The Unique Guardian Beast Master in Cultivation World

Chapter 64 Ghost wolf, loves to eat ghosts

"The Great Jin Dynasty is not a simple secular dynasty!"

Feng Qing'an's mood was ups and downs at this moment. These young men and women who appeared out of the sky may have other identities, such as sons and daughters of aristocratic families, but the attitude they showed at this moment was to Feng Qing'an. The most impactful.

Immortal cultivator!

The most important thing is that they are serving the secular power at the moment, and the Princess of Changyang who can drive them already has a consort named Feng Qingping.

"Brother is mighty!"

The last time his eldest brother returned to his hometown, he had already noticed it and suspected that his eldest brother was hooking up with a certain noble girl in the capital. Unexpectedly, it turned out to be a princess!

"The princess is my sister-in-law!"

Feng Qing'an's mood couldn't help but become hot at this moment. He originally planned to wait until he grew up to go further on the path of a beast master and have more and more powerful beast pets before traveling. In the world, Xunxian asked.

But now it seems that he doesn't have to work so hard. Now that his eldest brother has become the Prince Consort, as the Prince Consort's younger brother, rounding things off, he is also a relative of the Emperor.

The aristocratic class of the Jin Dynasty has mastered the method of cultivating immortals, so it shouldn't be a problem for him to seek it from it!

Come with a sword and ride on the wind to eliminate demons in the world!

The training of a beast master is certainly comfortable. As long as you choose a pet with strong enough potential, you can become stronger even while lying down, but when it comes to cultivating immortals, Feng Qing'an feels that he can't refuse.

Fish is what I want, bear paws are also what I want, I want both.

Thinking like this, Feng Qing'an couldn't help but feel excited, but he soon regained his composure. This matter cannot be rushed. He has not seen his sister-in-law yet.

I'm afraid he will have to wait until his eldest brother gets married before he can make plans. Before that, he still has to focus on his training as a beast master and not relax.


After swallowing the elixir, Feng Qing'an could clearly feel that the originally shaky fire of life in Black Mountain had stabilized and was beginning to recover at a steady and powerful speed.

And those cultivators who came to the top of Heishan for unknown reasons were currently discussing the rewards that Heishan might receive.

Feng Qing'an couldn't help but couldn't help listening to their discussion. Heishan had benefited, so naturally he was indispensable, so he was particularly curious as to whether the sister-in-law he had never met before would give him something because of his elder brother. What?

Heishan can speak human language, so he can naturally understand what the guys above are talking about. Although he has some expectations in his heart, he is more cautious.

"Heishan, I want to take away this corpse. We want to use magic to find out the origin of this group of people. This is our negligence. From today on, this kind of thing will never happen again!"

Perhaps seeing that Heishan was still wary of them, the group of people slowly approached the corpse that was torn to pieces by Heishan after some exchanges.

First, they explained, and then tentatively used magic to collect it. Seeing that Heishan did not stop them, they collected the remains in a small cloth bag and then disappeared into the night.

"Storage bags?"

Feng Qing'an was even more excited when he saw the methods displayed by this group of people, and a certain desire in his heart became stronger.

But no matter how strong it was, he could only suppress it temporarily, because it couldn't be realized in a short period of time, and none of these people came to find him.

"Heishan, go back and count the wolves, see how many there are, and take them back."

Feeling that Heishan's injuries had gradually stabilized and there was no longer any danger, Feng Qing'an ordered, and he began to think about the wolves in Heishan,

"The surviving wolves must be well cultivated, and we must find ways to turn more wolves into monsters!"

In this sudden crisis, the wolves conquered by Black Mountain in the mountains played an extremely obvious role, and Feng Qingan had to pay attention to it.

If Heishan were to rely solely on him this time, I am afraid that his position as the first soul contract would be vacant, and his soul would be damaged due to the rupture of the soul contract.

However, ordinary wild beasts in the mountains cannot turn into monsters so easily. They must have external intervention, otherwise they would be one of a million on their own.

"Going into the mountains!"

Feng Qing'an couldn't help but think about and weigh the gains and losses. The two secret skills of the beast master he now mastered, "The Art of Leading Souls and Refining Blood" and "The Art of Gathering Spirits and Bone Forging", have been used many times, as long as the qualifications are not too high. If you don't like it, you can basically complete the spiritual awakening and then turn into a demon.

With Feng Qing'an's current soul power, it is easy to use it hundreds of times at once. The key lies in whether the animal pet can withstand so many times of spiritual power infusion.

However, there is no need to worry about this problem. Most of the wolves are wolves. Even if the damage in this battle is huge, there are still enough wolves to share the burden.

"Brother, when will you come back?"

After thinking about what to do next, Feng Qing'an lifted the "Spell of Resurrection", lay on the bed, and couldn't help but talk about his big brother.

Dajin, Kyoto

A magnificent mansion adjacent to the palace, covering an extensive area.

Strange flowers, fragrant and fragrant, a 28-year-old girl in the prime of her youth, sitting quietly by the pond, surrounded by hundreds of flowers, UU Reading Willow eyebrows and starry eyes, white teeth and bright lips, skin color like jade, full of flowers The green silk hair on the head is full of color, tied into a lily bun, with red gold on the opposite side, and a luan bird holding a beaded crown. The eyes are flowing, looking forward to the brilliance.

This is a girl who is so beautiful that it feels unreal, like a flower god in the sky coming to earth, not a human being.

"Your Highness!"

A voice broke the tranquility of the picturesque scene. A woman of extraordinary beauty stepped into the flowers, bowed slightly, with a respectful expression,

"Yongning County, there is a cloud book coming to report!"

"Send it up!"


With a golden rope and a jade seal, a cloud book was presented to the girl who was like a flower god coming to the world. Then it was slowly unfolded, and everything recorded on it was displayed in front of the girl's eyes.


"Your Highness!"

She is dressed in gorgeous clothes and looks like a daughter of a rich family, but now she is acting like a maid.

"I remember that a few days ago, my father's general killed a big demon that was going through a tribulation. I remember it was a wolf demon. What's his bloodline?"

"Your Majesty, I am reporting to you that I am a ghost wolf that likes to eat ghosts and ghosts and can go in and out of the underworld!"

"Ghost wolf? However, being able to survive the catastrophe and become the demon king is barely good. So where is the inner elixir of the wolf demon?"

"It has been put into the treasury!"

"Go and take it out, ask Master Alchemy Cauldron to take action, and refine a furnace of Mortal Transformation Pill. After the pill is completed, you personally send it to Yongning County!"


The woman bowed respectfully.

The girl is still sitting quietly by the sea of ​​flowers and lake, but her eyes still stay on the cloud book in front of her.

"The black dog who is less than a century old is already comparable to a hundred-year-old demon. In an ordinary village, demons are everywhere. My uncle does not seem to be an ordinary person. I will give you a great demon inner elixir as a small gift. I wonder if he will be satisfied?"

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