhere. It is obvious that he has become the lord of the mountain god, but he has a premonition that once he If you are beheaded, your soul will be scattered and you will no longer exist. You will not even have the chance to enter reincarnation.

In the midst of a life-and-death crisis, and in extreme despair, the tiger could no longer hold back. Amidst the roaring roars, he subconsciously unleashed his innate and strongest bloodline magical power.

Working for the tiger!

Unlike those tiger monsters that just control a few wild ghosts, this tiger monster who has been in the position of mountain god for hundreds of years uses this bloodline magical power that can be said to be famous far and wide.

But he saw a mighty yellow turbid river spreading out from behind him, followed by thousands of demons, struggling and roaring, crawling out of this river of souls, scrambling to pounce on those who had crushed him. The majestic sword light.

But even though this tiger has accumulated hundreds of years of experience and thousands of demons are standing in front of him, it is like a moth flying into a flame, only to see the black air evaporate, and then disappear in a flash of golden light.

Not to mention weakening the power of this sword light, it didn't even block it for a breath, and it didn't have any impact. The magical power he had accumulated for hundreds of years was like a joke in front of this sword light.

After the sword light swept over, all the evil spirits were gone, not just the ghosts crawling out of the soul river, but also the winged evil tiger as big as a mountain.

Accompanied by a roar full of extreme unwillingness and despair, a rainbow as red as the sunset was seen, spanning hundreds of miles in the sky, lingering on the sky for a long time.


After one strike of the sword, the two-part tiger corpse fell from the air. The head, as huge as a hill, hit the top of the mountain, collapsing a section of the mountain, and then rolled down the mountain, crushing countless trees and vegetation.

As for the headless tiger carcass that was as huge as a mountain, it directly crushed half of the mountain, causing birds within a hundred miles to fly in flocks in panic. In the mountains and forests, hundreds of beasts were running around like a tide.

Kill the god with one sword!

Looking at the winged tiger lying dead in the mountains, Feng Qing'an, whose depression had calmed down a bit, sheathed his sword, then looked at the sister not far away who was hugging him and was already stunned. Two brothers.

"Immortal! Sister, look, the immortal has come to save us. What those gentlemen said is true. There really are immortals in this world who can slay demons."

The child, who still had tears in his eyes, suddenly pointed at the boy, looked excited, and shouted to his sister with joy.


Feng Qing'an glanced at the little baby who was shouting with excitement and ignored it. Instead, he looked at the corpse of the tiger who had no resistance under his sword and was beheaded on the spot.

Although he was looking for suitable sword-making materials, when he saw with his own eyes the scene of evil gods wreaking havoc on the world, he naturally felt a sense of depression in his heart that wanted to wipe out the injustice.

The Dragon-Slaying Sword of the Gods given to him by his elder brother for self-defense, he easily pulled out the scabbard and swung out the sword, killing the mountain god on the spot. Before the killing, Feng Qingan even I am too lazy to check what the background of this mountain god is and what state he is in.

There is no need. No matter what level of mountain god you are, as long as you are not beyond the realm of human immortals, you can't resist the edge of this sword.

Just look at the size of the mountains commanded by this mountain god. You can tell that he is great at the level of a king. Even if he is extremely talented, it is of no use.

In front of this sword, there is no difference whether it is a lower king or a higher king. They are all killed by one sword, so there is no need to waste energy on identifying and checking.

Just kill him with one sword.

This tiger, just as he expected, could not bear the sword at all, and died extremely completely, without any possibility of raising his coffin.

Under normal circumstances, this is not the case. Even though Shinto has many disadvantages, its advantages are coveted and envied by many practitioners.

Just talking about the Incense Divine Way, the combat power can be achieved so quickly that it is jaw-dropping. Even a mortal soul can ascend to the throne of God in one day.

However, the premise of all this is that there is enough incense. When the incense is at its peak, even if the divine body is destroyed and the legal body is destroyed, it can be rebuilt in the legal realm in the next moment and come back for the second round.

Therefore, when humanity was prosperous and Shinto was at its peak, there were few demons and demons causing trouble, and no alien would turn his back on the incense gods in their heyday to fight with them, which would make them uncomfortable.

The god of incense relies on the power of human will, and it was so intimidating in its heyday. The stability and duration of the god of mountains and rivers are superior to that of the god of incense, which also has its advantages.

Theoretically speaking, after taking control of the mountains and rivers, as long as the reigning gods do not seek death, they can basically coexist with the heaven and the earth - in reality it is simply impossible. m

When the heaven and earth were divided, the first batch of innate mountain gods who were born, who could truly coexist with the world, were almost dead. Now there is no one left, let alone one who has seized the position of the god of mountains and rivers. of acquired creatures.

No matter how you say it, one thing is universally acknowledged. As long as you obtain the divine status, you can extend your life span to a great extent. And more than that, even if you are severely injured or even your body is blown apart, you can also use the power of mountains, rivers and earth veins. Reshape the body.

As long as you don't encounter a powerful enemy that exceeds a realm, you can theoretically be as immortal as the Incense God. However, the recovery speed will be much slower than that of the Incense God in its heyday. However, as a means of saving life, it has been It's extremely good.

It is a pity that whether it is the incense and fire divine way that can be infinitely reborn with the help of wish power, or the mountain and water god who can use the power of earth veins to reshape his true body, these powers of resurrection are all useless in front of the sword wielded by Feng Qingan.


Feng Qing'an stretched out his hand and swiped, and saw a large black crack appearing above the two-parted tiger's corpse, and a majestic suction force emerged, sucking in the mountain-sized god's corpse.

The true forms of the gods of mountains and rivers are different. Demons with fresh blood like this tiger only account for a part of them. There is also a category of spirits that are psychic in mountains, rocks, vegetation, and of course, in order to prolong life. Yuan, a monk who is avoiding the end of his life.

And the remains of this ferocious tiger tiger are also what Feng Qingan needs. The teeth, claws, etc. that have fallen off from monsters that are already known for their strong bodies are all the best materials for refining weapons. What's more, this complete divine tiger bone.

This evil-doing big lynx must have used the power of the earth's veins to temper his demonic body. Unfortunately, he danced too happily, and with one strike of the sword, his soul flew away without even a chance to repent.

"Don't be rude."

Seeing Feng Qing'an take away the mountain-sized tiger carcass with a wave of his hand, the girl's legs were already weak. Her eyes looking at Feng Qing'an were full of awe and deep admiration. He slapped his brother on the head, and then asked cautiously,

"Excuse me, are you an immortal?"

"Immortal? No, I'm just a kind-hearted person who happened to pass by."

Feng Qing'an glanced at the two siblings, who were tormented by hunger and fear and looked indifferent, but even though they looked so pitiful, Feng Qing'an felt surprisingly calm.

In the past few months, he had seen too many tragic incidents. When the tragedies mentioned in a few strokes in the history books clearly appeared in front of him, it was an unprecedented impact.

There is great hunger in old age, and people eat each other.

Nine out of ten rooms are empty, and all households are exhausted.

Many people starve to death, and it is easy for wives and children to eat each other.

After seeing these tragedies in the world, and then seeing two poor little people who were starved to the skin and bones, naturally there is no special emotion. After all, they are still alive and can still breathe, right?

And meeting him means that the suffering they have suffered in the past has come to an end and will end here. Diseases, plagues, war disasters, and all kinds of human sufferings will be far away from them.

"Would you like to come with me?"

Feng Qingan looked at the slightly astonished eyes of the siblings and asked with a smile.

"I do."

The girl agreed without thinking. She did not forget how she came up the last part of the way. The top of the mountain was surrounded by steep cliffs. There was no mountain path for people to walk down. Except for the one in front of her, she did not admit that she was an immortal. Who else can save these two immortals?

"Go in if you want, and everything will be fine from now on."

Cracks appeared on the top of the mountain, but what appeared in front of the siblings was not darkness, but a fruitful fruit garden.

"Sister, peach, I want to eat peach."

The child looked at the fruit forest in front of him, which seemed to last a lifetime, and he couldn't help shouting.

Looking at the plump fruits that bent the branches, the girl couldn't help but gulped. But after experiencing all kinds of hardships, she became extra cautious at this moment. She looked at the young man who was like a banished immortal coming to the world,

"Immortal, are those edible?"

"Eat slowly and be careful not to overfill yourself."

Feng Qingan ordered casually, and then, the two siblings, who had been tortured by hunger for several days and nights, could no longer bear it. Under the temptation of the rich fruity fragrance, they rushed into the cave. .


The smile on Feng Qing'an's face, who seemed to have dealt with everything, slowly faded, and he couldn't help but let out a sigh. When he looked outside the mountain, the gentle smile on his face faded, and his gentle and jade-like eyes turned cold. , like the biting cold that is about to sweep across the earth.

In the chaotic world of humanity, the monsters that wreak havoc on the human race can be killed, and those evil gods who are gods and collect the incense of the human race but take the opportunity to cause trouble at this time should be killed.

However, compared to these human-eating demons and evil gods, what is even more heinous and unmentionable are the traitors who help the demons, succumb to the evil gods, and harm the human race.

"Cause and effect? ​​Ha!"

When the mountain god died, his blood spurted out, creating a bloody rainbow that stretched for hundreds of miles. But now, this strange phenomenon was gradually obscured by the biting wind howling in the sky, and the sound of rumbling thunder was heard in the clouds. Explosion.


A dazzling bolt of thunder struck down from the clouds and accurately struck a dilapidated-looking village outside the mountain. Along with the raging fire, there were painful cries and wailings. .

"I do not care."

Feng Qing'an climbed up to the sky step by step and walked in the clouds. Thousands of thunders gradually burst out from his body and colluded with the thunder snakes moving in the thunder.


There was the sound of Qingyue's dragon roar, resounding from Feng Qing'an's arms, and the elf dragon emerged from the young man's clothes, and then grew in the wind, turning into a golden-scaled dragon that was more than three feet long, UU Reading www.uukans. net After circling in the clouds, the head that was no different from a dragon came close to Feng Qing'an and let out a soft groan.


"You want to carry out punishment on behalf of God?"

Feng Qing'an raised his brows slightly and looked at Minglong who volunteered in front of him. Through the soul contract, he could get a glimpse of its thoughts and quickly understood its intentions.

Bodhisattvas fear causes, and sentient beings fear consequences.

In Minglong's incomplete Dragon Clan inheritance, there are similar descriptions of cause and effect. No matter what the situation is, it is best for those who practice the righteous path of Xuanmen not to massacre mortals. No matter what those mortals have done, it is not practice. The middleman should step in to intervene.

Minglong knew that his master was not a cultivator now, but he also knew how strong his desire to be a cultivator was.

Although he has not officially entered the road yet, one day, he will embark on the road to pursue the road. If he slaughters those evil-doing humans out of a moment of anger, what if there is some cause and effect involved. It's not worth it if it affects the road.

In this case, it would be better to let it take the punishment on its behalf. If there is cause and effect, it can also suffer the consequences. Anyway, it is just a piece of armor. It has nothing to do with practicing and seeking the Tao, and it doesn't even matter if the cause and effect is applied to it.


Feng Qing'an stared at Minglong for a few seconds, and then waved his hand. He didn't think that imposing thunder punishment on such human beings for their rebellion would have any bad consequences.

If there really is something in the dark that is spying and watching everything, then what he is doing now should be praised and rewarded, not some bullshit causal involvement, or even affecting the path of cultivation.

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