
Feng Qing'an, who had just dipped her feet into the pool, suddenly took a breath and pulled her feet out of the water. Her legs could not help but tremble, and the water droplets on them rolled down one by one. Until then, Feng Qing'an Only then did Qing'an regain his composure.

"This water is too cold!"

Feng Qing'an felt that the moment his feet were immersed in the water, he felt a bone-chilling coldness that penetrated into his bones. However, as soon as the words of complaint came out of his mouth, he was suddenly stunned.

If you were dreaming, how could you feel like this?

So, the Yin Shen left the body?

Because Yin gods are different from the physical body, so they don’t have the feeling of flesh and blood?

The next moment, an extremely comfortable feeling suddenly spread from his feet and swept across his body. Feng Qing'an immediately put all his doubts and thoughts behind and was immersed in this wonderful taste.

After he regained his composure, he saw the girl who seemed to be the beauty of heaven and earth, gathering the essence of heaven and earth, staring at him, pursed her red lips, and seemed to be snickering.

Feng Qing'an raised his palm and touched his little face. He probably guessed that his posture just now was not very elegant, so he made the girl in front of him laugh.

But Feng Qing'an was not annoyed by this. On the contrary, he was quite excited. He understood that the girl in front of him was the one he found using his search authority during the day. She was currently the most suitable contract partner for him. After all, as long as she was not a human being, it would be fine. .

Now, being able to establish a relationship with this girl is a good start. This is a pretty good first step.

"This is soul-purifying water. It will feel a little uncomfortable when you soak it for the first time, but you will feel very comfortable after you get used to it!"

The girl seemed to have had enough of suppressing her laughter and introduced herself to Feng Qing'an.

She didn't object to Feng Qing'an sitting next to her, nor did she mind that she was just wearing a small coat, exposing most of her body to Feng Qing'an's eyes.

"Is it?"

Feng Qing'an had a suspicious look on his face, but recalling the smell that had just spread from his feet, he doubtfully put his feet into the pool.


As soon as her feet touched the water, Feng Qingan lifted them up sharply. On her childish little face, there was a rich expression, pretending to be angry.

"You lied to me!"


When the girl saw Feng Qing'an's attitude, she couldn't help it. She laughed forward and backward, making a clear and sweet sound like a silver bell, and she looked extremely happy.

Feng Qing'an looked at the girl like this, with an angry expression on his face, but he was secretly happy in his heart.

This half-grown girl seems to be inexperienced in the world. Although the identification result is that she is an innate Yin spirit, from the current point of view, it is not difficult to make contact with her, and now it is even easier to get closer to her.

"I'm not lying to you. I just said that you will feel very comfortable after you get used to it. But I didn't tell you that you can get used to it in one go!"

Her bright eyes curved into two crescent moons, the girl resisted laughing and defended.

"But you're misleading me!"

"You are too stupid. I didn't lie to you. If you don't believe it, you can try a few more times!"

The girl smiled and stared at Feng Qing'an, seemingly looking forward to it.

"How many times does it take to get used to it?"

Feng Qingan asked, since this place is not a dream, then this soul-purifying water must be a strange thing, similar to the tea of ​​the mountain god, and has a special effect on the soul.

"I don't know, we are different. I only felt uncomfortable the first time, but my sister said that ordinary ghosts can only fully adapt to it after being soaked many times, but you are not a ghost either."


Feng Qing'an became more and more certain that this was not a dream, and he was not having a lucid dream. He had come to the so-called hidden realm, the Netherworld.

elder sister?

Why does the innate Yin spirit have a sister? Something's wrong! However, now is not the time to focus on these things. Instead, find a way to gain the favor of the girl in front of you and make a contract with her. We will discuss the rest later.

"What's the difference between us?"

"We are different everywhere!"

The girl looked up at Feng Qingan, then looked down at herself, and said with great certainty.


"Look, I can swim in the Pure Soul Spring, but you don't even dare to touch the water!"

As she spoke, the girl jumped into the water gracefully. Her petite body with beautiful curves swam in the water, like a legendary shark. Her smart little head floated to the surface, and her delicate face stained with waterdrops looked at Feng Qingan with a slight expression. With pride and a bit of provocation,

"Feng Qing'an, do you dare to come down and swim with me?"

"You lied to me, don't go down!"

Feng Qingan decisively refused. The character of the girl in front of him was too easy to figure out.

"I'm not lying to you, as long as you get exposed to this water a few times, you won't feel uncomfortable anymore!"

As she spoke, a sly smile appeared on the girl's face, she held up a pool of water with both hands and poured it towards Feng Qing'an.

"Hey~ stop splashing!"

Water droplets fell on her body, and Feng Qing'an suddenly "screamed". This immediately made the girl soaking in the water like a mermaid smile even more happily. She was as bright as a white jade, in this world with purple as the main tone, Glowing arms, UU reading www. uukanshu.net kept slapping the water surface, raising more water splashes and splashing on Feng Qingan.

"You really think I don't dare to go into the water?"

It was probably a series of teasing. Feng Qing'an seemed to be angry because of embarrassment. He showed a ferocious expression on his face and bit his teeth. Then under the surprised look of the girl, he jumped into the pool with an extremely ugly posture and pounced on the girl ferociously.

"Got you!"

Because of his strong purpose, Feng Qingan jumped into the water and grabbed the girl's delicate wrist, which was carved from flawless white jade. However, the next moment,

"Hi~ It's so cold!"

Feng Qing'an, who had been exposed to the soul-purifying water many times and thought he could adapt, was violently shocked at this moment. The coldness that penetrated his bone marrow completely enveloped his body.

At this moment, his body didn't even think about it. After being strongly stimulated, he rushed forward, his arms immediately wrapped around the girl's slender neck, and his whole body hung directly on the girl, hugging her tightly, unwilling to let go. .

If the faint fragrance of the empty orchid in the empty valley floats into her nose, and the unique softness and firmness of a girl, Feng Qing'an, who is so stimulated by the soul-purifying water that her body can't help but tremble, can't think of paying attention to these.

But after the strong sting dissipated, he felt extremely comfortable. Two completely different senses stimulated Feng Qing'an to ecstasy. When he recovered, he suddenly saw a delicate little face. , very close to him, so close

Feng Qing'an could even feel the girl's breath, and he also found that he had hugged the girl tightly, and there was no gap between the two of them.

But just when Feng Qingan was about to say something, he heard the girl who was very close to him say:

"Feng Qing'an, you smell so good!"

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