The Unique Guardian Beast Master in Cultivation World

Chapter 44 Entering the village quietly

Naturally, Heishan didn't know how complicated the mood of the Ghost-Eyed Wolf King, which was trampled under its paws, was at the moment. It was just regretting that it was weak and could not bring its mighty brethren with it.

If it had not relied on Haoran's righteousness, but relied on its own strength to conquer that sibling, it would have been even more majestic at the moment. However, if it borrowed Haoran's qi, it could only keep the wolf king where it was, and the other party would not be able to follow it. .

You can only find spiritual objects as soon as possible to make yourself stronger, so that you can have the power to suppress the Ghost Flame Wolf King without the help of any external objects. In this way, it can make the Ghost Eyed Wolf King truly submit to you.

However, after running all night, Heishan discovered that this mountain was really too vast. Behind the mountain, there were still mountains. After climbing over a mountain, all he could see were more majestic and towering mountains, which were continuous and seemingly endless. endless.

Compared to such a vast mountain range, the number of monsters is too rare. If you want to encounter monsters while searching aimlessly, you need a lot of luck.

After all, not every monster is like a mountain wolf. It will find many similar ones, rule them, and form a huge group.

The vast majority of monsters are solitary. Even those who previously lived in groups with the same kind may choose to be alone as a monster queen. After all, even monsters that have just transformed into monsters are fundamentally different from wild beasts.

Therefore, Feng Qing'an's method of searching for spiritual objects by searching for monsters is still very difficult. This is not something that can be achieved in a short time.

Even monsters are not necessarily protected by spiritual beings. Some spiritual beings may only grow once. Once they bear fruit and are eaten, they will wither and wither.

"It seems that this matter cannot be completed in a day or two, but there is no need to rush. We have plenty of time. You have just eaten so much spiritual grass, and it will take some time to digest and settle!"

When dawn breaks, Black Mountain still has no harvest. It's not that it hasn't encountered monsters. It's just that the monsters in this mountain are neither fools nor blind.

Ordinary beasts cannot see Haoran Qi, but in the eyes of monsters, Haoran's golden light is too obvious in the dark night. Even if they don't know what it is, as a beastly instinct, they can still sense huge danger.

When I see things beyond my cognition, suddenly appear around me, and even try to get close to myself, I used to be cautious as a beast. Most monsters will choose to avoid it immediately.

Not every monster would be as stupid as the Ghost Flame Wolf King, who relied on himself to lead a huge group of people and dared to actively join in, only to be trampled under the claws of Black Mountain.

If you can't afford to offend, can you still afford to hide?

Therefore, although Heishan patrolled the mountains all night long, trying to find spiritual objects, he did not gain any substantial results.

"Black Mountain, it's dawn, come back!"

When the rising sun cast wisps of golden light from the mountains, Heishan subconsciously led the wolves back toward the outside of the mountain. However, when he was walking halfway, he heard Feng Qing'an's slightly serious voice.

"Your current size can be explained by eating well, but when you are promoted again, and even become a being at the same level as that wolf king, you may not be able to enter the village!"

This is an issue that worries Feng Qingan recently. Originally, Heishan's body was larger than other wolf dogs in the village, which made some people panic when they saw it. Now, after turning into a demon, Heishan's size has further increased. .

Although I can barely explain it now, it will really wait until Heishan is promoted to the upper level of Qi Ling, or even breaks through and becomes a warrior-level beast pet.

Just look at the ghost-eyed wolf king and you will know that Montenegro may also have a huge body comparable to the ox at home, and for a wolf dog of this size, even Erchuang's father may not believe that it is eating meat. Can be fed

No matter how you look at it, this is not a physique that a wolf can eat. It can only be explained by turning a demon into a spirit.

Ordinary people have always been extremely vigilant and fearful of these aliens with intelligence similar to humans. As for his parents, they probably can't accept it either.


Heishan, who had not returned to the village for several days, was already in a bad mood when he heard what Feng Qingan said, and suddenly became even more depressed.

"Heishan, I want to find a dog similar to you to replace you. It can deceive others when you go out and don't come back for a long time. You are not at home these days, and my parents are talking about you more and more often."


Heishan's reaction was particularly intense when he heard what Feng Qing'an said. Even the dog barked, which had not been heard for a long time.

"Don't get excited, I only want to raise you a wolf dog, and I don't want to raise a second one."

This is one of the plans that Feng Qingan came up with. Black Mountain is getting bigger and bigger now, and it will soon be impossible to explain it with common sense.

Despite his existence, Heishan's potential is endless. In the future, he may be able to master the magical transformation technique similar to the size of Ruyi, and can control the size of his body.

But during this period, how should Montenegro deal with it? The "Spirit Gathering and Bone Tempering Technique" he just acquired, UU Reading, has not been used on Heishan yet, and he thinks the effect should be better.

"Otherwise you just disappear and forget it if you don't come back!"

Jian Heishan's reaction was so intense that Feng Qing'an proposed another plan. If Heishan didn't want other wolf dogs to disguise themselves as him, then he could simply give up his identity in the village and just be a wolf in the mountains. king.

Anyway, in the eyes of other people in the village, Heishan is just a majestic and vicious wolf dog. Even if he goes missing, not many people will care.


Montenegro's reaction became even more intense.

It couldn't imagine a dog outside of it interacting closely with Feng Qing'an, and even having its head petted. But it doesn't even want to be unable to return to that yard, where its nest is.

"You guys are really difficult to take care of. Come on, come back first!"

Feng Qing'an couldn't help but curse, although Black Mountain can already move around in the mountains, it is still just a child.

If you don't want to, then just live with it. If it doesn't work, just do the opposite, be the wolf king in the mountains during the day, and secretly return to the village at night.


Hearing what Feng Qing'an said, Heishan let out an excited cheer, and his legs spread out more joyfully, and he began to run wildly through the mountains and forests.

At dusk, Heishan's figure appeared at the entrance of the village. At this time, a group of people returned to the village from outside and were frightened when they saw Heishan's figure.

"what is that?"

"That's the dog raised by Qing'anlang, it's Heishan!"

"It's so big!"

"The dogs that grew up eating meat are naturally different from the ones we raise. If you are willing, you might be able to raise one like this."

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