"Two cows!"


Feng Qing'an, who was taking a big bite of braised pork, raised his head and looked at Mr. Yin, who had a hesitant look on his face.

"What's wrong? Mom!"


Mrs. Yin looked at her son in front of her, still hesitant.

"Let me tell you!"

Seeing Yin's hesitation, Feng Shouli, who was also eating at the table, couldn't stand it anymore. This originally honest and honest man had changed a lot in the past year. At least he was willing to wear thick clothes that exuded nobility. of brocade clothes.

"It's the end of the New Year now. Your mother and I have a lot of things to do. We may not be able to come back at night. You have to stay at home alone these days. If you are really afraid, I can send you to your grandfather's house." go!"

Feng Shouli said bluntly. When he heard this, Feng Qing'an almost laughed. He knew that his parents had purchased a lot of properties in the county. It was probably that the new year was approaching and they were too busy. He wanted to squeeze out more. Much time.

"No, what are you doing at your grandfather's house? How can you live safely in your own house? You go and do your work, don't worry about me!"

Feng Qing'an looked well-behaved and docile. Although he would go out for a walk every night, it would be more convenient if he was the only one left in the yard. As long as he didn't cause any damage, he could do whatever he wanted.

"It's better to go to Grandpa You. I always feel uneasy when you are at home alone!"

Mrs. Yin couldn't help but worry that although her children were very sensible, in her eyes, Feng Qing'an was just a child who hadn't grown up yet.

"Who said I was alone at home? Didn't Montenegro accompany me?"

Feng Qingan didn't care. Even if he didn't borrow demon power, he didn't think anyone in the village could threaten him.

"Is that the Montenegro you raised?"

Feng Shouli couldn't help but question at this time. The dog disappeared from their house for a while, but suddenly one day, his son led a big black dog and said that this was the lost black dog. Although it was about the same size, it was The hair must have become too dark.

"Why not!"

Feng Qingan immediately shouted towards the door,


Suddenly, a black shadow rushed over like a black whirlwind, squatting in front of Feng Qingan, wagging its tail at him vigorously, even leaving an afterimage.

"What are you doing squatting? Stand up!"

Black Mountain suddenly stood on all fours.

"sit down!"

Montenegro obeyed.

"shake hands!"

Feng Qingan stretched out his palm, and the huge dog paw rested on his palm.

"Get down!"

"Open your mouth!"


There was a smooth demonstration, and in the end Feng Qingan even asked Heishan to bow like a human being, and then he stopped, then looked at Feng Shouli and Yin who were both stunned, and asked,

"What other dog can do this except Montenegro?"


The couple looked at each other and were speechless for a moment. They had seen similar scenes before. They also knew that the dog raised by their son was more intelligent than the dogs in the village. He could understand no matter what was said, and he could also understand it. Able to execute.

"After going out for a while, my appearance has changed a lot!"

Yin murmured something in a low voice, but didn't say anything else. After all, it's really rare for a dog to be so obedient. Even if it's not a black mountain, it's better than a black mountain.

"As the saying goes, a woman can change her appearance when she grows up. This dog grows much faster than a human. Heishan was originally small when he left. It has been a few months now and his hair has turned black. It’s nothing, it’s rare to be so obedient, and you can also look after the house and protect the house. With Montenegro here, it’s okay for the two cows to stay at home alone.”

Feng Shouli found an extremely excused reason, because except for the slightly abnormal color of the hair, the feeling of this dog to him was indeed not much different from the previous Black Mountain, and there was nothing to worry about.

"What about eating and drinking?"

"Are you still worried about this? Aren't all the chickens and ducks in the yard prepared for him? If you are really hungry, kill them yourself!"

Feng Shouli said nonchalantly. He was still distressed before, but now he has adapted to it. After all, it was not wasted. It was all eaten into his stomach.

But even so, Mrs. Yin still pulled Feng Qing'an and talked a lot after the meal. Even after she finished speaking, she still didn't want to finish. She grabbed Heishan, pulled it, and told Heishan to protect Feng Qing'an.

Feng Qing'an glanced at Gouzi with a look of confusion on his face sympathetically, and then took this opportunity to run away. If he didn't run away now, he would wait until later.

And in the early morning of the second day after the couple left home, when the flying snow was falling from the sky and there was peace between heaven and earth, Feng Qingan, with bare upper body and feet, walked through the snow to the courtyard.

At this moment, he is already protected from the cold and heat. The reason why he does not wear clothes, shoes and socks is because even if he puts them on, it is meaningless. With his current physique, he can easily make these ordinary clothes fall apart. Can't bear his current strength.

Oh oh~

In the snowy weather, the silly-looking big rooster was particularly conspicuous as it wandered around in the chicken coop, but Feng Qingan would not be deceived by this poor disguise.

He took a step forward, nearly ten feet away, UU Reading www.uukanshu.net A flash passed, and when he appeared again, he had already caught the colorful golden pheasant. The chicken was so frightened that it screamed, but its wings could not do anything. He fluttered again because Feng Qingan had already caught him.


[Race: Golden Pheasant]

[Attribute: Bird]

[Potential Level: Enlightenment·Superior]

[Combat power level: none]

This guy's potential level has increased again, and it was still under the circumstances that Feng Qing'an basically didn't care about it, but Feng Qing'an has already found the reason.

"Does my hair taste good?"

As soon as he heard Feng Qing'an's words, the big cock that was struggling suddenly froze, and its dark eyes widened, revealing extremely rich emotions in that moment.

Shocked, horrified...

Feng Qing'an didn't see much, but he could see that this guy did understand people's words, and the so-called combat power could only be used as a reference.

Apart from having no demonic power, this guy can be considered a monster in every aspect.

Feng Qing'an also knew the reason why this chicken did not turn into a demon, because it had never left the yard. Under the suppression of Haoran's righteousness, even a big demon had to lie down, let alone such a chicken. Damn it, go ahead!

"It looks delicious!"

Feng Qing'an let go of his hand and let the chicken flutter to the ground. The colorful golden pheasant, which had regained its freedom, lost its usual stupidity and stood frozen in place, not knowing what to do. It looked extremely... Tangled.

"How about it? Do you want to go into the mountains with me for a walk?"

Hearing this, the colorful golden pheasant raised its head, glanced at Feng Qingan, and then cautiously took a step back, conveying its meaning very clearly.

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