The Universal Villain
Chapter 67 - The End Of The Seireitei
With Shen's surprise attack still hitting Yamamoto, it wasn't a total loss. But even so, it didn't change the fact Yamamoto was not dead. 'Crap. I must have overused my Sharingan.' Even though Shen's eyes had lost 30% of there light simply creating the army he used to invade Soul Society and Katakura town, he hadn't really felt any of the effects. But now he was dealing with a shocking pain shooting through his head.
'I need to move.' Working through the pain, She knew he couldn't stay in this situation and pulled the spiked end of the halberd out of Yamamoto's shoulder. However, just before he backed away from Yamamoto, he tapped his hand on Yamamoto's back, leaving a mark directly on his skin. After that, Shen didn't hesitate to gain distance from Yamamoto, who still couldn't figure out how Shen got behind him when Shen was forced to deactivate his Mangekyou.
With his, Mangekyou deactivated Shen could no longer keep Ryujin Jakka suppressed. As the void surrounding Ryujin Jakka's blade began to break, it didn't go unnoticed by Yamamoto. "So there was a limit to how long you could hold this ability after all. That was your last chance to kill me. It's a shame you couldn't see it through."
With that being said, Yamamoto waved Ryujin Jakka as the void casing was blown away by the intense flames allowing Ryujin Jakka's blade was engulfed in inferno once more. "Now, it's time to end this farce." Raising Ryujin Jakka in the air Yamamoto's Reiatsu began to build as he allowed the flames of Ryujin Jakka to grow.
'This is why you always need to have a plan B.' Controlling his breathing, Shen was finally able to think clearly as the pain in his eyes dulled. Witnessing Yamamoto building up power as a raging, inferno twirled around Ryujin Jakka like a hurricane Shen looked back down at the halberd in his hand. 'One more push and It should be enough. But this is going to be risky.'
Shen really wanted to end this fight with his last attack, but just in case he had been setting up this secondary plan during the duration of the battle. As Shen prepared himself, he reviewed his plans in his head while his eyes were keeping track of Yamamoto's movements. The tornado of fire that swirled around the blade had reached its max as it engulfed the entire area above Yamamoto.
Even from where he was standing, Shen could feel the overwhelming heat as the ground began to glow red. "This battle is over." Speaking down to Shen Yamamoto lowered Ryujin Jakka as the twirling inferno followed the blade. "Ryujin Jakka: Taimatsu." Using one of Ryujin Jakka's abilities, Yamamoto fired the flames he had gathered towards Shen as they turned all they past touched to nothing but ash.
Facing this wall of fire head-on, Shen raised his halberd in front of him as he began to spin using both of his hands. 'If this doesn't work, then this is going to hurt.' As Yamamoto's attack was on top of him, Shen found his surroundings engulfed in flames leaving only the place he was standing as his halberd stopped any of the fire from getting any closer.
As Shen dispersed of the flames using the halberd's rotation, he also watched as the crack's along its metallic surface began to grow. 'Perfect.' Due to his own attack, Yamamoto had lost view of Shen as he stood there with Ryujin Jakka primed to attack once again. But as they began to disperse turning into embers that floated in the air, he was greeted by Shen standing in the exact spot he was when Ryujin Jakka's Taimatsu hit him.
However, something new was also there next to Shen. Even after his mishap from before, he had activated his Mangekyou once again. Laying flat on the ground was a completely black sphere made of void however, it was also covered in markings. "Do you know what this is?" Walking over to the sphere Shen no longer had his halberd in hand as he tapped the sphere.
Staring at Shen Yamamoto couldn't tell what he was planning as he remained silent. "Well, either way, I was planning on explaining it anyway. Inside this sphere is my halberd. Over the period I have spent in this world, I have poured more energy into this weapon alone then there is in my entire body." Hearing Shen Yamamoto's eyes widened as his gaze turned to the sphere next to Shen.
"Of course, something that powerful is hard to control, so I contained and trapped it with a continuous layer of Haki being reapplied every second. But even with that as a precaution as the amount of energy I contained in it grew, the weapon began to reach its limit." As Shen spoke, the sound cracking could be heard resonating from the sphere along with a strange vibrating sound. This caused Yamamoto to speak.
"What have you done." Showing Shen a stern look, Yamamoto's worry began to grow. "Oh, I didn't do anything. Your constant attacks are what pushed the halberd's durability beyond its limit. Dealing with Ryujin Jakka's fire and suppressing the power being contained under its metallic surface, it makes sense it began to crack. Just imagine it… All that power being released at once." Staring Yamamoto Shen gave him a moment for his words to sink in.
And just from Yamamoto's expression alone, he could tell they took effect. "It would wipe out the Seireitei in its entirety. But thanks to this sphere and these markings, the explosion will be contained. You see, I can teleport to anything I marked, and these markings are an extension of that ability. Able to teleport anything they come into contact with to a place I have marked."
Going into detail about his ability Yamamoto cut him off. "Why? Why are you telling me this? What do you want?" Shen already had him in a situation he couldn't control like a terrorist with a bomb. Shen held the entire Seireitei in his hands. If he decided to lower that shield and teleport away, then Yamamoto did not doubt his words when he said they Seireitei would be destroyed.
Hearing Yamamoto Shen looked at Yamamoto with a sharp gaze. "You still don't get it, do you? This was never about the Soul Society, and even though the captains were on my list, it wasn't all about them either. It was you, Yamamoto. I made this weapon to kill you because you're a threat. The strongest Soul Reaper with the strongest Bankai."
Turning away, Shen began to walk towards the edge of the fire dome before pausing. "I already marked you a while ago. I'm sure you can figure out what that means. Now I bid you adieu Genryusai Yamamoto." With that, Shen didn't bother explaining anything more and disappeared from Yamamoto's view, leaving him alone inside the flaming dome he created. "Damn you!"
Meanwhile, Shen could be seen appearing next to Soi Fon, who he had long marked from their past battle. Currently, all the captains were lying unconscious, so it only made his job of collecting them easier as one by one Shen began to contain the captains in a Ki sphere. 'I still can't sense Mayuri or Retsu. They could be hiding in the Seireitei though I doubt it.'
Sadly Shen didn't have any time to think as he placed each one of the captains in his pocket dimension and used Flying Thunder God once more this time teleporting to Rukia. When he arrived, he was surprised to find the lieutenants all lying on the ground half dead with wounds covering their bodies.
Noticing Shen's appearance, Rukia sheathed her Zanpakuto as she turned to Shen. "Are we leaving?" From the fact, Shen had returned with only a few burns covering his skin, Rukia could only guess he managed to defeat the Head Captain. Ignoring the lieutenants lying on the ground, Shen had a relaxed expression on his face. "Yes we'll be heading back to the Human World there is nothing important left in the Soul Society."
Turning his gaze to the other two captains being Toshiro and Byakuya, he opened two more portals into his pocket dimension, placing them with the others. 'Finally, that whole ordeal is over with.' As Shen prepared to leave, he heard Rukia ask him a question. "What about them?" Pointing to the lieutenants, Rukia was wondering if they would be taking them as well.
Looking over at them, however, Shen looked uninterested. "No, they take more work than they are worth besides, they'll all be dead soon enough." Shen didn't explain what happened during his fight with Yamamoto, and Rukia didn't ask simply taking Shen's words as fact. "Now let's go I don't think I ever want to come back here again."
Walking over to Rukia, Shen grabbed her by the shoulder, taking one last look at the Seireitei before both of them disappeared from the Soul Society.
'I need to move.' Working through the pain, She knew he couldn't stay in this situation and pulled the spiked end of the halberd out of Yamamoto's shoulder. However, just before he backed away from Yamamoto, he tapped his hand on Yamamoto's back, leaving a mark directly on his skin. After that, Shen didn't hesitate to gain distance from Yamamoto, who still couldn't figure out how Shen got behind him when Shen was forced to deactivate his Mangekyou.
With his, Mangekyou deactivated Shen could no longer keep Ryujin Jakka suppressed. As the void surrounding Ryujin Jakka's blade began to break, it didn't go unnoticed by Yamamoto. "So there was a limit to how long you could hold this ability after all. That was your last chance to kill me. It's a shame you couldn't see it through."
With that being said, Yamamoto waved Ryujin Jakka as the void casing was blown away by the intense flames allowing Ryujin Jakka's blade was engulfed in inferno once more. "Now, it's time to end this farce." Raising Ryujin Jakka in the air Yamamoto's Reiatsu began to build as he allowed the flames of Ryujin Jakka to grow.
'This is why you always need to have a plan B.' Controlling his breathing, Shen was finally able to think clearly as the pain in his eyes dulled. Witnessing Yamamoto building up power as a raging, inferno twirled around Ryujin Jakka like a hurricane Shen looked back down at the halberd in his hand. 'One more push and It should be enough. But this is going to be risky.'
Shen really wanted to end this fight with his last attack, but just in case he had been setting up this secondary plan during the duration of the battle. As Shen prepared himself, he reviewed his plans in his head while his eyes were keeping track of Yamamoto's movements. The tornado of fire that swirled around the blade had reached its max as it engulfed the entire area above Yamamoto.
Even from where he was standing, Shen could feel the overwhelming heat as the ground began to glow red. "This battle is over." Speaking down to Shen Yamamoto lowered Ryujin Jakka as the twirling inferno followed the blade. "Ryujin Jakka: Taimatsu." Using one of Ryujin Jakka's abilities, Yamamoto fired the flames he had gathered towards Shen as they turned all they past touched to nothing but ash.
Facing this wall of fire head-on, Shen raised his halberd in front of him as he began to spin using both of his hands. 'If this doesn't work, then this is going to hurt.' As Yamamoto's attack was on top of him, Shen found his surroundings engulfed in flames leaving only the place he was standing as his halberd stopped any of the fire from getting any closer.
As Shen dispersed of the flames using the halberd's rotation, he also watched as the crack's along its metallic surface began to grow. 'Perfect.' Due to his own attack, Yamamoto had lost view of Shen as he stood there with Ryujin Jakka primed to attack once again. But as they began to disperse turning into embers that floated in the air, he was greeted by Shen standing in the exact spot he was when Ryujin Jakka's Taimatsu hit him.
However, something new was also there next to Shen. Even after his mishap from before, he had activated his Mangekyou once again. Laying flat on the ground was a completely black sphere made of void however, it was also covered in markings. "Do you know what this is?" Walking over to the sphere Shen no longer had his halberd in hand as he tapped the sphere.
Staring at Shen Yamamoto couldn't tell what he was planning as he remained silent. "Well, either way, I was planning on explaining it anyway. Inside this sphere is my halberd. Over the period I have spent in this world, I have poured more energy into this weapon alone then there is in my entire body." Hearing Shen Yamamoto's eyes widened as his gaze turned to the sphere next to Shen.
"Of course, something that powerful is hard to control, so I contained and trapped it with a continuous layer of Haki being reapplied every second. But even with that as a precaution as the amount of energy I contained in it grew, the weapon began to reach its limit." As Shen spoke, the sound cracking could be heard resonating from the sphere along with a strange vibrating sound. This caused Yamamoto to speak.
"What have you done." Showing Shen a stern look, Yamamoto's worry began to grow. "Oh, I didn't do anything. Your constant attacks are what pushed the halberd's durability beyond its limit. Dealing with Ryujin Jakka's fire and suppressing the power being contained under its metallic surface, it makes sense it began to crack. Just imagine it… All that power being released at once." Staring Yamamoto Shen gave him a moment for his words to sink in.
And just from Yamamoto's expression alone, he could tell they took effect. "It would wipe out the Seireitei in its entirety. But thanks to this sphere and these markings, the explosion will be contained. You see, I can teleport to anything I marked, and these markings are an extension of that ability. Able to teleport anything they come into contact with to a place I have marked."
Going into detail about his ability Yamamoto cut him off. "Why? Why are you telling me this? What do you want?" Shen already had him in a situation he couldn't control like a terrorist with a bomb. Shen held the entire Seireitei in his hands. If he decided to lower that shield and teleport away, then Yamamoto did not doubt his words when he said they Seireitei would be destroyed.
Hearing Yamamoto Shen looked at Yamamoto with a sharp gaze. "You still don't get it, do you? This was never about the Soul Society, and even though the captains were on my list, it wasn't all about them either. It was you, Yamamoto. I made this weapon to kill you because you're a threat. The strongest Soul Reaper with the strongest Bankai."
Turning away, Shen began to walk towards the edge of the fire dome before pausing. "I already marked you a while ago. I'm sure you can figure out what that means. Now I bid you adieu Genryusai Yamamoto." With that, Shen didn't bother explaining anything more and disappeared from Yamamoto's view, leaving him alone inside the flaming dome he created. "Damn you!"
Meanwhile, Shen could be seen appearing next to Soi Fon, who he had long marked from their past battle. Currently, all the captains were lying unconscious, so it only made his job of collecting them easier as one by one Shen began to contain the captains in a Ki sphere. 'I still can't sense Mayuri or Retsu. They could be hiding in the Seireitei though I doubt it.'
Sadly Shen didn't have any time to think as he placed each one of the captains in his pocket dimension and used Flying Thunder God once more this time teleporting to Rukia. When he arrived, he was surprised to find the lieutenants all lying on the ground half dead with wounds covering their bodies.
Noticing Shen's appearance, Rukia sheathed her Zanpakuto as she turned to Shen. "Are we leaving?" From the fact, Shen had returned with only a few burns covering his skin, Rukia could only guess he managed to defeat the Head Captain. Ignoring the lieutenants lying on the ground, Shen had a relaxed expression on his face. "Yes we'll be heading back to the Human World there is nothing important left in the Soul Society."
Turning his gaze to the other two captains being Toshiro and Byakuya, he opened two more portals into his pocket dimension, placing them with the others. 'Finally, that whole ordeal is over with.' As Shen prepared to leave, he heard Rukia ask him a question. "What about them?" Pointing to the lieutenants, Rukia was wondering if they would be taking them as well.
Looking over at them, however, Shen looked uninterested. "No, they take more work than they are worth besides, they'll all be dead soon enough." Shen didn't explain what happened during his fight with Yamamoto, and Rukia didn't ask simply taking Shen's words as fact. "Now let's go I don't think I ever want to come back here again."
Walking over to Rukia, Shen grabbed her by the shoulder, taking one last look at the Seireitei before both of them disappeared from the Soul Society.
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