The Unique Guardian Beast Master in Cultivation World

Chapter 77 Hug left and right, a wife in the future

"Feng Qing'an!"

At midnight, when the yin energy of the world was at its heaviest, the girl arrived as promised, but Nan Ge did not come alone. Along with her, there was a blue-eyed demon dog with pure black hair and no trace of mottled color.

"Heishan, are you back?"

Feng Qing'an stepped forward and rubbed Heishan's dog's head, then he looked at Nan Ge who was smiling at the side.

"Nan Ge, there is something I want to ask you."

"you say."

"Heishan has the bloodline of ghost wolves, which can grow by swallowing ghosts and ghosts. It ran into the netherworld last night just to eat ghosts. But it wandered around the netherworld all night and couldn't find any ghosts. Do you know what's going on?"

You can't find ghosts in the Netherworld, which is like you can't find people in the human world. It's outrageous.

"Can Black Mountain swallow ghost souls and grow?"

The girl looked at Heishan and was slightly surprised. Since she was born, she has seen only a handful of living and moving things. She doesn't understand the ghost wolf. In her eyes, Heishan just looks more pleasing to the eye.

"This is its racial talent!"

Feng Qingan explained.

"Then it's in the wrong place!"

Nan Ge shook his head,

"My sister went to a distant place to fight, and it would take a long time to come back. But she didn't trust me, so she cleared away all the ghosts and ghosts around the Pure Soul Spring, so it is impossible to find ghosts around me in Black Mountain."


Feng Qing'an was silent, lowered his head, and stared at Heishan with big eyes. At this time, everyone and the dog realized that something was wrong, but compared to Feng Qing'an, who had already guessed and was mentally prepared, Heishan was at this moment. Total horror.

What kind of existence can clear away the ghosts and ghosts everywhere in the Netherworld to the point where it can't even touch a single one even after running around all night.

What kind of existence did his master hook up with and bring him home?

"Your sister is so strong!"

Feng Qingan thought about it for a moment and sighed sincerely. At this moment, he felt like he was dancing on the tip of a knife.

Even if you don't know much about Nan Ge's sister, judging from her actions of completely cleaning up all the ghosts and ghosts around Nan Ge's place, she must be extremely doting on Nan Ge, otherwise she would not be able to do such an outrageous thing. Things create a forbidden zone for ghosts in the underworld. What a power this is!

With such an existence, if she discovers the little guy in the world, seduces her sister away, and lingers with him every night, how will this sister react?

Feng Qingan doesn't know.

Now the safest and most sloppy thing to do is to send Nan Ge back and cut off all contact with her.

However, a king-level innate Yin spirit who has already sent her home is still so close to him and wants to send her away. What kind of joke are you kidding?

Even if the doting and protective sister finds out, what will happen? Is he still not worthy of Nan Ge?

The male is getting married, and the female is getting married. Feng Qing'an feels that he and Nan Ge are a match made in heaven, and there is nothing to be afraid of.

To take a step back, even if the sister doesn't like him, as long as he completes the contract with Nan Ge, he will definitely usher in a new round of transformation. By then, the Supreme Body of All Spirits will probably undergo new changes.

That sister is willing to do something to him?

"Yes, my sister is very powerful!"

Speaking of her sister, the girl who seemed to have been relegated to the world as a fairy also showed pride in her eyes.

"Your sister has gone to a very far away place now. Do you know where she went?"

"I don't know, she never tells me this."

"Then how often does your sister come back?"

Feng Qingan asked again.

"I don't know. The time my sister comes back is not fixed every time."

Nan Ge didn't know what to ask. Feng Qing'an had mixed feelings, but he couldn't say anything and could only smile. So he also made up his mind to speed up the pace. He lowered his head and looked at Montenegro.

"Heishan, you have been running around in the Netherworld for so long. Go back to the mountains and have a good rest!"


After hearing Feng Qingan's instructions, Heishan stared at his master in disbelief.

It has just entered the yard, and we have to drive it away. In the past, because it was too big to stay for a long time, before it returned to the mountains, it would also use the method of attracting spirits to refine blood and temper its muscles and bones. This time, it actually said a few words casually. Want it to go.


Heishan naturally looked at Nan Ge. This girl was the only one who did not belong in this courtyard.

"Black Mountain, what are you thinking about?"

Feng Qing'an's palm pressed down on Heishan's dog's head, and forcefully pulled its head towards him. The existence of the soul contract allowed Feng Qing'an to fully understand Heishan's thoughts.

He can understand Heishan's thoughts, but he will not follow it. Heishan is not the little hairball he was at the beginning of the year.

Whether it is the potential of the root or the method of breathing. Everything is ready, and it should have learned to be independent, even without his command and guidance, it can still stand on its own.

"Have you forgotten the little white wolf in the mountains? Now you can go over and try to make contact with her. You are already qualified!"

Feng Qingan reminded Heishan that UU Reading How to make a male wolf independent is of course to let him find a female wolf. Starting a family and starting a business is the source of male independence and self-improvement.

Little white wolf!

Hearing Feng Qing'an's reminder, the elegant and noble white wolf suddenly appeared in Heishan's mind. For a moment, Heishan's heart was moved, but he looked at the girl next to him and still refused to leave.

It felt that if it left like this, it might lose something forever and never get it back.

Moreover, Montenegro was able to determine that the girl in front of him looked weak, but in fact she was very dangerous. It watched with its own eyes as the girl turned the vast purple jungle into a set of gorgeous palace clothes and wore them.

How could such a dangerous being be allowed to stay with his master?

"Heishan, there is no use for you to stay here. If her sister really comes over and wants to do something to me, there will only be one more wolf corpse in this yard. It won't make any difference."

Feeling Heishan's mood, Feng Qingan felt very helpless and could only persuade him through the soul contract.

But Heishan still couldn't understand why the owner had to be alone with such a dangerous existence, and why he had to drive it away and let it stay nearby without any delay.

What on earth does the master want to do with this inhuman existence?

"Don't you want to be with Little White Wolf? I want to be with her too!"

Feng Qingan rubbed the palm of Heishan Dogou's head and increased the intensity.

I didn't want to be with the little white wolf!

Black Mountain's eyes widened with confusion and innocence. It just wanted to find the little white wolf.

"Now, immediately, go back to the mountains to find your little she-wolf. Don't waste my patience anymore!"

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