The Great Demon of Green Python Mountain, the White Wolf Lord, but at this moment, this powerful monster is also extremely uneasy, so this time, it does not even come to the foot of the Green Mountain alone.

Behind it, there is a white wolf with a similar body shape and softer lines. Next to this female demon, there is a white wolf that is more petite in size.

Bring your family with you!

"Instead of asking me, you might as well ask the little wolf monster following you!"

Looking at the three white wolves in front of him, the man in blue smiled gently, with a calm expression. However, the trembling green mountains under his feet were enough to explain everything.

In other directions of the mountain, there are big snakes as powerful as white dragons flying in the clouds and mist, and even fierce birds with horns, fluttering their wings and casting terrifying shadows in the mountains and forests - these are all big monsters in the mountains. At this moment, they are... Come to the mountain god to seek comfort.

But except for these big monsters, the other monsters in the mountain did not do anything special. Even if they happened to see the huge body of the big monster Pukong, they were just in awe and confusion. They did not sense the changes outside the mountain. They were ignorant at this moment. Maybe it's a kind of happiness.

Little wolf demon!

When he arrived in front of the green mountain, the panicked Lord White Wolf felt much calmer. When he heard the mountain god's words, he couldn't help but reveal a trace of evil in his eyes.

When he took his partner to look for his daughter, he happened to see the little black wolf who didn't know whether to live or die and came to seduce his daughter. What made him feel most uncomfortable was that his daughter actually didn't reject the little wolf at all. Demon, getting along with it is particularly close.

Because time was tight, it didn't do anything to the little black wolf. It just took away its daughter in front of it and rushed to the mountain god.

Hearing the mountain god mention it at this time, the White Wolf Lord was shocked to realize that the little wolf demon was still following it without knowing whether it was alive or dead.

"I only know what happens in the mountains, and what happens outside the mountains. It would be more appropriate to ask the little guy!"

As he spoke, the mountain god stretched out his finger and tapped it lightly. He saw the sea of ​​clouds surging. A black wolf hiding in the mountain col, thinking that he was perfectly integrated with the darkness, was immediately restrained by the clouds and carried above the sea of ​​clouds. , and then was sent to the mountain god.

"At such an age, I have completely changed. Yes, I have a lot of opportunities. I am much better than I was back then!"

Looking at the completely different Black Mountain compared to last time, the mountain god touched his hands in admiration.

After all, Black Mountain is undergoing transformation in this mountain, and even if He is sleeping when it happens, everything will be clear to Him when He wakes up.

Compared with him back then, this Black Mountain was so lucky. However, the mountain god's state of mind had already been baptized by the years. Just this alone would not cause any disturbance in his state of mind.

"The bloodline of the Ghost Wolf!"

The White Wolf Lord stared at Black Mountain, no matter how he looked at it, he let out a low growl of disdain from his throat.

Even if it understands that it can no longer look at Black Mountain with the previous eyes, this is no longer the mountain wolf with despicable blood, but a ghost wolf whose potential is not weaker than its own.

But even if the ghost wolf dares to covet its daughter, it will not give him any good looks.

"Do you understand the source of the accident outside the mountain?"

The Mountain God, who knew everything that had happened, did not pay attention to the White Wolf Lord's venting. He looked at the somewhat embarrassed Heishan with gentle eyes. He could understand the mood of this great demon as a father, and it would take some time to adapt.

"Outside the mountain?"

Hearing the mountain god's inquiry, Heishan looked slightly confused. Its perception was not as terrifying as that of the big demon, and it was completely unaware of everything that happened in the sky above Fengjiagang.

"Don't you know?"

Qingshan Masashi was slightly disappointed, but he still pointed at the center of Black Mountain's eyebrows, reflecting the scene outside the mountain in its mind.

When Heishan learned what was happening outside the mountain, his blue eyes suddenly widened. This looked so familiar to him. He had seen it before, but it was in the underworld.

"You've seen it, it seems you know it!"

The change of expression on Heishan's big furry face was naturally noticed by the mountain god. The originally disappointed mountain god suddenly showed a warm smile again.

"Can you tell me?"


Heishan was a little hesitant. Although the mountain god in front of him was very good, it should have something to do with his master. Through the soul contract, he could vaguely feel that his master might be undergoing a transformation that he had seen before.

The girl who made it feel perfect, but still felt vaguely uncomfortable no matter how she looked at it, was probably protecting the owner who was undergoing transformation in this way.

In this way, it is impossible for it to tell the mountain god about such a thing. Even if the mountain god cannot harm its owner, it also knows what to say and what not to say.

"Don't you want to say it?"

The mountain god sighed slightly, and the white wolf lord on the side became even more dissatisfied when he saw Heishan's posture. After all, the mountain god taught it the method. According to the human race, it was a mentor, equivalent to the existence of a biological father.

"It doesn't have to be this way!"

Seeing the white wolf make some moves, the mountain god only gave him a look. The big demon could only sit down obediently. It could not disobey the mountain god's will.

"It seems that this matter is related to your master. UU Reading However, I have not explored the secrets of your master. I just want to know whether this matter will affect Dashan?"

The mountain god asked warmly, "I haven't seen anything in thousands of years."


Heishan hesitated for a moment, then shook his head vigorously, definitely not!

"That's good!"

The mountain god nodded lightly, as if he believed Heishan's words, and the green mountains under his feet stopped shaking and returned to calm, like the beating of Kui Niu's war drum. The heartbeat finally stopped.

Just at the edge of Qinglang Mountain, another figure of an elegant man in green quietly emerged. He looked at the purple jungle extending in the sky, blocking out the stars and the moon, his eyes were solemn, but there was also a hint of yearning.

"Is it a fairy weapon?"

The mountain god can be sure that the vision in front of him is caused by a special artifact of the Existence Envoy. Seriously speaking, he has never seen an artifact that can create such a magnificent vision, and this is also the first time.

Because the path He chose was to watch the mountains, protect the mountains, and guard the mountains, so even for thousands of years, He had never left the mountains. Even though he knew the vastness of the world, there were still many things that He had never seen.

"It's really amazing!"

The mountain god couldn't be sure whether it was an immortal weapon that was resurrecting and showing its power, because he had never seen a real immortal weapon, so he had no way to compare it.

But now he can be sure that this change will probably not affect the mountain. As the mountain god, he does not need to do anything more, he just needs to wait and see quietly.

As the night wind blew, Masashi Aoyama's figure dispersed with the wind. In the village shrouded in paintings in the distance, a sweaty young man opened his eyes and gasped for air, with a relaxed and joyful expression on his face. smile.

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