The Universe Conspired For Us To Meet

Chapter 1 - Ancillary Volume 0

The setting of this story takes place in the late 1980s when innovation and technology hadn't made inroads into the lives of people like the present day. People were not hooked to their smartphones and countless apps leaving their digital footprint everywhere they went. The level of safety and security were thus lesser when compared to the present day.

At such circumstances, a disaster strikes the world's highest, lofty mountains: Mount Everest of the mighty Himalayas. Heavy rainfall followed by landslides and floods caused havoc in the entire area. The disaster response teams were not well-equipped and therefore the relief and rescue operations were very slow. Many lost their families, their houses, their lands and their livelihood.

Amidst this mass destruction, a girl mostly in her twenties fell from one side of the mountain during the landslip and ended up hurting her head. She fell near an isolated spot when at the same time another man happened to be running for the safety of his life.

He happened to be there at the right time for her rescue. He immediately runs over to her and upon seeing her unconscious,heavily bleeding head, he shudders and an unknown feeling of pain spreads through his body.

Little did he know this unknown feeling was love and the girl in his arms right now would become his life, his soul, his entirety in the near future. With the biggest catch being she doesn't remember a bit of her past due to her heady injury. He's ready to risk it all for her love….

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