The Unique Guardian Beast Master in Cultivation World

Chapter 6 The number one scholar returns home

"Uncle Shi!"

Seeing the strong-tempered young man walking into the backyard, Feng Qing'an, who was playing with the puppies, stood up and took the initiative to shout. The fat man next to him also quickly stood up, quite obediently,

"Dad, you're back!"

"Qing'anlang, do you like this litter of pups?"

He was one of the best hunters in the ten-mile Feng family post. He didn't even look at his son. He squeezed out a hard smile on his slightly cold face to make him look more friendly.

"Just this one."

Feng Qingan gestured to the hair ball in his hand,

"This little cub is quite kissable to me."

"Qing'anlang was so lucky that he picked the best one out of the litter as soon as he arrived."

Feng Shi glanced at the puppies in Feng Qing'an's hands, then looked at the few furballs lying on the mother dog's belly sucking milk in the kennel, and said with a smile.

"Yeah, then I'm really lucky!"

Feng Qingan also had a smile on his face. It was unclear whether he was the best or not. He had heard too many compliments, but these words still made people feel comfortable.

"Uncle Shi, I want this puppy. How much does it cost?"

"What do you call this? You and I have been playing together since childhood, talking about money. If you like this puppy, you can take it back when it is weaned."

Feng Shi waved his hand and said quite proudly.


Feng Qing'an was a little hesitant. He knew to some extent that the puppies born from mountain wolves were also a big source of wealth for Er Pang and his family.

"Qing'anlang, if you really want to give me money, then just put this bastard back. I won't give it to you!"

"Then I'll shamelessly accept it!"

Feng Qing'an naturally had a clear conscience. They didn't lack the pup's money, but only the favor.

It's hard to repay a debt of gratitude, but if he really got the method of cultivation because of this puppy, and he has the ability in the future, of course he will have to pull it, after all, he has been playing for so many years.

"That's right, you can play here and have a meal at my uncle's house at noon. You will have enough delicacies and game."

A satisfied smile appeared on Feng Shi's face, and he left the backyard with a smile, without giving Feng Qing'an a chance to shirk.

"I'm afraid I'm going to get a beating when I get home after dinner!"

Feng Qing'an weighed the choice between eating delicacies and being beaten, and then made a decisive choice.

“But it’s worth it!”

There is meat to eat, why should you refuse? It's just a beating, you can bear it.

"Where have you been? Why are you back now?"

When Feng Qing'an returned home with her stomach full, as expected, she saw an angry Yin with a broom in her hand.

"I went to Er Pang's house, and his father stayed with me for a meal!"

Feng Qingan let out a meaty burp, recalling the delicious taste of wild boar and pheasant in his mind.

"Why is there a lack of food at home? You actually go to someone else's house to eat at noon?"

Hearing Feng Qingan's words, Yin's face suddenly darkened.

“Second Fatty’s family has wild boar meat, and his father even roasted a rabbit for me!”

Feng Qing'an looked at the broom in his mother's hand and felt the danger. He thought it would be better to go out and play all afternoon and then come back. Although you couldn't escape a beating, the strength at noon and at night would definitely be different.

"You greedy glutton!"

Seeing Feng Qing'an about to run, Yin's three steps turned into two steps and chased after him. Feng Qing'an, who was full of food and drink, could not run. Not long after, the child's screams could be heard in the courtyard.

The years pass by, and the seasons flow by. Quietly, ten months have passed. On this day, Feng Qing'an, who had returned from village school with a book bag on his back, walked out of the Erpang's house, followed by a meatball at his feet. Rolling hairballs.

"Little Heizi, when do you think you will be weaned?"

Feng Qing'an knelt down and picked up this little dog that was particularly close to him. He still had not completed the systematic task, but after such a long time, his mood had calmed down and he was not as anxious as before.

"Woof woof!"

Upon hearing Feng Qing'an's inquiry, the puppy he named Xiao Heizi barked with amusement.

"Go back to breastfeed. Don't follow me. When you are weaned, come with me again!"

Feng Qing'an sent the puppy back to the kennel, and after struggling with it for a while, he walked back home three times.

And when he walked into the door of his house, he happened to find that a carriage pulled by a strong horse stopped steadily in front of his door. The driver turned around and shouted into the carriage, jumped out, and lifted the curtain of the carriage. Opening the door, a familiar figure came into Feng Qingan's eyes.

That handsome and handsome half-grown boy, although his face still had hair on his nipples, there was no trace of tenderness on his face, and he had a calm and calm demeanor.


Feng Qing'an shouted in surprise. The young man wearing a plain green gown looked at Feng Qing'an with a gentle smile from the bottom of his heart.

"An Di!"

Probably because Feng Qingan's voice was too loud, or the movement of the carriage parked in front of the door, people in the courtyard saw it. Yin's figure appeared at the door of the courtyard, and when she saw it, it had been half a year. When I saw my eldest son, the corners of my eyes suddenly became moist.


"Mom, I'm back!"

Feng Qingping's smile remained the same.

"Who is this?"

Mrs. Yin's eyes looked at the tall and strong coachman behind her eldest son. UU Reading Even a country woman could keenly sense that the coachman who drove her eldest son was no ordinary person.

"Madam, I am Mr. Feng's attendant."


Looking at the coachman in front of her, who couldn't hide his strong physique even with his rough clothes, Yin was stunned for a moment. Xuan Ji seemed to have reacted and suddenly became more enthusiastic.

"You escorted my pig all the way back, right? Come into the hospital quickly. You haven't eaten yet. I'll cook for you."

"Thank you madam for your kindness. I take it from my heart. It's just my duty, so I won't nag you. Today I will deliver the young master safely. In a few days, when the young master goes to the capital, let me know and I will drive here."

The coachman replied sternly, but declined Yin's kindness. Then he jumped on the carriage without waiting for Yin to speak. Regardless of the darkening sky, he waved his whip and drove away from the gate of Feng Mansion.

"Hey, it's already dark, so even if you're in a hurry, just stay here for the night and wait until dawn before leaving!"

Ms. Yin looked at the leaving carriage and shouted anxiously.

"Mom, I have my own arrangements, so don't worry about it."

"How can you talk? I sent you all the way back, why should I invite you to my house for a full meal before leaving?"

"Yes, I want to, but they don't want to!"

Feng Qingping smiled bitterly and helped Yin Shi into the yard together, while Feng Qing'an on the side looked at the direction of the carriage, thoughtfully.

At the entrance of the village where the Feng family could not see, a knight hiding somewhere followed the simple carriage. As the carriage returned, more and more knights gathered in front and behind the carriage. The night wind blew through, lifting the knight's clothes. Robe, the cold scales reflect the cold moonlight.

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