The Universal Villain
Chapter 8 - Byakuya And Renji Appear
Later the next day, Shen had spent most of the night killing normal hollows, although the barely did anything for him anymore. Other then the moment Rukia is taken, nothing else extraordinary happens today with that in mind he kept using hollows as a past time until finally, the 24 hours were up.
"I can't wait till this skill is leveled up this 24-hour cooldown is just torture." For Shen to kill hollows manually, he finally realized how good he had it with the new Image Training Technique. It was like having the hyperbolic time chamber, but with infinite uses, why bother training any other way?
With that said, Shen bought the Flying Thunder God Technique from the shop and entered Image Training. Inside he chose to fight 50 normal hollows to get a feel of how to use the Technique.
While the Flying Thunder God allows one to set marks on a surface, it honestly depends on the user how they want to use it. Minato was a prodigy, so he obviously made a very efficient way of teleportation, combining placing marks on kunai, allowing him to catch his opponent off guard.
'If it ain't broke, don't fix it.' This was a saying, meaning if something works, don't bother changing it. Holding his newly bought kunai in his hand, he placed a mark on its handle as the 50 hollows began to lock their sights on him. The system generates terrain randomly, so at the moment, they were in a rocky valley full where it was raining heavily.
The feeling of the rain was real, and the thunder rumbling in the clouds made the eyes of the hollows shine through the dark. It didn't take long for eight different hollows to rush Shen, 2 of which decided to jump at him. In that instance, he through the kunai in his hand. The speed of which the kunai was thrown made, it barely noticeable to the hollows, but the moment it reached its designated location, something strange happened.
Shen instantly teleported under a hollow who was still in mid-air. The hollows were confused, seeing the original target vanish, the other seven hollows were confused only to hear a yell from behind them. Shen had used his palm, knocking the hollow higher into the air before vanishing and appearing above the hollow and killing it with a strong punch to the back.
At that moment, there were two Shens one of them was the one who had just punched the hollow and an after image that resemble the actions of a throw. This is how Shen planned to use this Technique. Combining After Images and instant teleportation, he could create a mirage. He had already thrown his kunai at a different hollow right after he knocked this hollow into the air.
And with that, he vanished again, appearing behind another hollow. This sort of routine continued as Shen became more and more proficient at it. Teleportation, After Image, After Image, Teleportation. The hollows who outnumbered Shen got killed one by one as they saw the same person appear to be everywhere at once to them it felt like facing an entire army.
Before they could fight back, they were all dead, with Shen picking up his kunai from the ground. Due to how it was used and how much strength he put into his throws, the kunai had pretty much shattered at this point, making Shen realize he would need something more durable if he ever wanted to do something like that in combat. 'Using a normal Kunai against Zanpakuto would just be asking for it to break maybe I should buy a sword or something.' With his current amount of SP, he could only afford to buy Kunai even if he had 300 SP, he might not be able to purchase something that wouldn't break after a few rounds.
But still, he kept grinding and while making sure to use Flying Thunder God as often as he could and in a blink of an eye almost two hours had passed.
'No wonder Minato was so overpowered when you can do something like this who could stop you.'
While Shen was having fun, the Menos were pretty much fodder at this point, and it was starting to feel like abuse. Being able to fly, teleport and leave after images just made Shen too fast to the point when they try to fire a Cero there instantly killed without even seeing who did it. Destroying the remaining Menos, his time in Image Training was used up just like that.
Like before he was back in the real world. He always made sure to be someplace secluded when going into Image Training due to its vulnerability. He couldn't sense his surroundings while in Image Training, and if someone wanted to kill him while he was, he probably wouldn't be able to notice before it already happened.
With the combined time of his hollow spree and Image Training, he had breezed through the morning, and it was already starting to turn dark. 'Time to find Rukia.' While he was training, he thought of a way to add on to his original plan. In the original storyline, Ichigo would be slashed down and left to bleed by Byakuya during that time he planned on placing a mark on him, but now he thought otherwise.
It didn't take long for him to find Rukia, who was currently was still at Ichigo's house. He knew very well that Ichigo's father was a soul reaper, so he made sure to only observe from a distance waiting for a while longer Rukia who was pretending to sleep snuck out of Ichigo's house thinking she was unnoticed.
Now long after Ichigo, who noticed her leaving, followed Rukia. 'Good, I was worried for a second.' Although he knew the storyline, he also realized the more he appeared to change things, the more unpredictable things would get. Plans which would have been set in motion in a few weeks may be extended to a few months etc.
Continuing to follow them from afar, he extended the reach of Ki, allowing him to sense a larger area. He could feel Byakuya and Renji where already on there way here to come for Rukia. 'Finally, they're here.' As Rukia continued to run, she was suddenly stopped as a streak appeared before her. Rukia was shocked to see Renji as he held his Zanpakuto over his shoulders he asked where Ichigo was.
Has he continued to speak, Rukia knew he was here for Ichigo? 'How did they find out?' The entire encounter played out normally from Uryu, showing up and getting defeated by Renji to Byakuya appearing behind Rukia.
Just ad Renji was about to deliver the finishing blow to Uryu, who was lying on the ground an immense amount of spiritual pressure appears. Ichigo had arrived, and so had Shen's chance.
This was a kick with enough force to send a Menos Grande flying as for Ichigo he definitely couldn't stand to withstand that kind of impact and was instantly flung backward bouncing along the ground until finally landing on his back.
"Take Rukia and leave." Shen said only that without turning around to look at Renji, who was still trying to understand what had happened. "Who are you?" Shen heard Byakuya speak. Byakuya was watching the entire thing calmly up until the part Shen appeared. Byakuya was a master at Shunpo, and his speed was in no way to be underestimated however, he didn't see this person move he just suddenly appeared.
"Ichigo!" Rukia cried out, seeing Ichigo coughing up blood she wanted to go and help him only to be held back by Renji. "I'm telling you to take Rukia and leave this person doesn't concern you... Byakuya."
Hearing his name called Byakuya took a step forward, putting his hand on his Zanpakuto. "I won't ask you again."
Hearing him, Shen could only sigh. 'All I wanted to do was defeat Ichigo myself, so I could fight him in Image Training as he got stronger why couldn't you just leave!'
Turning around, Shen saw Byakuya was ready to cut him down. He knew very well he was not prepared to fight someone of Byakuya's level. 'A perfect plan ruined why he does have to so dam arrogant.'
Meanwhile, Renji, who was off to the side next to Rukia, realized his captain was preparing to fight personally. "Captain, wait." Moving forward, he turned to Shen. "Let me deal with him." He was the Lieutenant it was his job to protect him captain and deal with his obstacles. Hearing his Lieutenant, Byakuya released his Zanpakuto and slightly nodded.
'Oh? Renji?' Seeing Renji step up, a creepy smile appeared on his face under his mask. He slowly walked up to Ichigo, who was struggling to stand back up. Seeing this, Rukia felt panicked, thinking the worst. Before she could speak, Shen already acted. "Take a quick nap." With that, he knocked Ichigo out instantly. Seeing he only knocked Ichigo out, she relaxed but still kept her gaze on him.
[Ichigo Kurosaki Defeated. Reward: 2097 XP and 6 SP] 'Pfft. Only worth that much, huh? Well, I guess you still are just a baby compared to your future self.'
Seeing Shen mock him instantly caused Renji to attack. "Die!"
"I can't wait till this skill is leveled up this 24-hour cooldown is just torture." For Shen to kill hollows manually, he finally realized how good he had it with the new Image Training Technique. It was like having the hyperbolic time chamber, but with infinite uses, why bother training any other way?
With that said, Shen bought the Flying Thunder God Technique from the shop and entered Image Training. Inside he chose to fight 50 normal hollows to get a feel of how to use the Technique.
While the Flying Thunder God allows one to set marks on a surface, it honestly depends on the user how they want to use it. Minato was a prodigy, so he obviously made a very efficient way of teleportation, combining placing marks on kunai, allowing him to catch his opponent off guard.
'If it ain't broke, don't fix it.' This was a saying, meaning if something works, don't bother changing it. Holding his newly bought kunai in his hand, he placed a mark on its handle as the 50 hollows began to lock their sights on him. The system generates terrain randomly, so at the moment, they were in a rocky valley full where it was raining heavily.
The feeling of the rain was real, and the thunder rumbling in the clouds made the eyes of the hollows shine through the dark. It didn't take long for eight different hollows to rush Shen, 2 of which decided to jump at him. In that instance, he through the kunai in his hand. The speed of which the kunai was thrown made, it barely noticeable to the hollows, but the moment it reached its designated location, something strange happened.
Shen instantly teleported under a hollow who was still in mid-air. The hollows were confused, seeing the original target vanish, the other seven hollows were confused only to hear a yell from behind them. Shen had used his palm, knocking the hollow higher into the air before vanishing and appearing above the hollow and killing it with a strong punch to the back.
At that moment, there were two Shens one of them was the one who had just punched the hollow and an after image that resemble the actions of a throw. This is how Shen planned to use this Technique. Combining After Images and instant teleportation, he could create a mirage. He had already thrown his kunai at a different hollow right after he knocked this hollow into the air.
And with that, he vanished again, appearing behind another hollow. This sort of routine continued as Shen became more and more proficient at it. Teleportation, After Image, After Image, Teleportation. The hollows who outnumbered Shen got killed one by one as they saw the same person appear to be everywhere at once to them it felt like facing an entire army.
Before they could fight back, they were all dead, with Shen picking up his kunai from the ground. Due to how it was used and how much strength he put into his throws, the kunai had pretty much shattered at this point, making Shen realize he would need something more durable if he ever wanted to do something like that in combat. 'Using a normal Kunai against Zanpakuto would just be asking for it to break maybe I should buy a sword or something.' With his current amount of SP, he could only afford to buy Kunai even if he had 300 SP, he might not be able to purchase something that wouldn't break after a few rounds.
But still, he kept grinding and while making sure to use Flying Thunder God as often as he could and in a blink of an eye almost two hours had passed.
'No wonder Minato was so overpowered when you can do something like this who could stop you.'
While Shen was having fun, the Menos were pretty much fodder at this point, and it was starting to feel like abuse. Being able to fly, teleport and leave after images just made Shen too fast to the point when they try to fire a Cero there instantly killed without even seeing who did it. Destroying the remaining Menos, his time in Image Training was used up just like that.
Like before he was back in the real world. He always made sure to be someplace secluded when going into Image Training due to its vulnerability. He couldn't sense his surroundings while in Image Training, and if someone wanted to kill him while he was, he probably wouldn't be able to notice before it already happened.
With the combined time of his hollow spree and Image Training, he had breezed through the morning, and it was already starting to turn dark. 'Time to find Rukia.' While he was training, he thought of a way to add on to his original plan. In the original storyline, Ichigo would be slashed down and left to bleed by Byakuya during that time he planned on placing a mark on him, but now he thought otherwise.
It didn't take long for him to find Rukia, who was currently was still at Ichigo's house. He knew very well that Ichigo's father was a soul reaper, so he made sure to only observe from a distance waiting for a while longer Rukia who was pretending to sleep snuck out of Ichigo's house thinking she was unnoticed.
Now long after Ichigo, who noticed her leaving, followed Rukia. 'Good, I was worried for a second.' Although he knew the storyline, he also realized the more he appeared to change things, the more unpredictable things would get. Plans which would have been set in motion in a few weeks may be extended to a few months etc.
Continuing to follow them from afar, he extended the reach of Ki, allowing him to sense a larger area. He could feel Byakuya and Renji where already on there way here to come for Rukia. 'Finally, they're here.' As Rukia continued to run, she was suddenly stopped as a streak appeared before her. Rukia was shocked to see Renji as he held his Zanpakuto over his shoulders he asked where Ichigo was.
Has he continued to speak, Rukia knew he was here for Ichigo? 'How did they find out?' The entire encounter played out normally from Uryu, showing up and getting defeated by Renji to Byakuya appearing behind Rukia.
Just ad Renji was about to deliver the finishing blow to Uryu, who was lying on the ground an immense amount of spiritual pressure appears. Ichigo had arrived, and so had Shen's chance.
This was a kick with enough force to send a Menos Grande flying as for Ichigo he definitely couldn't stand to withstand that kind of impact and was instantly flung backward bouncing along the ground until finally landing on his back.
"Take Rukia and leave." Shen said only that without turning around to look at Renji, who was still trying to understand what had happened. "Who are you?" Shen heard Byakuya speak. Byakuya was watching the entire thing calmly up until the part Shen appeared. Byakuya was a master at Shunpo, and his speed was in no way to be underestimated however, he didn't see this person move he just suddenly appeared.
"Ichigo!" Rukia cried out, seeing Ichigo coughing up blood she wanted to go and help him only to be held back by Renji. "I'm telling you to take Rukia and leave this person doesn't concern you... Byakuya."
Hearing his name called Byakuya took a step forward, putting his hand on his Zanpakuto. "I won't ask you again."
Hearing him, Shen could only sigh. 'All I wanted to do was defeat Ichigo myself, so I could fight him in Image Training as he got stronger why couldn't you just leave!'
Turning around, Shen saw Byakuya was ready to cut him down. He knew very well he was not prepared to fight someone of Byakuya's level. 'A perfect plan ruined why he does have to so dam arrogant.'
Meanwhile, Renji, who was off to the side next to Rukia, realized his captain was preparing to fight personally. "Captain, wait." Moving forward, he turned to Shen. "Let me deal with him." He was the Lieutenant it was his job to protect him captain and deal with his obstacles. Hearing his Lieutenant, Byakuya released his Zanpakuto and slightly nodded.
'Oh? Renji?' Seeing Renji step up, a creepy smile appeared on his face under his mask. He slowly walked up to Ichigo, who was struggling to stand back up. Seeing this, Rukia felt panicked, thinking the worst. Before she could speak, Shen already acted. "Take a quick nap." With that, he knocked Ichigo out instantly. Seeing he only knocked Ichigo out, she relaxed but still kept her gaze on him.
[Ichigo Kurosaki Defeated. Reward: 2097 XP and 6 SP] 'Pfft. Only worth that much, huh? Well, I guess you still are just a baby compared to your future self.'
Seeing Shen mock him instantly caused Renji to attack. "Die!"
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