The Universal Villain
Chapter 100 - Bleach Epilogue (1)
After killing off the Zero Squad, Shen had taken a couple of days to relax and hadn't left his room while doing so, becoming a total shut-in. 'I'm so exhausted even after having so much time to myself.' Since the beginning, it had always been an uphill battle. Including the Zero Squad and the Gotei 13, Shen had fought the entire Bleach Universe in a matter of months.
'Maybe I need a vacation...' Turning over he opened the system's menu for the first time since his fight with the Zero Squad.
Name: Shen
Race Bonuses: Human, Saiyan, [Fire]Dragon Slayer
Level: 74
SP: 14131
Strength: 363
Agility: 432
Endurance: 397
Power: 473
Zenkai Boost [Passive]: Every time the user recovers from a near-death experience, they will gain a permanent 10% stat increase.
Hogyoku's Will[Passive]: The user's stats will passively rise by a % depending on their Hogyoku mastery.
Hogyoku Mastery[Lv 1]: While the Hogyoku has recognized the user as its master it still has a lot of power hidden away. User's mastery will passively increase over time and so will Hogyoku's ability to aid. At this level, the Hogyoku will heal all of the user's wounds though speed will be determined by their Mastery. At this level, the Hogyoku will grant the user more strength based on what they feel is necessary. (Current Limit: 50% Boost) Depending on if the user and the Hogyoku both find it necessary the Hogyoku will cause its master to evolve into a higher state of being.
Dragon Force[Lv 5]: The user enters an enhanced state, increasing their abilities by a large margin. In this state, some of the user's Dragon Slaying techniques may even be transformed or changed. This form will also temporarily increase the user's stats by 25%.
Fire Dragon King Mode[Lv 1]: The user's abilities are boosted to an incredible degree. The user will radiate a crimson inferno around them evaporating lakes and even melting the very ground of which they stand. All Fire Dragon Slayer techniques will automatically be enhanced immensely. All of the user's stats being increased by 50%.
'I actually unlocked 'Fire Dragon King Mode'?' This was the first time Shen had actually unlocked a transformation. 'Not only that but my stats have skyrocketed.' He was originally disappointed that he didn't get to kill Aizen himself but the Zero Squad more than made up for it. Though it may seem small Shen had jumped over ten levels since the last time he checked.
'That plus all of these bonuses lets see.' Doing the math in his head Shen began applying all the numbers to his current stats. 'That means if I go all out I can boost every single stat by over 125% which is around 90-120 points.' That was a massive jump and even if Shen didn't need that kind of boost now he might need it in the future.
'And this only the lower levels. Once those forms are maxed out my stats could possibly be doubled or even tripled. And when I finally unlock Super Saiyan all that will be multiplied by 50. At that point, I would be invincible in any of the weak universes.' Indeed it was mostly because of this mindset that Shen had kept going despite all of the setbacks.
It could be considered a gamer's mindset but Shen was dead set on reaching the absolute peak. After letting his excitement shine for a bit Shen focused on the other things that have been taking up his attention. Sitting up Shen spoke to the System directly. "System what is the 'Fate Controller' you mentioned before." Though it sounded pretty powerful from the name Shen wanted to know exactly what it was.
[The 'Fate Controller' of a universe is granted to the user when they gain the title as 'The Strongest' and have officially conquered that universe. Due to that, these two components act as the keys to activating the 'Fate Controller'. In general, activating the 'Fate Controller' allows the user to decide the absolute fate of the universe.]
[At any point, anywhere the user has the power to either 'Erase' Or 'Keep' a universe they have conquered.]
Understanding the System's explanation Shen had to admit it was a lot different than what he thought. 'So it doesn't turn me into Zeno letting me erase specific things. But instead, it let's decide whether I want the universe to exist after I have conquered it.' It was then that an Idea hit Shen causing him to grin. "So if I destroy this Universe do I-" Mid-sentence Shen was cut off by the System.
[The user does not get any XP or SP from the beings erased this way.]
Hearing the System immediately shoot him down, Shen's smile disappeared. "Never let me have any fun. Well no matter having that as an option just in case anything goes wrong is perfect." Having a kill switch in his back pocket Shen felt a lot safer leaving people like Ywach and the Soul King alive even though he would have to get rid of them eventually.
'At the end that leaves one last thing.' Standing up, Shen walked out of his room and began to make his way to the core of the fortress, passing dozens of his Void Warriors on the way. "So what about the System updates? What will the updates be?" Being the last thing Shen wanted to know before I moved forward with his final plan for the Bleach Universe this was the important one.
[Until the update is performed all functions of the System outside of checking status will be halted including quest rewards. Functions added by the update will only be revealed after the update has taken place. During the update, the user will be transported to null for two years. The host should know that passive abilities will still be active while the System is updating.]
"So you're basically forcing me to update you? I've never seen you so assertive." Soon Shen reached the core of the fort, also being the place where Urahara made his lab. "Urahara." Entering through the giant double doors Shen was greeted by a complete makeover. Thanks to Urahara being the one who physically made the fortress he was able to edit it pretty much however he wanted and that really came through.
Covering the walls and ground were different machines keeping track of not only the fort but his experiments with other things. Sensing Shen Urahara immediately dropped what he was doing and greeted him. "Welcome Master Shen I didn't know you were coming here so soon. I thought you might have needed more time to rest."
Walking through the lab Shen glanced at all of the captains hooked up to machines powering the fortress before turning back to Urahara. "Actually I will be leaving for a few years soon so I needed to discuss something with you and Rukiai beforehand." Speaking of Rukia, Shen didn't sense her in the lab.
Urahara picked up on this and explained it. "Rukia is currently following your orders and taking care of Orihime. In fact, Orihime has gotten extremely attached to Rukia and in turn, is becoming extremely compliant just like you said." Hearing that Shen understood.
'I thought so back in the original timeline Orihime was kidnapped a lot later in the story but even so she was easy to keep imprisoned. Using Rukia to induce a Stockholm syndrome-like effect on her was the right move. Of course, it helps that she hasn't known Ichigo and the others for as long.'
"Alright, I want both of you to meet in the main hall. Now that the Zero Squad is out of the way, this final step is extremely important to me, understood?" Urahara bowed his head before responding. "Of course Master Shen I'll fetch her immediately." And like he said it didn't take long for both Urahara and Rukia to arrive in the throne hall. And Shen now being able to relax for once no longer kept up his more villain like persona.
Instead, he acted more carefree and more specifically lazy to the point he didn't bother staying on guard like he had gotten used to. Noticing both Rukia and Urahara enter the room, Shen sat up straight instead of lounging on the throne. "Good, you're both here." Shen raised his right hand before using his Sharingan's ability to create a structure in his right hand.
Tossing the black globe he had made up and down Shen spoke to them. "As you both know with no Soul Reapers or Zero Squad the world is vulnerable. And now that it knows that beings like us exist it's also morphable. Instead of destroying the rest of the earth like I originally planned, I had come up with a better idea."
Smiling Shen morphed the globe in his hand to make it grow. "It's a classic tale. A villain has risen up and conquered the world so clearly there must be a hero to save it." Listening to Shen Urahara seemed confused as he asked. "But there is no one left who can challenge you, Master Shen." Shen nodded his head agreeing with Urahara's point.
"Exactly which is why I'm going to leave this place in perfect condition while I'm gone. For reasons, I have to leave for two years and in those two years, I want you two to conquer this planet in its entirety. I want every single person to know exactly what I did and what I can do. Because it's in hopeless situations where heroes are born right?" It was an idea he had been thinking of for a while.
If he left the planet how it is maybe with a few years of training Ichigo would be strong enough to challenge him but that would be the end of it. But if he played his cards right he could start an entirely new story. If this world was truly based on anime in every way then it means a rebellion would start eventually. May it be humans or an entirely new Soul Society eventually someone would rise up to fight him and when they reached their peak he would kill them.
'With the Hogyoku now I could live for thousands of years and while I'm off in other universes new plots can grow from the old ones.' No matter what eventually it would have to happen but because he had the ability to erase Universes he would never be in danger of creating an enemy he couldn't beat.
"So that's why I need you two to keep a firm grasp on things. But also leave enough room for a protagonist to appear. Do you understand?" Looking at them Shen allowed the black globe to dissolve as both Urahara and Rukia nodded. Without any knowledge of the System, it would seem creating enemies for yourself would be stupid.
But for Shen having every universe he goes to create a new protagonist to fight him would be a blessing in disguise. Sitting there Shen tilted his head to the side as he thought of something.
'Though if we are following the cliche something will probably go wrong with my plan midway leading to my death.'
'Maybe I need a vacation...' Turning over he opened the system's menu for the first time since his fight with the Zero Squad.
Name: Shen
Race Bonuses: Human, Saiyan, [Fire]Dragon Slayer
Level: 74
SP: 14131
Strength: 363
Agility: 432
Endurance: 397
Power: 473
Zenkai Boost [Passive]: Every time the user recovers from a near-death experience, they will gain a permanent 10% stat increase.
Hogyoku's Will[Passive]: The user's stats will passively rise by a % depending on their Hogyoku mastery.
Hogyoku Mastery[Lv 1]: While the Hogyoku has recognized the user as its master it still has a lot of power hidden away. User's mastery will passively increase over time and so will Hogyoku's ability to aid. At this level, the Hogyoku will heal all of the user's wounds though speed will be determined by their Mastery. At this level, the Hogyoku will grant the user more strength based on what they feel is necessary. (Current Limit: 50% Boost) Depending on if the user and the Hogyoku both find it necessary the Hogyoku will cause its master to evolve into a higher state of being.
Dragon Force[Lv 5]: The user enters an enhanced state, increasing their abilities by a large margin. In this state, some of the user's Dragon Slaying techniques may even be transformed or changed. This form will also temporarily increase the user's stats by 25%.
Fire Dragon King Mode[Lv 1]: The user's abilities are boosted to an incredible degree. The user will radiate a crimson inferno around them evaporating lakes and even melting the very ground of which they stand. All Fire Dragon Slayer techniques will automatically be enhanced immensely. All of the user's stats being increased by 50%.
'I actually unlocked 'Fire Dragon King Mode'?' This was the first time Shen had actually unlocked a transformation. 'Not only that but my stats have skyrocketed.' He was originally disappointed that he didn't get to kill Aizen himself but the Zero Squad more than made up for it. Though it may seem small Shen had jumped over ten levels since the last time he checked.
'That plus all of these bonuses lets see.' Doing the math in his head Shen began applying all the numbers to his current stats. 'That means if I go all out I can boost every single stat by over 125% which is around 90-120 points.' That was a massive jump and even if Shen didn't need that kind of boost now he might need it in the future.
'And this only the lower levels. Once those forms are maxed out my stats could possibly be doubled or even tripled. And when I finally unlock Super Saiyan all that will be multiplied by 50. At that point, I would be invincible in any of the weak universes.' Indeed it was mostly because of this mindset that Shen had kept going despite all of the setbacks.
It could be considered a gamer's mindset but Shen was dead set on reaching the absolute peak. After letting his excitement shine for a bit Shen focused on the other things that have been taking up his attention. Sitting up Shen spoke to the System directly. "System what is the 'Fate Controller' you mentioned before." Though it sounded pretty powerful from the name Shen wanted to know exactly what it was.
[The 'Fate Controller' of a universe is granted to the user when they gain the title as 'The Strongest' and have officially conquered that universe. Due to that, these two components act as the keys to activating the 'Fate Controller'. In general, activating the 'Fate Controller' allows the user to decide the absolute fate of the universe.]
[At any point, anywhere the user has the power to either 'Erase' Or 'Keep' a universe they have conquered.]
Understanding the System's explanation Shen had to admit it was a lot different than what he thought. 'So it doesn't turn me into Zeno letting me erase specific things. But instead, it let's decide whether I want the universe to exist after I have conquered it.' It was then that an Idea hit Shen causing him to grin. "So if I destroy this Universe do I-" Mid-sentence Shen was cut off by the System.
[The user does not get any XP or SP from the beings erased this way.]
Hearing the System immediately shoot him down, Shen's smile disappeared. "Never let me have any fun. Well no matter having that as an option just in case anything goes wrong is perfect." Having a kill switch in his back pocket Shen felt a lot safer leaving people like Ywach and the Soul King alive even though he would have to get rid of them eventually.
'At the end that leaves one last thing.' Standing up, Shen walked out of his room and began to make his way to the core of the fortress, passing dozens of his Void Warriors on the way. "So what about the System updates? What will the updates be?" Being the last thing Shen wanted to know before I moved forward with his final plan for the Bleach Universe this was the important one.
[Until the update is performed all functions of the System outside of checking status will be halted including quest rewards. Functions added by the update will only be revealed after the update has taken place. During the update, the user will be transported to null for two years. The host should know that passive abilities will still be active while the System is updating.]
"So you're basically forcing me to update you? I've never seen you so assertive." Soon Shen reached the core of the fort, also being the place where Urahara made his lab. "Urahara." Entering through the giant double doors Shen was greeted by a complete makeover. Thanks to Urahara being the one who physically made the fortress he was able to edit it pretty much however he wanted and that really came through.
Covering the walls and ground were different machines keeping track of not only the fort but his experiments with other things. Sensing Shen Urahara immediately dropped what he was doing and greeted him. "Welcome Master Shen I didn't know you were coming here so soon. I thought you might have needed more time to rest."
Walking through the lab Shen glanced at all of the captains hooked up to machines powering the fortress before turning back to Urahara. "Actually I will be leaving for a few years soon so I needed to discuss something with you and Rukiai beforehand." Speaking of Rukia, Shen didn't sense her in the lab.
Urahara picked up on this and explained it. "Rukia is currently following your orders and taking care of Orihime. In fact, Orihime has gotten extremely attached to Rukia and in turn, is becoming extremely compliant just like you said." Hearing that Shen understood.
'I thought so back in the original timeline Orihime was kidnapped a lot later in the story but even so she was easy to keep imprisoned. Using Rukia to induce a Stockholm syndrome-like effect on her was the right move. Of course, it helps that she hasn't known Ichigo and the others for as long.'
"Alright, I want both of you to meet in the main hall. Now that the Zero Squad is out of the way, this final step is extremely important to me, understood?" Urahara bowed his head before responding. "Of course Master Shen I'll fetch her immediately." And like he said it didn't take long for both Urahara and Rukia to arrive in the throne hall. And Shen now being able to relax for once no longer kept up his more villain like persona.
Instead, he acted more carefree and more specifically lazy to the point he didn't bother staying on guard like he had gotten used to. Noticing both Rukia and Urahara enter the room, Shen sat up straight instead of lounging on the throne. "Good, you're both here." Shen raised his right hand before using his Sharingan's ability to create a structure in his right hand.
Tossing the black globe he had made up and down Shen spoke to them. "As you both know with no Soul Reapers or Zero Squad the world is vulnerable. And now that it knows that beings like us exist it's also morphable. Instead of destroying the rest of the earth like I originally planned, I had come up with a better idea."
Smiling Shen morphed the globe in his hand to make it grow. "It's a classic tale. A villain has risen up and conquered the world so clearly there must be a hero to save it." Listening to Shen Urahara seemed confused as he asked. "But there is no one left who can challenge you, Master Shen." Shen nodded his head agreeing with Urahara's point.
"Exactly which is why I'm going to leave this place in perfect condition while I'm gone. For reasons, I have to leave for two years and in those two years, I want you two to conquer this planet in its entirety. I want every single person to know exactly what I did and what I can do. Because it's in hopeless situations where heroes are born right?" It was an idea he had been thinking of for a while.
If he left the planet how it is maybe with a few years of training Ichigo would be strong enough to challenge him but that would be the end of it. But if he played his cards right he could start an entirely new story. If this world was truly based on anime in every way then it means a rebellion would start eventually. May it be humans or an entirely new Soul Society eventually someone would rise up to fight him and when they reached their peak he would kill them.
'With the Hogyoku now I could live for thousands of years and while I'm off in other universes new plots can grow from the old ones.' No matter what eventually it would have to happen but because he had the ability to erase Universes he would never be in danger of creating an enemy he couldn't beat.
"So that's why I need you two to keep a firm grasp on things. But also leave enough room for a protagonist to appear. Do you understand?" Looking at them Shen allowed the black globe to dissolve as both Urahara and Rukia nodded. Without any knowledge of the System, it would seem creating enemies for yourself would be stupid.
But for Shen having every universe he goes to create a new protagonist to fight him would be a blessing in disguise. Sitting there Shen tilted his head to the side as he thought of something.
'Though if we are following the cliche something will probably go wrong with my plan midway leading to my death.'
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