The Universal Villain
Chapter 12 - Hiyori's Hollowfication
Shen was at a loss of what to do for a moment. All the Vizards were substantial, no doubt, and he still hadn't finished his training and was still relatively weak, no doubt, if he tried to fight them, he would die. Right now, Shen was cautious of them as they were cautious of him. Breaking the silence, Hiyori stepped forward.
"What are you guys so on edge for. Look, I don't know who you are but, I'm not in a good mood. Shinji has been dragging all around town looking for a base, so beat it." Hearing Hiyori, Shen responded. "Oh? And If I don't?" The moment Hiyori heard Shen's response, she had already put her hand on her Zanpakuto. "Then don't say i didn't warn you."
She had been angry ever since she came to this place and needed someone other than Shinji to take her anger out on. The hand on her Zanpakuto tightened as she looked as if she was ready to charge at any moment.
Shen turned his gaze from Hiyori to the other 7 Vizards who were behind her. "So you and your friends plan on fighting me one on eight?" Hearing him, Shinji could tell Shen wanted to avoid a fight letting their spiritual pressure leak too much would alert soul society. "We-" Shinji was cut off by Hiyori. "Shinji shut up. I can fight my own battles."
Hearing Hiyori, Shen's eyes suddenly started to gleam. 'A Vizard... Mabye this isn't as bad as I thought I mean if she wants to fight me I have no reason to decline after all she started it.' All the Vizards in their hollowfied state were extremely strong. During the invasion arc, they were able to fight alongside captains, that alone said enough.
"Hiyori, wait! You can't just pick a fight because you're a little angry." This time Shinji spoke up as Lisa followed. "Shinji is right, Hiyori its best we avoid fighting. You know the Shinigami in Soul Society are looking for us."
Since gaining the ability to turn into a hollow, they were marked as traitors. If Soul Society knew where they were, they would be hunted down. Mashiro, who was quiet this whole time, spoke as well. "I think it should be fine." Everyone had their own opinions, most of them saying Hiyiri shouldn't fight.
Hearing them, Hiyori trembled in anger before screaming. "Shut up! Just sit there and be quiet." Watching her burst of rage, Shen could only smile. 'At first, I thought I was just lucky, but at this point, XP is just dropping at my front door.'
Hearing Hiyori had her mindset on a fight, and all the Vizards had to give up trying to convince her. Once Hiyori was set on something, none of them were able to stop her. Shinji turned to Hachigen. "Can you set up a barrier here?" Hachigen nodded creating a barrier around the warehouse to keep spiritual pressure from leaking out
As for Shen, although he hadn't gone through the full 27 days of training yet, he was still a lot stronger than before, and considering Hiyori was one of the weakest Vizards currently, he had a chance of winning. Before attacking Shen, Hiroyi said. "Don't worry. I won't kill you."
Drawing her Zanpakuto and rushing towards Shen, she aimed straight for Shen, slashing with enough force to cut anything in front of her in half. 'I thought she said she wouldn't kill me...'
For the first few moments, Shen didn't retaliate and kept on the defensive, dodging each one of Hiyoris attacks after increasing his agility too much. He barely had to block using his hands. As the fight continued, Hiyori's offense only continued to grow.
"Why don't you fight back." Saying that she swung her Zanpakuto only for it to miss again and instead hit the ground. The blade slipped through the metal floor as if it wasn't even there, leaving a large gash.
"He's quite quick, isn't he?" Rojuro commented as he watched. "He'll end up tiring himself out if he keeps that up." Kensei said in reply to Rojuro. Everyone else remained silent and continued to watch. 'Alright, that should be enough.' Shen, who had been on the defensive, suddenly vanished from Hiyori's view.
Appearing right behind her, he took a step back before launching his leg forward, targeting her lower back. Hiyori quickly turned around, putting her Zanpakuto in front of her to block. The impact vibrated throughout the sword, causing Hiyori's hands to tremble as she was sent flying backward.
With his current speed, Shen could move extremely quick if not for Hiyori's immediate reactions, Shen would have defeated her a while ago. But even though she kept managing to block, she was starting to get tired. Standing in front of her without feeling taxed at all, Shen was rubbing his hands.
While attacking, he wasn't protecting his hands no matter what the feeling of punching metal so many times hurt. Instead of relieving her anger, fighting Shen was pissing her off more. "All right, I'm done playing around with you."
Hiyori held her hand over her face. The Vizards could sense the build-up of spiritual pressure Shinji shook his head, looking at her. "That idiot is going to turn into a hollow in a fight like this." Hiyori's voice became more and more distorted as a white mask started to form on her face.
When the mask fully formed over Hiyori's face, her eyes turned black as her pupils turned yellow. Seeing her hollowfied state, this was Shen's first time seeing someone turn into a hollow.
The moment Hiyori hollowfied, her speed increased rapidly, appearing at Shen's side in a single step. Her blade was already rewound as she swung with full force towards Shen. Shen had to admit hollowfication was no joke just by putting on her mask her strength also skyrocketed. Covering his arm's in a thick layer of Ki, he blocked the incoming slash with both arms only to feel Hiyori's blade pass through it.
'This might be the first time someones managed to cut me since I've come here.' Ever since Shen arrived, he couldn't say he hasn't been hurt. Even with his abilities, there have been times he was kicked by Menos before and also had to take Cero's head on due to his slow reactions speed. However, this was the first time a sword had cut him.
Feeling he Ki getting shredded as the blade dug into his skin, Shen was sent flying into the air, having to stop himself forcefully. Looking down at the ground, he noticed Hiyori was gone. Sensing her, he quickly turned around only to see her slashing down on him. 'Crap!' Using the After Image Technique Shen promptly moved out of the way.
Seeing Shen had disappeared again, Hiyori reacted too late as Shen was already behind her. Using all his strength, Shen punched her in her side, causing her to cough out blood before getting knocked into a pile of scrap metal in the corner of the warehouse.
After everything settling for a moment, Shen saw something burst out of the cloud of dust that was created up from the impact. Hiyori flew straight towards Shen sending numerous slashes towards his torso. Dodging most of them, Shen was surprised when Hiyori stopped slashing and instead sent a downwards kick towards his head.
'Ok, what the hell?! Hollowfication isn't even fair just how does a mask make you this much stronger. Even a punch at full strength didn't do a thing! Whoever said she was the weakest Vizard is a lier.'
Hiyori was utterly livid. Although she didn't show it, the pain she felt in her side told her Shen must have fractured a couple of her ribs. Seeing through Hiyori's facade, he could tell she was in immense pain Hachigen ended up speaking up.
"Shinji, it would be best if Hiyori gives up or her injury may get worst." Turning to Shinji, he remained silent, waiting for a response a few seconds passed until Shinji spoke. "Hmm, alright."
"What are you guys so on edge for. Look, I don't know who you are but, I'm not in a good mood. Shinji has been dragging all around town looking for a base, so beat it." Hearing Hiyori, Shen responded. "Oh? And If I don't?" The moment Hiyori heard Shen's response, she had already put her hand on her Zanpakuto. "Then don't say i didn't warn you."
She had been angry ever since she came to this place and needed someone other than Shinji to take her anger out on. The hand on her Zanpakuto tightened as she looked as if she was ready to charge at any moment.
Shen turned his gaze from Hiyori to the other 7 Vizards who were behind her. "So you and your friends plan on fighting me one on eight?" Hearing him, Shinji could tell Shen wanted to avoid a fight letting their spiritual pressure leak too much would alert soul society. "We-" Shinji was cut off by Hiyori. "Shinji shut up. I can fight my own battles."
Hearing Hiyori, Shen's eyes suddenly started to gleam. 'A Vizard... Mabye this isn't as bad as I thought I mean if she wants to fight me I have no reason to decline after all she started it.' All the Vizards in their hollowfied state were extremely strong. During the invasion arc, they were able to fight alongside captains, that alone said enough.
"Hiyori, wait! You can't just pick a fight because you're a little angry." This time Shinji spoke up as Lisa followed. "Shinji is right, Hiyori its best we avoid fighting. You know the Shinigami in Soul Society are looking for us."
Since gaining the ability to turn into a hollow, they were marked as traitors. If Soul Society knew where they were, they would be hunted down. Mashiro, who was quiet this whole time, spoke as well. "I think it should be fine." Everyone had their own opinions, most of them saying Hiyiri shouldn't fight.
Hearing them, Hiyori trembled in anger before screaming. "Shut up! Just sit there and be quiet." Watching her burst of rage, Shen could only smile. 'At first, I thought I was just lucky, but at this point, XP is just dropping at my front door.'
Hearing Hiyori had her mindset on a fight, and all the Vizards had to give up trying to convince her. Once Hiyori was set on something, none of them were able to stop her. Shinji turned to Hachigen. "Can you set up a barrier here?" Hachigen nodded creating a barrier around the warehouse to keep spiritual pressure from leaking out
As for Shen, although he hadn't gone through the full 27 days of training yet, he was still a lot stronger than before, and considering Hiyori was one of the weakest Vizards currently, he had a chance of winning. Before attacking Shen, Hiroyi said. "Don't worry. I won't kill you."
Drawing her Zanpakuto and rushing towards Shen, she aimed straight for Shen, slashing with enough force to cut anything in front of her in half. 'I thought she said she wouldn't kill me...'
For the first few moments, Shen didn't retaliate and kept on the defensive, dodging each one of Hiyoris attacks after increasing his agility too much. He barely had to block using his hands. As the fight continued, Hiyori's offense only continued to grow.
"Why don't you fight back." Saying that she swung her Zanpakuto only for it to miss again and instead hit the ground. The blade slipped through the metal floor as if it wasn't even there, leaving a large gash.
"He's quite quick, isn't he?" Rojuro commented as he watched. "He'll end up tiring himself out if he keeps that up." Kensei said in reply to Rojuro. Everyone else remained silent and continued to watch. 'Alright, that should be enough.' Shen, who had been on the defensive, suddenly vanished from Hiyori's view.
Appearing right behind her, he took a step back before launching his leg forward, targeting her lower back. Hiyori quickly turned around, putting her Zanpakuto in front of her to block. The impact vibrated throughout the sword, causing Hiyori's hands to tremble as she was sent flying backward.
With his current speed, Shen could move extremely quick if not for Hiyori's immediate reactions, Shen would have defeated her a while ago. But even though she kept managing to block, she was starting to get tired. Standing in front of her without feeling taxed at all, Shen was rubbing his hands.
While attacking, he wasn't protecting his hands no matter what the feeling of punching metal so many times hurt. Instead of relieving her anger, fighting Shen was pissing her off more. "All right, I'm done playing around with you."
Hiyori held her hand over her face. The Vizards could sense the build-up of spiritual pressure Shinji shook his head, looking at her. "That idiot is going to turn into a hollow in a fight like this." Hiyori's voice became more and more distorted as a white mask started to form on her face.
When the mask fully formed over Hiyori's face, her eyes turned black as her pupils turned yellow. Seeing her hollowfied state, this was Shen's first time seeing someone turn into a hollow.
The moment Hiyori hollowfied, her speed increased rapidly, appearing at Shen's side in a single step. Her blade was already rewound as she swung with full force towards Shen. Shen had to admit hollowfication was no joke just by putting on her mask her strength also skyrocketed. Covering his arm's in a thick layer of Ki, he blocked the incoming slash with both arms only to feel Hiyori's blade pass through it.
'This might be the first time someones managed to cut me since I've come here.' Ever since Shen arrived, he couldn't say he hasn't been hurt. Even with his abilities, there have been times he was kicked by Menos before and also had to take Cero's head on due to his slow reactions speed. However, this was the first time a sword had cut him.
Feeling he Ki getting shredded as the blade dug into his skin, Shen was sent flying into the air, having to stop himself forcefully. Looking down at the ground, he noticed Hiyori was gone. Sensing her, he quickly turned around only to see her slashing down on him. 'Crap!' Using the After Image Technique Shen promptly moved out of the way.
Seeing Shen had disappeared again, Hiyori reacted too late as Shen was already behind her. Using all his strength, Shen punched her in her side, causing her to cough out blood before getting knocked into a pile of scrap metal in the corner of the warehouse.
After everything settling for a moment, Shen saw something burst out of the cloud of dust that was created up from the impact. Hiyori flew straight towards Shen sending numerous slashes towards his torso. Dodging most of them, Shen was surprised when Hiyori stopped slashing and instead sent a downwards kick towards his head.
'Ok, what the hell?! Hollowfication isn't even fair just how does a mask make you this much stronger. Even a punch at full strength didn't do a thing! Whoever said she was the weakest Vizard is a lier.'
Hiyori was utterly livid. Although she didn't show it, the pain she felt in her side told her Shen must have fractured a couple of her ribs. Seeing through Hiyori's facade, he could tell she was in immense pain Hachigen ended up speaking up.
"Shinji, it would be best if Hiyori gives up or her injury may get worst." Turning to Shinji, he remained silent, waiting for a response a few seconds passed until Shinji spoke. "Hmm, alright."
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