The Universal Villain
Chapter 92 - Adorable
Hearing Shen, Urahara's expression changed twice. "I understand Ill begin working on it immediately but... Master, you mean the Soul King right?" Speaking in a lower tone Shen could tell Urahara had a bunch of questions but he ignored him and continued.
"The Soul King is the 'person' that rules over this. It keeps the balance and is protected by the most powerful Soul Reapers in this world. There are around 70 barriers separating his palace from us not including being in a different dimension entirely."
Stating all this it looked as though getting to the Soul King was impossible. "Aizen had the idea of making Oken sacrifice tens of thousands of people but I won't be doing that. Because our goal is not the Soul King himself but the people who protect him." Smiling Shen began to navigate the System as he spoke.
"Then what are you going to do?" Asking Shen in an intrigued voice Urahara waited for Shen's answer. Meanwhile, Shen continued viewing the System shop splitting his attention between the two. "The Soul King doesn't care for anything but keeping balance and the Royal Guards only act to protect him or to follow his orders. So to get them to come down to us we will upset that balance."
Looking down at the Hogyoku in his hand Shen spoke. "So that's exactly what I'm going to do. I doubt the Soul King can ignore someone destroying that balance." Shen plans on using two abilities in particular to accomplish this. One being the Rinnegan and the second being the Jutsu invented by Tobirama Senju.
At this point, both Rukia and Urahara used to Shen's strange actions when it came to navigating the System. Because no one else can see it or use it looked pretty weird from the outside in but since he was already the villain who cares if he looked crazy on top of it.
'Let's see if this works the way I hope it does.' Having bought the technique while talking to Urahara, he simply had to activate it. 'Firing a Kamehameha was number one on my wishlist and I finally got to check off the second as well!' Shen's hands became a blur as they formed different hand signs in seconds.
"Shadow Clone Jutsu!" In a puff of smoke, a figure appeared in front of Shen which caused Rukia and Urahara to immediately reach for their Zanpakuto. However, they froze the moment they saw who was actually standing in the smoke. An exact clone of Shen from his white hair to his clothes stood in front of the original.
"A portable Gigai?" The Shadow Clone reminded Urahara of his portal Gigai's which were pretty much clones of the user that could be blown up like balloons. "Similar but not the same." The clone of Shen turned to Urahara with a grin on his face. "So this is what it feels like to be a clone. It's so weird."
Being a clone of someone would no doubt be a strange experience. Knowing that you weren't the original version and that someone else held your entire existence in their hands it was enough to give someone an existential crisis.
But it was actually rather calming for the clone. "I can't really describe it but I feel more connected to you than anything else." Listening to his clone Shen nodded his head and began to feel out his current state. 'Shadow Clones take a portion of your chakra to form and the more that are created the weaker each individual clone will be. Hmm, I wonder…'
Looking up at his clone he saw it was shaking its head as if it had the same thought he did. 'So it can't access the system. I guess that makes sense the system is something outside of Chakra and Ki it wouldn't be replicated.' After thinking for a moment Shen began testing a few more things with his clone.
Most of the tests were successful while others had slightly worse results than he wished. Sitting on the main pillar within the Kamui dimension Shen dispersed the clone sitting in front of him into a cloud of white smoke.
'Alright, so clones can't use any other abilities that aren't related to Chakra. Since the System is what changes my energy to suit the technique it makes sense. But there is a way around that gap. If I give one of my clones the energy needed for a technique it is possible.'
Going back a few minutes ago. Shen injected a Shadow Clone with Ki and had it fire a Kamehameha into the void. While it wasn't nearly as powerful as his own and it used up almost all the energy he gave the clone it was still possible to do so. Meanwhile witnessing all this from the sidelines Urahara felt nothing but excitement.
With Aizen no longer being an issue and his mind being twisted by Shen's control Urahara became a lot more interested in studying Shen's abilities. Rukia on the other hand just made sure to keep Urahara's experiments in check. Meanwhile, as they did that Shen had begun making his batteries.
To pull off a plan like this Shen would need a crap ton of power.
Even now at his best, he could destroy a few small cities like Katakura Town but even then it would drain him. Which leads to the main reason he created these clones. In the past, Naruto came up with a genius idea though it was sadly barely used in the future.
Naruto set up clones at Mount Myoboku to gather natural energy while he fought against Pain. In a way, it tripled his time he could use sage mode. 'In that case, if I make two clones when I have all my Chakra available each one will be around one fourth my total.
And then all I have to do is regenerate the Chakra I lost while keeping the clones around.' Using this method Shen had come up with a way to have a near limitless supply of Chakra as long as he had cloned.
Every time he ran out dispelling four clones would bring him back to a hundred percent. If Shen repeated this method for the next twenty days who knows how many extra 'batteries' he would have. Standing up from the ground Shen stretched his body for a moment.
"Sitting down in one spot for so long is tiring." Glancing around Shen saw Urahara was still playing around with the clone he lent him, mostly comparing it to a portable Gigai.
"In just a few more days I'll finally leave the Bleach Universe." Looking into the blank void Shen sighed to himself. With all the fighting he did in Hueco Mundo he had more than 14k SP sitting in the System though the Shadow Clone Jutsu ate away at it slightly it was enough to buy the Rinnegan.
"But before buying that I should probably fix this before it gets any worse." This whole time something had been nagging Shen. Despite it not acting up recently he could still vividly remember how his eyes messed him up during his fight with Yamamoto. Even now he could tell his vision was a lot worse than before.
"Guess I'll have to a quick stop in the human world soon." It had been weeks since anyone had last seen Shen. Slowly but surely Katakura Town was being rebuilt. While some were still mourning over the dead most of the people within Katakura Town were just moving on in life.
No one had seen what caused the destruction to the city or at least anyone who was still alive. That day Shinji visited Ichigo after his defeat and failure to win Rukia back and things were looking bleak. Being pushed into dire straits was both motivating and crushing at the same time. With the Wizard's meeting Ichigo early that also meant he had more time to learn how to master Hollowfication.
That along with his excess training made the Ichigo in this world even stronger than the one in the original at this time. "Ichigo are you feeling alright?" In the underground training area under the Vizards warehouse, Ichigo was sitting on the ground with Zanpakuto lying next to him. The overpowering spirited version of himself in the original show was gone and replaced with a more serious down to earth version.
Orihime witnessed this change first hand from the moment Ichigo snapped at her at the construction site. Although he apologized for it after they talked to Shinji she could tell Ichigo had changed. Looking up at Orihime Ichigo sighed to himself before replying. "Ya, I'm fine training just been… tough."
Hearing that Orihime displayed a worried look. "Well don't push yourself too hard Ichigo. You don't have to try…" She was cut off by Ichigo as he stood up. "Trust me I'm Orihime you really don't have to worry. We never know when that bastard is going to come back I don't have time to take it easy."
Smiling half-heartedly, Ichigo continued. "Is there anything else you need?" Seeing Ichigo had no intention of taking any more Orihime averted her eyes and spoke in a light tone. "Ya Mr. Shinji called for everyone to meet in the warehouse. Chad and the others are already there waiting for you."
Hearing that Ichigo simply nodded his head. It didn't take long for everyone to get together in the warehouse. The Vizard's along with Chad were all waiting for Ichigo and Orihime and when they arrived the meeting began. "Good you're all here already." Jumping down from the higher level of the warehouse Shinji casually had his Zanpakuto over his shoulder.
"What the hell did you even call us here for?
You of all people should know we don't have time for pointless gatherings." Hiyori was her normal loud self. Even after getting beat unconscious by Shen it only took her a few days to bounce back which honestly surprised the rest of the group. "You know I wouldn't have done this if it wasn't important Hiyori."
Walking to the center of the warehouse in full view Kensei ushered him on. "So what is it, why did you go quiet?" Folding his arms he leaned against the warehouse wall as Shinji finally spoke. "When I was out searching the city I ran into two captains of the Gotei 13 to be more specific, Retsu Unohana and Mayuri Kurotsuchi."
Hearing that everyone in the room looked at Shinji in shock as Ichigo exclaimed. "But I thought they were all killed when 'he' destroyed the Soul Society." Looking at Ichigo Shinji nodded and continued.
"Ya that's what we all thought but apparently the old man had those two leave the Soul Society in advance just in case things went south. But with the Soul Society in disarray, they are basically stuck here which is when I ran into them."
"Mayuri stated with the current information he has he can build a compact device that will allow us to track that guy. But once we find him there's no telling if we can actually win or not." Hearing that everyone went silent and lowered their heads, Hiyori in particular s.u.c.k.e.d her teeth.
"If we aren't strong enough now then that just means we need to work harder." Ichigo scanned the area and spoke resolutely.
"In any case with two captains on our side, we have a better chance at winning now." Looking at Ichigo from the side Chad spoke to Orihime. "Is Ichigo really doing ok?"
Turning to Chad Orihime shook her head. "I don't know if he really isn't act…" Before she could even finish her sentence the sound of an explosion rang out from outside. "What was that?" Lisa stood up from the floor abruptly and looked towards Hachigen who began to report what his barriers detected.
"Over 60 entities are heading our way but they don't seem to be human." Hearing that Love furrowed his brows. "A bunch of hollows attacks at a time like this?" But before anyone could sigh Love was quickly corrected by Hachigian.
"No not hollows I… I don't know what they are but they are heading our way and are bypassing my barriers. At this rate, they will arrive at the warehouse in 2 minutes."
The Vizard's and everyone else immediately went on guard as the sound of light footsteps drew closer. As two minutes passed the footsteps finally stopped as they reached the warehouse door. "The barrier around the warehouse is quite a high-level one. And unless they are like Miss Orihime it should hold."
A moment later after Hachigen's words, a black sickle-shaped appendage pierced through the warehouse door. "You sure about that Hachigen? Looks like they are getting through to me." Mashiro coily spoke to Hachigen putting on her mask as the warehouse door continued to be hit.
It only took around ten seconds for the door to collapse revealing a group of dark creatures. Looking at the creatures body's they were given off and out of this world like feeling. And if you were present in the battle within Soul Society you would be able to tell these were the creatures created by Shen's Sharingan.
Of course, the first person to notice this was Ichigo who alerted everyone else. "Everyone be careful those creatures are dangerous! It was one of them that attacked Katakura Town." Hearing Ichigo the others put on a more serious face as Shinji spoke. "So does that mean they were sent by him?" Looking towards Ichigo as he held his Zanpakuto in hand. "Most likely."
"You know it's rude to talk about someone when they are right in front of you." Before anyone could react to Shen's voice the Void Warriors began to split their group in half revealing Shen standing behind them. "It's so good to see you all again so soon! Especially you Hiyori. I hope you're feeling better after that beating I gave you."
Hearing Shen mention their fight, Hiyori's grip on her Zanpakuto's handle increased as she grit her teeth. "You!" Just looking at Shen made Hiyori boil causing her to dash off without a care.
However, Hiyori's Zanpakuto cut nothing but air as her momentum came to a stop. Looking around she couldn't find Shen anywhere and only his Void Warriors who were standing stationary.
"Where did he go?" Not seeing where Shen went Hiyori was shocked when she felt someone's hand land on top of her head. "That was adorable." Hiyori's expression turned stiff as Shen kept rustling her hair with a satisfying smile.
"The Soul King is the 'person' that rules over this. It keeps the balance and is protected by the most powerful Soul Reapers in this world. There are around 70 barriers separating his palace from us not including being in a different dimension entirely."
Stating all this it looked as though getting to the Soul King was impossible. "Aizen had the idea of making Oken sacrifice tens of thousands of people but I won't be doing that. Because our goal is not the Soul King himself but the people who protect him." Smiling Shen began to navigate the System as he spoke.
"Then what are you going to do?" Asking Shen in an intrigued voice Urahara waited for Shen's answer. Meanwhile, Shen continued viewing the System shop splitting his attention between the two. "The Soul King doesn't care for anything but keeping balance and the Royal Guards only act to protect him or to follow his orders. So to get them to come down to us we will upset that balance."
Looking down at the Hogyoku in his hand Shen spoke. "So that's exactly what I'm going to do. I doubt the Soul King can ignore someone destroying that balance." Shen plans on using two abilities in particular to accomplish this. One being the Rinnegan and the second being the Jutsu invented by Tobirama Senju.
At this point, both Rukia and Urahara used to Shen's strange actions when it came to navigating the System. Because no one else can see it or use it looked pretty weird from the outside in but since he was already the villain who cares if he looked crazy on top of it.
'Let's see if this works the way I hope it does.' Having bought the technique while talking to Urahara, he simply had to activate it. 'Firing a Kamehameha was number one on my wishlist and I finally got to check off the second as well!' Shen's hands became a blur as they formed different hand signs in seconds.
"Shadow Clone Jutsu!" In a puff of smoke, a figure appeared in front of Shen which caused Rukia and Urahara to immediately reach for their Zanpakuto. However, they froze the moment they saw who was actually standing in the smoke. An exact clone of Shen from his white hair to his clothes stood in front of the original.
"A portable Gigai?" The Shadow Clone reminded Urahara of his portal Gigai's which were pretty much clones of the user that could be blown up like balloons. "Similar but not the same." The clone of Shen turned to Urahara with a grin on his face. "So this is what it feels like to be a clone. It's so weird."
Being a clone of someone would no doubt be a strange experience. Knowing that you weren't the original version and that someone else held your entire existence in their hands it was enough to give someone an existential crisis.
But it was actually rather calming for the clone. "I can't really describe it but I feel more connected to you than anything else." Listening to his clone Shen nodded his head and began to feel out his current state. 'Shadow Clones take a portion of your chakra to form and the more that are created the weaker each individual clone will be. Hmm, I wonder…'
Looking up at his clone he saw it was shaking its head as if it had the same thought he did. 'So it can't access the system. I guess that makes sense the system is something outside of Chakra and Ki it wouldn't be replicated.' After thinking for a moment Shen began testing a few more things with his clone.
Most of the tests were successful while others had slightly worse results than he wished. Sitting on the main pillar within the Kamui dimension Shen dispersed the clone sitting in front of him into a cloud of white smoke.
'Alright, so clones can't use any other abilities that aren't related to Chakra. Since the System is what changes my energy to suit the technique it makes sense. But there is a way around that gap. If I give one of my clones the energy needed for a technique it is possible.'
Going back a few minutes ago. Shen injected a Shadow Clone with Ki and had it fire a Kamehameha into the void. While it wasn't nearly as powerful as his own and it used up almost all the energy he gave the clone it was still possible to do so. Meanwhile witnessing all this from the sidelines Urahara felt nothing but excitement.
With Aizen no longer being an issue and his mind being twisted by Shen's control Urahara became a lot more interested in studying Shen's abilities. Rukia on the other hand just made sure to keep Urahara's experiments in check. Meanwhile, as they did that Shen had begun making his batteries.
To pull off a plan like this Shen would need a crap ton of power.
Even now at his best, he could destroy a few small cities like Katakura Town but even then it would drain him. Which leads to the main reason he created these clones. In the past, Naruto came up with a genius idea though it was sadly barely used in the future.
Naruto set up clones at Mount Myoboku to gather natural energy while he fought against Pain. In a way, it tripled his time he could use sage mode. 'In that case, if I make two clones when I have all my Chakra available each one will be around one fourth my total.
And then all I have to do is regenerate the Chakra I lost while keeping the clones around.' Using this method Shen had come up with a way to have a near limitless supply of Chakra as long as he had cloned.
Every time he ran out dispelling four clones would bring him back to a hundred percent. If Shen repeated this method for the next twenty days who knows how many extra 'batteries' he would have. Standing up from the ground Shen stretched his body for a moment.
"Sitting down in one spot for so long is tiring." Glancing around Shen saw Urahara was still playing around with the clone he lent him, mostly comparing it to a portable Gigai.
"In just a few more days I'll finally leave the Bleach Universe." Looking into the blank void Shen sighed to himself. With all the fighting he did in Hueco Mundo he had more than 14k SP sitting in the System though the Shadow Clone Jutsu ate away at it slightly it was enough to buy the Rinnegan.
"But before buying that I should probably fix this before it gets any worse." This whole time something had been nagging Shen. Despite it not acting up recently he could still vividly remember how his eyes messed him up during his fight with Yamamoto. Even now he could tell his vision was a lot worse than before.
"Guess I'll have to a quick stop in the human world soon." It had been weeks since anyone had last seen Shen. Slowly but surely Katakura Town was being rebuilt. While some were still mourning over the dead most of the people within Katakura Town were just moving on in life.
No one had seen what caused the destruction to the city or at least anyone who was still alive. That day Shinji visited Ichigo after his defeat and failure to win Rukia back and things were looking bleak. Being pushed into dire straits was both motivating and crushing at the same time. With the Wizard's meeting Ichigo early that also meant he had more time to learn how to master Hollowfication.
That along with his excess training made the Ichigo in this world even stronger than the one in the original at this time. "Ichigo are you feeling alright?" In the underground training area under the Vizards warehouse, Ichigo was sitting on the ground with Zanpakuto lying next to him. The overpowering spirited version of himself in the original show was gone and replaced with a more serious down to earth version.
Orihime witnessed this change first hand from the moment Ichigo snapped at her at the construction site. Although he apologized for it after they talked to Shinji she could tell Ichigo had changed. Looking up at Orihime Ichigo sighed to himself before replying. "Ya, I'm fine training just been… tough."
Hearing that Orihime displayed a worried look. "Well don't push yourself too hard Ichigo. You don't have to try…" She was cut off by Ichigo as he stood up. "Trust me I'm Orihime you really don't have to worry. We never know when that bastard is going to come back I don't have time to take it easy."
Smiling half-heartedly, Ichigo continued. "Is there anything else you need?" Seeing Ichigo had no intention of taking any more Orihime averted her eyes and spoke in a light tone. "Ya Mr. Shinji called for everyone to meet in the warehouse. Chad and the others are already there waiting for you."
Hearing that Ichigo simply nodded his head. It didn't take long for everyone to get together in the warehouse. The Vizard's along with Chad were all waiting for Ichigo and Orihime and when they arrived the meeting began. "Good you're all here already." Jumping down from the higher level of the warehouse Shinji casually had his Zanpakuto over his shoulder.
"What the hell did you even call us here for?
You of all people should know we don't have time for pointless gatherings." Hiyori was her normal loud self. Even after getting beat unconscious by Shen it only took her a few days to bounce back which honestly surprised the rest of the group. "You know I wouldn't have done this if it wasn't important Hiyori."
Walking to the center of the warehouse in full view Kensei ushered him on. "So what is it, why did you go quiet?" Folding his arms he leaned against the warehouse wall as Shinji finally spoke. "When I was out searching the city I ran into two captains of the Gotei 13 to be more specific, Retsu Unohana and Mayuri Kurotsuchi."
Hearing that everyone in the room looked at Shinji in shock as Ichigo exclaimed. "But I thought they were all killed when 'he' destroyed the Soul Society." Looking at Ichigo Shinji nodded and continued.
"Ya that's what we all thought but apparently the old man had those two leave the Soul Society in advance just in case things went south. But with the Soul Society in disarray, they are basically stuck here which is when I ran into them."
"Mayuri stated with the current information he has he can build a compact device that will allow us to track that guy. But once we find him there's no telling if we can actually win or not." Hearing that everyone went silent and lowered their heads, Hiyori in particular s.u.c.k.e.d her teeth.
"If we aren't strong enough now then that just means we need to work harder." Ichigo scanned the area and spoke resolutely.
"In any case with two captains on our side, we have a better chance at winning now." Looking at Ichigo from the side Chad spoke to Orihime. "Is Ichigo really doing ok?"
Turning to Chad Orihime shook her head. "I don't know if he really isn't act…" Before she could even finish her sentence the sound of an explosion rang out from outside. "What was that?" Lisa stood up from the floor abruptly and looked towards Hachigen who began to report what his barriers detected.
"Over 60 entities are heading our way but they don't seem to be human." Hearing that Love furrowed his brows. "A bunch of hollows attacks at a time like this?" But before anyone could sigh Love was quickly corrected by Hachigian.
"No not hollows I… I don't know what they are but they are heading our way and are bypassing my barriers. At this rate, they will arrive at the warehouse in 2 minutes."
The Vizard's and everyone else immediately went on guard as the sound of light footsteps drew closer. As two minutes passed the footsteps finally stopped as they reached the warehouse door. "The barrier around the warehouse is quite a high-level one. And unless they are like Miss Orihime it should hold."
A moment later after Hachigen's words, a black sickle-shaped appendage pierced through the warehouse door. "You sure about that Hachigen? Looks like they are getting through to me." Mashiro coily spoke to Hachigen putting on her mask as the warehouse door continued to be hit.
It only took around ten seconds for the door to collapse revealing a group of dark creatures. Looking at the creatures body's they were given off and out of this world like feeling. And if you were present in the battle within Soul Society you would be able to tell these were the creatures created by Shen's Sharingan.
Of course, the first person to notice this was Ichigo who alerted everyone else. "Everyone be careful those creatures are dangerous! It was one of them that attacked Katakura Town." Hearing Ichigo the others put on a more serious face as Shinji spoke. "So does that mean they were sent by him?" Looking towards Ichigo as he held his Zanpakuto in hand. "Most likely."
"You know it's rude to talk about someone when they are right in front of you." Before anyone could react to Shen's voice the Void Warriors began to split their group in half revealing Shen standing behind them. "It's so good to see you all again so soon! Especially you Hiyori. I hope you're feeling better after that beating I gave you."
Hearing Shen mention their fight, Hiyori's grip on her Zanpakuto's handle increased as she grit her teeth. "You!" Just looking at Shen made Hiyori boil causing her to dash off without a care.
However, Hiyori's Zanpakuto cut nothing but air as her momentum came to a stop. Looking around she couldn't find Shen anywhere and only his Void Warriors who were standing stationary.
"Where did he go?" Not seeing where Shen went Hiyori was shocked when she felt someone's hand land on top of her head. "That was adorable." Hiyori's expression turned stiff as Shen kept rustling her hair with a satisfying smile.
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