The Unique Guardian Beast Master in Cultivation World

Chapter 42 A new-born little demon with no martial ethics

[Complete Hidden Achievements]

[Swallowing spiritual objects will greatly increase the potential of animal pets and transcend life levels]

[Reward: Permission to identify spiritual objects]

Feng Qing'an was startled by the sudden sound of the notification sound. Then Heishan, who had just walked out of the tiger's den, had no choice but to turn back and came to the ground spring again.


【Black crystal grass】

[Spiritual grass nourished by the water spirit of the earth's veins can enhance the potential of creatures below the warrior level]

The information projected into his consciousness was as brief as ever, and the information had already been mastered by Feng Qing'an, but even so, Feng Qing'an was particularly happy.

Because it had taken several days to test out the effect of this spiritual grass. This was still a spiritual grass with positive effects. If it was a higher-grade spiritual object and there was only one in quantity, how could he try it?

Now he is planning to let Heishan carry his elder brother's book and wander around the mountain, looking for monsters deep in the mountain and seeing the spiritual beings guarded by them.

It was just the right time to open this authority now. He didn't need to find a wolf cub to test the medicine before he could know the effects of spiritual things.

"Heishan, go back and take your wolves with you to patrol the mountain!"


Heishan raised his head and let out a rather excited roar, then spread his legs and started running wildly.

The stars dotted the night, casting a faint starlight. The bright moon was hidden deep in the clouds, occasionally casting an indifferent and invisible light in the gaps between the clouds.

Deep in the Green Python Mountain, between a slightly empty mountain col, countless green light spots spread all over the mountains and fields, flickering from time to time. Under the dim light of the stars and the moon, we could vaguely see the owners of these green lights. , are the eyes of mountain wolves.

This is a scene that the hunters and woodsmen outside the mountains would never see in their dreams, nor would they want to see in their entire lives - hundreds of mountain wolves gathering here.

However, these astonishing numbers of mountain wolves are clearly distinct from each other, facing each other across a shallow stream.

The difference in numbers between these two huge wolf packs that were beyond common knowledge was extremely obvious. One pack only numbered half a hundred, while the other wolf pack across the stream had several times the number.

And not only the size of the wolf pack, but also the strength and weakness of the wolf kings who command these two wolf packs are also clear at a glance.

Commanding a pack of hundreds of mountain wolves, the wolf king is as strong as a bull, his eyes shine like will-o'-the-wisps, and there is a real demonic aura lingering around him.

The size of the wolf pack that barely exceeded the ordinary size, the size of the wolf king was only the size of an ordinary domestic sheep, and was less than half as fierce as the wolf king.

The absolute gap between numbers and individual strength is clear at a glance. According to common sense, when this small wolf pack encounters this huge wolf pack, there are only two outcomes, either surrendering on the spot or being strangled.

But the reality is exactly the opposite. Most of the huge wolf pack, which has an absolute advantage in terms of individuals and numbers, is shrinking back at this moment. On the contrary, the smaller wolf pack, which is smaller in number, is full of momentum and keeps roaring. .

The person who caused this strange situation was the Wolf King who commanded them.

The wolf king, who was as big as a bull and had ghostly flames in his eyes, turned around and was about to run away when he encountered the little wolf king who was so small that he could bite him to death with his mouth open.

As a result, the little wolf king, who had strange things tied to his body that confused the wolves, vigorously chased the ghost-eyed wolf king who was more than twice his size.

After getting close to a certain distance, the ferocious wolf king, who even the tigers in the mountains would retreat from, immediately lost their limbs and lay on the ground. He couldn't stand up even though he struggled hard. His eyes were full of fear and he let out a helpless wail. .

The wolves could not see the majestic golden light that filled the world and swept the mountains and forests. They could only see that the ghost-eyed wolf king, who clearly had an absolute advantage, was trampled under the paws of a wolf king that was much smaller than it. They did not even dare to Resist.

The vision of the Ghost-Eyed Wolf King, as well as its physical and mental feelings at this moment, are incomprehensible to those wolves who no longer respect it. The world in their eyes is different.

At this moment, the ghost-eyed wolf king was filled with fear and uneasiness, as well as huge confusion.

What is the golden light on this far weaker little wolf king?

It grows deep in the mountains and has never left the mountains and forests. Because the area it is located in is too deep and wide, not even the farmers who go to the mountains to collect medicine, the woodcutters and even the hunters have ever seen it.

It doesn't understand what this terrifying power is that makes the surging demonic energy that normally fills the body lie dormant and motionless!

But this does not hinder the fear in its heart, because it cannot even raise a trace of strength. At this moment, its body, mind and soul are all suppressed.

Therefore, its life and death are no longer controlled by itself, but by the little wolf demon that has stepped on it with its claws.


At this moment, Heishan, who boldly stepped on the powerful demon wolf king in front of him with his paws, was full of energy. This was a creature of the same kind that was far more powerful than the eye-catching white-fronted tiger.

However, such a powerful creature of the same kind can only be trampled under its paws. Although it is not its own fault, the book it is carrying was given by its owner, and the result is the same.

Under the roar of the black mountain, which is far weaker than the wolf king under its feet, UU reads a book www. uukanshu. netThe mountain wolves that originally followed the Ghost-Eyed Wolf King also lowered their heads, and the few that came closer even turned their bellies over.

The world of mountain beasts is so simple and pure. They will not delve into the strange scene in front of them. They will not think so much about the deeper reasons.

They only focus on the final result, and the result is that the wolf king that they are so intimidated that they dare not resist is now being trampled under their paws, even if this wolf king looks very thin, being thin does not mean that he is weak.

And this small size is only compared to the terrifying Wolf King. Compared to these ordinary mountain wolves, Black Mountain still needs to be looked up to and feared by them.

In this way, when the wolves saw Montenegro's arrogant attitude, it was only natural to surrender to him. It was normal to surrender to similar strong men.

"Black Mountain!"

Seeing that Heishan had subdued such a huge wolf pack, it was obviously a more brilliant achievement than what he had done in the past, but Feng Qingan could no longer praise Heishan for a job well done without conscience.

"Brother is mighty!"

If Heishan hadn't been carrying his eldest brother's book, he would be nothing more than a weakling in front of this wolf king. I still want to step on other people’s heads and show off my power, let’s just dream.

Feng Qing'an felt aggrieved for that mighty wolf king at the foot of Black Mountain. It was so aggrieved!

A newborn little demon who has no martial ethics!


Montenegro naturally ignored this. At this moment, it could be said to be relaxed, not to mention how happy it was.

However, it couldn't help but feel a little doubt in its heart when it looked at the powerful fellow who was still panting under its paws, with tears even streaming from the corners of its eyes.

How come this guy is still alive? I can still breathe!

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