The Universal Villain
Chapter 23 - Shen Vs Soi Fon (1)
Getting a better look at his attacker, Shen was surprised as he slowly stood back up. "Well If it isn't Captain Soi Fon. It's an honor." Soi Fon ignored Shen's sarcastic greeting as she questioned him. "Tell me who you are and why you are here?" The tone of her voice clearly showed her arrogance to the point that even Shen felt slightly annoyed.
'First, you try to kill me, and then you ask the important questions.' "Interesting way of interrogation, I must say, but I wouldn't understand how the Stealth Force operates now would I." Seeing Shen had no intention of answering her, Soi Fon didn't bother asking him again. "Very well, you're an intruder within the Soul Society and are therefore a threat, and I will be happy to get rid of you."
Raising her hand, Soi Fon snapped her fingers. Tons of Stealth Force Members burst out of the shadowed appearing behind Soi Fon with their weapons already drawn. 'They really do look like wannabe ninjas.'
"Well, this night is going to be a lot more fun then I thought." Hearing that, Soi Fon lowered her head in annoyance, pointing straight at Shen. "Let's see how much longer you can remain so confident. Kill him!" Hearing their captain's orders, the Stealth Force Members didn't hesitate and began to rush towards Shen.
One member, in particular, jumped high in the air, planning to attack Shen from above. With his blade ready, he prepared to slice Shen's neck. The member looked down at his target only to be shocked as Shen had disappeared entirely from view. "Behind you." Shen's voice echoed above the Stealth Force member as a strong punch came into contact with his back.
The moment Shen's attack hit the Stealth Force member died as his body fly and crashed into the ground. The power alone allowed the body to cause a small crater in the ground, breaking nearly every bone. Seeing this act of speed and strength, the other Stealth Force members hesitated for a moment.
Landing back on the now broken ground, Shen opened his arms. "Come on now, where's that spirit you had just a second ago don't let a single man's death scare you." Shen's provocative words and posture caused them to come back to their senses as they charged at him again. 'Good.' As they rushed towards him, Shen's eyes began to turn crimson as two tomoes appeared.
A Stealth Force member ran up to Shen slashing towards him. Shen could see his every movement even though he didn't need the Sharingan he had to admit it was useful. Shen quickly sent a weak punch straight to the Stealth Force stomach, causing him to cough up an insane amount of blood. "GAH!"
Shen raised his leg, sending a kick to the side of the member's head, causing him to fly across the ground like a stone skipping on water.
Shen's actions were quick yet powerful, and it didn't take long for him to become surrounded by at least a hundred Stealth Force members. Sending another Stealth Force member flying this time, they were sent hurtling towards Soi Fon, who moved out the way.
The body that flew past Soi Fon crashed into a tree not far behind her, making a loud thud as leaves fell. Shen continued to take on the Stealth Force members one at a time. Using the Sharingan to its fullest capabilities, Shen was almost untouchable.
Up to this point in the fight, Shen didn't bother using Haki or Ki. He only used his physical attributes. Of course, it was also lovely seeing the XP pile up in his notifications.
Surrounded Shen wasn't fl.u.s.tered as he suddenly bent down, tripping a Stealth Force member over, causing them to fall forward. At that moment, Shen grabbed the member's leg. Shen took a step as the ground under his feet cracked. He used the body like a weapon sending six Stealth Force members flying in an instant.
Shen didn't stop there, continuing his rampage. He slammed the body downwards ontop of another Stealth Force member, causing them to be crushed, making the ground shatter. Up to this point, more forty Stealth Force members had died, and they, in turn, barely landed any hits on Shen, and even the ones that did land were too weak to do any damage.
The Stealth Force members began to back up away from Shen, who was still holding the limp body by the leg. Looking at them, Shen waited for a second only to see none of them was willing to approach him. 'Well, if you guys aren't going to attack me and help level up my Sharingan, then I don't have any more use for you, do I?'
Throwing the body in his hand at the Stealth Force member's attention was drawn away from Shen for just a few seconds. In that time, when they turned their attention back around Shen was gone. "You know, it was fun while it lasted." Standing in front of the remaining Stealth Force members, they all froze.
Shen's hand was in front of his face as a sphere that looked like a red sun began to grow. None of the Stealth Force members moved as if they were frozen in place.
"Cya." It was that sentence that caused panic as they quickly turned around and tried to run the light from the sphere began to glow brighter.
Everything in front of him was engulfed in an explosion that only continued to grow, taking all the Stealth Force members who were left alive into its radius. When the attack ended, all that was left was a crater with not a trace of life remaining. "Did you enjoy the show?" Turning around, Shen looked at Soi Fon, who already drew her Zanpakuto.
"Hmph. Don't get" Soi Fon only paused for a moment before rushing towards Shen. "No post-fight speech? Well, that's fine with me." Shen rushed at Soi Fon, catching up to her quickly as well as matching her speed. Shen didn't intend to underestimate her activating his Haki to cover his arms before the battle began.
As they clashed over and over, they could hardly be seen as the destruction they left behind started to morph the entire area. In one instance, a large group of trees was cut, causing them to fall to the ground, and in another case, explosions could be heard as small craters appeared in the ground.
'Damn, she's fast.' Even using the After Image Technique Shen found it quite tricky to land a hit of Soi Fon showing just how quick she was without the use of the Flying Thunder God Technique Soi Fon might be faster than him. Backing away from their stalemate Shen fly into the air, looking down at Soi Fon, who didn't pursue Shen into the air.
Shen, who had locked his sights on Soi Fon, grinned, creating a dozen balls of Ki in the air in front of him. "Try and dodge these!" Shen pushed his palms forward, causing each ball of Ki to turn into a beam of energy that tracked Soi Fon, who began to dash the moment she saw the rays fly towards her. The rays continued to follow her as she ran through the forest with extreme precision.
"Speed alone isn't going to let you escape." With his Ki Control almost at its max, the speed Shen could control Ki was in no way slow, allowing him to track Soi Fon even if he had troubled himself. "Tch!" Soi Fon checked behind her only to see all twelve beams behind her. She quickly changed directions and began to fly towards Shen with the rays behind her.
Seeing this, Shen couldn't help but think back to that moment when Frieza was cut in half by his own attack. "Oh, please don't even try it." Closing both hands, Shen, the twelve beams of energy, started to surround Soi Fon cutting her off before closing in, creating a massive explosion as they collided with themselves.
Shen's eyes were narrowed as he stared at the explosion that began to fade, not beliving an attack like that would defeat Soi Fon.
'First, you try to kill me, and then you ask the important questions.' "Interesting way of interrogation, I must say, but I wouldn't understand how the Stealth Force operates now would I." Seeing Shen had no intention of answering her, Soi Fon didn't bother asking him again. "Very well, you're an intruder within the Soul Society and are therefore a threat, and I will be happy to get rid of you."
Raising her hand, Soi Fon snapped her fingers. Tons of Stealth Force Members burst out of the shadowed appearing behind Soi Fon with their weapons already drawn. 'They really do look like wannabe ninjas.'
"Well, this night is going to be a lot more fun then I thought." Hearing that, Soi Fon lowered her head in annoyance, pointing straight at Shen. "Let's see how much longer you can remain so confident. Kill him!" Hearing their captain's orders, the Stealth Force Members didn't hesitate and began to rush towards Shen.
One member, in particular, jumped high in the air, planning to attack Shen from above. With his blade ready, he prepared to slice Shen's neck. The member looked down at his target only to be shocked as Shen had disappeared entirely from view. "Behind you." Shen's voice echoed above the Stealth Force member as a strong punch came into contact with his back.
The moment Shen's attack hit the Stealth Force member died as his body fly and crashed into the ground. The power alone allowed the body to cause a small crater in the ground, breaking nearly every bone. Seeing this act of speed and strength, the other Stealth Force members hesitated for a moment.
Landing back on the now broken ground, Shen opened his arms. "Come on now, where's that spirit you had just a second ago don't let a single man's death scare you." Shen's provocative words and posture caused them to come back to their senses as they charged at him again. 'Good.' As they rushed towards him, Shen's eyes began to turn crimson as two tomoes appeared.
A Stealth Force member ran up to Shen slashing towards him. Shen could see his every movement even though he didn't need the Sharingan he had to admit it was useful. Shen quickly sent a weak punch straight to the Stealth Force stomach, causing him to cough up an insane amount of blood. "GAH!"
Shen raised his leg, sending a kick to the side of the member's head, causing him to fly across the ground like a stone skipping on water.
Shen's actions were quick yet powerful, and it didn't take long for him to become surrounded by at least a hundred Stealth Force members. Sending another Stealth Force member flying this time, they were sent hurtling towards Soi Fon, who moved out the way.
The body that flew past Soi Fon crashed into a tree not far behind her, making a loud thud as leaves fell. Shen continued to take on the Stealth Force members one at a time. Using the Sharingan to its fullest capabilities, Shen was almost untouchable.
Up to this point in the fight, Shen didn't bother using Haki or Ki. He only used his physical attributes. Of course, it was also lovely seeing the XP pile up in his notifications.
Surrounded Shen wasn't fl.u.s.tered as he suddenly bent down, tripping a Stealth Force member over, causing them to fall forward. At that moment, Shen grabbed the member's leg. Shen took a step as the ground under his feet cracked. He used the body like a weapon sending six Stealth Force members flying in an instant.
Shen didn't stop there, continuing his rampage. He slammed the body downwards ontop of another Stealth Force member, causing them to be crushed, making the ground shatter. Up to this point, more forty Stealth Force members had died, and they, in turn, barely landed any hits on Shen, and even the ones that did land were too weak to do any damage.
The Stealth Force members began to back up away from Shen, who was still holding the limp body by the leg. Looking at them, Shen waited for a second only to see none of them was willing to approach him. 'Well, if you guys aren't going to attack me and help level up my Sharingan, then I don't have any more use for you, do I?'
Throwing the body in his hand at the Stealth Force member's attention was drawn away from Shen for just a few seconds. In that time, when they turned their attention back around Shen was gone. "You know, it was fun while it lasted." Standing in front of the remaining Stealth Force members, they all froze.
Shen's hand was in front of his face as a sphere that looked like a red sun began to grow. None of the Stealth Force members moved as if they were frozen in place.
"Cya." It was that sentence that caused panic as they quickly turned around and tried to run the light from the sphere began to glow brighter.
Everything in front of him was engulfed in an explosion that only continued to grow, taking all the Stealth Force members who were left alive into its radius. When the attack ended, all that was left was a crater with not a trace of life remaining. "Did you enjoy the show?" Turning around, Shen looked at Soi Fon, who already drew her Zanpakuto.
"Hmph. Don't get" Soi Fon only paused for a moment before rushing towards Shen. "No post-fight speech? Well, that's fine with me." Shen rushed at Soi Fon, catching up to her quickly as well as matching her speed. Shen didn't intend to underestimate her activating his Haki to cover his arms before the battle began.
As they clashed over and over, they could hardly be seen as the destruction they left behind started to morph the entire area. In one instance, a large group of trees was cut, causing them to fall to the ground, and in another case, explosions could be heard as small craters appeared in the ground.
'Damn, she's fast.' Even using the After Image Technique Shen found it quite tricky to land a hit of Soi Fon showing just how quick she was without the use of the Flying Thunder God Technique Soi Fon might be faster than him. Backing away from their stalemate Shen fly into the air, looking down at Soi Fon, who didn't pursue Shen into the air.
Shen, who had locked his sights on Soi Fon, grinned, creating a dozen balls of Ki in the air in front of him. "Try and dodge these!" Shen pushed his palms forward, causing each ball of Ki to turn into a beam of energy that tracked Soi Fon, who began to dash the moment she saw the rays fly towards her. The rays continued to follow her as she ran through the forest with extreme precision.
"Speed alone isn't going to let you escape." With his Ki Control almost at its max, the speed Shen could control Ki was in no way slow, allowing him to track Soi Fon even if he had troubled himself. "Tch!" Soi Fon checked behind her only to see all twelve beams behind her. She quickly changed directions and began to fly towards Shen with the rays behind her.
Seeing this, Shen couldn't help but think back to that moment when Frieza was cut in half by his own attack. "Oh, please don't even try it." Closing both hands, Shen, the twelve beams of energy, started to surround Soi Fon cutting her off before closing in, creating a massive explosion as they collided with themselves.
Shen's eyes were narrowed as he stared at the explosion that began to fade, not beliving an attack like that would defeat Soi Fon.
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